blob: b86574aca2bb886c11239f012683cd4fc9a9b49d [file] [log] [blame]
40 columns |
>>> leading whitespace before top comment is deleted
// comment
// comment
//comment one
//comment two
//comment one
//comment two
/* foo */ /* bar */
/* foo */ /* bar */
var x; //x
var x; //x
library foo;
/// Docs
/// spanning
/// lines.
class A {
/// ... and
/// Dangling ones too
int x;
library foo;
/// Docs
/// spanning
/// lines.
class A {}
/// ... and
/// Dangling ones too
int x;
library foo;
//comment one
class C {
library foo;
//comment one
class C {}
library foo;
//comment one
//comment two
class C {
library foo;
//comment one
//comment two
class C {}
import 'a.dart'; // a comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart'; // a comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart'; // a comment
// comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart'; // a comment
// comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart'; /* a */ // b
/* c */ // d
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart'; /* a */ // b
/* c */ // d
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// a comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// a comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// import 'b.dart';
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// import 'b.dart';
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// a comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// a comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// a comment
class Foo {}
import 'a.dart';
// a comment
class Foo {}
>>> two lines between library and import
library foo;
import 'a.dart';
library foo;
import 'a.dart';
>>> two lines between library and export
library foo;
export 'a.dart';
library foo;
export 'a.dart';
>>> two lines between library and part
library foo;
part 'a.dart';
library foo;
part 'a.dart';
>>> before library name
library/* c */foo;
library /* c */ foo;
>>> block comment before "." in library
library a/**/.b.c;
library a /**/ .b.c;
>>> block comment after "." in library
library a./**/b.c;
library a. /**/ b.c;
>>> line comment before "." in library
library a//
library a //
>>> line comment after "." in library
library a.//
library a. //
>>> comment within unnamed library
library/* c */;
library /* c */;
>>> inline block comment between different kinds of directives
library a; /* comment */ import 'b.dart';
library a;
/* comment */ import 'b.dart';
>>> inline block comment between directives
import 'a.dart'; /* comment */ import 'b.dart';
import 'a.dart';
/* comment */ import 'b.dart';
>>> block comment between directives
import 'a.dart'; /* comment */
import 'b.dart';
import 'a.dart'; /* comment */
import 'b.dart';
>>> ensure blank line above doc comments
var a = 1;
/// doc
var b = 2;
var a = 1;
/// doc
var b = 2;
>>> in dotted name
import 'a' if (/**/a/**/./**/b/**/) 'c';
import 'a'
if (/**/ a /**/ . /**/ b /**/) 'c';