blob: ac03a3d806ac1d1481ea11b21c8ba7e565f93d4e [file] [log] [blame]
// coverage:ignore-file
// ignore_for_file: type=lint
// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target
part of symbolizer.model;
// **************************************************************************
// FreezedGenerator
// **************************************************************************
T _$identity<T>(T value) => value;
final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information:');
EngineVariant _$EngineVariantFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _EngineVariant.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$EngineVariant {
String get os => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get arch => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get mode => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$EngineVariantCopyWith<EngineVariant> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $EngineVariantCopyWith(
EngineVariant value, $Res Function(EngineVariant) then) =
$Res call({String os, String? arch, String? mode});
/// @nodoc
class _$EngineVariantCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements $EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> {
_$EngineVariantCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final EngineVariant _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(EngineVariant) _then;
$Res call({
Object? os = freezed,
Object? arch = freezed,
Object? mode = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
os: os == freezed
? _value.os
: os // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
arch: arch == freezed
? _value.arch
: arch // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
mode: mode == freezed
? _value.mode
: mode // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res>
implements $EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_EngineVariantCopyWith(
_$_EngineVariant value, $Res Function(_$_EngineVariant) then) =
$Res call({String os, String? arch, String? mode});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_EngineVariantCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$EngineVariantCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_EngineVariant _value, $Res Function(_$_EngineVariant) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_EngineVariant));
_$_EngineVariant get _value => super._value as _$_EngineVariant;
$Res call({
Object? os = freezed,
Object? arch = freezed,
Object? mode = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_EngineVariant(
os: os == freezed
? _value.os
: os // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
arch: arch == freezed
? _value.arch
: arch // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
mode: mode == freezed
? _value.mode
: mode // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
class _$_EngineVariant implements _EngineVariant {
_$_EngineVariant({required this.os, required this.arch, required this.mode});
factory _$_EngineVariant.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String os;
final String? arch;
final String? mode;
String toString() {
return 'EngineVariant(os: $os, arch: $arch, mode: $mode)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_EngineVariant &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.os, os) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.arch, arch) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.mode, mode));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(os),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(arch),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(mode));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_EngineVariantCopyWith<_$_EngineVariant> get copyWith =>
__$$_EngineVariantCopyWithImpl<_$_EngineVariant>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_EngineVariantToJson(
abstract class _EngineVariant implements EngineVariant {
factory _EngineVariant(
{required final String os,
required final String? arch,
required final String? mode}) = _$_EngineVariant;
factory _EngineVariant.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get os;
String? get arch;
String? get mode;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_EngineVariantCopyWith<_$_EngineVariant> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
EngineBuild _$EngineBuildFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _EngineBuild.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$EngineBuild {
String get engineHash => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
EngineVariant get variant => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$EngineBuildCopyWith<EngineBuild> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $EngineBuildCopyWith(
EngineBuild value, $Res Function(EngineBuild) then) =
$Res call({String engineHash, EngineVariant variant});
$EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> get variant;
/// @nodoc
class _$EngineBuildCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res> {
_$EngineBuildCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final EngineBuild _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(EngineBuild) _then;
$Res call({
Object? engineHash = freezed,
Object? variant = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
engineHash: engineHash == freezed
? _value.engineHash
: engineHash // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
variant: variant == freezed
? _value.variant
: variant // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as EngineVariant,
$EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> get variant {
return $EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res>(_value.variant, (value) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(variant: value));
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res>
implements $EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_EngineBuildCopyWith(
_$_EngineBuild value, $Res Function(_$_EngineBuild) then) =
$Res call({String engineHash, EngineVariant variant});
$EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> get variant;
/// @nodoc
class __$$_EngineBuildCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$EngineBuildCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_EngineBuild _value, $Res Function(_$_EngineBuild) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_EngineBuild));
_$_EngineBuild get _value => super._value as _$_EngineBuild;
$Res call({
Object? engineHash = freezed,
Object? variant = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_EngineBuild(
engineHash: engineHash == freezed
? _value.engineHash
: engineHash // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
variant: variant == freezed
? _value.variant
: variant // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as EngineVariant,
/// @nodoc
class _$_EngineBuild implements _EngineBuild {
_$_EngineBuild({required this.engineHash, required this.variant});
factory _$_EngineBuild.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String engineHash;
final EngineVariant variant;
String toString() {
return 'EngineBuild(engineHash: $engineHash, variant: $variant)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_EngineBuild &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.engineHash, engineHash) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.variant, variant));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(engineHash),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(variant));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_EngineBuildCopyWith<_$_EngineBuild> get copyWith =>
__$$_EngineBuildCopyWithImpl<_$_EngineBuild>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_EngineBuildToJson(
abstract class _EngineBuild implements EngineBuild {
factory _EngineBuild(
{required final String engineHash,
required final EngineVariant variant}) = _$_EngineBuild;
factory _EngineBuild.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get engineHash;
EngineVariant get variant;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_EngineBuildCopyWith<_$_EngineBuild> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
CrashFrame _$CrashFrameFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
switch (json['runtimeType']) {
case 'ios':
return IosCrashFrame.fromJson(json);
case 'android':
return AndroidCrashFrame.fromJson(json);
case 'custom':
return CustomCrashFrame.fromJson(json);
case 'dartvm':
return DartvmCrashFrame.fromJson(json);
throw CheckedFromJsonException(json, 'runtimeType', 'CrashFrame',
'Invalid union type "${json['runtimeType']}"!');
/// @nodoc
mixin _$CrashFrame {
String get binary => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// Absolute PC of the frame.
