blob: 1774faf51aa2cba5bf71a0ba393167100aa72aa6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'ast_extensions.dart';
import 'chunk.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'rule/argument.dart';
import 'rule/rule.dart';
import 'source_visitor.dart';
/// Helper class for [SourceVisitor] that handles visiting and writing an
/// [ArgumentList], including all of the special code needed to handle
/// block-formatted arguments.
class ArgumentListVisitor {
final SourceVisitor _visitor;
/// The "(" before the argument list.
final Token _leftParenthesis;
/// The ")" after the argument list.
final Token _rightParenthesis;
/// All of the arguments, positional, named, and functions, in the argument
/// list.
final List<Expression> _allArguments;
/// The normal arguments preceding any block function arguments.
final ArgumentSublist _arguments;
/// The contiguous list of block function arguments, if any.
/// Otherwise, this is `null`.
final List<Expression>? _functions;
/// If there are block function arguments, this is the arguments after them.
/// Otherwise, this is `null`.
final ArgumentSublist? _argumentsAfterFunctions;
/// Returns `true` if there is only a single positional argument.
bool get _isSingle =>
_allArguments.length == 1 && _allArguments.single is! NamedExpression;
/// Whether this argument list has any arguments that should be formatted as
/// blocks.
// TODO(rnystrom): Returning true based on collections is non-optimal. It
// forces a method chain to break into two but the result collection may not
// actually split which can lead to a method chain that's allowed to break
// where it shouldn't.
bool get hasBlockArguments =>
_arguments._blocks.isNotEmpty || _functions != null;
factory ArgumentListVisitor(SourceVisitor visitor, ArgumentList node) {
return ArgumentListVisitor.forArguments(
visitor, node.leftParenthesis, node.rightParenthesis, node.arguments);
factory ArgumentListVisitor.forArguments(
SourceVisitor visitor,
Token leftParenthesis,
Token rightParenthesis,
List<Expression> arguments) {
var functionRange = _contiguousFunctions(arguments);
if (functionRange == null) {
// No functions, so there is just a single argument list.
return ArgumentListVisitor._(visitor, leftParenthesis, rightParenthesis,
arguments, ArgumentSublist(arguments, arguments), null, null);
// Split the arguments into two independent argument lists with the
// functions in the middle.
var argumentsBefore = arguments.take(functionRange[0]).toList();
var functions = arguments.sublist(functionRange[0], functionRange[1]);
var argumentsAfter = arguments.skip(functionRange[1]).toList();
return ArgumentListVisitor._(
ArgumentSublist(arguments, argumentsBefore),
ArgumentSublist(arguments, argumentsAfter));
this._argumentsAfterFunctions) {
assert(_functions == null || _argumentsAfterFunctions != null,
'If _functions is passed, _argumentsAfterFunctions must be too.');
/// Builds chunks for the argument list.
void visit() {
// If there is just one positional argument, it tends to look weird to
// split before it, so try not to.
if (_isSingle) _visitor.builder.startSpan();
var functions = _functions;
if (functions != null) {
// TODO(rnystrom): It might look better to treat the parameter list of the
// first function as if it were an argument in the preceding argument list
// instead of just having this little solo split here. That would try to
// keep the parameter list with other arguments when possible, and, I
// think, generally look nicer.
if (functions.first == _allArguments.first) {
} else {
for (var argument in functions) {
if (argument != functions.first);
// Write the following comma.
if (argument.hasCommaAfter) {
if (_isSingle) _visitor.builder.endSpan();
/// Look for a single contiguous range of block function [arguments] that
/// should receive special formatting.
/// Returns a list of (start, end] indexes if found, otherwise returns `null`.
static List<int>? _contiguousFunctions(List<Expression> arguments) {
int? functionsStart;
var functionsEnd = -1;
// Find the range of block function arguments, if any.
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var argument = arguments[i];
if (_isBlockFunction(argument)) {
functionsStart ??= i;
// The functions must be one contiguous section.
if (functionsEnd != -1 && functionsEnd != i) return null;
functionsEnd = i + 1;
if (functionsStart == null) return null;
// Edge case: If all of the arguments are named, but they aren't all
// functions, then don't handle the functions specially. A function with a
// bunch of named arguments tends to look best when they are all lined up,
// even the function ones (unless they are all functions).
