blob: 09fff058e33b613c82ce869a088490512588ca90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Internal debugging utilities.
library dart_style.src.debug;
import 'chunk.dart';
import 'line_prefix.dart';
import 'line_splitter.dart';
/// Set this to `true` to turn out diagnostic output while formatting.
bool debugFormatter = false;
bool useAnsiColors = false;
const unicodeSection = "\u00a7";
const unicodeMidDot = "\u00b7";
/// Constants for ANSI color escape codes.
class Color {
static final cyan = _color("\u001b[36m");
static final gray = _color("\u001b[1;30m");
static final green = _color("\u001b[32m");
static final red = _color("\u001b[31m");
static final magenta = _color("\u001b[35m");
static final none = _color("\u001b[0m");
static final noColor = _color("\u001b[39m");
static final bold = _color("\u001b[1m");
/// Prints [chunks] to stdout, one chunk per line, with detailed information
/// about each chunk.
void dumpChunks(List<Chunk> chunks) {
var i = 0;
for (var chunk in chunks) {
print("$i: $chunk");
/// Prints [chunks] to stdout as a single line with non-printing chunks made
/// visible.
void dumpLine(List<Chunk> chunks,
[int indent = 0, LinePrefix prefix, Set<SplitParam> splits]) {
if (prefix == null) prefix = new LinePrefix();
if (splits == null) splits = new Set();
var buffer = new StringBuffer()
..write("| " * prefix.getNextLineIndent(chunks, indent))
for (var i = prefix.length; i < chunks.length; i++) {
var chunk = chunks[i];
if (chunk.isSoftSplit) {
var color = splits.contains(chunk.param) ? : Color.gray;
if (chunk.nesting != -1) buffer.write(":${chunk.nesting}");
} else if (chunk.isHardSplit) {
buffer.write("${Color.magenta}\\n${"->" * chunk.indent}${Color.none}");
/// Convert the line to a [String] representation.
/// It will determine how best to split it into multiple lines of output and
/// return a single string that may contain one or more newline characters.
void dumpLines(List<Chunk> chunks,
[int indent = 0, LinePrefix prefix, SplitSet splits]) {
if (prefix == null) prefix = new LinePrefix();
if (splits == null) splits = new SplitSet();
var buffer = new StringBuffer()
..write("| " * indent)
for (var i = prefix.length; i < chunks.length - 1; i++) {
var chunk = chunks[i];
if (splits.shouldSplitAt(i)) {
for (var j = 0; j < (chunk.isDouble ? 2 : 1); j++) {
indent = chunk.indent + splits.getNesting(i);
..write("| " * indent)
// Should have a valid set of splits when we get here.
assert(indent != invalidSplits);
} else {
if (chunk.spaceWhenUnsplit) buffer.write(" ");
String _color(String ansiEscape) => useAnsiColors ? ansiEscape : "";