blob: ebad84d261740a68dfda18ca98b3b24b3b3144fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math';
import '../piece/piece.dart';
import 'solution.dart';
/// The interface used by [Piece]s to output formatted code.
/// The back-end lowers the tree of pieces to the final formatted code by
/// allowing each piece to produce the output for the code it represents.
/// This way, each piece has full flexibility for how to apply its own
/// formatting logic.
/// To build the resulting output code, when a piece is formatted, it is passed
/// an instance of this class. It has methods that the piece can call to add
/// output text to the resulting code, recursively format child pieces, insert
/// whitespace, etc.
class CodeWriter {
final int _pageWidth;
/// The solution this [CodeWriter] is generating code for.
final Solution _solution;
/// Buffer for the code being written.
final StringBuffer _buffer = StringBuffer();
/// What whitespace should be written before the next non-whitespace text.
/// When whitespace is written, instead of immediately writing it, we queue
/// it as pending. This ensures that we don't write trailing whitespace,
/// avoids writing spaces at the beginning of lines, and allows collapsing
/// multiple redundant newlines.
Whitespace _pendingWhitespace = Whitespace.none;
/// The number of spaces of indentation that should be begin the next line
/// when [_pendingWhitespace] is [Whitespace.newline] or
/// [Whitespace.blankLine].
int _pendingIndent = 0;
/// The number of characters in the line currently being written.
int _column = 0;
/// The stack of state for each [Piece] being formatted.
/// For each piece being formatted from a call to [format()], we keep track of
/// things like indentation and nesting levels. Pieces recursively format
/// their children. When they do, we push new values onto this stack. When a
/// piece is done (a call to [format()] returns), we pop the corresponding
/// state off the stack.
/// This is used to increase the cumulative nesting as we recurse into pieces
/// and then unwind that as child pieces are completed.
final List<_PieceOptions> _options = [];
/// Whether we have already found the first line where whose piece should be
/// used to expand further solutions.
/// This is the first line that either overflows or contains an invalid
/// newline. When expanding solutions, we use the first solvable piece on
/// this line.
bool _foundExpandLine = false;
/// The first solvable piece on the first overflowing or invalid line, if
/// we've found one.
/// A piece is "solvable" if we haven't already bound it to a state and there
/// are multiple states it accepts. This is the piece whose states will be
/// bound when we expand the [Solution] that this [CodeWriter] is building
/// into further solutions.
/// If [_foundExpandLine] is `false`, then this is the first solvable piece
/// that has written text to the current line. It may not actually be an
/// expand piece. We don't know until we reach the end of the line to see if
/// it overflows or is invalid. If the line is OK, then [_nextPieceToExpand]
/// is cleared when the next line begins. If [_foundExpandLine] is `true`,
/// then this known to be the piece that will be expanded next for this
/// solution.
Piece? _nextPieceToExpand;
/// The stack of solvable pieces currently being formatted.
/// We use this to track which pieces are in play when text is written to the
/// current line so that we know which piece should be expanded in the next
/// solution if the line ends up overflowing.
final List<Piece> _currentUnsolvedPieces = [];
CodeWriter(this._pageWidth, this._solution);
/// Returns the final formatted text and the next piece that can be expanded
/// from the solution this [CodeWriter] is writing, if any.
(String, Piece?) finish() {
return (_buffer.toString(), _nextPieceToExpand);
/// Appends [text] to the output.
/// If [text] contains any internal newlines, the caller is responsible for
/// also calling [handleNewline()].
void write(String text) {
// TODO(tall): Calling this directly from pieces outside of TextPiece may
// not handle selections as gracefully as we could. A selection marker may
// get pushed past the text written here. Currently, this is only called
// directly for commas in list-like things, and `;` in for loops. In
// general, it's better for all text written to the output to live inside
// TextPieces because that will preserve selection markers. Consider doing
// something smarter for commas in lists and semicolons in for loops.
_column += text.length;
// If we haven't found an overflowing line yet, then this line might be one
// so keep track of the pieces we've encountered.
if (!_foundExpandLine &&
_nextPieceToExpand == null &&
_currentUnsolvedPieces.isNotEmpty) {
_nextPieceToExpand = _currentUnsolvedPieces.first;
/// Sets the number of spaces of indentation for code written by the current
/// piece to [indent], relative to the indentation of the surrounding piece.
/// Replaces any previous indentation set by this piece.
// TODO(tall): Add another API that adds/subtracts existing indentation.
void setIndent(int indent) {
var parentIndent = 0;
// If there is a surrounding Piece, then set the indent relative to that
// piece's current indentation.
if (_options.length > 1) {
parentIndent = _options[_options.length - 2].indent;
_options.last.indent = parentIndent + indent;
/// Inserts a newline if [condition] is true.
/// If [space] is `true` and [condition] is `false`, writes a space.
/// If [blank] is `true`, writes an extra newline to produce a blank line.
/// If [indent] is given, sets the amount of block-level indentation for this
/// and all subsequent newlines to [indent].
void splitIf(bool condition,
{bool space = true, bool blank = false, int? indent}) {
if (condition) {
newline(blank: blank, indent: indent);
} else if (space) {;
/// Writes a single space to the output.
void space() {
/// Inserts a line split in the output.
/// If [blank] is `true`, writes an extra newline to produce a blank line.
