blob: 9367a9c08e974d1308af4fc1e1c6a1c6039fd4c4 [file] [log] [blame]
>>> enhanced enum language test
// Full syntax, with every possible option.
enum EnumAll<S extends num, T extends num>
with GenericEnumMixin<T>, ObjectMixin
implements Interface, GenericInterface<S> {
v2(y: 2),
v3<int, int>(y: 2),
v4.named(1, y: 2),
v5<int, int>.renamed(1, y: 2),,
/// Static members.
/// Any kind of static variable.
static const sConst = v3;
static final sFinal = v3;
static late final EnumAll sLateFinal;
static late final sLateFinalInit = v3;
static late EnumAll sLateVar;
static late var sLateVarInit = v3;
static EnumAll? sVar;
static EnumAll sVarInit = v3;
/// Static getters, setters and methods
static EnumAll<int, int> get staticGetSet => v3;
static set staticGetSet(EnumAll<int, int> _) {}
static int staticMethod() => 42;
// Constructors.
// Generative, non-redirecting, unnamed.
const EnumAll({T? y})
: constructor = "unnamed", this.x = 0 as S, y = y ?? (0 as T);
// Generative, non-redirecting, named.
const EnumAll.named(this.x, {T? y, String? constructor})
: constructor = constructor ?? "named", y = y ?? (0 as T);
// Generative, redirecting.
const EnumAll.renamed(S x, {T? y})
: this.named(x, y: y, constructor: "renamed");
// Factory, non-redirecting.
factory EnumAll.factory(int index) => values[index] as EnumAll<S, T>;
// Factory, redirecting (only to other factory constructor).
factory EnumAll.refactory(int index) = EnumAll<S, T>.factory;
// Cannot have factory constructors redirecting to generative constructors.
// (Nothing can refer to generative constructors except redirecting generative
// constructors and the implicit element creation expressions.)
// Cannot have const factory constructor, because they *must* redirect to
// generative constructors.
// Cannot have `super`-constructor invocations in initializer lists.
// Instance members.
// Instance variables must be final and non-late because of const constructor.
final String constructor;
final S x;
final num y;
// Getters, setters, methods and operators.
S get instanceGetSet => x;
set instanceGetSet(S _) {}
S instanceMethod() => x;
EnumAll<num, num> operator ^(EnumAll<num, num> other) {
var newIndex = index ^ other.index;
if (newIndex > 4) newIndex = 4;
return values[newIndex]; // Can refer to `values`.
// Can access `this` and `super` in an instance method.
String thisAndSuper() => "${super.toString()}:${this.toString()}";
// Can be callable.
T call<T>(T value) => value;
// Can have an `index` setter.
set index(int value) {}
// Instance members shadow extensions.
String get notExtension => "not extension";
String toString() => "this";
// Full syntax, with every possible option.
enum EnumAll<S extends num, T extends num>
with GenericEnumMixin<T>, ObjectMixin
implements Interface, GenericInterface<S> {
v2(y: 2),
v3<int, int>(y: 2),
v4.named(1, y: 2),
v5<int, int>.renamed(1, y: 2),,
/// Static members.
/// Any kind of static variable.
static const sConst = v3;
static final sFinal = v3;
static late final EnumAll sLateFinal;
static late final sLateFinalInit = v3;
static late EnumAll sLateVar;
static late var sLateVarInit = v3;
static EnumAll? sVar;
static EnumAll sVarInit = v3;
/// Static getters, setters and methods
static EnumAll<int, int> get staticGetSet => v3;
static set staticGetSet(EnumAll<int, int> _) {}
static int staticMethod() => 42;
// Constructors.
// Generative, non-redirecting, unnamed.
const EnumAll({T? y})
: constructor = "unnamed",
this.x = 0 as S,
y = y ?? (0 as T);
// Generative, non-redirecting, named.
const EnumAll.named(this.x, {T? y, String? constructor})
: constructor = constructor ?? "named",
y = y ?? (0 as T);
// Generative, redirecting.
const EnumAll.renamed(S x, {T? y})
: this.named(x, y: y, constructor: "renamed");
// Factory, non-redirecting.
factory EnumAll.factory(int index) => values[index] as EnumAll<S, T>;
// Factory, redirecting (only to other factory constructor).
factory EnumAll.refactory(int index) = EnumAll<S, T>.factory;
// Cannot have factory constructors redirecting to generative constructors.
// (Nothing can refer to generative constructors except redirecting generative
// constructors and the implicit element creation expressions.)
// Cannot have const factory constructor, because they *must* redirect to
// generative constructors.
// Cannot have `super`-constructor invocations in initializer lists.
// Instance members.
// Instance variables must be final and non-late because of const constructor.
final String constructor;
final S x;
final num y;
// Getters, setters, methods and operators.
S get instanceGetSet => x;
set instanceGetSet(S _) {}
S instanceMethod() => x;
EnumAll<num, num> operator ^(EnumAll<num, num> other) {
var newIndex = index ^ other.index;
if (newIndex > 4) newIndex = 4;
return values[newIndex]; // Can refer to `values`.
// Can access `this` and `super` in an instance method.
String thisAndSuper() => "${super.toString()}:${this.toString()}";
// Can be callable.
T call<T>(T value) => value;
// Can have an `index` setter.
set index(int value) {}
// Instance members shadow extensions.
String get notExtension => "not extension";
String toString() => "this";