blob: 27d08efe649b0f6c4bf7f960067b0c977748ae0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Data model shared between client and server.
library symbolizer.model;
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'model.freezed.dart';
part 'model.g.dart';
/// Specifies an engine variant (a combination of target os, CPU architecture
/// and build mode).
abstract class EngineVariant with _$EngineVariant {
factory EngineVariant({
@required String os,
@required @nullable String arch,
@required @nullable String mode,
}) = _EngineVariant;
factory EngineVariant.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
/// Generate all posibile variants from the given [variant] by varying
/// [EngineVariant.mode].
static Iterable<EngineVariant> allModesFor(EngineVariant variant) sync* {
for (var mode in [
if (!_isX86Variant(variant)) 'release',
if (!_isX86Variant(variant)) 'profile'
]) {
yield variant.copyWith(mode: mode);
static bool _isX86Variant(EngineVariant variant) =>
variant.arch == 'x86' || variant.arch == 'x64';
extension EngineVariantEx on EngineVariant {
String get pretty => '${os}-${arch}-${mode}';
/// Specific engine variant built at the given engine hash.
abstract class EngineBuild with _$EngineBuild {
factory EngineBuild({
@required String engineHash,
@required EngineVariant variant,
}) = _EngineBuild;
factory EngineBuild.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
/// Backtrace frame extracted from a textual crash report.
abstract class CrashFrame with _$CrashFrame {
/// Frame of a native iOS crash.
factory CrashFrame.ios({
@required String no,
@required String binary,
/// Absolute PC of the frame.
@required int pc,
@required String symbol,
@required @nullable int offset,
@required String location,
}) = IosCrashFrame;
/// Frame of a native Android crash.
@required String no,
/// Relative PC of the frame.
@required int pc,
@required String binary,
@required String rest,
@required @nullable String buildId,
}) = AndroidCrashFrame;
factory CrashFrame.custom({
@required String no,
@required int pc,
@required String binary,
@required @nullable int offset,
@required @nullable String location,
@required @nullable String symbol,
}) = CustomCrashFrame;
/// Frame of a Dart VM crash.
factory CrashFrame.dartvm({
/// Absolute PC of the frame.
@required int pc,
/// Binary which contains the given PC.
@required String binary,
/// Offset from load base of the binary to the PC.
@required int offset,
}) = DartvmCrashFrame;
factory CrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
static const crashalyticsMissingSymbol = '(Missing)';
/// Information about an engine crash extracted from a GitHub comment.
abstract class Crash with _$Crash {
factory Crash({
EngineVariant engineVariant,
List<CrashFrame> frames,
@required String format,
@nullable int androidMajorVersion,
}) = _Crash;
factory Crash.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$CrashFromJson(json);
enum SymbolizationNoteKind {
const noteMessage = <SymbolizationNoteKind, String>{
SymbolizationNoteKind.unknownEngineHash: 'Unknown engine hash',
SymbolizationNoteKind.unknownAbi: 'Unknown engine ABI',
'Exception occurred while trying to lookup full engine hash',
'Exception occurred while symbolizing',
'Exception occurred while trying to find symbols using build-id',
'Defaulted to release engine because build-id is unavailable or unreliable',
'Symbols are available only for release iOS builds',
SymbolizationNoteKind.buildIdMismatch: 'Build-ID mismatch',
'Load address missing from the report, detected heuristically',
/// Result of symbolizing an engine crash.
abstract class SymbolizationResult with _$SymbolizationResult {
@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
factory SymbolizationResult({
@required Crash crash,
@required @nullable EngineBuild engineBuild,
/// Symbolization result - not null if symbolization succeeded.
@required @nullable String symbolized,
@Default([]) List<SymbolizationNote> notes,
}) = _SymbolizationResult;
factory SymbolizationResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
extension WithNote on SymbolizationResult {
SymbolizationResult withNote(SymbolizationNoteKind kind, [String message]) {
return copyWith(
notes: [
SymbolizationNote(kind: kind, message: message),
abstract class SymbolizationNote with _$SymbolizationNote {
factory SymbolizationNote(
{@required SymbolizationNoteKind kind,
@nullable String message}) = _SymbolizationNote;
factory SymbolizationNote.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
/// Command to [Bot].
abstract class BotCommand with _$BotCommand {
factory BotCommand({
/// Overrides that should be used for symbolization. These overrides
/// replace or augment information available in the comments themselves.
@required SymbolizationOverrides overrides,
/// [true] if the user requested to symbolize the comment that contains
/// command.
@required bool symbolizeThis,
/// List of references to comments which need to be symbolized. Each reference
/// is either in `issue-id` or in `issuecomment-id` format.
@required Set<String> worklist,
}) = _BotCommand;
abstract class SymbolizationOverrides with _$SymbolizationOverrides {
factory SymbolizationOverrides({
@nullable String engineHash,
@nullable String flutterVersion,
@nullable String arch,
@nullable String mode,
@Default(false) bool force,
@nullable String format,
@nullable String os,
}) = _SymbolizationOverrides;
abstract class ServerConfig with _$ServerConfig {
factory ServerConfig({
String githubToken,
String sendgridToken,
String failureEmail,
}) = _ServerConfig;
factory ServerConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>