blob: 3a86d91e34c4fabaa8aa31722a11876eb2f68d9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:current_results/src/generated/query.pb.dart' as query_api;
import 'package:current_results/src/result.dart' show Result;
import 'package:current_results/src/slice.dart' show Slice;
Slice makeTestSlice(Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tests) {
var slice = Slice();
for (final configuration in tests.keys) {
final lines = <String>[];
for (final data in tests[configuration]) {
if (!{'name', 'experiments'}.containsAll(data.keys)) {
throw 'Invalid test data:\n$data';
final result = Result(data['name'], configuration, '12345678abc', 'Pass',
false, 'Pass', Duration(milliseconds: 17), data['experiments'] ?? []);
return slice;
void filterTest(
String name,
/// See [makeTestSlice] for the format of the test data
Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>> testData,
/// The query terms to use on the data
Iterable<String> queryTerms,
/// Maps configuration names to the list of test name that we expect to be
/// returned from querying [testData] with [queryTerms].
Map<String, Set<String>> expectedResults) {
test(name, () {
final slice = makeTestSlice(testData);
final response = slice.results(query_api.GetResultsRequest()
..filter = queryTerms.join(',')
..pageToken = ''
..pageSize = 0);
final actualResults = groupBy<query_api.Result, String>(
response.results, (result) => result.configuration)
.map((configuration, results) =>
MapEntry(configuration, =>;
expect(actualResults, equals(expectedResults));
/// Helper to create test data entries from strings of the form 'name' or
/// 'name-experiment1[, experiment2, ...]'.
List<Map<String, dynamic>> makeResults(List<String> descriptions) {
return {
final parts = description.split('-');
final name = parts[0];
final experiments = parts.length == 2 ? parts[1].split(',') : [];
return {
'name': name,
if (experiments.isNotEmpty) 'experiments': experiments,
void main() {
filterTest('test name', {
'c1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb', 'ta2'])
}, [
], {
'c1': {'tb'}
filterTest('explicit test name', {
'c1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb', 'ta2'])
}, [
], {
'c1': {'tb'}
filterTest('test name as prefix', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'tb'},
'cb': {'tb2'}
filterTest('multiple test names as prefix', {
'ca': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb1', 'ta2']),
'cb': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cc': makeResults(['tc1', 'tb2'])
}, [
], {
'ca': {'ta1', 'tb1', 'ta2'},
'cb': {'ta3'},
'cc': {'tb2'}
filterTest('configuration name', {
'c1': makeResults(['ta1']),
'c2': makeResults(['ta2'])
}, [
], {
'c2': {'ta2'}
filterTest('explicit configuration name', {
'c1': makeResults(['ta1']),
'c2': makeResults(['ta2'])
}, [
], {
'c2': {'ta2'}
filterTest('invalid explicit configuration name', {
'c1': makeResults(['ta1']),
'c2': makeResults(['ta2'])
}, [
], {
'c2': {'ta2'}
filterTest('only invalid explicit configuration name', {
'c1': makeResults(['ta1']),
'c2': makeResults(['ta2'])
}, [
], {});
filterTest('configuration name as prefix', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'ta1', 'tb', 'ta2'},
'ca2': {'ta3'}
filterTest('multiple configuration names as prefix', {
'ca': makeResults(['ta']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb']),
'cc': makeResults(['tc'])
}, [
], {
'ca': {'ta'},
'cc': {'tc'}
filterTest('configuration is preferred before test', {
'a': makeResults(['b']),
'b': makeResults(['a'])
}, [
], {
'a': {'b'}
filterTest('experiment', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e1', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e1'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'tb'},
'cb': {'tb3'}
filterTest('experiment as prefix', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e1', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e2'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'tb'},
'cb': {'tb3'}
filterTest('multiple experiments', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e2', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e1'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'tb'},
'cb': {'tb3'}
filterTest('invalid experiment', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e2', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e1'])
}, [
], {
'cb': {'tb3'}
filterTest('invalid experiment with implicit experiment', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e2', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e1'])
}, [
], {
'cb': {'tb3'}
filterTest('only invalid experiment filter', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e1', 'ta2']),
}, [
], {});
filterTest('experiment narrows configuration', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e1', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e1'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'tb'}
filterTest('experiment narrows test', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2-e2'])
}, [
], {
'cb': {'tb2'}
filterTest('experiment does not match configuration', {
'c': makeResults(['ta'])
}, [
], {});
filterTest('experiment does not match test', {
'c': makeResults(['ta'])
}, [
], {});
filterTest('implicit experiment', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e1', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e1'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'tb'},
'cb': {'tb3'}
filterTest('implicit multiple experiments', {
'ca1': makeResults(['ta1', 'tb-e2', 'ta2']),
'ca2': makeResults(['ta3']),
'cb': makeResults(['tb2', 'tb3-e1'])
}, [
], {
'ca1': {'tb'},
'cb': {'tb3'}