blob: da62724426dc45b30d095bd7a74d22a51bf79144 [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> arithmetic operators
var a=1+2/(3*-b~/4);
var a = 1 + 2 / (3 * -b ~/ 4);
>>> conditional operator
var c=!condition==a>b;
var c = !condition == a > b;
var d=condition?, b);
var d = condition ? b :, b);
>>> is!
var d=obj is!SomeType;
var d = obj is! SomeType;
>>> generic list literal
< int >[1,2,(3+4)];
<int>[1, 2, (3 + 4)];
x &&
x && y;
>>> empty map literal (
var m = { };
var m = {};
var m = {};
var m = {};
>>> generic map literal
< int,int >{ };
<int, int>{};
>>> unqualified symbol
var x = #foo;
var x = #foo;
>>> qualified symbol
var y =;
>>> long string literal
throw new FormatException("This is a long exception message.");
throw new FormatException(
"This is a long exception message.");
>>> DON'T indent lines that are continued with a function expression.
new Future(new Duration(1), () {
print('I am a callback');
new Future(new Duration(1), () {
print('I am a callback');
>>> DO use a space after : in named arguments.
new ListBox(showScrollbars :true);
new ListBox(showScrollbars: true);
>>> multiple prefix operators
- ~ ! foo;
>>> sequential "-" operators are not joined
- - - -foo;
- - - -foo;
>>> a "-" operator before a negative integer is not joined
- -1;
- -1;
>>> a "-" operator before a negative floating point number is not joined
- -1.2;
- -1.2;