int get pc => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)
required TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)
required TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)
required TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset) dartvm,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value) ios,
required TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value) android,
required TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value) custom,
required TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value) dartvm,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$CrashFrameCopyWith<CrashFrame> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $CrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $CrashFrameCopyWith(
CrashFrame value, $Res Function(CrashFrame) then) =
$Res call({String binary, int pc});
/// @nodoc
class _$CrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $CrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
_$CrashFrameCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final CrashFrame _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(CrashFrame) _then;
$Res call({
Object? binary = freezed,
Object? pc = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
binary: binary == freezed
? _value.binary
: binary // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
pc: pc == freezed
? _value.pc
: pc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$IosCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res>
implements $CrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$IosCrashFrameCopyWith(
_$IosCrashFrame value, $Res Function(_$IosCrashFrame) then) =
$Res call(
{String no,
String binary,
int pc,
String symbol,
int? offset,
String location});
/// @nodoc
class __$$IosCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$CrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$IosCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
_$IosCrashFrame _value, $Res Function(_$IosCrashFrame) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$IosCrashFrame));
_$IosCrashFrame get _value => super._value as _$IosCrashFrame;
$Res call({
Object? no = freezed,
Object? binary = freezed,
Object? pc = freezed,
Object? symbol = freezed,
Object? offset = freezed,
Object? location = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$IosCrashFrame(
no: no == freezed
: no // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
binary: binary == freezed
? _value.binary
: binary // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
pc: pc == freezed
? _value.pc
: pc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
symbol: symbol == freezed
? _value.symbol
: symbol // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
offset: offset == freezed
? _value.offset
: offset // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int?,
location: location == freezed
? _value.location
: location // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
/// @nodoc
class _$IosCrashFrame implements IosCrashFrame {
required this.binary,
required this.pc,
required this.symbol,
required this.offset,
required this.location,
final String? $type})
: $type = $type ?? 'ios';
factory _$IosCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String no;
final String binary;
/// Absolute PC of the frame.
final int pc;
final String symbol;
final int? offset;
final String location;
@JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType')
final String $type;
String toString() {
return 'CrashFrame.ios(no: $no, binary: $binary, pc: $pc, symbol: $symbol, offset: $offset, location: $location)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$IosCrashFrame &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(, no) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.binary, binary) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.pc, pc) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.symbol, symbol) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.offset, offset) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.location, location));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(no),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(binary),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(pc),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(symbol),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(offset),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(location));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$IosCrashFrameCopyWith<_$IosCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
__$$IosCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<_$IosCrashFrame>(this, _$identity);
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)
required TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)
required TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)
required TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset) dartvm,
}) {
return ios(no, binary, pc, symbol, offset, location);
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
}) {
return ios?.call(no, binary, pc, symbol, offset, location);
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (ios != null) {
return ios(no, binary, pc, symbol, offset, location);
return orElse();
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value) ios,
required TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value) android,
required TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value) custom,
required TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value) dartvm,
}) {
return ios(this);
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
}) {
return ios?.call(this);
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (ios != null) {
return ios(this);
return orElse();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$IosCrashFrameToJson(
abstract class IosCrashFrame implements CrashFrame {
factory IosCrashFrame(
{required final String no,
required final String binary,
required final int pc,
required final String symbol,
required final int? offset,
required final String location}) = _$IosCrashFrame;
factory IosCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get no;
String get binary;
/// Absolute PC of the frame.
int get pc;
String get symbol;
int? get offset;
String get location;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$IosCrashFrameCopyWith<_$IosCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$AndroidCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res>
implements $CrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$AndroidCrashFrameCopyWith(
_$AndroidCrashFrame value, $Res Function(_$AndroidCrashFrame) then) =
$Res call({String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId});
/// @nodoc
class __$$AndroidCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$CrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$AndroidCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
_$AndroidCrashFrame _value, $Res Function(_$AndroidCrashFrame) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$AndroidCrashFrame));
_$AndroidCrashFrame get _value => super._value as _$AndroidCrashFrame;
$Res call({
Object? no = freezed,
Object? pc = freezed,
Object? binary = freezed,
Object? rest = freezed,
Object? buildId = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$AndroidCrashFrame(
no: no == freezed
: no // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
pc: pc == freezed
? _value.pc
: pc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
binary: binary == freezed
? _value.binary
: binary // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
rest: rest == freezed
: rest // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
buildId: buildId == freezed
? _value.buildId
: buildId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
class _$AndroidCrashFrame implements AndroidCrashFrame {
required this.pc,
required this.binary,
required this.buildId,
final String? $type})
: $type = $type ?? 'android';
factory _$AndroidCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String no;
/// Relative PC of the frame.
