blob: ecd8544e883cd9b1db8bf99c303b6ffa759317e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Implementation of @flutter-symbolizer-bot.
/// The bot is triggered by command comments starting with bot mention
/// and followed by zero of more keywords.
/// See for bot command documentation.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:sendgrid_mailer/sendgrid_mailer.dart';
import 'package:symbolizer/model.dart';
import 'package:symbolizer/parser.dart';
import 'package:symbolizer/symbolizer.dart';
final _log = Logger(Bot.account);
class Bot {
final GitHub github;
final Symbolizer symbolizer;
final Mailer mailer;
final String failuresEmail;
final bool dryRun;
@required this.github,
@required this.symbolizer,
@required this.mailer,
@required this.failuresEmail,
this.dryRun = false,
static final account = 'flutter-symbolizer-bot';
static final accountMention = '@$account';
/// Returns [true] if the given [text] is potentially a command to the bot.
static bool isCommand(String text) {
return text.startsWith(Bot.accountMention);
/// Parse the given [text] as a command to the bot. See the library doc
/// comment at the beginning of the file for information about the command
/// format.
static BotCommand parseCommand(int issueNumber, String text) {
final command = text.split('\n').first;
if (!isCommand(command)) {
return null;
final issueNumberStr = issueNumber.toString();
var symbolizeThis = false;
final worklist = <String>{};
String engineHash;
String flutterVersion;
String os;
String arch;
String mode;
String format;
var force = false;
// Command is just a sequence of keywords which specify which comments
// to symbolize and which symbols to use.
for (var keyword in command.split(' ').skip(1)) {
switch (keyword) {
case 'this':
symbolizeThis = true;
case 'x86':
case 'arm':
case 'arm64':
case 'x64':
arch = keyword;
case 'debug':
case 'profile':
case 'release':
mode = keyword;
case 'internal':
format = 'internal';
case 'force':
force = true;
case 'ios':
os = 'ios';
// Check if this keyword is a link to an comment on this issue.
var m = _commentLinkPattern.firstMatch(keyword);
if (m != null) {
if (m.namedGroup('issueNumber') == issueNumberStr) {
// Check if this keyword is an engine hash.
m = _engineHashPattern.firstMatch(keyword);
if (m != null) {
engineHash = m.namedGroup('sha');
m = _flutterHashOrVersionPattern.firstMatch(keyword);
if (m != null) {
flutterVersion = m.namedGroup('version');
return BotCommand(
symbolizeThis: symbolizeThis,
worklist: worklist,
overrides: SymbolizationOverrides(
arch: arch,
engineHash: engineHash,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
mode: mode,
os: os,
force: force,
format: format,
/// Execute command contained in the given [commandComment] posted on the
/// [issue] in the repository [repo].
Future<void> executeCommand(
RepositorySlug repo,
Issue issue,
IssueComment commandComment, {
@required bool authorized,
}) async {
if (!authorized) {
await github.issues.createComment(repo, issue.number, '''
@${commandComment.user.login} Sorry, only **public members of Flutter org** can trigger my services.
Check your privacy settings as described [here](
final command = parseCommand(issue.number, commandComment.body);
if (command == null) {
// Comments which potentially contain crashes by their id.
Map<int, _Comment> worklist;
if (command.shouldProcessAll) {
worklist = await processAllComments(repo, issue);
} else {
worklist = {};
if (command.symbolizeThis) {
worklist[] = _Comment.fromComment(commandComment);
// Process worklist from the command and fetch comment bodies.
for (var ref in command.worklist) {
// ref has one of the following formats: issue-id or issuecomment-id
final c = ref.split('-');
final id = int.parse(c[1]);
if (c[0] == 'issue') {
worklist[] = _Comment.fromIssue(issue);
} else {
try {
final comment = await github.issues.getComment(repo, id);
worklist[] = _Comment.fromComment(comment);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore.
