blob: 160c87780836aec7cda3e2a687dfc662297dded4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html';
class Filter {
final List<String> configurationGroups;
final bool showAllCommits;
final bool showLatestFailures;
final bool showUnapprovedOnly;
const Filter._(this.configurationGroups, this.showAllCommits,
this.showLatestFailures, this.showUnapprovedOnly);
Filter(this.configurationGroups, showAllCommits, this.showLatestFailures,
: showAllCommits = configurationGroups.isEmpty || showAllCommits;
static const defaultFilter = Filter._(
Filter copy(
{List<String> configurationGroups,
bool showAllCommits,
bool showLatestFailures,
bool showUnapprovedOnly}) =>
configurationGroups ?? this.configurationGroups,
showAllCommits ?? this.showAllCommits,
showLatestFailures ?? this.showLatestFailures,
showUnapprovedOnly ?? this.showUnapprovedOnly);
bool get allGroups =>
configurationGroups.length == allConfigurationGroups.length;
String fragment() => [
if (showAllCommits != defaultShowAllCommits)
if (showLatestFailures != defaultShowLatestFailures)
if (!allGroups) 'configurationGroups=${configurationGroups.join(',')}'
void updateUrl() {
final newFragment = fragment();
Uri old = Uri.parse(window.location.href);
if (old.fragment != newFragment) {
window.location.replace(old.replace(fragment: newFragment).toString());
factory Filter.fromUrl() {
final fragment = Uri.parse(window.location.href).fragment;
Filter result = defaultFilter;
if (fragment.isEmpty) return result;
for (final setting in fragment.split('&')) {
final key = setting.split('=').first;
final value = setting.split('=').last;
if (key == 'showAllCommits') {
result = result.copy(showAllCommits: value == 'true');
} else if (key == 'showLatestFailures') {
result = result.copy(showLatestFailures: value == 'true');
} else if (key == 'configurationGroups') {
final configurationGroups = value.split(',');
result = result.copy(configurationGroups: configurationGroups);
return result;
static const defaultShowAllCommits = true;
static const defaultShowLatestFailures = false;
static const defaultShowUnapprovedOnly = false;
static const allConfigurationGroups = <String>[
class FilterService {
Filter filter = Filter.fromUrl();