blob: 31ee9ec71a08f3ab2e138649f87c2e02ac9be0e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/string_source.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'source_code.dart';
import 'source_visitor.dart';
import 'string_compare.dart' as string_compare;
import 'style_fix.dart';
/// Dart source code formatter.
class DartFormatter {
/// The string that newlines should use.
/// If not explicitly provided, this is inferred from the source text. If the
/// first newline is `\r\n` (Windows), it will use that. Otherwise, it uses
/// Unix-style line endings (`\n`).
String? lineEnding;
/// The number of characters allowed in a single line.
final int pageWidth;
/// The number of characters of indentation to prefix the output lines with.
final int indent;
final Set<StyleFix> fixes;
/// Creates a new formatter for Dart code.
/// If [lineEnding] is given, that will be used for any newlines in the
/// output. Otherwise, the line separator will be inferred from the line
/// endings in the source file.
/// If [indent] is given, that many levels of indentation will be prefixed
/// before each resulting line in the output.
/// While formatting, also applies any of the given [fixes].
{this.lineEnding, int? pageWidth, int? indent, Iterable<StyleFix>? fixes})
: pageWidth = pageWidth ?? 80,
indent = indent ?? 0,
fixes = {...?fixes};
/// Formats the given [source] string containing an entire Dart compilation
/// unit.
/// If [uri] is given, it is a [String] or [Uri] used to identify the file
/// being formatted in error messages.
String format(String source, {uri}) {
if (uri == null) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (uri is Uri) {
uri = uri.toString();
} else if (uri is String) {
// Do nothing.
} else {
throw ArgumentError('uri must be `null`, a Uri, or a String.');
return formatSource(SourceCode(source, uri: uri, isCompilationUnit: true))
/// Formats the given [source] string containing a single Dart statement.
String formatStatement(String source) {
return formatSource(SourceCode(source, isCompilationUnit: false)).text;
/// Formats the given [source].
/// Returns a new [SourceCode] containing the formatted code and the resulting
/// selection, if any.
SourceCode formatSource(SourceCode source) {
// Enable all features that are enabled by default in the current analyzer
// version.
// TODO(paulberry): consider plumbing in experiment enable flags from the
// command line.
var featureSet = FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags2(
sdkLanguageVersion: Version(2, 19, 0),
flags: [
var inputOffset = 0;
var text = source.text;
var unitSourceCode = source;
if (!source.isCompilationUnit) {
var prefix = 'void foo() { ';
inputOffset = prefix.length;
text = '$prefix$text }';
unitSourceCode = SourceCode(
uri: source.uri,
isCompilationUnit: false,
selectionStart: source.selectionStart != null
? source.selectionStart! + inputOffset
: null,
selectionLength: source.selectionLength,
// Parse it.
var parseResult = parseString(
content: text,
featureSet: featureSet,
path: source.uri,
throwIfDiagnostics: false,
// Infer the line ending if not given one. Do it here since now we know
// where the lines start.
if (lineEnding == null) {
// If the first newline is "\r\n", use that. Otherwise, use "\n".
var lineStarts = parseResult.lineInfo.lineStarts;
if (lineStarts.length > 1 &&
lineStarts[1] >= 2 &&
text[lineStarts[1] - 2] == '\r') {
lineEnding = '\r\n';
} else {
lineEnding = '\n';
// Throw if there are syntactic errors.
var syntacticErrors = parseResult.errors.where((error) {
return error.errorCode.type == ErrorType.SYNTACTIC_ERROR;
if (syntacticErrors.isNotEmpty) {
throw FormatterException(syntacticErrors);
AstNode node;
if (source.isCompilationUnit) {
node = parseResult.unit;
} else {
var function = parseResult.unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
var body = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody;
node = body.block.statements[0];
// Make sure we consumed all of the source.
var token =!;
if (token.type != TokenType.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) {
var stringSource = StringSource(text, source.uri);
var error = AnalysisError(
token.offset - inputOffset,
math.max(token.length, 1),
throw FormatterException([error]);
// Format it.
var lineInfo = parseResult.lineInfo;
var visitor = SourceVisitor(this, lineInfo, unitSourceCode);
var output =;
// Sanity check that only whitespace was changed if that's all we expect.
if (fixes.isEmpty &&
!string_compare.equalIgnoringWhitespace(source.text, output.text)) {
throw UnexpectedOutputException(source.text, output.text);
return output;