blob: c7b2cec7503e221a3fb8a94a104d406476494788 [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> single line comment
/** doc */ m() {}
/// doc
m() {}
>>> multiline comment
* multiline comment
* line 1
m() {}
/// multiline comment
/// line 1
m() {}
>>> multiline comment without star
multiline comment without star
line 1
m() {}
/// multiline comment without star
/// line 1
m() {}
>>> strange indent
* strange indent
* line 1
m() {}
/// strange indent
/// line 1
m() {}
>>> comment on first line
/** comment on first line
* line 1
m() {}
/// comment on first line
/// line 1
m() {}
>>> empty comment
/** */
m() {}
m() {}
>>> empty multiline comment
m() {}
m() {}
>>> multiline comment with sample
* multiline comment with sample
* var a;
m() {}
/// multiline comment with sample
/// var a;
m() {}
>>> single line comment with "**/" as close
/** doc **/ m() {}
/// doc
m() {}
>>> multiline comment with "**/" as close
* multiline comment
* line 1
m() {}
/// multiline comment
/// line 1
m() {}
>>> does not touch longer strings of "*"
/******* not a doc comment **/
m() {}
/******* not a doc comment **/
m() {}
>>> does not touch "/**/"
m() {}
m() {}
>>> does not touch "/***/"
m() {}
m() {}
>>> long box of "*"
m() {}
m() {}
>>> nested comment
* Floo the grumshack.
* Example:
* ```dart
* /** Doc comment */
* var grumshack = getGrumshack();
* /* Do the floo */
* grumshack.floo();
* ```
m() {}
/// Floo the grumshack.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// /** Doc comment */
/// var grumshack = getGrumshack();
/// /* Do the floo */
/// grumshack.floo();
/// ```
m() {}
/** Does a [foo](*example*/doc). **/
m() {}
/// Does a [foo](*example*/doc).
m() {}
/** Does a [foo](*example*/doc). */
m() {}
/// Does a [foo](*example*/doc).
m() {}
>>> non-leading "*"
* Thing.
Another * thing.
m() {}
/// Thing.
/// Another * thing.
m() {}
>>> missing "*" but indented (#821)
This is an ugly dartdoc comment that contains a code block.
class Foo {
final int x;
The formatting gets messed up by `dart format --fix-doc-comments`.
m() {}
/// This is an ugly dartdoc comment that contains a code block.
/// class Foo {
/// final int x;
/// Foo(this.x);
/// }
/// The formatting gets messed up by `dart format --fix-doc-comments`.
m() {}
>>> strip leading indentation shared by all lines
/** 4
* 5
* 2
7 */
m() {}
/// 4
/// 3
/// 5
/// 2
/// 7
m() {}