blob: 1ea15def7ea39eb7a8c58f9621de0fff2bd17147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.test.utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
const unformattedSource = 'void main() => print("hello") ;';
const formattedSource = 'void main() => print("hello");\n';
/// The same as formatted source but without a trailing newline because
/// [TestProcess] filters those when it strips command line output into lines.
const formattedOutput = 'void main() => print("hello");';
final _indentPattern = RegExp(r'\(indent (\d+)\)');
final _fixPattern = RegExp(r'\(fix ([a-x-]+)\)');
/// If tool/command_shell.dart has been compiled to a snapshot, this is the path
/// to it.
String _commandExecutablePath;
/// If bin/format.dart has been compiled to a snapshot, this is the path to it.
String _formatterExecutablePath;
/// Compiles format.dart to a native executable for tests to use.
void compileFormatterExecutable() {
setUpAll(() async {
_formatterExecutablePath = await _compileExecutable('bin/format.dart');
tearDownAll(() async {
await _deleteExecutable(_formatterExecutablePath);
_formatterExecutablePath = null;
/// Compiles command_shell.dart to a native executable for tests to use.
void compileCommandExecutable() {
setUpAll(() async {
_commandExecutablePath =
await _compileExecutable('tool/command_shell.dart');
tearDownAll(() async {
await _deleteExecutable(_commandExecutablePath);
_commandExecutablePath = null;
/// Compile the Dart [script] to a native executable.
/// We do this instead of spawning the script from source each time because it's
/// much faster when the same script needs to be run several times.
Future<String> _compileExecutable(String script) async {
var scriptName = p.basename(script);
var tempDir =
await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp(p.withoutExtension(scriptName));
var executable = p.join(tempDir.path, '$scriptName.aot');
var dart2Native =
p.join(p.dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable), 'dart2native');
// Locate the "test" directory. Use mirrors so that this works with the test
// package, which loads this suite into an isolate.
var testDir = p.dirname(currentMirrorSystem()
var scriptPath = p.normalize(p.join(p.dirname(testDir), script));
var compileResult = await
dart2Native, [scriptPath, '--output', executable]);
if (compileResult.exitCode != 0) {
fail('Could not compile $scriptName to a snapshot (exit code '
return executable;
/// Attempts to delete to temporary directory created for [executable] by
/// [_createSnapshot()].
Future<void> _deleteExecutable(String executable) async {
try {
await Directory(p.dirname(executable)).delete(recursive: true);
} on IOException {
// Do nothing if we failed to delete it. The OS will eventually clean it
// up.
/// Runs the command line formatter, passing it [args].
Future<TestProcess> runFormatter([List<String> args]) {
if (_formatterExecutablePath == null) {
fail('Must call createFormatterExecutable() before running commands.');
return TestProcess.start(_formatterExecutablePath, args ?? <String>[],
workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
/// Runs the command line formatter, passing it the test directory followed by
/// [args].
Future<TestProcess> runFormatterOnDir([List<String> args]) {
return runFormatter(['.', ...?args]);
/// Runs the test shell for the [Command]-based formatter, passing it [args].
Future<TestProcess> runCommand([List<String> args]) {
if (_commandExecutablePath == null) {
fail('Must call createCommandExecutable() before running commands.');
return TestProcess.start(_commandExecutablePath, ['format', ...?args],
workingDirectory: d.sandbox);
/// Runs the test shell for the [Command]-based formatter, passing it the test
/// directory followed by [args].
Future<TestProcess> runCommandOnDir([List<String> args]) {
return runCommand(['.', ...?args]);
/// Run tests defined in "*.unit" and "*.stmt" files inside directory [name].
void testDirectory(String name, [Iterable<StyleFix> fixes]) {
// Locate the "test" directory. Use mirrors so that this works with the test
// package, which loads this suite into an isolate.
var testDir = p.dirname(currentMirrorSystem()
var entries = Directory(p.join(testDir, name))
.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false);
entries.sort((a, b) => a.path.compareTo(b.path));
for (var entry in entries) {
if (!entry.path.endsWith('.stmt') && !entry.path.endsWith('.unit')) {
_testFile(name, entry.path, fixes);
void testFile(String path, [Iterable<StyleFix> fixes]) {
// Locate the "test" directory. Use mirrors so that this works with the test
// package, which loads this suite into an isolate.
var testDir = p.dirname(currentMirrorSystem()
_testFile(p.dirname(path), p.join(testDir, path), fixes);
void _testFile(String name, String path, Iterable<StyleFix> baseFixes) {
var fixes = <StyleFix>[];
if (baseFixes != null) fixes.addAll(baseFixes);
group('$name ${p.basename(path)}', () {
// Explicitly create a File, in case the entry is a Link.
var lines = File(path).readAsLinesSync();
// The first line may have a "|" to indicate the page width.
var pageWidth;
if (lines[0].endsWith('|')) {
pageWidth = lines[0].indexOf('|');
lines = lines.skip(1).toList();
var i = 0;
while (i < lines.length) {
var description = lines[i++].replaceAll('>>>', '');
// Let the test specify a leading indentation. This is handy for
// regression tests which often come from a chunk of nested code.
var leadingIndent = 0;
description = description.replaceAllMapped(_indentPattern, (match) {
leadingIndent = int.parse(match[1]);
return '';
// Let the test specify fixes to apply.
description = description.replaceAllMapped(_fixPattern, (match) {
fixes.add(StyleFix.all.firstWhere((fix) => == match[1]));
return '';
description = description.trim();
if (description == '') {
description = 'line ${i + 1}';
} else {
description = 'line ${i + 1}: $description';
var input = '';
while (!lines[i].startsWith('<<<')) {
input += lines[i++] + '\n';
var expectedOutput = '';
while (++i < lines.length && !lines[i].startsWith('>>>')) {
expectedOutput += lines[i] + '\n';
// TODO(rnystrom): Stop skipping these tests when possible.
if (description.contains('(skip:')) {
print('skipping $description');
test(description, () {
var isCompilationUnit = p.extension(path) == '.unit';
var inputCode =
_extractSelection(input, isCompilationUnit: isCompilationUnit);
var expected = _extractSelection(expectedOutput,
isCompilationUnit: isCompilationUnit);
var formatter = DartFormatter(
pageWidth: pageWidth, indent: leadingIndent, fixes: fixes);
var actual = formatter.formatSource(inputCode);
// The test files always put a newline at the end of the expectation.
// Statements from the formatter (correctly) don't have that, so add
// one to line up with the expected result.
var actualText = actual.text;
if (!isCompilationUnit) actualText += '\n';
// Fail with an explicit message because it's easier to read than
// the matcher output.
if (actualText != expected.text) {
fail('Formatting did not match expectation. Expected:\n'
expect(actual.selectionStart, equals(expected.selectionStart));
expect(actual.selectionLength, equals(expected.selectionLength));
/// Given a source string that contains ‹ and › to indicate a selection, returns
/// a [SourceCode] with the text (with the selection markers removed) and the
/// correct selection range.
SourceCode _extractSelection(String source, {bool isCompilationUnit = false}) {
var start = source.indexOf('‹');
source = source.replaceAll('‹', '');
var end = source.indexOf('›');
source = source.replaceAll('›', '');
return SourceCode(source,
isCompilationUnit: isCompilationUnit,
selectionStart: start == -1 ? null : start,
selectionLength: end == -1 ? null : end - start);