blob: b2c7d66bc3e93af3d49dc09c9f4df96d4e47f7e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/src/testing/test_file.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
/// Update the formatting test expectations based on the current formatter's
/// output.
/// The command line arguments should be the names of tests to be updated. A
/// name can be a directory to update all of the tests in that directory or a
/// file path to update the tests in that file.
/// All paths are relative to the "test" directory.
/// Note: This script can't correctly update any tests that contain the special
/// "×XX" Unicode markers or selections.
// TODO(rnystrom): Support updating individual tests within a file.
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
if (arguments.isEmpty) {
print('Usage: update_tests.dart <tests...>');
var unchanged = 0;
for (var argument in arguments) {
var path = p.join(await findTestDirectory(), argument);
if (Directory(path).existsSync()) {
unchanged += await _updateDirectory(path);
} else if (File(path).existsSync()) {
unchanged += await _updateFile(path);
print('$unchanged tests were unchanged.');
final _unsupportedPaths = [
// These contain selections.
// These contain Unicode escapes.
Future<int> _updateDirectory(String path) async {
var unchanged = 0;
for (var testFile in await TestFile.listDirectory(path)) {
unchanged += await _updateTestFile(testFile);
return unchanged;
Future<int> _updateFile(String path) async {
return _updateTestFile(await;
Future<int> _updateTestFile(TestFile testFile) async {
if (_unsupportedPaths.any((path) => testFile.path.startsWith(path))) {
print('Skipping unsupported file ${testFile.path}. Update that manually.');
return 0;
var unchanged = 0;
var buffer = StringBuffer();
// Write the page width line if needed.
var pageWidth = testFile.pageWidth;
if (pageWidth != null) {
var columns = '$pageWidth columns';
buffer.write(' ' * (pageWidth - columns.length));
// TODO(rnystrom): This is duplicating logic in fix_test.dart. Ideally, we'd
// move the fix markers into the tests themselves, but since --fix is
// probably going away, it's not worth it.
var baseFixes = const {
'fixes/doc_comments.stmt': [StyleFix.docComments],
'fixes/function_typedefs.unit': [StyleFix.functionTypedefs],
'fixes/named_default_separator.unit': [StyleFix.namedDefaultSeparator],
'fixes/optional_const.unit': [StyleFix.optionalConst],
'fixes/optional_new.stmt': [StyleFix.optionalNew],
'fixes/single_cascade_statements.stmt': [
}[testFile.path] ??
const <StyleFix>[];
for (var formatTest in testFile.tests) {
var formatter = DartFormatter(
pageWidth: testFile.pageWidth,
indent: formatTest.leadingIndent,
fixes: [...baseFixes, ...formatTest.fixes]);
var actual = formatter.formatSource(formatTest.input);
// The test files always put a newline at the end of the expectation.
// Statements from the formatter (correctly) don't have that, so add
// one to line up with the expected result.
var actualText = actual.text;
if (!testFile.isCompilationUnit) actualText += '\n';
// TODO: Insert selection markers.
// Insert a newline between each test, but not after the last.
if (formatTest != testFile.tests.first) buffer.writeln();
var descriptionParts = [
if (formatTest.leadingIndent != 0) '(indent ${formatTest.leadingIndent})',
for (var fix in formatTest.fixes) '(fix ${})',
buffer.writeln('>>> ${descriptionParts.join(' ')}'.trim());
buffer.writeln('<<< ${formatTest.outputDescription}'.trim());
var output = actual.text;
// Remove the trailing newline so that we don't end up with an extra
// newline at the end of the test file.
output = output.trimRight();
// Fail with an explicit message because it's easier to read than
// the matcher output.
if (actualText != formatTest.output.text) {
print('Updated ${testFile.path} ${formatTest.label}');
} else {
// Rewrite the file. Do this even if nothing changed so that we normalize the
// test markers.
var path = p.join(await findTestDirectory(), testFile.path);
return unchanged;