blob: 0477e2f9966fd9baedd14840c0f3a0fd67bdc4aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.source_writer;
import 'dart_formatter.dart';
import 'chunk.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'line_splitter.dart';
import 'multisplit.dart';
import 'source_code.dart';
import 'whitespace.dart';
/// Takes the incremental serialized output of [SourceVisitor]--the source text
/// along with any comments and preserved whitespace--and produces a coherent
/// series of [Chunk]s which can then be split into physical lines.
/// Keeps track of leading indentation, expression nesting, and all of the hairy
/// code required to seamlessly integrate existing comments into the pure
/// output produced by [SourceVisitor].
class LineWriter {
final DartFormatter _formatter;
final SourceCode _source;
final _buffer = new StringBuffer();
final _chunks = <Chunk>[];
/// The whitespace that should be written to [_chunks] before the next
/// non-whitespace token or `null` if no whitespace is pending.
/// This ensures that changes to indentation and nesting also apply to the
/// most recent split, even if the visitor "creates" the split before changing
/// indentation or nesting.
Whitespace _pendingWhitespace;
/// The number of newlines that need to be written to [_buffer] before the
/// next line can be output.
/// Where [_pendingWhitespace] buffers between the [SourceVisitor] and
/// [_chunks], this buffers between the [LineWriter] and [_buffer]. It ensures
/// we don't have trailing newlines in the output.
int _bufferedNewlines = 0;
/// The indentation at the beginning of the current complete line being
/// written.
int _beginningIndent;
/// The nested stack of multisplits that are currently being written.
/// If a hard newline appears in the middle of a multisplit, then the
/// multisplit itself must be split. For example, a collection can either be
/// single line:
/// [all, on, one, line];
/// or multi-line:
/// [
/// one,
/// item,
/// per,
/// line
/// ]
/// Collections can also contain function expressions, which have blocks which
/// in turn force a newline in the middle of the collection. When that
/// happens, we need to force all surrounding collections to be multi-line.
/// This tracks them so we can do that.
final _multisplits = <Multisplit>[];
/// The nested stack of spans that are currently being written.
final _openSpans = <Span>[];
/// All of the spans that have been created, open and closed.
final _spans = <Span>[];
/// The current indentation and nesting levels.
/// This is tracked as a stack of numbers. Each element in the stack
/// represents a level of statement indentation. The number of the element is
/// the current expression nesting depth for that statement.
/// It's stored as a stack because expressions may contain statements which
/// in turn contain other expressions. The nesting level of the inner
/// expressions are unrelated to the surrounding ones. For example:
/// outer(invocation(() {
/// inner(lambda());
/// }));
/// When writing `inner(lambda())`, we need to track its nesting level. At
/// the same time, when the lambda is done, we need to return to the nesting
/// level of `outer(invocation(...`.
/// Start with an implicit entry so that top-level definitions and directives
/// can be split.
var _indentStack = [-1];
/// The current indentation, not including expression nesting.
int get _indent => _indentStack.length - 1;
/// The nesting depth of the current inner-most block.
int get _nesting => _indentStack.last;
void set _nesting(int value) {
_indentStack[_indentStack.length - 1] = value;
/// When not `null`, the nesting level of the current inner-most block after
/// the next token is written.
/// When the nesting level is increased, we don't want it to take effect until
/// after at least one token has been written. That ensures that comments
/// appearing before the first token are correctly indented. For example, a
/// binary operator expression increases the nesting before the first operand
/// to ensure any splits within the left operand are handled correctly. If we
/// changed the nesting level immediately, then code like:
/// {
/// // comment
/// foo + bar;
/// }
/// would incorrectly get indented because the line comment adds a split which
/// would take the nesting level of the binary operator into account even
/// though we haven't written any of its tokens yet.
int _pendingNesting;
/// The index of the "current" chunk being written.
/// If the last chunk is still being appended to, this is its index.
/// Otherwise, it is the index of the next chunk which will be created.
int get _currentChunkIndex {
if (_chunks.isEmpty) return 0;
if (_chunks.last.canAddText) return _chunks.length - 1;
return _chunks.length;
/// The offset in [_buffer] where the selection starts in the formatted code.
