blob: d5953ea985fc1ee4dd13a5ee358604064c9051a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.test.tall_format_test;
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() async {
await testDirectory('tall/declaration');
await testDirectory('tall/expression');
await testDirectory('tall/function');
await testDirectory('tall/invocation');
await testDirectory('tall/pattern');
await testDirectory('tall/selection');
await testDirectory('tall/statement');
await testDirectory('tall/top_level');
await testDirectory('tall/type');
await testDirectory('tall/variable');
await testDirectory('tall/regression');
await testBenchmarks(useTallStyle: true);
test('throws a FormatterException on failed parse', () {
var formatter = DartFormatter();
expect(() => formatter.format('wat?!'), throwsA(isA<FormatterException>()));
test('FormatterException.message() does not throw', () {
// This is a regression test for #358 where an error whose position is
// past the end of the source caused FormatterException to throw.
() => DartFormatter().format('library'),
(e) => e.message(), 'message', contains('Could not format'))));
test('FormatterException describes parse errors', () {
expect(() {
var a = some error;
var b = another one;
''', uri: 'my_file.dart');
fail('Should throw.');
(e) => e.message(),
allOf(contains('Could not format'), contains('line 2'),
contains('line 4')))));
test('adds newline to unit', () {
expect(DartFormatter().format('var x = 1;'), equals('var x = 1;\n'));
test('adds newline to unit after trailing comment', () {
expect(DartFormatter().format('library foo; //zamm'),
equals('library foo; //zamm\n'));
test('removes extra newlines', () {
expect(DartFormatter().format('var x = 1;\n\n\n'), equals('var x = 1;\n'));
test('does not add newline to statement', () {
expect(DartFormatter().formatStatement('var x = 1;'), equals('var x = 1;'));
test('fails if anything is after the statement', () {
() => DartFormatter().formatStatement('var x = 1;;'),
.having((e) => e.errors.length, 'errors.length', equals(1))
.having((e) => e.errors.first.offset, 'errors.length.first.offset',
test('preserves initial indent', () {
var formatter = DartFormatter(indent: 3);
formatter.formatStatement('if (foo) {bar;}'),
equals(' if (foo) {\n'
' bar;\n'
' }'));
group('line endings', () {
test('uses given line ending', () {
// Use zero width no-break space character as the line ending. We have
// to use a whitespace character for the line ending as the formatter
// will throw an error if it accidentally makes non-whitespace changes
// as will occur
var lineEnding = '\t';
expect(DartFormatter(lineEnding: lineEnding).format('var i = 1;'),
equals('var i = 1;\t'));
test('infers \\r\\n if the first newline uses that', () {
equals('var i = 1;\r\n'));
test('infers \\n if the first newline uses that', () {
equals('var i = 1;\n'));
test('defaults to \\n if there are no newlines', () {
expect(DartFormatter().format('var i =1;'), equals('var i = 1;\n'));
test('handles Windows line endings in multiline strings', () {
DartFormatter(lineEnding: '\r\n').formatStatement(' """first\r\n'
'third""" ;'),
test('throws an UnexpectedOutputException on non-whitespace changes', () {
// Use an invalid line ending character to ensure the formatter will
// attempt to make non-whitespace changes.
var formatter = DartFormatter(lineEnding: '%');
expect(() => formatter.format('var i = 1;'),