blob: e6cd8d71290919017b416bd207ba012be1f36c6b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Generate the required Dart files for protobufs
set -e
if [ -z "$GOOGLEAPIS_PATH" ]
echo Set the variable \'GOOGLEAPIS_PATH\' to a checkout of \
exit 1
if [ -z "$PROTOBUF_PATH" ]
echo Set the variable \'PROTOBUF_PATH\' to a checkout of \
exit 1
protoc --dart_out=lib/src/generated -I$PROTOBUF_PATH/src $PROTOBUF_PATH/src/google/protobuf/*.proto
protoc --dart_out=grpc:lib/src/generated -I$GOOGLEAPIS_PATH $GOOGLEAPIS_PATH/google/pubsub/v1/pubsub.proto
protoc --dart_out=grpc:lib/src/generated -I$GOOGLEAPIS_PATH $GOOGLEAPIS_PATH/google/pubsub/v1/schema.proto
protoc --dart_out=lib/src/generated ../common/result.proto -I../common
protoc --dart_out=grpc:lib/src/generated -Ilib/protos -Ithird_party/proto lib/protos/query.proto
dartfmt -w lib/src/generated/query* lib/src/generated/result*