/// If [indent] is given, set the indentation of the new line (and all
/// subsequent lines) to that indentation relative to the containing piece.
/// If [flushLeft] is `true`, then the new line begins at column 1 and ignores
/// any surrounding indentation. This is used for multi-line block comments
/// and multi-line strings.
void newline({bool blank = false, int? indent, bool flushLeft = false}) {
if (indent != null) setIndent(indent);
whitespace(blank ? Whitespace.blankLine : Whitespace.newline,
flushLeft: flushLeft);
/// Queues [whitespace] to be written to the output.
/// If any non-whitespace is written after this call, then this whitespace
/// will be written first. Also handles merging multiple kinds of whitespace
/// intelligently together.
/// If [flushLeft] is `true`, then the new line begins at column 1 and ignores
/// any surrounding indentation. This is used for multi-line block comments
/// and multi-line strings.
void whitespace(Whitespace whitespace, {bool flushLeft = false}) {
if (whitespace case Whitespace.newline || Whitespace.blankLine) {
_pendingIndent = flushLeft ? 0 : _options.last.indent;
_pendingWhitespace = _pendingWhitespace.collapse(whitespace);
/// Sets whether newlines are allowed to occur from this point on for the
/// current piece.
void setAllowNewlines(bool allowed) {
_options.last.allowNewlines = allowed;
/// Format [piece] and insert the result into the code being written and
/// returned by [finish()].
void format(Piece piece) {
_options.add(_PieceOptions(piece, _options.lastOrNull?.indent ?? 0,
_options.lastOrNull?.allowNewlines ?? true));
var isUnsolved = !_solution.isBound(piece) && piece.states.length > 1;
if (isUnsolved) _currentUnsolvedPieces.add(piece);
// TODO(perf): Memoize this. Might want to create a nested PieceWriter
// instead of passing in `this` so we can better control what state needs
// to be used as the key in the memoization table.
piece.format(this, _solution.pieceState(piece));
if (isUnsolved) _currentUnsolvedPieces.removeLast();
var childOptions = _options.removeLast();
// If the child [piece] contains a newline then this one transitively does.
if (childOptions.hasNewline && _options.isNotEmpty) _handleNewline();
/// Format [piece] if not null.
void formatOptional(Piece? piece) {
if (piece != null) format(piece);
/// Sets [selectionStart] to be [start] code units into the output.
void startSelection(int start) {
_solution.startSelection(_buffer.length + start);
/// Sets [selectionEnd] to be [end] code units into the output.
void endSelection(int end) {
_solution.endSelection(_buffer.length + end);
/// Notes that a newline has been written.
/// If this occurs in a place where newlines are prohibited, then invalidates
/// the solution.
void _handleNewline() {
if (!_options.last.allowNewlines) _solution.invalidate(_options.last.piece);
// Note that this piece contains a newline so that we can propagate that
// up to containing pieces too.
_options.last.hasNewline = true;
/// Write any pending whitespace.
/// This is called before non-whitespace text is about to be written, or
/// before the selection is updated since the latter requires an accurate
/// count of the written text, including whitespace.
void _flushWhitespace() {
switch (_pendingWhitespace) {
case Whitespace.none:
break; // Nothing to do.
case Whitespace.newline:
case Whitespace.blankLine:
if (_pendingWhitespace == Whitespace.blankLine) _buffer.writeln();
_column = _pendingIndent;
_buffer.write(' ' * _column);
_buffer.write(' ');
_pendingWhitespace = Whitespace.none;
void _finishLine() {
// If the completed line is too long, track the overflow.
if (_column >= _pageWidth) {
_solution.addOverflow(_column - _pageWidth);
// If we found a problematic line, and there is a piece on the line that
// we can try to split, then remember that piece so that the solution will
// expand it next.
if (!_foundExpandLine &&
_nextPieceToExpand != null &&
(_column > _pageWidth || !_solution.isValid)) {
// We found a problematic line, so remember it and the piece on it.
_foundExpandLine = true;
} else if (!_foundExpandLine) {
// This line was OK, so we don't need to expand the piece on it.
_nextPieceToExpand = null;
/// Different kinds of pending whitespace that have been requested.
/// Note that the order of values in the enum is significant: later ones have
/// more whitespace than previous ones.
enum Whitespace {
/// No pending whitespace.
/// A single space.
/// A single newline.
/// Two newlines.
/// Combines two pending whitespaces and returns the result.
/// When two whitespaces overlap, they aren't both written: we don't want
/// two spaces or a newline followed by a space. Instead, the two whitespaces
/// are collapsed such that the largest one wins.
Whitespace collapse(Whitespace other) => values[max(index, other.index)];
/// The mutable state local to a single piece being formatted.
class _PieceOptions {
/// The piece being formatted with these options.
final Piece piece;
/// The absolute number of spaces of leading indentation coming from
/// block-like structure or explicit extra indentation (aligning constructor
/// initializers, `show` clauses, etc.).
int indent;
/// Whether newlines are allowed to occur.
/// If a newline is written while this is `false`, the entire solution is
/// considered invalid and gets discarded.
bool allowNewlines;
/// Whether any newlines have occurred in this piece or any of its children.
bool hasNewline = false;
_PieceOptions(this.piece, this.indent, this.allowNewlines);