/// This will be `null` if there is no selection or the writer hasn't reached
/// the beginning of the selection yet.
int _selectionStart;
/// The length in [_buffer] of the selection in the formatted code.
/// This will be `null` if there is no selection or the writer hasn't reached
/// the end of the selection yet.
int _selectionLength;
/// Whether there is pending whitespace that depends on the number of
/// newlines in the source.
/// This is used to avoid calculating the newlines between tokens unless
/// actually needed since doing so is slow when done between every single
/// token pair.
bool get needsToPreserveNewlines =>
_pendingWhitespace == Whitespace.oneOrTwoNewlines ||
_pendingWhitespace == Whitespace.spaceOrNewline;
/// The number of characters of code that can fit in a single line.
int get pageWidth => _formatter.pageWidth;
LineWriter(this._formatter, this._source) {
_beginningIndent = _formatter.indent;
/// Writes [string], the text for a single token, to the output.
/// By default, this also implicitly adds one level of nesting if we aren't
/// currently nested at all. We do this here so that if a comment appears
/// after any token within a statement or top-level form and that comment
/// leads to splitting, we correctly nest. Even pathological cases like:
/// import // comment
/// "this_gets_nested.dart";
/// If we didn't do this here, we'd have to call [nestExpression] after the
/// first token of practically every grammar production.
void write(String string) {
if (_pendingNesting != null) {
_nesting = _pendingNesting;
_pendingNesting = null;
/// Writes a [WhitespaceChunk] of [type].
void writeWhitespace(Whitespace type) {
_pendingWhitespace = type;
/// Write a soft split with its own param at [cost].
/// If unsplit, it expands to a space if [space] is `true`.
/// If [cost] is omitted, defaults to [Cost.normal]. Returns the new param.
SplitParam writeSplit({int cost, bool space}) {
if (cost == null) cost = Cost.normal;
var param = new SplitParam(cost);
_writeSplit(_indent, _nesting, param, spaceWhenUnsplit: space);
// If a split inside a multisplit is chosen, this forces the multisplit too.
// This ensures that, for example, a split inside a collection literal
// forces the collection to also go multiline. Since a multisplit's param
// also implies *its* surrounding multisplit, this will split the whole
// chain of contained multisplits.
if (_multisplits.isNotEmpty && _multisplits.last.param != null) {
return param;
/// Outputs the series of [comments] and associated whitespace that appear
/// before [token] (which is not written by this).
/// The list contains each comment as it appeared in the source between the
/// last token written and the next one that's about to be written.
/// [linesBeforeToken] is number of lines between the last comment (or
/// previous token if there are no comments) and the next token.
void writeComments(List<SourceComment> comments, int linesBeforeToken,
String token) {
// Corner case: if we require a blank line, but there exists one between
// some of the comments, or after the last one, then we don't need to
// enforce one before the first comment. Example:
// library foo;
// // comment
// class Bar {}
// Normally, a blank line is required after `library`, but since there is
// one after the comment, we don't need one before it. This is mainly so
// that commented out directives stick with their preceding group.
if (_pendingWhitespace == Whitespace.twoNewlines &&
comments.isNotEmpty &&
comments.first.linesBefore < 2) {
if (linesBeforeToken > 1) {
_pendingWhitespace = Whitespace.newline;
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < comments.length; i++) {
if (comments[i].linesBefore > 1) {
_pendingWhitespace = Whitespace.newline;
// Write each comment and the whitespace between them.
for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
var comment = comments[i];
// Don't emit a space because we'll handle it below. If we emit it here,
// we may get a trailing space if the comment needs a line before it.
if (_pendingWhitespace == _pendingWhitespace = null;
if (comment.linesBefore == 0) {
// If we're sitting on a split, move the comment before it to adhere it
// to the preceding text.
if (_shouldMoveCommentBeforeSplit()) {
// The comment follows other text, so we need to decide if it gets a
// space before it or not.
if (_needsSpaceBeforeComment(isLineComment: comment.isLineComment)) {
_writeText(" ");
} else {
// The comment starts a line, so make sure it stays on its own line.
