blob: 481f498d4db311ff80f8a99d4582d9552e5ac75d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.whitespace;
/// Constants for the number of spaces for various kinds of indentation.
class Indent {
/// The number of spaces in a block or collection body.
static const block = 2;
/// How much wrapped cascade sections indent.
static const cascade = 2;
/// The number of spaces in a single level of expression nesting.
static const expression = 4;
/// The ":" on a wrapped constructor initialization list.
static const constructorInitializer = 4;
/// The indentation for subsequent variables when a for loop defines multiple
/// variables that wrap, like:
/// for (var a = initializer,
/// b = another,
/// c = third;
/// a + b + c < 100;
/// a++) {
/// ...
/// }
static const loopVariable = 8;
/// The kind of pending whitespace that has been "written", but not actually
/// physically output yet.
/// We defer actually writing whitespace until a non-whitespace token is
/// encountered to avoid trailing whitespace.
class Whitespace {
/// No whitespace.
static const none = const Whitespace._("none");
/// A single non-breaking space.
static const space = const Whitespace._("space");
/// A single newline.
static const newline = const Whitespace._("newline");
/// A single newline that takes into account the current expression nesting
/// for the next line.
static const nestedNewline = const Whitespace._("nestedNewline");
/// A single newline with all indentation eliminated at the beginning of the
/// next line.
/// Used for subsequent lines in a multiline string.
static const newlineFlushLeft = const Whitespace._("newlineFlushLeft");
/// Two newlines, a single blank line of separation.
static const twoNewlines = const Whitespace._("twoNewlines");
/// A space or newline should be output based on whether the current token is
/// on the same line as the previous one or not.
/// In general, we like to avoid using this because it makes the formatter
/// less prescriptive over the user's whitespace.
static const spaceOrNewline = const Whitespace._("spaceOrNewline");
/// A split or newline should be output based on whether the current token is
/// on the same line as the previous one or not.
/// In general, we like to avoid using this because it makes the formatter
/// less prescriptive over the user's whitespace.
static const splitOrNewline = const Whitespace._("splitOrNewline");
/// One or two newlines should be output based on how many newlines are
/// present between the next token and the previous one.
/// In general, we like to avoid using this because it makes the formatter
/// less prescriptive over the user's whitespace.
static const oneOrTwoNewlines = const Whitespace._("oneOrTwoNewlines");
final String name;
/// Gets the minimum number of newlines contained in this whitespace.
int get minimumLines {
switch (this) {
case Whitespace.newline:
case Whitespace.nestedNewline:
case Whitespace.newlineFlushLeft:
case Whitespace.oneOrTwoNewlines:
return 1;
case Whitespace.twoNewlines:
return 2;
return 0;
const Whitespace._(;
String toString() => name;