blob: 8dc5f806f7e3f452111b9ed0be0a4bc54b275868 [file] [log] [blame]
>>> (indent 2)
main() {
List<Future<List<LocationImpl>>> nodeFutures =
main() {
List<Future<List<LocationImpl>>> nodeFutures =
class CachingPubPackageMapProvider {
CachingPubPackageMapProvider(ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk, [RunPubList runPubList, this._writeFile])
: super(resourceProvider, sdk, runPubList) {
class CachingPubPackageMapProvider {
ResourceProvider resourceProvider, DirectoryBasedDartSdk sdk,
[RunPubList runPubList, this._writeFile])
: super(resourceProvider, sdk, runPubList) {
class Foo {
bool selectionIncludesNonWhitespaceOutsideNode(SourceRange selection,
AstNode node) => _selectionIncludesNonWhitespaceOutsideRange(
selection, SourceRangeFactory.rangeNode(node));
class Foo {
bool selectionIncludesNonWhitespaceOutsideNode(
SourceRange selection, AstNode node) =>
selection, SourceRangeFactory.rangeNode(node));
>>> (indent 2)
void _writeCompletionPerformanceList(StringBuffer buffer) {
<p><strong>First (ms)</strong> - the number of milliseconds
from when completion received the request until the first notification
with completion results was queued for sending back to the client.
<p><strong>Complete (ms)</strong> - the number of milliseconds
from when completion received the request until the final notification
with completion results was queued for sending back to the client.
<p><strong># Notifications</strong> - the total number of notifications
sent to the client with completion results for this request.
<p><strong># Suggestions</strong> - the number of suggestions
sent to the client in the first notification, followed by a comma,
followed by the number of suggestions send to the client
in the last notification. If there is only one notification,
then there will be only one number in this column.''');
void _writeCompletionPerformanceList(StringBuffer buffer) {
<p><strong>First (ms)</strong> - the number of milliseconds
from when completion received the request until the first notification
with completion results was queued for sending back to the client.
<p><strong>Complete (ms)</strong> - the number of milliseconds
from when completion received the request until the final notification
with completion results was queued for sending back to the client.
<p><strong># Notifications</strong> - the total number of notifications
sent to the client with completion results for this request.
<p><strong># Suggestions</strong> - the number of suggestions
sent to the client in the first notification, followed by a comma,
followed by the number of suggestions send to the client
in the last notification. If there is only one notification,
then there will be only one number in this column.''');
final ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError> HINTS =
new ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError>(
'HINT_ERRORS', AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
final ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError> HINTS =
new ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError>(
'HINT_ERRORS', AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
>>> (indent 2)
makeMatcher() {
docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() {
toHtmlVisitor.p(() {
makeMatcher() {
docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() {
toHtmlVisitor.p(() {
>>> (indent 6)
main() {
files = jsonDecoder._decodeMap(jsonPath + ".files", json["files"],
valueDecoder: (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
"add": (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
new AddContentOverlay.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json),
"change": (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
new ChangeContentOverlay.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json),
"remove": (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
new RemoveContentOverlay.fromJson(jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json)
main() {
files = jsonDecoder._decodeMap(jsonPath + ".files", json["files"],
valueDecoder: (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
jsonDecoder._decodeUnion(jsonPath, json, "type", {
"add": (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
new AddContentOverlay.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json),
"change": (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
new ChangeContentOverlay.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json),
"remove": (String jsonPath, Object json) =>
new RemoveContentOverlay.fromJson(
jsonDecoder, jsonPath, json)
>>> (indent 2)
main() {
fieldInitializationCode.add(collectCode(() {
'_$streamName = new StreamController<$className>(sync: true);');
writeln('$streamName = _$;');
main() {
fieldInitializationCode.add(collectCode(() {
writeln('_$streamName = new StreamController<$className>(sync: true);');
writeln('$streamName = _$;');
>>> (indent 2)
main() {
return context.getContents(source).data.substring(
replacementOffset, offset);
main() {
return context
.substring(replacementOffset, offset);
>>> (indent 2)
main() {
contextsChangedRaw(new ContextsChangedEvent(
added: event.added.length > 0 ? [mockContext] : [],
changed: event.changed.length > 0 ? [mockContext] : [],
removed: event.removed.length > 0 ? [mockContext] : []));
main() {
contextsChangedRaw(new ContextsChangedEvent(
added: event.added.length > 0 ? [mockContext] : [],
changed: event.changed.length > 0 ? [mockContext] : [],
removed: event.removed.length > 0 ? [mockContext] : []));
>>> (indent 2)
void emitEmptyObjectClass(String className, ImpliedType impliedType) {
docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() {
toHtmlVisitor.p(() {
void emitEmptyObjectClass(String className, ImpliedType impliedType) {
docComment(toHtmlVisitor.collectHtml(() {
toHtmlVisitor.p(() {
>>> (indent 2)
main() {
], <String>[], <String, String>{});
main() {
manager.setRoots(<String>[projPath], <String>[], <String, String>{});
>>> (indent 2)
main() {
server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [
], [], {});
return pumpEventQueue(40).then((_) {
expect(server.statusAnalyzing, isFalse);
main() {
server.setAnalysisRoots('0', ['/foo', '/bar'], [], {});
return pumpEventQueue(40).then((_) {
expect(server.statusAnalyzing, isFalse);
>>> (indent 2)
main() {
return withBuilder(new DartIrBuilder(
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support closure variables.
new Set<dart2js.Local>()), () {
// Visit the body directly to avoid processing the signature as
// expressions.
// Call to allow for `body == null` in case of synthesized constructors.
return irBuilder.makeConstructorDefinition(const [], const []);
main() {
return withBuilder(
new DartIrBuilder(
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support closure variables.
new Set<dart2js.Local>()), () {
// Visit the body directly to avoid processing the signature as
// expressions.
// Call to allow for `body == null` in case of synthesized constructors.
return irBuilder.makeConstructorDefinition(const [], const []);
>>> (indent 4)
Element expectedElement = (declarations[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration)
Element expectedElement = (declarations[0] as TopLevelVariableDeclaration)
main() {
library libA;
part "${convertPathForImport('/testA.dart')}";
import "dart:math";
/// The [^]
main(aaa, bbb) {}
main() {
library libA;
part "${convertPathForImport('/testA.dart')}";
import "dart:math";
/// The [^]
main(aaa, bbb) {}