blob: b5b9d2ffefe64c158fb735dd814032e5da91f74f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../back_end/code_writer.dart';
import '../constants.dart';
import 'piece.dart';
/// A piece for a splittable series of items.
/// Items may optionally be delimited with brackets and may have commas added
/// after elements.
/// Used for argument lists, collection literals, parameter lists, etc. This
/// class handles adding and removing the trailing comma depending on whether
/// the list is split or not. It handles comments inside the sequence of
/// elements.
/// Usually constructed using [createList()] or a [DelimitedListBuilder].
class ListPiece extends Piece {
/// The opening bracket before the elements, if any.
final Piece? _before;
/// The list of elements.
final List<ListElement> _elements;
/// The elements that should have a blank line preserved between them and the
/// next piece.
final Set<ListElement> _blanksAfter;
/// The closing bracket after the elements, if any.
final Piece? _after;
/// The details of how this particular list should be formatted.
final ListStyle _style;
/// The state when the list is split.
/// We use this instead of [State.split] because the cost is higher for some
/// kinds of lists.
// TODO(rnystrom): Having to use a different state for this is a little
// cumbersome. Maybe it would be better to most costs out of [State] and
// instead have the [Solver] ask each [Piece] for the cost of its state.
final State _splitState;
this._before, this._elements, this._blanksAfter, this._after, this._style)
: _splitState = State(1, cost: _style.splitCost);
List<State> get additionalStates => [if (_elements.isNotEmpty) _splitState];
void format(CodeWriter writer, State state) {
// TODO(tall): Should support a third state for argument lists with block
// arguments, like:
// ```
// test('description', () {
// ...
// });
// ```
// Format the opening bracket, if there is one.
if (_before case var before?) {
if (_style.splitListIfBeforeSplits && state == State.unsplit) {
if (state == State.unsplit) writer.setAllowNewlines(false);
// Whitespace after the opening bracket.
writer.splitIf(state != State.unsplit,
indent: Indent.block,
space: _style.spaceWhenUnsplit && _elements.isNotEmpty);
// Format the elements.
for (var i = 0; i < _elements.length; i++) {
var isLast = i == _elements.length - 1;
var appendComma = switch (_style.commas) {
// Has a comma after every element.
Commas.alwaysTrailing => true,
// Trailing comma after the last element if split but not otherwise.
Commas.trailing => !(state == State.unsplit && isLast),
// Never a trailing comma after the last element.
Commas.nonTrailing => !isLast,
Commas.none => false,
var element = _elements[i];
element.format(writer, appendComma: appendComma);
// Write a space or newline between elements.
if (!isLast) {
writer.splitIf(state != State.unsplit,
blank: _blanksAfter.contains(element),
// No space after the "[" or "{" in a parameter list.
space: element._delimiter.isEmpty);
// Format the closing bracket, if any.
if (_after case var after?) {
// Whitespace before the closing bracket.
writer.splitIf(state != State.unsplit,
indent: Indent.none,
space: _style.spaceWhenUnsplit && _elements.isNotEmpty);
void forEachChild(void Function(Piece piece) callback) {
if (_before case var before?) callback(before);
for (var argument in _elements) {
if (_after case var after?) callback(after);
String toString() => 'List';
/// An element in a [ListPiece].
/// Contains a piece for the element itself and a comment. Both are optional,
/// but at least one must be present. A [ListElement] containing only a comment
/// is used when a comment appears in a place where it gets formatted like a
/// standalone element. A [ListElement] containing both an element piece and a
/// comment piece represents an element with a hanging comment after the
/// (potentially ommitted) comma:
/// ```dart
/// function(
/// first,
/// // Standalone.
/// second, // Hanging.
/// ```
/// Here, `first` is a [ListElement] with only an element, `// Standalone.` is
/// a [ListElement] with only a comment, and `second, // Hanging.` is a
/// [ListElement] with both where `second` is the element and `// Hanging` is
/// the comment.
final class ListElement {
final Piece? _element;
/// If this piece has an opening delimiter after the comma, this is its
/// lexeme, otherwise an empty string.
