blob: 78c7eed59c91972d6714770d7f8ca03a516b6f6a [file] [log] [blame]
>>> over_react-4.1.0/tools/analyzer_plugin/playground/web/pseudo_static_lifecycle.dart
class C {
get defaultProps {
return newProps() // This newProps() call should not lint
super.defaultProps) // This super.defaultProps access should not lint
..somethingThatCanBeTouched =
mcHammer; // This mcHammer access SHOULD lint
class C {
get defaultProps {
return newProps() // This newProps() call should not lint
super.defaultProps) // This super.defaultProps access should not lint
..somethingThatCanBeTouched =
mcHammer; // This mcHammer access SHOULD lint
>>> sass-1.32.8/lib/src/executable/options.dart
class C {
static final ArgParser _parser = () {
var parser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true)
// This is used for compatibility with sass-spec, even though we don't
// support setting the precision.
..addOption('precision', hide: true)
// This is used when testing to ensure that the asynchronous evaluator path
// works the same as the synchronous one.
..addFlag('async', hide: true);
class C {
static final ArgParser _parser = () {
var parser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true)
// This is used for compatibility with sass-spec, even though we don't
// support setting the precision.
..addOption('precision', hide: true)
// This is used when testing to ensure that the asynchronous evaluator path
// works the same as the synchronous one.
..addFlag('async', hide: true);