blob: 3eb8888184093dde714a975974381623fa88a222 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../back_end/code_writer.dart';
import '../constants.dart';
import 'piece.dart';
/// A variable declaration.
/// Used for local variable declaration statements, top-level variable
/// declarations and field declarations.
/// Typed and untyped variables have slightly different splitting logic.
/// Untyped variables never split after the keyword but do indent subsequent
/// variables:
/// ```
/// var longVariableName = initializer,
/// anotherVariable = anotherInitializer;
/// ```
/// Typed variables can split that way too:
/// ```
/// String longVariableName = initializer,
/// anotherVariable = anotherInitializer;
/// ```
/// But they can also split after the type annotation. When that happens, the
/// variables aren't indented:
/// ```
/// VeryLongTypeName
/// longVariableName = initializer,
/// anotherVariable = anotherInitializer;
/// ```
class VariablePiece extends Piece {
/// Split between each variable in a multiple variable declaration.
static const State _betweenVariables = State(1);
/// Split after the type annotation and between each variable.
static const State _afterType = State(2, cost: 2);
/// The leading keywords (`var`, `final`, `late`) and optional type
/// annotation.
final Piece _header;
/// Each individual variable being declared.
final List<Piece> _variables;
/// Whether the variable declaration has a type annotation.
final bool _hasType;
/// Creates a [VariablePiece].
/// The [hasType] parameter should be `true` if the variable declaration has
/// a type annotation.
VariablePiece(this._header, this._variables, {required bool hasType})
: _hasType = hasType;
List<State> get additionalStates => [
if (_variables.length > 1) _betweenVariables,
if (_hasType) _afterType,
void format(CodeWriter writer, State state) {
// If we split at the variables (but not the type), then indent the
// variables and their initializers.
if (state == _betweenVariables) writer.setIndent(Indent.expression);
// Force variables to split if an initializer does.
if (_variables.length > 1 && state == State.unsplit) {
// Split after the type annotation.
writer.splitIf(state == _afterType);
for (var i = 0; i < _variables.length; i++) {
// Split between variables.
if (i > 0) writer.splitIf(state != State.unsplit);
void forEachChild(void Function(Piece piece) callback) {
String toString() => 'Var';