final int pc;
final String binary;
final String rest;
final String? buildId;
@JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType')
final String $type;
String toString() {
return ' $no, pc: $pc, binary: $binary, rest: $rest, buildId: $buildId)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$AndroidCrashFrame &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(, no) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.pc, pc) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.binary, binary) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(, rest) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.buildId, buildId));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(no),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(pc),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(binary),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(rest),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(buildId));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$AndroidCrashFrameCopyWith<_$AndroidCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
__$$AndroidCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<_$AndroidCrashFrame>(this, _$identity);
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)
required TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)
required TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)
required TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset) dartvm,
}) {
return android(no, pc, binary, rest, buildId);
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
}) {
return android?.call(no, pc, binary, rest, buildId);
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (android != null) {
return android(no, pc, binary, rest, buildId);
return orElse();
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value) ios,
required TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value) android,
required TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value) custom,
required TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value) dartvm,
}) {
return android(this);
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
}) {
return android?.call(this);
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (android != null) {
return android(this);
return orElse();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$AndroidCrashFrameToJson(
abstract class AndroidCrashFrame implements CrashFrame {
factory AndroidCrashFrame(
{required final String no,
required final int pc,
required final String binary,
required final String rest,
required final String? buildId}) = _$AndroidCrashFrame;
factory AndroidCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get no;
/// Relative PC of the frame.
int get pc;
String get binary;
String get rest;
String? get buildId;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$AndroidCrashFrameCopyWith<_$AndroidCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$CustomCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res>
implements $CrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$CustomCrashFrameCopyWith(
_$CustomCrashFrame value, $Res Function(_$CustomCrashFrame) then) =
$Res call(
{String no,
int pc,
String binary,
int? offset,
String? location,
String? symbol});
/// @nodoc
class __$$CustomCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$CrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$CustomCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
_$CustomCrashFrame _value, $Res Function(_$CustomCrashFrame) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$CustomCrashFrame));
_$CustomCrashFrame get _value => super._value as _$CustomCrashFrame;
$Res call({
Object? no = freezed,
Object? pc = freezed,
Object? binary = freezed,
Object? offset = freezed,
Object? location = freezed,
Object? symbol = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$CustomCrashFrame(
no: no == freezed
: no // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
pc: pc == freezed
? _value.pc
: pc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
binary: binary == freezed
? _value.binary
: binary // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
offset: offset == freezed
? _value.offset
: offset // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int?,
location: location == freezed
? _value.location
: location // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
symbol: symbol == freezed
? _value.symbol
: symbol // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
class _$CustomCrashFrame implements CustomCrashFrame {
required this.pc,
required this.binary,
required this.offset,
required this.location,
required this.symbol,
final String? $type})
: $type = $type ?? 'custom';
factory _$CustomCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String no;
final int pc;
final String binary;
final int? offset;
final String? location;
final String? symbol;
@JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType')
final String $type;
String toString() {
return 'CrashFrame.custom(no: $no, pc: $pc, binary: $binary, offset: $offset, location: $location, symbol: $symbol)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$CustomCrashFrame &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(, no) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.pc, pc) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.binary, binary) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.offset, offset) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.location, location) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.symbol, symbol));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(no),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(pc),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(binary),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(offset),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(location),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(symbol));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$CustomCrashFrameCopyWith<_$CustomCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
__$$CustomCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<_$CustomCrashFrame>(this, _$identity);
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)
required TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)
required TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)
required TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset) dartvm,
}) {
return custom(no, pc, binary, offset, location, symbol);
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
}) {
return custom?.call(no, pc, binary, offset, location, symbol);
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (custom != null) {
return custom(no, pc, binary, offset, location, symbol);
return orElse();
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value) ios,
required TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value) android,
required TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value) custom,
required TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value) dartvm,
}) {
return custom(this);
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
}) {
return custom?.call(this);
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (custom != null) {
return custom(this);
return orElse();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$CustomCrashFrameToJson(
abstract class CustomCrashFrame implements CrashFrame {
factory CustomCrashFrame(
{required final String no,
required final int pc,
required final String binary,
required final int? offset,
required final String? location,
required final String? symbol}) = _$CustomCrashFrame;
factory CustomCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get no;
int get pc;
String get binary;
int? get offset;
String? get location;
String? get symbol;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$CustomCrashFrameCopyWith<_$CustomCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$DartvmCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res>
implements $CrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$DartvmCrashFrameCopyWith(
_$DartvmCrashFrame value, $Res Function(_$DartvmCrashFrame) then) =
$Res call({int pc, String binary, int offset});
/// @nodoc
class __$$DartvmCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$CrashFrameCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$DartvmCrashFrameCopyWith<$Res> {
_$DartvmCrashFrame _value, $Res Function(_$DartvmCrashFrame) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$DartvmCrashFrame));
_$DartvmCrashFrame get _value => super._value as _$DartvmCrashFrame;
$Res call({
Object? pc = freezed,
Object? binary = freezed,
Object? offset = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$DartvmCrashFrame(
pc: pc == freezed
? _value.pc
: pc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
binary: binary == freezed
? _value.binary
: binary // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
offset: offset == freezed
? _value.offset
: offset // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
/// @nodoc
class _$DartvmCrashFrame implements DartvmCrashFrame {
{required this.pc,
required this.binary,
required this.offset,
final String? $type})
: $type = $type ?? 'dartvm';
factory _$DartvmCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
/// Absolute PC of the frame.
final int pc;
/// Binary which contains the given PC.
final String binary;
/// Offset from load base of the binary to the PC.
final int offset;
@JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType')
final String $type;
String toString() {
return 'CrashFrame.dartvm(pc: $pc, binary: $binary, offset: $offset)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$DartvmCrashFrame &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.pc, pc) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.binary, binary) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.offset, offset));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(pc),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(binary),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(offset));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$DartvmCrashFrameCopyWith<_$DartvmCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
__$$DartvmCrashFrameCopyWithImpl<_$DartvmCrashFrame>(this, _$identity);
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)
required TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)
required TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)
required TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset) dartvm,
}) {
return dartvm(pc, binary, offset);
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
}) {
return dartvm?.call(pc, binary, offset);
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(String no, String binary, int pc, String symbol,
int? offset, String location)?