/// This is only used for parameter lists when an optional or named parameter
/// section begins in the middle of the parameter list, like:
/// ```
/// function(
/// int parameter1, [
/// int parameter2,
/// ]);
/// ```
final String _delimiter;
final Piece? _comment;
ListElement(Piece element, [Piece? comment]) : this._(element, '', comment);
ListElement.comment(Piece comment) : this._(null, '', comment);
ListElement._(this._element, this._delimiter, [this._comment]);
/// Writes this element to [writer].
/// If [appendComma] is `true`, writes a comma after the element, unless the
/// element shouldn't have one because it's a comment.
void format(CodeWriter writer, {required bool appendComma}) {
if (_element case var element?) {
if (appendComma) writer.write(',');
if (_delimiter.isNotEmpty) {;
if (_comment case var comment?) {
if (_element != null);
void forEachChild(void Function(Piece piece) callback) {
if (_element case var expression?) callback(expression);
if (_comment case var comment?) callback(comment);
/// Returns a new [ListElement] containing this one's element and [comment].
ListElement withComment(Piece comment) {
assert(_comment == null); // Shouldn't already have one.
return ListElement._(_element, _delimiter, comment);
ListElement withDelimiter(String delimiter) {
return ListElement._(_element, delimiter, _comment);
/// Where commas should be added in a [ListPiece].
enum Commas {
/// Add a comma after every element, regardless of whether or not it is split.
/// Add a comma after every element when the elements split, including the
/// last. When not split, omit the trailing comma.
/// Add a comma after every element except for the last, regardless of whether
/// or not it is split.
/// Don't add commas after any elements.
/// The various ways a "list" can appear syntactically and be formatted.
/// [ListPiece] is used for most places in code where a series of elements can
/// be either all on one line or can be each split to their own line with no
/// extra indentation: argument lists, parameter lists, collection literals,
/// type arguments, switch expression cases, etc.
/// These have similar enough formatting to use the same class. And, in
/// particular, they all handle comments between elements the same way. But
/// they vary in whether or not a trailing comma is allowed, whether there
/// should be spaces inside the delimiters when the elements aren't split, etc.
/// This class captures those options.
class ListStyle {
/// How commas should be handled by the list.
/// Most lists use [Commas.trailing]. Type parameters and type arguments use
/// [Commas.nonTrailing]. For loop parts and switch values use [Commas.none].
final Commas commas;
/// The cost of splitting this list. Normally 1, but higher for some lists
/// that look worse when split.
final int splitCost;
/// Whether this list should have spaces inside the bracket when it doesn't
/// split. This is false for most lists, but true for switch expression
/// bodies:
/// ```
/// v = switch (e) { 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two' };
/// // ^ ^
/// ```
final bool spaceWhenUnsplit;
/// Whether a split in the [_before] piece should force the list to split too.
/// Most of the time, this isn't relevant because the before part is usually
/// just a single bracket character.
/// For collection literals with explicit type arguments, the [_before] piece
/// contains the type arguments. If those split, this is `false` to allow the
/// list itself to remain unsplit as in:
/// ```
/// <
/// VeryLongTypeName,
/// AnotherLongTypeName,
/// >{a: 1};
/// ```
/// For switch expressions, the `switch (value) {` part is in [_before] and
/// the body is the list. In that case, if the value splits, we want to force
/// the body to split too:
/// ```
/// // Disallowed:
/// e = switch (
/// "a long string that must wrap"
/// ) { 0 => "ok" };
/// // Instead:
/// e = switch (
/// "a long string that must wrap"
/// ) {
/// 0 => "ok",
/// };
/// ```
final bool splitListIfBeforeSplits;
const ListStyle(
{this.commas = Commas.trailing,
this.splitCost = Cost.normal,
this.spaceWhenUnsplit = false,
this.splitListIfBeforeSplits = false});