// Prefers:
// function(
// named: () {
// something();
// },
// another: argument);
// Over:
// function(named: () {
// something();
// },
// another: argument);
if (_isAllNamed(arguments) &&
(functionsStart > 0 || functionsEnd < arguments.length)) {
return null;
// Edge case: If all of the function arguments are named and there are
// other named arguments that are "=>" functions, then don't treat the
// block-bodied functions specially. In a mixture of the two function
// styles, it looks cleaner to treat them all like normal expressions so
// that the named arguments line up.
if (_isAllNamed(arguments.sublist(functionsStart, functionsEnd))) {
bool isNamedArrow(Expression expression) {
if (expression is! NamedExpression) return false;
expression = expression.expression;
return expression is FunctionExpression &&
expression.body is ExpressionFunctionBody;
for (var i = 0; i < functionsStart; i++) {
if (isNamedArrow(arguments[i])) return null;
for (var i = functionsEnd; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (isNamedArrow(arguments[i])) return null;
return [functionsStart, functionsEnd];
/// Returns `true` if every expression in [arguments] is named.
static bool _isAllNamed(List<Expression> arguments) =>
arguments.every((argument) => argument is NamedExpression);
/// Returns `true` if [expression] is a [FunctionExpression] with a non-empty
/// block body.
static bool _isBlockFunction(Expression expression) {
if (expression is NamedExpression) expression = expression.expression;
// Allow functions wrapped in dotted method calls like "a.b.c(() { ... })".
if (expression is MethodInvocation) {
if (!_isValidWrappingTarget( return false;
if (expression.argumentList.arguments.length != 1) return false;
return _isBlockFunction(expression.argumentList.arguments.single);
if (expression is InstanceCreationExpression) {
if (expression.argumentList.arguments.length != 1) return false;
return _isBlockFunction(expression.argumentList.arguments.single);
// Allow immediately-invoked functions like "() { ... }()".
if (expression is FunctionExpressionInvocation) {
if (expression.argumentList.arguments.isNotEmpty) return false;
expression = expression.function;
// Unwrap parenthesized expressions.
while (expression is ParenthesizedExpression) {
expression = expression.expression;
// Must be a function.
if (expression is! FunctionExpression) return false;
// With a curly body.
if (expression.body is! BlockFunctionBody) return false;
// That isn't empty.
var body = expression.body as BlockFunctionBody;
return body.block.statements.isNotEmpty ||
body.block.rightBracket.precedingComments != null;
/// Returns `true` if [expression] is a valid method invocation target for
/// an invocation that wraps a function literal argument.
static bool _isValidWrappingTarget(Expression? expression) {
// Allow bare function calls.
if (expression == null) return true;
// Allow property accesses.
while (expression is PropertyAccess) {
expression =;
if (expression is PrefixedIdentifier) return true;
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) return true;
return false;
/// A range of arguments from a complete argument list.
/// One of these typically covers all of the arguments in an invocation. But,
/// when an argument list has block functions in the middle, the arguments
/// before and after the functions are treated as separate independent lists.
/// In that case, there will be two of these.
class ArgumentSublist {
/// The full argument list from the AST.
final List<Expression> _allArguments;
/// If all positional arguments occur before all named arguments, then this
/// contains the positional arguments, in order. Otherwise (there are no
/// positional arguments or they are interleaved with named ones), this is
/// empty.
final List<Expression> _positional;
/// The named arguments, in order. If there are any named arguments that occur
/// before positional arguments, then all arguments are treated as named and
/// end up in this list.
final List<Expression> _named;
/// Maps each block argument, excluding functions, to the first token for that
/// argument.
final Map<Expression, Token> _blocks;
/// The number of leading block arguments, excluding functions.
/// If all arguments are blocks, this counts them.
final int _leadingBlocks;
/// The number of trailing blocks arguments.
/// If all arguments are blocks, this is zero.
final int _trailingBlocks;
/// The rule used to split the bodies of all block arguments.
Rule get blockRule => _blockRule!;
Rule? _blockRule;
/// The most recent chunk that split before an argument.
Chunk? get previousSplit => _previousSplit;
Chunk? _previousSplit;
factory ArgumentSublist(
List<Expression> allArguments, List<Expression> arguments) {
var argumentLists = _splitArgumentLists(arguments);
var positional = argumentLists[0];
var named = argumentLists[1];
var blocks = <Expression, Token>{};
for (var argument in arguments) {
var bracket = _blockToken(argument);
if (bracket != null) blocks[argument] = bracket;
// Count the leading arguments that are blocks.
var leadingBlocks = 0;
for (var argument in arguments) {
if (!blocks.containsKey(argument)) break;
// Count the trailing arguments that are blocks.
var trailingBlocks = 0;
if (leadingBlocks != arguments.length) {
for (var argument in arguments.reversed) {
if (!blocks.containsKey(argument)) break;
// Blocks must all be a prefix or suffix of the argument list (and not
// both).
if (leadingBlocks != blocks.length) leadingBlocks = 0;
if (trailingBlocks != blocks.length) trailingBlocks = 0;
// Ignore any blocks in the middle of the argument list.
if (leadingBlocks == 0 && trailingBlocks == 0) blocks.clear();
return ArgumentSublist._(
allArguments, positional, named, blocks, leadingBlocks, trailingBlocks);
ArgumentSublist._(this._allArguments, this._positional, this._named,
this._blocks, this._leadingBlocks, this._trailingBlocks);
void visit(SourceVisitor visitor) {
if (_blocks.isNotEmpty) {
_blockRule = Rule(Cost.splitBlocks);
var rule = _visitPositional(visitor);
_visitNamed(visitor, rule);
/// Writes the positional arguments, if any.