TResult Function(
String no, int pc, String binary, String rest, String? buildId)?
TResult Function(String no, int pc, String binary, int? offset,
String? location, String? symbol)?
TResult Function(int pc, String binary, int offset)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (dartvm != null) {
return dartvm(pc, binary, offset);
return orElse();
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value) ios,
required TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value) android,
required TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value) custom,
required TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value) dartvm,
}) {
return dartvm(this);
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
}) {
return dartvm?.call(this);
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(IosCrashFrame value)? ios,
TResult Function(AndroidCrashFrame value)? android,
TResult Function(CustomCrashFrame value)? custom,
TResult Function(DartvmCrashFrame value)? dartvm,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (dartvm != null) {
return dartvm(this);
return orElse();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$DartvmCrashFrameToJson(
abstract class DartvmCrashFrame implements CrashFrame {
factory DartvmCrashFrame(
{required final int pc,
required final String binary,
required final int offset}) = _$DartvmCrashFrame;
factory DartvmCrashFrame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
/// Absolute PC of the frame.
int get pc;
/// Binary which contains the given PC.
String get binary;
/// Offset from load base of the binary to the PC.
int get offset;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$DartvmCrashFrameCopyWith<_$DartvmCrashFrame> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Crash _$CrashFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _Crash.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$Crash {
EngineVariant get engineVariant => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<CrashFrame> get frames => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String get format => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
int? get androidMajorVersion => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$CrashCopyWith<Crash> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $CrashCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $CrashCopyWith(Crash value, $Res Function(Crash) then) =
$Res call(
{EngineVariant engineVariant,
List<CrashFrame> frames,
String format,
int? androidMajorVersion});
$EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> get engineVariant;
/// @nodoc
class _$CrashCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $CrashCopyWith<$Res> {
_$CrashCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final Crash _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(Crash) _then;
$Res call({
Object? engineVariant = freezed,
Object? frames = freezed,
Object? format = freezed,
Object? androidMajorVersion = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
engineVariant: engineVariant == freezed
? _value.engineVariant
: engineVariant // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as EngineVariant,
frames: frames == freezed
? _value.frames
: frames // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<CrashFrame>,
format: format == freezed
? _value.format
: format // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
androidMajorVersion: androidMajorVersion == freezed
? _value.androidMajorVersion
: androidMajorVersion // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int?,
$EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> get engineVariant {
return $EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res>(_value.engineVariant, (value) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(engineVariant: value));
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_CrashCopyWith<$Res> implements $CrashCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_CrashCopyWith(_$_Crash value, $Res Function(_$_Crash) then) =
$Res call(
{EngineVariant engineVariant,
List<CrashFrame> frames,
String format,
int? androidMajorVersion});
$EngineVariantCopyWith<$Res> get engineVariant;
/// @nodoc
class __$$_CrashCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$CrashCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_CrashCopyWith<$Res> {
__$$_CrashCopyWithImpl(_$_Crash _value, $Res Function(_$_Crash) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_Crash));
_$_Crash get _value => super._value as _$_Crash;
$Res call({
Object? engineVariant = freezed,
Object? frames = freezed,
Object? format = freezed,
Object? androidMajorVersion = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_Crash(
engineVariant: engineVariant == freezed
? _value.engineVariant
: engineVariant // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as EngineVariant,
frames: frames == freezed
? _value._frames
: frames // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<CrashFrame>,
format: format == freezed
? _value.format
: format // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
androidMajorVersion: androidMajorVersion == freezed
? _value.androidMajorVersion
: androidMajorVersion // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int?,
/// @nodoc
class _$_Crash implements _Crash {
{required this.engineVariant,
required final List<CrashFrame> frames,
required this.format,
: _frames = frames;
factory _$_Crash.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final EngineVariant engineVariant;
final List<CrashFrame> _frames;
List<CrashFrame> get frames {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_frames);
final String format;
final int? androidMajorVersion;
String toString() {
return 'Crash(engineVariant: $engineVariant, frames: $frames, format: $format, androidMajorVersion: $androidMajorVersion)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_Crash &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.engineVariant, engineVariant) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._frames, _frames) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.format, format) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.androidMajorVersion, androidMajorVersion));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(engineVariant),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_frames),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(format),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(androidMajorVersion));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_CrashCopyWith<_$_Crash> get copyWith =>
__$$_CrashCopyWithImpl<_$_Crash>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_CrashToJson(
abstract class _Crash implements Crash {
factory _Crash(
{required final EngineVariant engineVariant,
required final List<CrashFrame> frames,
required final String format,
final int? androidMajorVersion}) = _$_Crash;
factory _Crash.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) = _$_Crash.fromJson;
EngineVariant get engineVariant;
List<CrashFrame> get frames;
String get format;
int? get androidMajorVersion;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_CrashCopyWith<_$_Crash> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
SymbolizationResult _$SymbolizationResultFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
switch (json['runtimeType']) {
case 'ok':
return SymbolizationResultOk.fromJson(json);
case 'error':
return SymbolizationResultError.fromJson(json);
throw CheckedFromJsonException(json, 'runtimeType', 'SymbolizationResult',
'Invalid union type "${json['runtimeType']}"!');
/// @nodoc
mixin _$SymbolizationResult {
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results) ok,
required TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error) error,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error)? error,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error)? error,
required TResult orElse(),
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value) ok,
required TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value) error,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value)? error,
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value)? error,
