blob: 95768a4f6e1c7a6e65c8f79446801d6156018bab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart_style.src.rule.argument;
import '../chunk.dart';
import 'rule.dart';
/// Base class for a rule that handles argument or parameter lists.
abstract class ArgumentRule extends Rule {
/// The rule used to split block arguments in the argument list, if any.
final Rule _blockRule;
/// If true, then inner rules that are written will force this rule to split.
/// Temporarily disabled while writing block arguments so that they can be
/// multi-line without forcing the whole argument list to split.
bool _trackInnerRules = true;
/// Don't split when an inner block rule splits.
bool get splitsOnInnerRules => _trackInnerRules;
/// Creates a new rule for a positional argument list.
/// If [_blockRule] is given, it is the rule used to split the block
/// arguments in the list.
/// Called before a block argument is written.
/// Disables tracking inner rules while a block argument is being written.
void beforeBlockArgument() {
assert(_trackInnerRules == true);
_trackInnerRules = false;
/// Called after a block argument is complete.
/// Re-enables tracking inner rules after a block argument is complete.
void afterBlockArgument() {
assert(_trackInnerRules == false);
_trackInnerRules = true;
/// Base class for a rule for handling positional argument lists.
abstract class PositionalRule extends ArgumentRule {
/// The chunks prior to each positional argument.
final List<Chunk> _arguments = [];
/// If there are named arguments following these positional ones, this will
/// be their rule.
Rule _namedArgsRule;
/// Creates a new rule for a positional argument list.
/// If [blockRule] is given, it is the rule used to split the block arguments
/// in the list.
PositionalRule(Rule blockRule) : super(blockRule);
/// Remembers [chunk] as containing the split that occurs right before an
/// argument in the list.
void beforeArgument(Chunk chunk) {
/// Remembers that [rule] is the [NamedArgsRule] immediately following this
/// positional argument list.
void setNamedArgsRule(NamedRule rule) {
_namedArgsRule = rule;
/// Constrains the named argument list to at least move to the next line if
/// there are any splits in the positional arguments. Prevents things like:
/// function(
/// argument,
/// argument, named: argument);
int constrain(int value, Rule other) {
var constrained = super.constrain(value, other);
if (constrained != null) return constrained;
// Handle the relationship between the positional and named args.
if (other == _namedArgsRule) {
// If the positional args are one-per-line, the named args are too.
if (value == fullySplitValue) return _namedArgsRule.fullySplitValue;
// Otherwise, if there is any split in the positional arguments, don't
// allow the named arguments on the same line as them.
if (value != 0) return -1;
return null;
/// Split rule for a call with a single positional argument (which may or may
/// not be a block argument.)
class SinglePositionalRule extends PositionalRule {
int get numValues => 2;
/// If there is only a single argument, allow it to split internally without
/// forcing a split before the argument.
bool get splitsOnInnerRules => false;
/// Creates a new rule for a positional argument list.
/// If [blockRule] is given, it is the rule used to split the block arguments
/// in the list. If [isSingleArgument] is `true`, then the argument list will
/// only contain a single argument.
SinglePositionalRule(Rule blockRule) : super(blockRule);
bool isSplit(int value, Chunk chunk) => value == 1;
int constrain(int value, Rule other) {
var constrained = super.constrain(value, other);
if (constrained != null) return constrained;
if (other != _blockRule) return null;
// If we aren't splitting any args, we can split the block.
if (value == 0) return null;
// We are splitting before a block, so don't let it split internally.
return 0;
String toString() => "1Pos${super.toString()}";
/// Split rule for a call with more than one positional argument.
/// The number of values is based on the number of arguments and whether or not
/// there are bodies. The first two values are always:
/// * 0: Do not split at all.
/// * 1: Split only before the first argument.
/// Then there is a value for each argument, to split before that argument.
/// These values work back to front. So, for a two-argument list, value 2 splits
/// after the second argument and value 3 splits after the first.
/// Then there is a value that splits before every argument.