PositionalRule? _visitPositional(SourceVisitor visitor) {
if (_positional.isEmpty) return null;
// Allow splitting after "(".
// Only count the blocks in the positional rule.
var leadingBlocks = math.min(_leadingBlocks, _positional.length);
var trailingBlocks = math.max(_trailingBlocks - _named.length, 0);
var rule = PositionalRule(_blockRule,
argumentCount: _positional.length,
leadingCollections: leadingBlocks,
trailingCollections: trailingBlocks);
_visitArguments(visitor, _positional, rule);
return rule;
/// Writes the named arguments, if any.
void _visitNamed(SourceVisitor visitor, PositionalRule? positionalRule) {
if (_named.isEmpty) return;
// Only count the blocks in the named rule.
var leadingBlocks = math.max(_leadingBlocks - _positional.length, 0);
var trailingBlocks = math.min(_trailingBlocks, _named.length);
var namedRule = NamedRule(_blockRule, leadingBlocks, trailingBlocks);
// Let the positional args force the named ones to split.
if (positionalRule != null) {
_visitArguments(visitor, _named, namedRule);
void _visitArguments(
SourceVisitor visitor, List<Expression> arguments, ArgumentRule rule) {
// Split before the first argument.
_previousSplit =
visitor.builder.split(space: arguments.first != _allArguments.first);
// Try to not split the positional arguments.
if (arguments == _positional) {
for (var argument in arguments) {
_visitArgument(visitor, rule, argument);
// Write the split.
if (argument != arguments.last) {
_previousSplit = visitor.split();
if (arguments == _positional) visitor.builder.endSpan();
void _visitArgument(
SourceVisitor visitor, ArgumentRule rule, Expression argument) {
// If we're about to write a block argument, handle it specially.
var argumentBlock = _blocks[argument];
if (argumentBlock != null) {
// Tell it to use the rule we've already created.
visitor.beforeBlock(argumentBlock, blockRule, previousSplit);
} else if (_allArguments.length > 1 ||
_allArguments.first is RecordLiteral) {
// Edge case: Only bump the nesting if there are multiple arguments. This
// lets us avoid spurious indentation in cases like:
// function(function(() {
// body;
// }));
// Do bump the nesting if the single argument is a record because records
// are formatted like regular values when they appear in argument lists
// even though they internally get block-like formatting.
} else if (argument is! NamedExpression) {
// Edge case: Likewise, don't force the argument to split if there is
// only a single positional one, like:
// outer(inner(
// longArgument));
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
argument.expression, rule as NamedRule);
} else {
if (argumentBlock != null) {
} else if (_allArguments.length > 1 ||
_allArguments.first is RecordLiteral) {
} else if (argument is! NamedExpression) {
// Write the following comma.
if (argument.hasCommaAfter) {
/// Splits [arguments] into two lists: the list of leading positional
/// arguments and the list of trailing named arguments.
/// If positional arguments are interleaved with the named arguments then
/// all arguments are treat as named since that provides simpler, consistent
/// output.
/// Returns a list of two lists: the positional arguments then the named ones.
static List<List<Expression>> _splitArgumentLists(
List<Expression> arguments) {
var positional = <Expression>[];
var named = <Expression>[];
var inNamed = false;
for (var argument in arguments) {
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
inNamed = true;
} else if (inNamed) {
// Got a positional argument after a named one.
return [[], arguments];
if (inNamed) {
} else {
return [positional, named];
/// If [expression] can be formatted as a block, returns the token that opens
/// the block, such as a collection's bracket.
/// Block-formatted arguments can get special indentation to make them look
/// more statement-like.
static Token? _blockToken(Expression expression) {
if (expression is NamedExpression) {
expression = expression.expression;
// TODO(rnystrom): Should we step into parenthesized expressions?
if (expression is ListLiteral) return expression.leftBracket;
if (expression is RecordLiteral) return expression.leftParenthesis;
if (expression is SetOrMapLiteral) return expression.leftBracket;
if (expression is SingleStringLiteral && expression.isMultiline) {
return expression.beginToken;
// Not a collection literal.
return null;