required TResult orElse(),
}) =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $SymbolizationResultCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $SymbolizationResultCopyWith(
SymbolizationResult value, $Res Function(SymbolizationResult) then) =
/// @nodoc
class _$SymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements $SymbolizationResultCopyWith<$Res> {
_$SymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final SymbolizationResult _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(SymbolizationResult) _then;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$SymbolizationResultOkCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$SymbolizationResultOkCopyWith(_$SymbolizationResultOk value,
$Res Function(_$SymbolizationResultOk) then) =
$Res call({List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results});
/// @nodoc
class __$$SymbolizationResultOkCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$SymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$SymbolizationResultOkCopyWith<$Res> {
__$$SymbolizationResultOkCopyWithImpl(_$SymbolizationResultOk _value,
$Res Function(_$SymbolizationResultOk) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$SymbolizationResultOk));
_$SymbolizationResultOk get _value => super._value as _$SymbolizationResultOk;
$Res call({
Object? results = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$SymbolizationResultOk(
results: results == freezed
? _value._results
: results // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<CrashSymbolizationResult>,
/// @nodoc
@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class _$SymbolizationResultOk implements SymbolizationResultOk {
{required final List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results,
final String? $type})
: _results = results,
$type = $type ?? 'ok';
factory _$SymbolizationResultOk.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final List<CrashSymbolizationResult> _results;
List<CrashSymbolizationResult> get results {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_results);
@JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType')
final String $type;
String toString() {
return 'SymbolizationResult.ok(results: $results)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$SymbolizationResultOk &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._results, _results));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode =>
Object.hash(runtimeType, const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_results));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$SymbolizationResultOkCopyWith<_$SymbolizationResultOk> get copyWith =>
this, _$identity);
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results) ok,
required TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error) error,
}) {
return ok(results);
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error)? error,
}) {
return ok?.call(results);
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error)? error,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (ok != null) {
return ok(results);
return orElse();
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value) ok,
required TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value) error,
}) {
return ok(this);
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value)? error,
}) {
return ok?.call(this);
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value)? error,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (ok != null) {
return ok(this);
return orElse();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$SymbolizationResultOkToJson(
abstract class SymbolizationResultOk implements SymbolizationResult {
factory SymbolizationResultOk(
{required final List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results}) =
factory SymbolizationResultOk.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
List<CrashSymbolizationResult> get results;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$SymbolizationResultOkCopyWith<_$SymbolizationResultOk> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$SymbolizationResultErrorCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$SymbolizationResultErrorCopyWith(_$SymbolizationResultError value,
$Res Function(_$SymbolizationResultError) then) =
$Res call({SymbolizationNote error});
$SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res> get error;
/// @nodoc
class __$$SymbolizationResultErrorCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$SymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$SymbolizationResultErrorCopyWith<$Res> {
__$$SymbolizationResultErrorCopyWithImpl(_$SymbolizationResultError _value,
$Res Function(_$SymbolizationResultError) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$SymbolizationResultError));
_$SymbolizationResultError get _value =>
super._value as _$SymbolizationResultError;
$Res call({
Object? error = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$SymbolizationResultError(
error: error == freezed
? _value.error
: error // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as SymbolizationNote,
$SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res> get error {
return $SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res>(_value.error, (value) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(error: value));
/// @nodoc
@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class _$SymbolizationResultError implements SymbolizationResultError {
_$SymbolizationResultError({required this.error, final String? $type})
: $type = $type ?? 'error';
factory _$SymbolizationResultError.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final SymbolizationNote error;
@JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType')
final String $type;
String toString() {
return 'SymbolizationResult.error(error: $error)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$SymbolizationResultError &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.error, error));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode =>
Object.hash(runtimeType, const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(error));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
get copyWith =>
this, _$identity);
TResult when<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results) ok,
required TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error) error,
}) {
return error(this.error);
TResult? whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error)? error,
}) {
return error?.call(this.error);
TResult maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(List<CrashSymbolizationResult> results)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationNote error)? error,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (error != null) {
return error(this.error);
return orElse();
TResult map<TResult extends Object?>({
required TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value) ok,
required TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value) error,
}) {
return error(this);
TResult? mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value)? error,
}) {
return error?.call(this);
TResult maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultOk value)? ok,
TResult Function(SymbolizationResultError value)? error,
required TResult orElse(),
}) {
if (error != null) {
return error(this);
return orElse();
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$SymbolizationResultErrorToJson(
abstract class SymbolizationResultError implements SymbolizationResult {
factory SymbolizationResultError({required final SymbolizationNote error}) =
factory SymbolizationResultError.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
SymbolizationNote get error;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
CrashSymbolizationResult _$CrashSymbolizationResultFromJson(
Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _CrashSymbolizationResult.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$CrashSymbolizationResult {
Crash get crash => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
EngineBuild? get engineBuild => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// Symbolization result - not null if symbolization succeeded.
