blob: 4c44293235adaf5e172d8d47ef0db7a2d17d7bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Sample comment records used by comments_test.dart
// This data needs to be modified when new sample data is created
// for the staging database, since it include ids for the result records
// the comments apply to.
final commentId1 = 'sampleId00001';
final commentThreadId = 'sampleId00002';
final commentId2 = 'sampleId00003';
final commentId3 = 'sampleId00004';
final result1 = "1d91eLOxn3mWjJY9qsEO";
final result2 = "RyMWa5iGfYCjUms0FBU7";
final result3 = "FkCKOa7uZQdtEpidTYbe";
final result4 = "JCXiPwG5O7td1X5wjSzA";
final result5 = "rjDBqGpGiIDOJgimyIid";
final result6 = "";
// These documents are added to the sample database for testing, then removed.
Map<String, dynamic> commentsSampleData = {
"comments/$commentId1": {
"author": "",
"created": DateTime.parse("2019-11-20 20:18:00Z"),
"comment": "Sample comment approving a test",
"approved": true,
"results": [result1],
"blamelist_start_index": 66142,
"blamelist_end_index": 66142
"comments/$commentThreadId": {
"author": "",
"created": DateTime.parse("2019-11-21 20:19:00Z"),
"comment": "Sample comment approving 2 tests",
"approved": true,
"results": [result2, result3],
"blamelist_start_index": 66235,
"blamelist_end_index": 66235
"comments/$commentId2": {
"author": "",
"created": DateTime.parse("2019-11-22 22:19:00Z"),
"comment": "Sample comment disapproving 1 of 2 approved tests",
"approved": false,
"results": [result3],
"base_comment": commentThreadId,
"blamelist_start_index": 66235,
"blamelist_end_index": 66235
"comments/$commentId3": {
"author": "",
"created": DateTime.parse("2019-10-31 23:19:00Z"),
"comment": "Sample comment on a non-trivial blamelist",
"approved": true,
"results": [result4, result5],
"blamelist_start_index": 66148,
"blamelist_end_index": 66151
// These fields are merged into existing documents, and removed after testing.
Map<String, dynamic> commentsSampleDataMerges = {
"results/$result1": {"approved": true, "comment": commentId1},
"results/$result2": {"approved": true, "comment": commentThreadId},
"results/$result3": {"approved": false, "comment": commentId2},
"results/$result4": {"approved": true, "comment": commentId3},
"results/$result5": {"approved": true, "comment": commentId3}