_writeHardSplit(nest: true, allowIndent: !comment.isStartOfLine,
double: comment.linesBefore > 1);
if (comment.selectionStart != null) {
startSelectionFromEnd(comment.text.length - comment.selectionStart);
if (comment.selectionEnd != null) {
endSelectionFromEnd(comment.text.length - comment.selectionEnd);
// Make sure there is at least one newline after a line comment and allow
// one or two after a block comment that has nothing after it.
var linesAfter;
if (i < comments.length - 1) {
linesAfter = comments[i + 1].linesBefore;
} else {
linesAfter = linesBeforeToken;
// Always force a newline after multi-line block comments. Prevents
// mistakes like:
// /**
// * Some doc comment.
// */ someFunction() { ... }
if (linesAfter == 0 && comments.last.text.contains("\n")) {
linesAfter = 1;
if (linesAfter > 0) _writeHardSplit(nest: true, double: linesAfter > 1);
// If the comment has text following it (aside from a grouping character),
// it needs a trailing space.
if (_needsSpaceAfterLastComment(comments, token)) {
_pendingWhitespace =;
/// If the current pending whitespace allows some source discretion, pins
/// that down given that the source contains [numLines] newlines at that
/// point.
void preserveNewlines(int numLines) {
// If we didn't know how many newlines the user authored between the last
// token and this one, now we do.
switch (_pendingWhitespace) {
case Whitespace.spaceOrNewline:
if (numLines > 0) {
_pendingWhitespace = Whitespace.nestedNewline;
} else {
_pendingWhitespace =;
case Whitespace.oneOrTwoNewlines:
if (numLines > 1) {
_pendingWhitespace = Whitespace.twoNewlines;
} else {
_pendingWhitespace = Whitespace.newline;
/// Increases indentation of the next line by [levels].
void indent([int levels = 1]) {
while (levels-- > 0) _indentStack.add(-1);
/// Decreases indentation of the next line by [levels].
void unindent([int levels = 1]) {
while (levels-- > 0) _indentStack.removeLast();
/// Starts a new span with [cost].
/// Each call to this needs a later matching call to [endSpan].
void startSpan([int cost = Cost.normal]) {
_openSpans.add(new Span(_currentChunkIndex, cost));
/// Ends the innermost span.
void endSpan() {
var span = _openSpans.removeLast();
// A span that just covers a single chunk can't be split anyway.
if (span.start == span.end) return;
/// Starts a new [Multisplit].
/// Returns the [SplitParam] for the multisplit.
SplitParam startMultisplit({bool separable}) {
var multisplit = new Multisplit(_currentChunkIndex, separable: separable);
return multisplit.param;
/// Adds a new split point for the current innermost [Multisplit].
/// If [space] is `true`, the chunk will include a space when unsplit. If
/// [nest] is `true`, then this split will take into account expression
/// nesting. Otherwise, it will not. Collections do not follow expression
/// nesting, while other uses of multisplits generally do.
void multisplit({bool nest: false, bool space}) {
_writeSplit(_indent, nest ? _nesting : -1, _multisplits.last.param,
spaceWhenUnsplit: space);
/// Ends the innermost multisplit.
void endMultisplit() {
var multisplit = _multisplits.removeLast();
// If this multisplit is contained in another one and they didn't already
// get hardened, wire them together: if the inner one chooses to split, it
// should force the outer one to split too.
if (_multisplits.isNotEmpty &&
multisplit.param != null &&
_multisplits.last.param != null) {
/// Pre-emptively forces all of the multisplits to become hard splits.
/// This is called by [SourceVisitor] when it can determine that a multisplit
/// will never be satisfied. Turning it into hard splits lets the writer
/// break the output into smaller pieces for the line splitter, which helps
/// performance and avoids failing on very large input.
/// In particular, it's easy for the visitor to know that collections with a
/// large number of items must split. Doing that early avoids crashing the
/// splitter when it tries to recurse on huge collection literals.
void preemptMultisplits() => _splitMultisplits();
/// Increases the level of expression nesting.
/// Expressions that are more nested will get increased indentation when split
/// if the previous line has a lower level of nesting.
void nestExpression() {
if (_pendingNesting != null) {
} else {
_pendingNesting = _nesting + 1;
/// Decreases the level of expression nesting.
/// Expressions that are more nested will get increased indentation when split
/// if the previous line has a lower level of nesting.
void unnest() {
// By the time the nesting is done, it should have emitted some text and
// not be pending anymore.
assert(_pendingNesting == null);
/// Marks the selection starting point as occurring [fromEnd] characters to
/// the left of the end of what's currently been written.
