blob: 6e79f89dfa310edd4165edc45be534613e13486b [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> Single-element objects with trailing comma removed.
if (obj case Foo(:pattern,)) {;}
if (obj case Foo(:pattern)) {
>>> Split single-element object.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: veryLongObjectFieldValue)) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: veryLongObjectFieldValue,
)) {
>>> Split all fields, if any field splits.
if (obj case Foo(first, second, third, fourth, fifth)) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
)) {
>>> Split single-element object with inferred name.
if (obj case Foo(:var veryLongInferredFieldName_____)) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
:var veryLongInferredFieldName_____,
)) {
>>> Split multiple inferred fields.
if (obj case Foo(:var firstLongInferredFieldName, :var secondLongInferredName)) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
:var firstLongInferredFieldName,
:var secondLongInferredName,
)) {
>>> Split with list subpattern.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: [first, second, third])) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: [first, second, third],
)) {
>>> Split with a split list subpattern.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: [firstlooooooong, secondlooooooong, thirdlooooooong])) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: [
)) {
>>> Don't split between name and constant list.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: const [first, second, third])) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: const [
)) {
>>> Split with map subpattern.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: {first: 1, second: 2})) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: {first: 1, second: 2},
)) {
>>> Split with a split map subpattern.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: {firstlooooooong: 1, secondlooooooong: 2})) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: {
firstlooooooong: 1,
secondlooooooong: 2,
)) {
>>> Don't split between name and constant map.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: const {first: 1, second: 2})) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: const {
first: 1,
second: 2,
)) {
>>> Split with record subpattern.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: (first: 1, second: 2))) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: (first: 1, second: 2),
)) {
>>> Split with split record subpattern.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: (firstlooooooong: 1, secondlooooooong: 2))) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: (
firstlooooooong: 1,
secondlooooooong: 2,
)) {
>>> Don't split between name and const record.
if (obj case Foo(longFieldName: const (first: 1, second: 2))) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
longFieldName: const (
first: 1,
second: 2,
)) {
>>> Nested object doesn't force outer object to split.
if (obj case Foo(Bar(a: 1, b: 2))) {;}
if (obj case Foo(Bar(a: 1, b: 2))) {
>>> Multiple objects doesn't force outer object to split.
if (obj case (Foo(a: 1), Bar(b: 2))) {;}
if (obj case (Foo(a: 1), Bar(b: 2))) {
>>> Deeply nested split object.
if (obj case Foo(first: 1, Bar(second: 2, third: 3, four: 4), fifth: 5, Baz(sixth: 6, seventh: 7, eighth: 8, nine: 9, tenth: 10,
eleventh: 11))) {;}
if (obj case Foo(
first: 1,
Bar(second: 2, third: 3, four: 4),
fifth: 5,
sixth: 6,
seventh: 7,
eighth: 8,
nine: 9,
tenth: 10,
eleventh: 11,
)) {
>>> Split in type argument.
if (obj case LongClassName<First, Second>()) {;}
### TODO(tall): It formats like this if there's no elements. Similarly with lists, maps etc.
if (obj
case LongClassName<
>()) {
>>> Split in type argument and body.
if (obj case LongClassName<First, Second, Third>(first: 1, second: 2, third: 3)) {;}
if (obj case LongClassName<
>(first: 1, second: 2, third: 3)) {