blob: e0b2d24c2152602a8128bf3a43aee5ee6e4c5f94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';
import 'package:current_results/src/generated/google/pubsub/v1/pubsub.pbgrpc.dart';
class BucketNotifications {
late SubscriberClient client;
late Subscription subscription;
Future<void> initialize() async {
final authenticator = await applicationDefaultCredentialsAuthenticator(
final channel = ClientChannel('',
const ChannelOptions(credentials:;
client = SubscriberClient(channel, options: authenticator.toCallOptions);
subscription = await client.createSubscription(Subscription()
..topic = 'projects/dart-ci/topics/results-storage-objects');
Future<List<PubsubMessage>> getMessages() async {
final response = await client.pull(PullRequest()
..subscription =
..maxMessages = 1000);
if (response.receivedMessages.isNotEmpty) {
await client.acknowledge(AcknowledgeRequest()
..subscription =
.addAll( => message.ackId)));
return [for (final message in response.receivedMessages) message.message];