/// It counts backwards from the end because this is called *after* the chunk
/// of text containing the selection has been output.
void startSelectionFromEnd(int fromEnd) {
/// Marks the selection ending point as occurring [fromEnd] characters to the
/// left of the end of what's currently been written.
/// It counts backwards from the end because this is called *after* the chunk
/// of text containing the selection has been output.
void endSelectionFromEnd(int fromEnd) {
/// Finishes writing and returns a [SourceCode] containing the final output
/// and updated selection, if any.
SourceCode end() {
if (_chunks.isNotEmpty) _completeLine(_chunks.length);
// Be a good citizen, end with a newline.
if (_source.isCompilationUnit) _buffer.write(_formatter.lineEnding);
// If we haven't hit the beginning and/or end of the selection yet, they
// must be at the very end of the code.
if (_source.selectionStart != null) {
if (_selectionStart == null) {
_selectionStart = _buffer.length;
if (_selectionLength == null) {
_selectionLength = _buffer.length - _selectionStart;
return new SourceCode(_buffer.toString(),
uri: _source.uri,
isCompilationUnit: _source.isCompilationUnit,
selectionStart: _selectionStart,
selectionLength: _selectionLength);
/// Writes the current pending [Whitespace] to the output, if any.
/// This should only be called after source lines have been preserved to turn
/// any ambiguous whitespace into a concrete choice.
void _emitPendingWhitespace() {
if (_pendingWhitespace == null) return;
// Output any pending whitespace first now that we know it won't be
// trailing.
switch (_pendingWhitespace) {
_writeText(" ");
case Whitespace.newline:
case Whitespace.nestedNewline:
_writeHardSplit(nest: true);
case Whitespace.newlineFlushLeft:
_writeHardSplit(allowIndent: false);
case Whitespace.twoNewlines:
_writeHardSplit(double: true);
case Whitespace.spaceOrNewline:
case Whitespace.oneOrTwoNewlines:
// We should have pinned these down before getting here.
_pendingWhitespace = null;
/// Returns `true` if the last chunk is a split that should be move after the
/// comment that is about to be written.
bool _shouldMoveCommentBeforeSplit() {
// Not if there is nothing before it.
if (_chunks.isEmpty) return false;
// If the text before the split is an open grouping character, we don't
// want to adhere the comment to that.
var text = _chunks.last.text;
return !text.endsWith("(") && !text.endsWith("[") && !text.endsWith("{");
/// Returns `true` if a space should be output between the end of the current
/// output and the subsequent comment which is about to be written.
/// This is only called if the comment is trailing text in the unformatted
/// source. In most cases, a space will be output to separate the comment
/// from what precedes it. This returns false if:
/// * This comment does begin the line in the output even if it didn't in
/// the source.
/// * The comment is a block comment immediately following a grouping
/// character (`(`, `[`, or `{`). This is to allow `foo(/* comment */)`,
/// et. al.
bool _needsSpaceBeforeComment({bool isLineComment}) {
// Not at the start of the file.
if (_chunks.isEmpty) return false;
// Not at the start of a line.
if (!_chunks.last.canAddText) return false;
var text = _chunks.last.text;
if (text.endsWith("\n")) return false;
// Always put a space before line comments.
if (isLineComment) return true;
// Block comments do not get a space if following a grouping character.
return !text.endsWith("(") && !text.endsWith("[") && !text.endsWith("{");
/// Returns `true` if a space should be output after the last comment which
/// was just written and the token that will be written.
bool _needsSpaceAfterLastComment(List<SourceComment> comments, String token) {
// Not if there are no comments.
if (comments.isEmpty) return false;
// Not at the beginning of a line.
if (!_chunks.last.canAddText) return false;
// Otherwise, it gets a space if the following token is not a delimiter or
// the empty string, for EOF.
return token != ")" && token != "]" && token != "}" &&
token != "," && token != ";" && token != "";
/// Appends a hard split with the current indentation and nesting (the latter
/// only if [nest] is `true`).
/// If [double] is `true`, a double-split (i.e. a blank line) is output.