// Process comments from the worklist.
await symbolizeGiven(
repo, issue, commandComment.user, worklist, command.overrides);
/// Find all comments on the [issue] which potentially contain crashes
/// and were not previously symbolized by the bot.
Future<Map<int, _Comment>> processAllComments(
RepositorySlug repo, Issue issue) async {
'Requested to symbolize all comments on ${repo.fullName}#${issue.number}');
// Dictionary of comments to symbolize by their id.
final worklist = <int, _Comment>{};
final alreadySymbolized = <int>{};
// Collect all comments which might contain crashes in the worklist
// and ids of already symbolized comments in the [alreadySymbolized] set.
if (containsCrash(issue.body)) {
worklist[] = _Comment.fromIssue(issue);
await for (var comment
in github.issues.listCommentsByIssue(repo, issue.number)) {
if (comment.user.login == Bot.account) {
// From comments by the bot extract ids of already symbolized comments.
// Bot adds it to its comments as a JSON encoded object within
// HTML comment: <!-- {"symbolized": [id0, id1, ...]} -->
final m = _botInfoPattern.firstMatch(comment.body);
if (m != null) {
final state = jsonDecode(m.namedGroup('json').trim());
if (state is Map<String, dynamic> &&
state.containsKey('symbolized')) {
.addAll((state['symbolized'] as List<dynamic>).cast<int>());
} else if (containsCrash(comment.body)) {
worklist[] = _Comment.fromComment(comment);
'Found comments with crashes ${worklist.keys}, and already symbolized ${alreadySymbolized}');
return worklist;
/// Symbolize crashes from all comments in the [worklist] using the given
/// [overrides] and post response on the issue.
Future<void> symbolizeGiven(
RepositorySlug repo,
Issue issue,
User commandUser,
Map<int, _Comment> worklist,
SymbolizationOverrides overrides) async {'Symbolizing ${worklist.keys} with overrides {$overrides}');
// Symbolize all collected comments.
final symbolized = <int, SymbolizationResult>{};
for (var comment in worklist.values) {
final result =
await symbolizer.symbolize(comment.body, overrides: overrides);
if (result is SymbolizationResultError ||
(result is SymbolizationResultOk && result.results.isNotEmpty)) {
symbolized[] = result;
if (symbolized.isEmpty) {
await github.issues.createComment(repo, issue.number, '''
@${commandUser.login} No crash reports found. I used the following overrides
when looking for reports
Note that I can only find native Android and iOS crash reports automatically,
you need to explicitly point me to crash reports in other supported formats.
If the crash report is embedded into a log and prefixed with additional
information I might not be able to automatically strip those prefixes.
Currently I only support `flutter run -v`, `adb logcat` and device lab logs.
See [my documentation]( for more details on how to do that.
// Post a comment containing all successfully symbolized crashes.
await postResultComment(repo, issue, worklist, symbolized);
await mailFailures(repo, issue, worklist, symbolized);
/// Post a comment on the issue commenting successfully symbolized crashes.
void postResultComment(
RepositorySlug repo,
Issue issue,
Map<int, _Comment> comments,
Map<int, SymbolizationResult> symbolized) async {
if (symbolized.isEmpty) {
final successes = symbolized.onlySuccesses;
final failures = symbolized.onlyFailures;
final buf = StringBuffer();
for (var entry in successes.entries) {
for (var result in entry.value.results) {
crash from ${comments[entry.key].url} symbolized using symbols for `${result.engineBuild.engineHash}` `${result.engineBuild.variant.os}-${result.engineBuild.variant.arch}-${result.engineBuild.variant.mode}`
for (var note in result.notes) {
if ((note.message ?? '').isNotEmpty) {
buf.write(': ');
if (failures.isNotEmpty) {
// GitHub allows <details> HTML elements
<summary>There were failures processing the request</summary>
void appendNote(SymbolizationNote note) {
buf.write('* ${noteMessage[note.kind]}');
if (note.message != null && note.message.isNotEmpty) {
if (note.message.contains('\n')) {
.indentBy(' '));
} else {
buf.writeln(': `${note.message}`');
for (var entry in failures.entries) {
entry.value.when(ok: (results) {
for (var result in results) {
When processing ${comments[entry.key].url} I found crash
but failed to symbolize it with the following notes:
}, error: (note) {
When processing ${comments[entry.key].url} I encountered the following error:
See [my documentation]( for more details.
