blob: d3eecf560e5d3c71775c17e23be984a24c84636b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Field names and helper functions for result documents and
// commit documents from Firestore.
import 'dart:convert' show jsonEncode;
import 'package:googleapis/firestore/v1.dart' show Value;
class ResultRecord {
final Map<String, Value> fields;
bool get approved => fields['approved']!.booleanValue!;
String toString() => jsonEncode(fields);
int get blamelistEndIndex {
return int.parse(fields['blamelist_end_index']!.integerValue!);
bool containsActiveConfiguration(String configuration) {
for (final value in fields['active_configurations']!.arrayValue!.values!) {
if (value.stringValue != null && value.stringValue == configuration) {
return true;
return false;
// Field names of Result document fields
const fName = 'name';
const fResult = 'result';
const fPreviousResult = 'previous_result';
const fExpected = 'expected';
const fChanged = 'changed';
const fMatches = 'matches';
const fFlaky = 'flaky';
const fPreviousFlaky = 'previous_flaky';
const fPinnedIndex = 'pinned_index';
const fBlamelistStartIndex = 'blamelist_start_index';
const fBlamelistEndIndex = 'blamelist_end_index';
const fApproved = 'approved';
const fActive = 'active';
const fConfigurations = 'configurations';
const fActiveConfigurations = 'active_configurations';
bool isChangedResult(Map<String, dynamic> change) =>
change[fChanged] && (!change[fFlaky] || !change[fPreviousFlaky]);
/// Whether the change will be marked as an active failure.
/// New flaky tests will not be marked active, so they will appear in the
/// results feed "all", but not turn the builder red
bool isFailure(Map<String, dynamic> change) =>
!change[fMatches] && change[fResult] != 'flaky';
void transformChange(Map<String, dynamic> change) {
change[fPreviousResult] ??= 'new test';
if (change[fPreviousFlaky]) {
change[fPreviousResult] = 'flaky';
if (change[fFlaky]) {
change[fResult] = 'flaky';
change[fMatches] = false;
String? fromStringOrValue(dynamic value) {
return value is Value ? value.stringValue : value;
String testResult(Map<String, dynamic> change) => [
].join(' ');
// Field names of commit document fields
const fHash = 'hash';
const fIndex = 'index';
const fAuthor = 'author';
const fCreated = 'created';
const fTitle = 'title';
const fReview = 'review';
const fRevertOf = 'revert_of';
const fRelandOf = 'reland_of';
/// The information about a builder, taken from a Result object,
/// that is needed to process the results
class BuildInfo {
static final commitRefRegExp = RegExp(r'refs/changes/(\d*)/(\d*)');
final String builderName;
final int buildNumber;
final String commitRef;
final String? previousCommitHash;
BuildInfo(Map<String, dynamic> result)
: builderName = result['builder_name'],
buildNumber = int.parse(result['build_number']),
commitRef = result['commit_hash'],
previousCommitHash = result['previous_commit_hash'];
factory BuildInfo.fromResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) {
final commitRef = result['commit_hash'];
final match = commitRefRegExp.matchAsPrefix(commitRef);
if (match == null) {
return BuildInfo(result);
} else {
return TryBuildInfo(result, int.parse(match[1]!), int.parse(match[2]!));
class TryBuildInfo extends BuildInfo {
final int review;
final int patchset;
TryBuildInfo(result,, this.patchset) : super(result);
class TestNameLock {
final locks = <String, Future<void>>{};
Future<void> guardedCall(Future<void> Function(Map<String, dynamic> change) f,
Map<String, dynamic> change) async {
final name = change[fName]!;
while (locks.containsKey(name)) {
await locks[name];
return locks[name] = () async {
try {
await f(change);
} finally {
// ignore: unawaited_futures