blob: 75e095cc81a9d19ea4e081a689ab12759c3a9fc8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:node_http/node_http.dart' as http;
// For testing, use instead: import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
// TODO(whesse): Inject http Client() through dependency injection.
import 'firestore.dart';
void info(Object message) {
print("Info: $message");
void error(Object message) {
print("Error: $message");
const prefix = ")]}'\n";
bool isChangedResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) =>
result['changed'] && !result['flaky'] && !result['previous_flaky'];
const months = const {
'Jan': '01',
'Feb': '02',
'Mar': '03',
'Apr': '04',
'May': '05',
'Jun': '06',
'Jul': '07',
'Aug': '08',
'Sep': '09',
'Oct': '10',
'Nov': '11',
'Dec': '12'
DateTime parseGitilesDateTime(String gitiles) {
final parts = gitiles.split(' ');
final year = parts[4];
final month = months[parts[1]];
final day = parts[2].padLeft(2, '0');
return DateTime.parse('$year-$month-$day ${parts[3]} ${parts[5]}');
/// A Builder holds information about a CI build, and can
/// store the changed results from that build, using an injected
/// Firestore() object.
/// Tryjob builds are represented by a subclass Tryjob of this class.
class Build {
final FirestoreService firestore;
final String commitHash;
final Map<String, dynamic> firstResult;
String builderName;
int buildNumber;
int startIndex;
int endIndex;
Statistics stats = Statistics();
Build(this.commitHash, this.firstResult, this.firestore)
: builderName = firstResult['builder_name'],
buildNumber = int.parse(firstResult['build_number']);
Future<void> process(List<Map<String, dynamic>> results) async {
final configurations = => change['configuration'] as String).toSet();
await update(configurations);
await Future.forEach(
results.where(isChangedResult), (result) => storeChange(result));;
Future<void> update(Iterable<String> configurations) async {
await storeBuildCommitsInfo();
await storeConfigurationsInfo(configurations);
await firestore.updateBuildInfo(builderName, buildNumber, endIndex);
/// Stores the commit info for the blamelist of result.
/// If the info is already there does nothing.
/// Saves the commit indices of the start and end of the blamelist.
Future<void> storeBuildCommitsInfo() async {
// Get indices of change. Range includes startIndex and endIndex.
var commit = await firestore.getCommit(commitHash);
if (commit == null) {
await getMissingCommits();
commit = await firestore.getCommit(commitHash);
if (commit == null) {
error('Result received with unknown commit hash $commitHash');
endIndex = commit['index'];
// If this is a new builder, use the current commit as a trivial blamelist.
if (firstResult['previous_commit_hash'] == null) {
startIndex = endIndex;
} else {
commit = await firestore.getCommit(firstResult['previous_commit_hash']);
startIndex = commit['index'] + 1;
Future<void> getMissingCommits() async {
final lastCommit = await firestore.getLastCommit(commitHash);
final lastHash = lastCommit['id'];
final lastIndex = lastCommit['index'];
final logUrl = '';
final range = '$lastHash..master';
final parameters = ['format=JSON', 'topo-order', 'n=1000'];
final url = '$logUrl$range?${parameters.join('&')}';
final client = http.NodeClient();
// For testing, use http.Client(); TODO(whesse): Inject correct http.
final response = await client.get(url);
final protectedJson = response.body;
if (!protectedJson.startsWith(prefix))
throw Exception('Gerrit response missing prefix $prefix: $protectedJson');
final commits = jsonDecode(protectedJson.substring(prefix.length))['log']
as List<dynamic>;
if (commits.isEmpty) {
info('Found no new commits between $lastHash and master');
stats.commitsFetched = commits.length;
final first = commits.last as Map<String, dynamic>;
if (first['parents'].first != lastHash) {
error('First new commit ${first['parents'].first} is not'
' a child of last known commit $lastHash when fetching new commits');
throw ('First new commit ${first['parents'].first} is not'
' a child of last known commit $lastHash when fetching new commits');
if (!commits.any((commit) => commit['commit'] == commitHash)) {
info('Did not find commit $commitHash when fetching new commits');
var index = lastIndex + 1;
for (Map<String, dynamic> commit in commits.reversed) {
await firestore.addCommit(commit['commit'], {
'author': commit['author']['email'],
'created': parseGitilesDateTime(commit['committer']['time']),
'index': index,
'title': commit['message'].split('\n').first
Future<void> storeConfigurationsInfo(Iterable<String> configurations) async {
for (final configuration in configurations) {
await firestore.updateConfiguration(configuration, builderName);
Future<void> storeChange(Map<String, dynamic> change) async {
firestore.storeChange(change, startIndex, endIndex);
class Statistics {
int results = 0;
int changes = 0;
int newRecords = 0;
int modifiedRecords = 0;
int commitsFetched = 0;
void report() {
info("Number of changed results processed: $changes");
info("Number of results processed: $results");
info("Number of firestore records produced: $newRecords");
info("Number of firestore records modified: $modifiedRecords");
info("Number of commits fetched: $commitsFetched");