// Append information about symbolized comments to the bot's comment so that
// we could skip them later.
'<!-- ${jsonEncode({'symbolized': successes.keys.toList()})} -->');
if (dryRun) {
} else {
await github.issues.createComment(repo, issue.number, buf.toString());
/// Mail failures to the [failuresEmail] mail address.
void mailFailures(
RepositorySlug repo,
Issue issue,
Map<int, _Comment> comments,
Map<int, SymbolizationResult> symbolized) async {
if (failuresEmail == null) {
final failures = symbolized.onlyFailures;
if (failures.isEmpty) {
final escape = const HtmlEscape().convert;
final buf = StringBuffer();
buf.write('''<p>Hello &#x1f44b;</p>
<p>I was asked to symbolize crashes from <a href="${issue.htmlUrl}">issue ${issue.number}</a>, but failed.</p>
for (var entry in failures.entries) {
entry.value.when(ok: (results) {
for (var result in results) {
<p>When processing <a href="${comments[entry.key].url}">comment</a>, I found crash</p>
<p>but failed with the following notes:</p>
for (var note in result.notes) {
'${noteMessage[note.kind]} <pre>${escape(note.message ?? '')}');
}, error: (note) {
<p>When processing <a href="${comments[entry.key].url}">comment</a>, I failed with the following error:</p>
'${noteMessage[note.kind]} <pre>${escape(note.message ?? '')}');
if (dryRun) {
} else {
await mailer.send(
'symbolization errors for issue #${issue.number}',
content: [Content('text/html', buf.toString())],
static final _botInfoPattern = RegExp(r'<!-- (?<json>.*) -->');
static final _commentLinkPattern = RegExp(
static final _engineHashPattern = RegExp(r'^engine#(?<sha>[a-f0-9]+)$');
static final _flutterHashOrVersionPattern =
extension on BotCommand {
/// [true] if the user requested to process all comments on the issue.
bool get shouldProcessAll => !symbolizeThis && worklist.isEmpty;
/// Class that represents a comment on the issue.
/// GitHub API does not treat issue body itself as a comment hence
/// the need for separate wrapper.
class _Comment {
final int id;
final String url;
final String body;
_Comment(, this.url, this.body);
_Comment.fromComment(IssueComment comment)
: this(, comment.htmlUrl, comment.body);
_Comment.fromIssue(Issue issue)
: this(, issue.commentLikeHtmlUrl, issue.body);
extension on Issue {
String get commentLikeHtmlUrl => '$htmlUrl#issue-$id';
extension on Map<int, SymbolizationResult> {
/// Filter multimap of symbolization results to get all successes.
Map<int, SymbolizationResultOk> get onlySuccesses {
return Map.fromEntries(entries
.where((e) => e.value is SymbolizationResultOk)
.map((e) => MapEntry(
e.value as SymbolizationResultOk, (r) => r.symbolized != null)))
.where((e) => e.value.results.isNotEmpty));
/// Filter multimap of symbolization results to get all failures.
Map<int, SymbolizationResult> get onlyFailures {
return Map.fromEntries( {
final result = e.value;
return MapEntry(
result is SymbolizationResultOk
? applyFilter(result, (r) => r.symbolized == null)
: result);
}).where((e) =>
e.value is SymbolizationResultError ||
(e.value as SymbolizationResultOk).results.isNotEmpty));
static SymbolizationResultOk applyFilter(SymbolizationResultOk result,
bool Function(CrashSymbolizationResult) predicate) {
return SymbolizationResultOk(
results: result.results.where(predicate).toList());
extension on String {
String indentBy(String indent) => indent + split('\n').join('\n$indent');