String? get symbolized => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<SymbolizationNote> get notes => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith<CrashSymbolizationResult> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith(CrashSymbolizationResult value,
$Res Function(CrashSymbolizationResult) then) =
$Res call(
{Crash crash,
EngineBuild? engineBuild,
String? symbolized,
List<SymbolizationNote> notes});
$CrashCopyWith<$Res> get crash;
$EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res>? get engineBuild;
/// @nodoc
class _$CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements $CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith<$Res> {
_$CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final CrashSymbolizationResult _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(CrashSymbolizationResult) _then;
$Res call({
Object? crash = freezed,
Object? engineBuild = freezed,
Object? symbolized = freezed,
Object? notes = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
crash: crash == freezed
? _value.crash
: crash // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Crash,
engineBuild: engineBuild == freezed
? _value.engineBuild
: engineBuild // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as EngineBuild?,
symbolized: symbolized == freezed
? _value.symbolized
: symbolized // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
notes: notes == freezed
? _value.notes
: notes // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<SymbolizationNote>,
$CrashCopyWith<$Res> get crash {
return $CrashCopyWith<$Res>(_value.crash, (value) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(crash: value));
$EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res>? get engineBuild {
if (_value.engineBuild == null) {
return null;
return $EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res>(_value.engineBuild!, (value) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(engineBuild: value));
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith<$Res>
implements $CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith(
_$_CrashSymbolizationResult value,
$Res Function(_$_CrashSymbolizationResult) then) =
$Res call(
{Crash crash,
EngineBuild? engineBuild,
String? symbolized,
List<SymbolizationNote> notes});
$CrashCopyWith<$Res> get crash;
$EngineBuildCopyWith<$Res>? get engineBuild;
/// @nodoc
class __$$_CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWith<$Res> {
__$$_CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl(_$_CrashSymbolizationResult _value,
$Res Function(_$_CrashSymbolizationResult) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_CrashSymbolizationResult));
_$_CrashSymbolizationResult get _value =>
super._value as _$_CrashSymbolizationResult;
$Res call({
Object? crash = freezed,
Object? engineBuild = freezed,
Object? symbolized = freezed,
Object? notes = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_CrashSymbolizationResult(
crash: crash == freezed
? _value.crash
: crash // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Crash,
engineBuild: engineBuild == freezed
? _value.engineBuild
: engineBuild // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as EngineBuild?,
symbolized: symbolized == freezed
? _value.symbolized
: symbolized // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
notes: notes == freezed
? _value._notes
: notes // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<SymbolizationNote>,
/// @nodoc
@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class _$_CrashSymbolizationResult implements _CrashSymbolizationResult {
{required this.crash,
required this.engineBuild,
required this.symbolized,
final List<SymbolizationNote> notes = const []})
: _notes = notes;
factory _$_CrashSymbolizationResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final Crash crash;
final EngineBuild? engineBuild;
/// Symbolization result - not null if symbolization succeeded.
final String? symbolized;
final List<SymbolizationNote> _notes;
List<SymbolizationNote> get notes {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_notes);
String toString() {
return 'CrashSymbolizationResult(crash: $crash, engineBuild: $engineBuild, symbolized: $symbolized, notes: $notes)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_CrashSymbolizationResult &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.crash, crash) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.engineBuild, engineBuild) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.symbolized, symbolized) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._notes, _notes));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(crash),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(engineBuild),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(symbolized),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_notes));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
get copyWith => __$$_CrashSymbolizationResultCopyWithImpl<
_$_CrashSymbolizationResult>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_CrashSymbolizationResultToJson(
abstract class _CrashSymbolizationResult implements CrashSymbolizationResult {
factory _CrashSymbolizationResult(
{required final Crash crash,
required final EngineBuild? engineBuild,
required final String? symbolized,
final List<SymbolizationNote> notes}) = _$_CrashSymbolizationResult;
factory _CrashSymbolizationResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
Crash get crash;
EngineBuild? get engineBuild;
/// Symbolization result - not null if symbolization succeeded.
