blob: 77f6481f88c241934cd536e36e2364ceb7173e59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';
import 'package:node_interop/node_interop.dart';
import 'package:node_io/node_io.dart';
import 'package:github_label_notifier/github_utils.dart';
import 'package:github_label_notifier/sendgrid.dart' as sendgrid;
import 'package:github_label_notifier/subscriptions_db.dart' as db;
void main() {
functions['githubWebhook'] = functions.https.onRequest((request) async {
try {
await githubWebhook(request);
} catch (e, stack) {
try {
request.response.statusCode =
e is WebHookError ? e.statusCode : HttpStatus.internalServerError;
} catch (e) {
console.error('Failed to set statusCode: ${e}');
console.error('Caught exception: ${e}\n${stack}');
} finally {
await request.response.close();
/// Entry point for a [GitHub WebHook](
/// Actual handlers are defined in [eventHandlers] dictionary.
Future<void> githubWebhook(ExpressHttpRequest request) async {
// First we need to validate that this is a request originating from GitHub
// by checking if it has all required header values and is properly signed.
if (request.method != 'POST') {
throw WebHookError(
HttpStatus.methodNotAllowed, 'Expected to be called via POST method');
if (request.body == null) {
throw WebHookError(HttpStatus.badRequest, 'Request is missing a body');
final signature = getRequiredHeaderValue(request, 'x-hub-signature');
final event = getRequiredHeaderValue(request, 'x-github-event');
final delivery = getRequiredHeaderValue(request, 'x-github-delivery');
final body = request.body;
if (!verifyEventSignature(body, signature)) {
throw WebHookError(
HttpStatus.unauthorized, 'Failed to validate the signature');
// Event has passed the validation. Dispatch it to the handler.
print('Received event from GitHub: $delivery $event');
await eventHandlers[event]?.call(body);
request.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.ok;
request.response.writeln('OK: ${event}');
typedef Future<void> GitHubEventHandler(Map<String, dynamic> event);
final eventHandlers = <String, GitHubEventHandler>{
'issues': (event) => issueActionHandlers[event['action']]?.call(event),
final issueActionHandlers = <String, GitHubEventHandler>{
'labeled': onIssueLabeled,
'opened': onIssueOpened,
/// Handler for the 'labeled' issue event which triggers whenever an
/// issue is labeled with a new label.
/// The handler will send mails to all users that subscribed to a
/// particular label.
Future<void> onIssueLabeled(Map<String, dynamic> event) async {
final labelName = event['label']['name'];
final repositoryName = event['repository']['full_name'];
final emails =
await db.lookupLabelSubscriberEmails(repositoryName, labelName);
if (emails.isEmpty) {
final issueData = event['issue'];
final issueTitle = issueData['title'];
final issueNumber = issueData['number'];
final issueUrl = issueData['html_url'];
final issueReporterUsername = issueData['user']['login'];
final issueReporterUrl = issueData['user']['html_url'];
final senderUser = event['sender']['login'];
final senderUrl = event['sender']['html_url'];
final escape = htmlEscape.convert;
await sendgrid.sendMultiple(
from: '',
to: emails,
subject: '[+${labelName}] ${issueTitle} (#${issueNumber})',
text: '''
Reported by ${issueReporterUsername}
Labeled ${labelName} by ${senderUser}
Sent by
html: '''
<p><strong><a href="${issueUrl}">${escape(issueTitle)}</a>&nbsp;(${escape(repositoryName)}#${escape(issueNumber)})</strong></p>
<p>Reported by <a href="${issueReporterUrl}">${escape(issueReporterUsername)}</a></p>
<p>Labeled <strong>${escape(labelName)}</strong> by <a href="${senderUrl}">${escape(senderUser)}</a></p>
<p>Sent by <a href="">GitHub Label Notifier</a></p>
/// Handler for the 'opened' issue event which triggers whenever a new issue
/// is opened at the repository.
/// The handler will search the body of the open issue for specific keywords
/// and send emails to all subscribers to a specific label.
Future<void> onIssueOpened(Map<String, dynamic> event) async {
final repositoryName = event['repository']['full_name'];
final subscription = await db.lookupKeywordSubscription(repositoryName);
final match = subscription?.match(event['issue']['body']);
if (match == null) {
final subscribers =
await db.lookupLabelSubscriberEmails(repositoryName, subscription.label);
final issueData = event['issue'];
final issueTitle = issueData['title'];
final issueNumber = issueData['number'];
final issueUrl = issueData['html_url'];
final issueReporterUsername = issueData['user']['login'];
final issueReporterUrl = issueData['user']['html_url'];
final escape = htmlEscape.convert;
await sendgrid.sendMultiple(
from: '',
to: subscribers,
subject: '[$repositoryName] ${issueTitle} (#${issueNumber})',
text: '''
Reported by ${issueReporterUsername}
Matches keyword: ${match}
You are getting this mail because you are subscribed to label ${subscription.label}.
Sent by
html: '''
<p><strong><a href="${issueUrl}">${escape(issueTitle)}</a>&nbsp;(${escape(repositoryName)}#${escape(issueNumber)})</strong></p>
<p>Reported by <a href="${issueReporterUrl}">${escape(issueReporterUsername)}</a></p>
<p>Matches keyword: <b>${match}</b></p>
<p>You are getting this mail because you are subscribed to label ${subscription.label}</p>
<p>Sent by <a href="">GitHub Label Notifier</a></p>
class WebHookError {
final int statusCode;
final String message;
WebHookError(this.statusCode, this.message);
String toString() => 'Error: $message';
/// Helper which gets a value of the header with the given name from a
/// request or throws an error if request does not contain such a header.
String getRequiredHeaderValue(ExpressHttpRequest request, String header) {
return request.headers.value(header) ??
(throw WebHookError(
HttpStatus.badRequest, 'Missing ${header} header value.'));