blob: 82f55a7c44189cffaf569151ddf16dfa76bcdbd5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Find the newest commit that has a full set of results on the builders.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
final parser = ArgParser();
abbr: 'b',
help: 'Select the builders matching the glob [option is repeatable]',
splitCommas: false);
abbr: 'B',
help: 'Select the builders building this branch',
defaultsTo: 'main');
abbr: 'c', help: 'List this many commits', defaultsTo: '1');
parser.addFlag('help', help: 'Show the program usage.', negatable: false);
final options = parser.parse(args);
if (options['help']) {
Usage: find_base_commit.dart [OPTION]...
Find the newest commit that has a full set of results on the builders.
The options are as follows:
int count = int.parse(options['count']);
final globs = List<Glob>.from(
options['builder'].map((String pattern) => Glob(pattern)));
// Download the most recent builds from buildbucket.
const maxBuilds = 1000;
final url = Uri.parse(''
const maxRetries = 3;
const timeout = Duration(seconds: 30);
final query = jsonEncode({
'predicate': {
'builder': {'project': 'dart', 'bucket': 'ci.sandbox'},
'status': 'ENDED_MASK'
'pageSize': maxBuilds,
'fields': 'builds.*.builder.builder,builds.*.input'
late Map<String, dynamic> searchResult;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxRetries; i++) {
try {
final client = HttpClient();
final request = await client.postUrl(url).timeout(timeout)
..headers.contentType = ContentType.json
..headers.add(HttpHeaders.acceptHeader, ContentType.json)
final response = await request.close().timeout(timeout);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
print('Failed to search for builds: '
const prefix = ")]}'";
searchResult = await (response
.map((event) =>
event.startsWith(prefix) ? event.substring(prefix.length) : event)
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()
} on TimeoutException catch (e) {
final inSeconds = e.duration?.inSeconds;
'Attempt $i of $maxRetries timed out after $inSeconds seconds');
if (i == maxRetries) {
stderr.writeln('error: Failed to download $url');
// Locate the builds we're interested in and map them to each commit. The
// builds returned by the API are sorted with the newest first. Since builders
// don't build back in time and always build the latest commit whenever they
// can, the first time we see a commit, we know it's newer than all commits
// we haven't seen yet. The insertion order into the buildersForCommits map
// will then sorted with the newest commit first.
final builds = searchResult['builds'];
if (builds == null) {
print('No builds found');
final buildersForCommits = <String, Set<String>>{};
for (final build in builds) {
final builder = build['builder']?['builder'];
if (builder is! String ||
builder.endsWith('-beta') ||
builder.endsWith('-dev') ||
builder.endsWith('-stable')) {
// Ignore the release builders. The -try builders aren't in the
// bucket we're reading.
if (globs.isNotEmpty && !globs.any((glob) => glob.matches(builder))) {
// Filter way builders we're not interested in.
final input = build['input']?['gitilesCommit'];
if (input == null) {
// Ignore builds not triggered by a commit, e.g. fuzz-linux.
final ref = input['ref'];
if (ref != "refs/heads/${options['branch']}") {
// Ignore builds on the wrong branch.
final commit = input['id'] as String;
final buildersForCommit =
buildersForCommits.putIfAbsent(commit, () => <String>{});
if (buildersForCommits.isEmpty) {
print('Failed to locate any commits having run on the builders');
exitCode = 1;
int maxBots = 0;
for (final builders in buildersForCommits.values) {
maxBots = max(maxBots, builders.length);
// List commits run on the most builders.
for (final commit in buildersForCommits.keys
.where((commit) => buildersForCommits[commit]!.length == maxBots)
.take(count)) {