blob: 8d4e309a3a67aa0048a1a5cc4cadfae4ca48d15c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:firebase_admin_interop/firebase_admin_interop.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../firestore_impl.dart' as fs;
import '../tryjob.dart';
import 'test_data.dart';
// These tests read and write data from the Firestore database, and
// should only be run locally against the dart-ci-staging project.
// Requires the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
// to point to a json key to a service account
// with write access to dart_ci_staging datastore.
// Set the database with 'firebase use --add dart-ci-staging'
// The test must be compiled with nodejs, and run using the 'node' command.
void main() {
final firestore = fs.FirestoreServiceImpl();
test('Test chunk storing', () async {
final builder = 'test_builder';
final index = 123;
final document = fs.firestore.document('builds/$builder:$index');
await document.delete();
await firestore.updateBuildInfo(builder, 3456, index);
await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, true);
await firestore.storeBuildChunkCount(builder, index, 4);
await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, true);
DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await document.get();
var data =;
expect(data['success'], isTrue);
expect(data['num_chunks'], 4);
expect(data['processed_chunks'], 2);
expect(data['completed'], isNull);
await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, false);
await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, true);
snapshot = await document.get();
data =;
expect(data['success'], isFalse);
expect(data['num_chunks'], 4);
expect(data['processed_chunks'], 4);
expect(data['completed'], isTrue);
group('Try results', () {
tearDown(() async {
// Delete database records created by the tests.
var snapshot = await fs.firestore
.where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
for (final doc in snapshot.documents) {
await doc.reference.delete();
snapshot = await fs.firestore
.where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
for (final doc in snapshot.documents) {
await doc.reference.delete();
test('Test tryjob result processing', () async {
// Set up database with approved results on previous patchset.
await firestore.storePatchset(testReview.toString(), testPreviousPatchset,
{'number': testPreviousPatchset});
final previousFailingChange =
Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobFailingChange)
{"commit_hash": testPreviousPatchsetPath, "build_number": 307});
await Tryjob(testPreviousPatchsetPath, 1, firestore, null)
var snapshot = await fs.firestore
.where('name', isEqualTo: previousFailingChange['name'])
.where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
.where('patchset', isEqualTo: testPreviousPatchset)
expect(snapshot.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
expect(snapshot.documents.length, 1);
await snapshot.documents.first.reference
.updateData(UpdateData.fromMap({'approved': true}));
await firestore.storePatchset(testReview.toString(), testPatchset,
{'number': testPreviousPatchset});
// Send first chunk with a previously approved result and a passing result
await Tryjob(testReviewPath, null, firestore, null)
.process([tryjobPassingChange, tryjobFailingChange]);
// Send second & final chunk with an unchanged failure.
await Tryjob(testReviewPath, 2, firestore, null)
.process([tryjobExistingFailure, tryjobFailingChange]);
// Verify state
snapshot = await fs.firestore
.where('builder', isEqualTo: testBuilder)
.where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
.where('patchset', isEqualTo: testPatchset)
expect(snapshot.documents.length, 1);
DocumentSnapshot document = snapshot.documents.first;
expect(document.documentID, '$testBuilder:$testReview:$testPatchset');
expect('success'), isTrue);
expect('completed'), isTrue);
// Verify that sending a result twice only adds its configuration once
// to the try result.
snapshot = await fs.firestore
.where('name', isEqualTo: 'test_suite/failing_test')
.where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
.where('patchset', isEqualTo: testPatchset)
expect(snapshot.documents.length, 1);
document = snapshot.documents.first;
expect('configurations'), ['test_configuration']);
expect('approved'), isTrue);
// Send first chunk of second run on the same patchset, with an approved
// failure and an unapproved failure.
await Tryjob(testReviewPath, null, firestore, null)
.process([tryjobOtherFailingChange, tryjobFailingChange]);
final reference = fs.firestore
document = await reference.get();
expect(document.exists, isTrue);
expect('success'), isFalse);
expect('completed'), isNull);
expect('num_chunks'), isNull);
expect('processed_chunks'), 1);
// Send second chunk.
await Tryjob(testReviewPath, 3, firestore, null)
document = await reference.get();
expect('success'), isFalse);
expect('completed'), isNull);
expect('num_chunks'), 3);
expect('processed_chunks'), 2);
// Send third and final chunk.
await Tryjob(testReviewPath, null, firestore, null)
document = await reference.get();
expect('success'), isFalse);
expect('completed'), isTrue);
expect('num_chunks'), 3);
expect('processed_chunks'), 3);
// Send first chunk of a third run, with only one chunk.
await Tryjob(testReviewPath, 1, firestore, null)
document = await reference.get();
expect('success'), isTrue);
expect('completed'), isTrue);
expect('num_chunks'), 1);
expect('processed_chunks'), 1);