blob: 134856957f24b226632ff1780cf9fb969cb37244 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:core';
const Map<String, dynamic> existingCommitChange = {
"name": "dart2js_extra/local_function_signatures_strong_test/none",
"configuration": "dart2js-new-rti-linux-x64-d8",
"suite": "dart2js_extra",
"test_name": "local_function_signatures_strong_test/none",
"time_ms": 2384,
"result": "Pass",
"expected": "Pass",
"matches": true,
"bot_name": "luci-dart-try-xenial-70-8fkh",
"commit_hash": existingCommitHash,
"commit_time": 1563576771,
"build_number": "307",
"builder_name": "dart2js-rti-linux-x64-d8",
"flaky": false,
"previous_flaky": false,
"previous_result": "RuntimeError",
"previous_commit_hash": previousCommitHash,
"previous_commit_time": 1563576211,
"previous_build_number": "306",
"changed": true
const String existingCommitHash = 'an already existing commit hash';
Map<String, dynamic> existingCommit = {
'author': '',
'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-22 22:19:00Z'),
'index': 52,
'title': 'A commit used for testing, with index 52'
const String previousCommitHash = 'a previous existing commit hash';
Map<String, dynamic> previousCommit = {
'author': '',
'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-24 11:18:00Z'),
'index': 49,
'title': 'A commit used for testing, with index 49'
const String landedCommitHash = 'a commit landing a CL hash';
Map<String, dynamic> landedCommit = {
'author': '',
'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-29 15:15:00Z'),
'index': 54,
'title': 'A commit used for testing tryjob approvals, with index 54',
'review': 44445
const Map<String, dynamic> landedCommitChange = {
"name": "dart2js_extra/local_function_signatures_strong_test/none",
"configuration": "dart2js-new-rti-linux-x64-d8",
"suite": "dart2js_extra",
"test_name": "local_function_signatures_strong_test/none",
"time_ms": 2384,
"result": "RuntimeError",
"expected": "Pass",
"matches": false,
"bot_name": "luci-dart-try-xenial-70-8fkh",
"commit_hash": landedCommitHash,
"commit_time": 1563576771,
"build_number": "308",
"builder_name": "dart2js-rti-linux-x64-d8",
"flaky": false,
"previous_flaky": false,
"previous_result": "Pass",
"previous_commit_hash": existingCommitHash,
"previous_commit_time": 1563576211,
"previous_build_number": "306",
"changed": true
const List<Map<String, dynamic>> tryjobResults = [
"review": 44445,
"configurations": [
"name": "dart2js_extra/local_function_signatures_strong_test/none",
"patchset": 1,
"result": "RuntimeError",
"expected": "Pass",
"previous_result": "Pass",
"approved": true
String gitLogCommitHash = "a commit fetched from the git log";
String gitilesLog = '''
"log": [
"commit": "$landedCommitHash",
"parents": ["$gitLogCommitHash"],
"author": {
"email": ""
"committer": {
"time": "Fri Nov 29 15:15:00 2019 +0000"
"message": "A commit used for testing tryjob approvals, with index 54\\n\\nDescription of the landed commit\\nin multiple lines.\\n\\u003e Change-Id: I8dcc08b7571137e869a16ceea8cc73539eb02a5a\\n\\u003e Reviewed-on:\\n\\nChange-Id: I89b88c3d9f7c743fc340ee73a45c3f57059bcf30\\nReviewed-on:\\n\\n"
"commit": "$gitLogCommitHash",
"parents": ["$existingCommitHash"],
"author": {
"email": ""
"committer": {
"time": "Thu Nov 28 12:07:55 2019 +0000"
"message": "A commit on the git log\\n\\nThis commit does not have results from the CQ\\n\\nChange-Id: I481b2cb8b666885b5c2b9c53fff1177accd01830\\nReviewed-on:\\nCommit-Queue: A user \\\\u003e\\nReviewed-by: Another user \\\\u003e\\n"