blob: a97e2faac107fc0b898099d4ed1021b9fa52d1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package results_feed;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// Documentation of the data stored in the dart_ci Firestore database.
// This data is used by result_feed to display and approve new test failures.
// This proto definition file is not actually used in any of the code.
// No generated protobuf code for Dart is created from this.
// This file is currently just documentation.
// Describes a changed result on a test, on one or more configurations,
// that occurs on builds that test the commits in a given blamelist.
// When a test result is reported on a configuration that agrees in
// name, result, and previous result with this record, and the blamelist
// of this test run overlaps the blamelist of this record, then the
// configuration is added to the list of configurations and the blamelist
// is intersected with the blamelist of this run.
message Result {
// Unique document ID created by Firestore for this document.
// Not a field in the document.
string id = 1;
string name = 2; // The full path of the test, as output by
string result = 3; // The new result of the test.
// The result of the test on builds immediately before these builds.
string previous_result = 4;
// The expected result of this test, given in the test source.
// Some tests are written to produce an error of a specific type.
// This is not the approval status of the test.
string expected = 5;
// The configurations that produced this changed result when tested.
repeated string configurations = 6;
// Commits to sdk/master are indexed consecutively in the table 'commits'.
int32 blamelist_start_index = 7;
int32 blamelist_end_index = 8; // Inclusive: this commit is in the blamelist.
reserved 9; // Unused
// Optional: The index of a the commit that is responsible for these changes.
// Chosen by a user in the results feed UI.
int32 pinned_index = 10;
reserved 11, 12; // Used in TryResult
bool approved = 13; // May be missing in older records, interpreted as false.
// Configurations where this result is the latest change to
// the result of this test are considered active. If a new change comes in,
// changing the result of this test on a configuration, that configuration is
// removed from the set active_configurations.
// The 'active' and 'active_configurations' fields are present only if there
// are some active configurations remaining.
// Present, and true, if this result is still active on some configuration.
bool active = 14;
// Present only if nonempty. The configurations on which this is
// the latest change to this test's result.
repeated string active_configurations = 15;
// Similar to a Result message, but representing results from a try builder.
// There is no blamelist. Gerrit CL and patchset numbers identify the build.
message TryResult {
// Unique document ID created by Firestore for this document.
string id = 1;
string name = 2; // The full path of the test, as output by
string result = 3; // The new result of the test.
// The result of the test on builds immediately before these builds.
string previous_result = 4;
// The expected result of this test, given in the test source.
// Some tests are written to produce an error of a specific type.
// This is not the approval status of the test.
string expected = 5;
// The configurations that produced this changed result when tested.
repeated string configurations = 6;
// Used in Result. We may want to merge the two types later.
reserved 7 to 10;
// The Gerrit CL number.
int32 review = 11;
int32 patchset = 12;
bool approved = 13; // May be missing in older records, interpreted as false.
// Represents a single build of a CI builder
message Build {
// The document ID is the concatenation of builder, a colon ':', and index.
string id = 1;
int32 build_number = 2; // The build number from buildbucket.
string builder = 3;
int32 index = 4; // The index of the commit this build built.
int32 num_chunks = 5; // The number of chunks of results for this build.
int32 processed_chunks = 6; // The number of results chunks received.
// True if no new unapproved failures have been received.
bool success = 7;
bool completed = 8; // True if all chunks have been received.
message TryBuild {
// The document ID is the concatenation of builder, ':', review, ':',
// and patchset.
string id = 1;
int32 build_number = 2;
string builder = 3;
reserved 4;
int32 num_chunks = 5; // The number of chunks of results for this build.
int32 processed_chunks = 6; // The number of results chunks received.
// True if no new unapproved failures have been received.
bool success = 7;
bool completed = 8; // True if all chunks have been received.
int32 review = 9;
int32 patchset = 10;
string buildbucket_id = 11;
message Commit {
// The hash of a commit in the dart-sdk repo.
// Stored as the document ID, not a field.
string id = 1;
// The position of the commit in the sdk master branch, only considering
// the first parent of each commit, a linear chain.
int32 index = 2;
string author = 3; // The author of the commit, as an email address.
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 4;
string title = 5; // The first line of the commit message.
int32 review = 6; // Optional: the id of the review this commit lands.
string revert_of = 7; // Optional: the hash of the commit this commit reverts.
string reland_of = 8; // Optional: the hash of the relanded commit.
// A map from configuration names to builder names.
// Currently some configurations are on multiple builders, so unstable. Fix.
message Configuration {
string id = 1; // The name of the configuration. Stored as the document ID.
string builder = 2;
// A Gerrit review. Only the information needed for our display of try results.
message Review {
string id = 1; // The Gerrit review number (CL number)
string subject = 2; // The first line of the commit message.
string revert_of = 3; // Optional: the hash of the commit this review reverts.
message Patchset {
string id = 1; // The patchset number.
string description = 2; // The description of this patchset.
// The string giving the type of patchset, a rebase, changed commit message,
// or a new upload, which is called 'REWORK'.
string kind = 3;
int32 number = 4; // Identical to id.
// The number of the first patchset that differs from this patchset only by
// rebases and commit message changes.
int32 patchset_group = 5;
repeated Patchset patchsets = 3;
int32 landed_index = 4; // Optional: The index of the commit landing the CL.
message Comment {
// Unique document ID created by Firestore for this document.
string id = 1;
// The email address of the user who made this comment/approval.
string author = 2;
// The time that the comment/approval was entered
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 3;
// The text of the comment (optional if link is present).
string comment = 4;
reserved 5;
// If approved is true, this comment approves the linked tests
// If approved is false, it removes any earlier approvals on these tests
// If the field is missing, it does not change the current approval status
bool approved = 6;
// The results that this comment approves or disapproves.
// The field values are the document IDs of the Result or TryResult records
// If the comment is just a reply, and does not approve anything, these
// fields will be missing.
repeated string results = 7;
repeated string try_results = 8;
reserved 9;
// These are copies of the fields in the results this comment refers to.
// A comment may belong to both a review and to the commit landing the review.
// These are the fields from a Result message
int32 blamelist_start_index = 10;
int32 blamelist_end_index = 11;
int32 pinned_index = 12;
// These are the fields from a TryResult message
int32 review = 13;
int32 patchset = 14;