/// If [allowIndent] is `false, then the split will always cause the next
/// line to be at column zero. Otherwise, it uses the normal indentation and
/// nesting behavior.
void _writeHardSplit({bool nest: false, bool double: false,
bool allowIndent: true}) {
// A hard split overrides any other whitespace.
_pendingWhitespace = null;
var indent = _indent;
var nesting = nest ? _nesting : -1;
if (!allowIndent) {
indent = 0;
nesting = -1;
_writeSplit(indent, nesting, null, isDouble: double);
/// Ends the current chunk (if any) with the given split information.
void _writeSplit(int indent, int nesting, SplitParam param,
{bool isDouble, bool spaceWhenUnsplit}) {
if (_chunks.isEmpty) return;
_chunks.last.applySplit(indent, nesting, param,
isDouble: isDouble, spaceWhenUnsplit: spaceWhenUnsplit);
if (_chunks.last.isHardSplit) _splitMultisplits();
/// Writes [text] to either the current chunk or a new one if the current
/// chunk is complete.
void _writeText(String text) {
if (_chunks.isEmpty) {
_chunks.add(new Chunk(text));
} else if (_chunks.last.canAddText) {
} else {
// Since we're about to write some text on the next line, we know the
// previous one is fully done being tweaked and merged, so now we can see
// if it can be split independently.
_chunks.add(new Chunk(text));
/// Checks to see if we the first [length] chunks can be processed as a
/// single line and processes them if so.
/// We want to send small lists of chunks to [LineSplitter] for performance.
/// We can do that when we know one set of chunks will absolutely not affect
/// anything following it. The rule for that is pretty simple: a hard newline
/// that is not nested inside an expression.
bool _checkForCompleteLine(int length) {
if (length == 0) return false;
// Hang on to the split info so we can reset the writer to start with it.
var split = _chunks[length - 1];
// Can only split on a hard line that is not nested in the middle of an
// expression.
if (!split.isHardSplit || split.nesting >= 0) return false;
// Discard the formatted chunks and any spans contained in them.
_chunks.removeRange(0, length);
_spans.removeWhere((span) => span.shift(length));
// Get ready for the next line.
_bufferedNewlines = split.isDouble ? 2 : 1;
_beginningIndent = split.indent;
return true;
/// Hands off the first [length] chunks to the [LineSplitter] as a single
/// logical line to be split.
void _completeLine(int length) {
if (debugFormatter) {
// Write the newlines required by the previous line.
for (var i = 0; i < _bufferedNewlines; i++) {
// If we aren't completing the entire set of chunks, get the subset that we
// are completing.
var chunks = _chunks;
var spans = _spans;
if (length < _chunks.length) {
chunks = chunks.take(length).toList();
spans = spans.where((span) => span.start <= length).toList();
var splitter = new LineSplitter(_formatter.lineEnding, _formatter.pageWidth,
chunks, spans, _beginningIndent);
var selection = splitter.apply(_buffer);
if (selection[0] != null) _selectionStart = selection[0];
if (selection[1] != null) _selectionLength = selection[1] - _selectionStart;
/// Handles multisplits when a hard line occurs.
/// Any active separable multisplits will get split in two at this point.
/// Other multisplits are forced into the "hard" state. All of their previous
/// splits are turned into explicit hard splits and any new splits for that
/// multisplit become hard splits too.
void _splitMultisplits() {
if (_multisplits.isEmpty) return;
var splitParams = new Set();
// Add [param] and the transitive closure of its implied params to
// [splitParams].
traverseParams(param) {
// Traverse the tree of implied params.
for (var multisplit in _multisplits) {
// If this multisplit isn't separable or already split, we need to harden
// all of its previous splits now.
var param = multisplit.harden();
if (param != null) traverseParams(param);
if (splitParams.isEmpty) return;
// Take any existing splits for the multisplits and hard split them.
for (var i = 0; i < _chunks.length; i++) {
var chunk = _chunks[i];
if (chunk.param == null) continue;
if (splitParams.contains(chunk.param)) {
// Now that this chunk is a hard split, we may be able to format up to
// it as its own line. If so, the chunks will get removed, so reset
// the loop counter.
if (_checkForCompleteLine(i + 1)) i = -1;
} else {
// If the chunk isn't hardened, but implies something that is, we can
// discard the implication since it is always satisfied now.