blob: 60bb925b20c7326f027a786f922eb0efdcef70dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'cli/formatter_options.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'dart_formatter.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'language_version_cache.dart';
import 'source_code.dart';
/// Reads and formats input from stdin until closed.
Future<void> formatStdin(
FormatterOptions options, List<int>? selection, String name) async {
var selectionStart = 0;
var selectionLength = 0;
if (selection != null) {
selectionStart = selection[0];
selectionLength = selection[1];
var completer = Completer<void>();
var input = StringBuffer();
stdin.transform(const Utf8Decoder()).listen(input.write, onDone: () {
var formatter = DartFormatter(
languageVersion: options.languageVersion,
indent: options.indent,
pageWidth: options.pageWidth,
fixes: options.fixes,
experimentFlags: options.experimentFlags);
try {
options.beforeFile(null, name);
var source = SourceCode(input.toString(),
uri: name,
selectionStart: selectionStart,
selectionLength: selectionLength);
var output = formatter.formatSource(source);
options.afterFile(null, name, output,
changed: source.text != output.text);
} on FormatterException catch (err) {
exitCode = 65; // sysexits.h: EX_DATAERR
} catch (err, stack) {
stderr.writeln('''Hit a bug in the formatter when formatting stdin.
Please report at:
exitCode = 70; // sysexits.h: EX_SOFTWARE
return completer.future;
/// Formats all of the files and directories given by [paths].
Future<void> formatPaths(FormatterOptions options, List<String> paths) async {
// If the user didn't specify a language version, then look for surrounding
// package configs so we know what language versions to use for the files.
LanguageVersionCache? cache;
if (options.languageVersion == null) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Remove the experiment check when the experiment ships.
if (options.experimentFlags.contains(tallStyleExperimentFlag)) {
cache = LanguageVersionCache();
for (var path in paths) {
var directory = Directory(path);
if (directory.existsSync()) {
if (!await _processDirectory(cache, options, directory)) {
exitCode = 65;
var file = File(path);
if (file.existsSync()) {
if (!await _processFile(cache, options, file)) {
exitCode = 65;
} else {
stderr.writeln('No file or directory found at "$path".');
/// Runs the formatter on every .dart file in [path] (and its subdirectories),
/// and replaces them with their formatted output.
/// Returns `true` if successful or `false` if an error occurred in any of the
/// files.
Future<bool> _processDirectory(LanguageVersionCache? cache,
FormatterOptions options, Directory directory) async {
var success = true;
var shownHiddenPaths = <String>{};
var entries =
directory.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: options.followLinks);
entries.sort((a, b) => a.path.compareTo(b.path));
for (var entry in entries) {
var displayPath =, entry.path);
if (entry is Link) {
if (entry is! File || !entry.path.endsWith('.dart')) continue;
// If the path is in a subdirectory starting with ".", ignore it.
var parts = p.split(p.relative(entry.path, from: directory.path));
int? hiddenIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i].startsWith('.')) {
hiddenIndex = i;
if (hiddenIndex != null) {
// Since we'll hide everything inside the directory starting with ".",
// show the directory name once instead of once for each file.
var hiddenPath = p.joinAll(parts.take(hiddenIndex + 1));
if (shownHiddenPaths.add(hiddenPath)) {
if (!await _processFile(cache, options, entry, displayPath: displayPath)) {
success = false;
return success;
/// Runs the formatter on [file].
/// Returns `true` if successful or `false` if an error occurred.
Future<bool> _processFile(
LanguageVersionCache? cache, FormatterOptions options, File file,
{String? displayPath}) async {
displayPath ??= file.path;
// Determine what language version to use. If we have a language version
// cache, that implies that we should use the surrounding package config to
// infer the file's language version. Otherwise, use the user-provided
// version.
Version? languageVersion;
if (cache != null) {
try {
// Look for a package config. If we don't find one, default to the latest
// language version.
languageVersion = await cache.find(file);
} catch (error) {
stderr.writeln('Could not read package configuration for '
stderr.writeln('To avoid searching for a package configuration, '
'specify a language version using "--language-version".');
return false;
} else {
languageVersion = options.languageVersion;
var formatter = DartFormatter(
languageVersion: languageVersion ?? DartFormatter.latestLanguageVersion,
indent: options.indent,
pageWidth: options.pageWidth,
fixes: options.fixes,
experimentFlags: options.experimentFlags);
try {
var source = SourceCode(file.readAsStringSync(), uri: file.path);
options.beforeFile(file, displayPath);
var output = formatter.formatSource(source);
options.afterFile(file, displayPath, output,
changed: source.text != output.text);
return true;
} on FormatterException catch (err) {
var color = Platform.operatingSystem != 'windows' &&
stdioType(stderr) == StdioType.terminal;
stderr.writeln(err.message(color: color));
} on UnexpectedOutputException catch (err) {
stderr.writeln('''Hit a bug in the formatter when formatting $displayPath.
Please report at''');
} catch (err, stack) {
stderr.writeln('''Hit a bug in the formatter when formatting $displayPath.
Please report at
return false;