blob: a0938661ba1cc0070a7e592ef0b794704a3886fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package dart_ci;
// Documentation of the fields in a results.json line.
// This data is used by current_results to load the latest results.json.
// Describes a test run on a single configuration on a SDK commit.
message Result {
string name = 1; // The full path of the test, as output by
string configuration = 2; // The configuration the test is run on.
string suite = 100; // TODO: remove
string test_name = 101; // TODO: remove
int32 time_ms = 3; // Run time in milliseconds.
string result = 4; // Result of test, from pkg/status_file/expectation.dart
string expected = 5; // Expected result of test
bool matches = 6; // Is the result a match for the expectation
string bot_name = 7; // The name of the machine the test ran on.
string commit_hash = 8; // The commit the test ran on. Can be a CL patch tag.
int32 commit_time = 102; // TODO: remove. The time of that commit.
string build_number = 9; // The number of the build. Deprecated by LUCI
string builder_name = 10; // The name of the builder.
bool flaky = 11; // Is the test in this configuration's flaky.json
bool previous_flaky = 12; // Was the test in flaky.json on the previous build.
string previous_commit_hash = 13;
int32 previous_commit_time = 14;
string previous_build_number = 15;
string previous_result = 16; // From pkg/status_file/expectation.dart
bool changed = 17; // Are result and previous_result the same.