String? get symbolized;
List<SymbolizationNote> get notes;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
SymbolizationNote _$SymbolizationNoteFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _SymbolizationNote.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$SymbolizationNote {
SymbolizationNoteKind get kind => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get message => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<SymbolizationNote> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $SymbolizationNoteCopyWith(
SymbolizationNote value, $Res Function(SymbolizationNote) then) =
$Res call({SymbolizationNoteKind kind, String? message});
/// @nodoc
class _$SymbolizationNoteCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements $SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res> {
_$SymbolizationNoteCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final SymbolizationNote _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(SymbolizationNote) _then;
$Res call({
Object? kind = freezed,
Object? message = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
kind: kind == freezed
? _value.kind
: kind // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as SymbolizationNoteKind,
message: message == freezed
? _value.message
: message // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res>
implements $SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_SymbolizationNoteCopyWith(_$_SymbolizationNote value,
$Res Function(_$_SymbolizationNote) then) =
$Res call({SymbolizationNoteKind kind, String? message});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_SymbolizationNoteCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$SymbolizationNoteCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_SymbolizationNote _value, $Res Function(_$_SymbolizationNote) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_SymbolizationNote));
_$_SymbolizationNote get _value => super._value as _$_SymbolizationNote;
$Res call({
Object? kind = freezed,
Object? message = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_SymbolizationNote(
kind: kind == freezed
? _value.kind
: kind // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as SymbolizationNoteKind,
message: message == freezed
? _value.message
: message // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
class _$_SymbolizationNote implements _SymbolizationNote {
_$_SymbolizationNote({required this.kind, this.message});
factory _$_SymbolizationNote.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final SymbolizationNoteKind kind;
final String? message;
String toString() {
return 'SymbolizationNote(kind: $kind, message: $message)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_SymbolizationNote &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.kind, kind) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.message, message));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(kind),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(message));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<_$_SymbolizationNote> get copyWith =>
this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_SymbolizationNoteToJson(
abstract class _SymbolizationNote implements SymbolizationNote {
factory _SymbolizationNote(
{required final SymbolizationNoteKind kind,
final String? message}) = _$_SymbolizationNote;
factory _SymbolizationNote.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
SymbolizationNoteKind get kind;
String? get message;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_SymbolizationNoteCopyWith<_$_SymbolizationNote> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
mixin _$BotCommand {
/// Overrides that should be used for symbolization. These overrides
/// replace or augment information available in the comments themselves.
SymbolizationOverrides get overrides => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// [true] if the user requested to symbolize the comment that contains
/// command.
bool get symbolizeThis => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// List of references to comments which need to be symbolized. Each reference
/// is either in `issue-id` or in `issuecomment-id` format.
Set<String> get worklist => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$BotCommandCopyWith<BotCommand> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $BotCommandCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $BotCommandCopyWith(
BotCommand value, $Res Function(BotCommand) then) =
$Res call(
{SymbolizationOverrides overrides,
bool symbolizeThis,
Set<String> worklist});
$SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res> get overrides;
/// @nodoc
class _$BotCommandCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $BotCommandCopyWith<$Res> {
_$BotCommandCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final BotCommand _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(BotCommand) _then;
$Res call({
Object? overrides = freezed,
Object? symbolizeThis = freezed,
Object? worklist = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
overrides: overrides == freezed
? _value.overrides
: overrides // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as SymbolizationOverrides,
symbolizeThis: symbolizeThis == freezed
? _value.symbolizeThis
: symbolizeThis // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
worklist: worklist == freezed
? _value.worklist
: worklist // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Set<String>,
$SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res> get overrides {
return $SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res>(_value.overrides, (value) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(overrides: value));
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_BotCommandCopyWith<$Res>
implements $BotCommandCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_BotCommandCopyWith(
_$_BotCommand value, $Res Function(_$_BotCommand) then) =
$Res call(
{SymbolizationOverrides overrides,
bool symbolizeThis,
Set<String> worklist});
$SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res> get overrides;
/// @nodoc
class __$$_BotCommandCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$BotCommandCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_BotCommandCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_BotCommand _value, $Res Function(_$_BotCommand) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_BotCommand));
_$_BotCommand get _value => super._value as _$_BotCommand;
$Res call({
Object? overrides = freezed,
Object? symbolizeThis = freezed,
Object? worklist = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_BotCommand(
overrides: overrides == freezed
? _value.overrides
: overrides // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as SymbolizationOverrides,
symbolizeThis: symbolizeThis == freezed
? _value.symbolizeThis
: symbolizeThis // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
worklist: worklist == freezed
? _value._worklist
: worklist // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as Set<String>,
/// @nodoc
class _$_BotCommand implements _BotCommand {
{required this.overrides,
required this.symbolizeThis,
required final Set<String> worklist})
: _worklist = worklist;
/// Overrides that should be used for symbolization. These overrides
/// replace or augment information available in the comments themselves.
final SymbolizationOverrides overrides;
/// [true] if the user requested to symbolize the comment that contains
/// command.
final bool symbolizeThis;
/// List of references to comments which need to be symbolized. Each reference
/// is either in `issue-id` or in `issuecomment-id` format.
final Set<String> _worklist;
/// List of references to comments which need to be symbolized. Each reference
/// is either in `issue-id` or in `issuecomment-id` format.
Set<String> get worklist {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableSetView(_worklist);
String toString() {
return 'BotCommand(overrides: $overrides, symbolizeThis: $symbolizeThis, worklist: $worklist)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_BotCommand &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.overrides, overrides) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.symbolizeThis, symbolizeThis) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._worklist, _worklist));
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(overrides),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(symbolizeThis),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_worklist));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_BotCommandCopyWith<_$_BotCommand> get copyWith =>
__$$_BotCommandCopyWithImpl<_$_BotCommand>(this, _$identity);
abstract class _BotCommand implements BotCommand {
factory _BotCommand(
{required final SymbolizationOverrides overrides,
required final bool symbolizeThis,
required final Set<String> worklist}) = _$_BotCommand;
/// Overrides that should be used for symbolization. These overrides
/// replace or augment information available in the comments themselves.
