blob: 709b3739e671db0c1e2188e14ddd551ca5e82eb7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.line_splitting.rule_set;
import '../rule/rule.dart';
/// An optimized data structure for storing a set of values for some rules.
/// This conceptually behaves roughly like a `Map<Rule, int>`, but is much
/// faster since it avoids hashing. Instead, it assumes the line splitter has
/// provided an ordered list of [Rule]s and that each rule's [index] field has
/// been set to point to the rule in the list.
/// Internally, this then just stores the values in a sparse list whose indices
/// are the indices of the rules.
class RuleSet {
List<int> _values;
RuleSet(int numRules) : this._(new List(numRules));
/// Returns `true` of [rule] is bound in this set.
bool contains(Rule rule) => _values[rule.index] != null;
/// Gets the bound value for [rule] or `0` if it is not bound.
int getValue(Rule rule) {
var value = _values[rule.index];
if (value != null) return value;
return 0;
/// Invokes [callback] for each rule in [rules] with the rule's value, which
/// will be `null` if it is not bound.
void forEach(List<Rule> rules, callback(Rule rule, int value)) {
var i = 0;
for (var rule in rules) {
var value = _values[i];
if (value != null) callback(rule, value);
/// Creates a new [RuleSet] with the same bound rule values as this one.
RuleSet clone() => new RuleSet._(_values.toList(growable: false));
/// Binds [rule] to [value] then checks to see if that violates any
/// constraints.
/// Returns `true` if all constraints between the bound rules are valid. Even
/// if not, this still modifies the [RuleSet].
/// If an unbound rule gets constrained to `-1` (meaning it must split, but
/// can split any way it wants), invokes [onSplitRule] with it.
bool tryBind(List<Rule> rules, Rule rule, int value, onSplitRule(Rule rule)) {
_values[rule.index] = value;
// Test this rule against the other rules being bound.
for (var other in rules) {
if (rule == other) continue;
var otherValue = _values[other.index];
var constraint = rule.constrain(value, other);
if (otherValue == null) {
// The other rule is unbound, so see if we can constrain it eagerly to
// a value now.
if (constraint == -1) {
// If we know the rule has to split and there's only one way it can,
// just bind that.
if (other.numValues == 2) {
if (!tryBind(rules, other, 1, onSplitRule)) return false;
} else {
} else if (constraint != null) {
// Bind the other rule to its value and recursively propagate its
// constraints.
if (!tryBind(rules, other, constraint, onSplitRule)) return false;
} else {
// It's already bound, so see if the new rule's constraint disallows
// that value.
if (constraint == -1) {
if (otherValue == 0) return false;
} else if (constraint != null) {
if (otherValue != constraint) return false;
// See if the other rule's constraint allows us to use this value.
constraint = other.constrain(otherValue, rule);
if (constraint == -1) {
if (value == 0) return false;
} else if (constraint != null) {
if (value != constraint) return false;
return true;
String toString() => => value == null ? "?" : value).join(" ");
/// For each chunk, this tracks if it has been split and, if so, what the
/// chosen column is for the following line.
/// Internally, this uses a list where each element corresponds to the column
/// of the chunk at that index in the chunk list, or `null` if that chunk did
/// not split. This had about a 10% perf improvement over using a [Set] of
/// splits.
class SplitSet {
List<int> _columns;
/// The cost of the solution that led to these splits.
int get cost => _cost;
int _cost;
/// Creates a new empty split set for a line with [numChunks].
SplitSet(int numChunks) : _columns = new List(numChunks - 1);
/// Marks the line after chunk [index] as starting at [column].
void add(int index, int column) {
_columns[index] = column;
/// Returns `true` if the chunk at [splitIndex] should be split.
bool shouldSplitAt(int index) =>
index < _columns.length && _columns[index] != null;
/// Gets the zero-based starting column for the chunk at [index].
int getColumn(int index) => _columns[index];
/// Sets the resulting [cost] for the splits.
/// This can only be called once.
void setCost(int cost) {
assert(_cost == null);
_cost = cost;
String toString() {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _columns.length; i++) {
if (_columns[i] != null) {
return result.join(" ");