/// Finally, if there are block arguments, there is another value that splits
/// before all of the non-block arguments, but does not split before the block
/// ones, so that they can split internally.
class MultiplePositionalRule extends PositionalRule {
/// The number of leading block arguments.
/// This and [_trailingBlocks] cannot both be positive. If every argument is
/// a block, this will be [_arguments.length] and [_trailingBlocks] will be 0.
final int _leadingBlocks;
/// The number of trailing block arguments.
/// This and [_leadingBlocks] cannot both be positive.
final int _trailingBlocks;
int get numValues {
// Can split before any one argument, none, or all.
var result = 2 + _arguments.length;
// When there are block arguments, there are two ways we can split on "all"
// arguments:
// - Split on just the non-block arguments, and force the block arguments
// to split internally.
// - Split on all of them including the block arguments, and do not allow
// the block arguments to split internally.
if (_leadingBlocks > 0 || _trailingBlocks > 0) result++;
return result;
Rule blockRule, this._leadingBlocks, this._trailingBlocks)
: super(blockRule);
String toString() => "*Pos${super.toString()}";
bool isSplit(int value, Chunk chunk) {
// Don't split at all.
if (value == 0) return false;
// Split only before the first argument. Keep the entire argument list
// together on the next line.
if (value == 1) return chunk == _arguments.first;
// Split before a single argument. Try later arguments before earlier ones
// to try to keep as much on the first line as possible.
if (value <= _arguments.length) {
var argument = _arguments.length - value + 1;
return chunk == _arguments[argument];
// Only split before the non-block arguments. Note that we consider this
// case to correctly prefer this over the latter case because function
// block arguments always split internally. Preferring this case ensures we
// avoid:
// function( // <-- :(
// () {
// ...
// }),
// argument,
// ...
// argument;
if (value == _arguments.length + 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < _leadingBlocks; i++) {
if (chunk == _arguments[i]) return false;
for (var i = _arguments.length - _trailingBlocks;
i < _arguments.length;
i++) {
if (chunk == _arguments[i]) return false;
return true;
// Split before all of the arguments, even the block ones.
return true;
int constrain(int value, Rule other) {
var constrained = super.constrain(value, other);
if (constrained != null) return constrained;
if (other != _blockRule) return null;
// If we aren't splitting any args, we can split the block.
if (value == 0) return null;
// Split only before the first argument.
if (value == 1) {
if (_leadingBlocks > 0) {
// We are splitting before a block, so don't let it split internally.
return 0;
} else {
// The split is outside of the blocks so they can split or not.
return null;
// Split before a single argument. If it's in the middle of the block
// arguments, don't allow them to split.
if (value <= _arguments.length) {
var argument = _arguments.length - value + 1;
if (argument < _leadingBlocks) return 0;
if (argument >= _arguments.length - _trailingBlocks) return 0;
return null;
// Only split before the non-block arguments. This case only comes into
// play when we do want to split the blocks, so force that here.
if (value == _arguments.length + 1) return 1;
// Split before all of the arguments, even the block ones, so don't let
// them split.
return 0;
/// Splitting rule for a list of named arguments or parameters. Its values mean:
/// * 0: Do not split at all.
/// * 1: Split only before first argument.
/// * 2: Split before all arguments, including the first.
class NamedRule extends ArgumentRule {
/// The chunk prior to the first named argument.
Chunk _first;
int get numValues => 3;
NamedRule(Rule blockRule) : super(blockRule);
void beforeArguments(Chunk chunk) {
assert(_first == null);
_first = chunk;
bool isSplit(int value, Chunk chunk) {
switch (value) {
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return chunk == _first;
case 2:
return true;
throw "unreachable";
int constrain(int value, Rule other) {
var constrained = super.constrain(value, other);
if (constrained != null) return constrained;
if (other != _blockRule) return null;
// If we aren't splitting any args, we can split the block.
if (value == 0) return null;
// Split before all of the arguments, even the block ones, so don't let
// them split.
return 0;
String toString() => "Named${super.toString()}";