SymbolizationOverrides get overrides;
/// [true] if the user requested to symbolize the comment that contains
/// command.
bool get symbolizeThis;
/// List of references to comments which need to be symbolized. Each reference
/// is either in `issue-id` or in `issuecomment-id` format.
Set<String> get worklist;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_BotCommandCopyWith<_$_BotCommand> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
mixin _$SymbolizationOverrides {
String? get engineHash => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get flutterVersion => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get arch => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get mode => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
bool get force => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get format => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String? get os => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<SymbolizationOverrides> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith(SymbolizationOverrides value,
$Res Function(SymbolizationOverrides) then) =
$Res call(
{String? engineHash,
String? flutterVersion,
String? arch,
String? mode,
bool force,
String? format,
String? os});
/// @nodoc
class _$SymbolizationOverridesCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements $SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res> {
_$SymbolizationOverridesCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final SymbolizationOverrides _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(SymbolizationOverrides) _then;
$Res call({
Object? engineHash = freezed,
Object? flutterVersion = freezed,
Object? arch = freezed,
Object? mode = freezed,
Object? force = freezed,
Object? format = freezed,
Object? os = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
engineHash: engineHash == freezed
? _value.engineHash
: engineHash // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion == freezed
? _value.flutterVersion
: flutterVersion // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
arch: arch == freezed
? _value.arch
: arch // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
mode: mode == freezed
? _value.mode
: mode // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
force: force == freezed
? _value.force
: force // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
format: format == freezed
? _value.format
: format // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
os: os == freezed
? _value.os
: os // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res>
implements $SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith(_$_SymbolizationOverrides value,
$Res Function(_$_SymbolizationOverrides) then) =
$Res call(
{String? engineHash,
String? flutterVersion,
String? arch,
String? mode,
bool force,
String? format,
String? os});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_SymbolizationOverridesCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$SymbolizationOverridesCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<$Res> {
__$$_SymbolizationOverridesCopyWithImpl(_$_SymbolizationOverrides _value,
$Res Function(_$_SymbolizationOverrides) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_SymbolizationOverrides));
_$_SymbolizationOverrides get _value =>
super._value as _$_SymbolizationOverrides;
$Res call({
Object? engineHash = freezed,
Object? flutterVersion = freezed,
Object? arch = freezed,
Object? mode = freezed,
Object? force = freezed,
Object? format = freezed,
Object? os = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_SymbolizationOverrides(
engineHash: engineHash == freezed
? _value.engineHash
: engineHash // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion == freezed
? _value.flutterVersion
: flutterVersion // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
arch: arch == freezed
? _value.arch
: arch // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
mode: mode == freezed
? _value.mode
: mode // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
force: force == freezed
? _value.force
: force // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
format: format == freezed
? _value.format
: format // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
os: os == freezed
? _value.os
: os // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String?,
/// @nodoc
class _$_SymbolizationOverrides implements _SymbolizationOverrides {
this.force = false,
final String? engineHash;
final String? flutterVersion;
final String? arch;
final String? mode;
final bool force;
final String? format;
final String? os;
String toString() {
return 'SymbolizationOverrides(engineHash: $engineHash, flutterVersion: $flutterVersion, arch: $arch, mode: $mode, force: $force, format: $format, os: $os)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_SymbolizationOverrides &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.engineHash, engineHash) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.flutterVersion, flutterVersion) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.arch, arch) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.mode, mode) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.force, force) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.format, format) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.os, os));
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(engineHash),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(flutterVersion),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(arch),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(mode),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(force),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(format),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(os));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<_$_SymbolizationOverrides> get copyWith =>
this, _$identity);
abstract class _SymbolizationOverrides implements SymbolizationOverrides {
factory _SymbolizationOverrides(
{final String? engineHash,
final String? flutterVersion,
final String? arch,
final String? mode,
final bool force,
final String? format,
final String? os}) = _$_SymbolizationOverrides;
String? get engineHash;
String? get flutterVersion;
String? get arch;
String? get mode;
bool get force;
String? get format;
String? get os;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_SymbolizationOverridesCopyWith<_$_SymbolizationOverrides> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
ServerConfig _$ServerConfigFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _ServerConfig.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$ServerConfig {
String get githubToken => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String get sendgridToken => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String get failureEmail => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$ServerConfigCopyWith<ServerConfig> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $ServerConfigCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $ServerConfigCopyWith(
ServerConfig value, $Res Function(ServerConfig) then) =
$Res call({String githubToken, String sendgridToken, String failureEmail});
/// @nodoc
class _$ServerConfigCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $ServerConfigCopyWith<$Res> {
_$ServerConfigCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final ServerConfig _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(ServerConfig) _then;
$Res call({
Object? githubToken = freezed,
Object? sendgridToken = freezed,
Object? failureEmail = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
githubToken: githubToken == freezed
? _value.githubToken
: githubToken // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
sendgridToken: sendgridToken == freezed
? _value.sendgridToken
: sendgridToken // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
failureEmail: failureEmail == freezed
? _value.failureEmail
: failureEmail // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_ServerConfigCopyWith<$Res>
implements $ServerConfigCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_ServerConfigCopyWith(
_$_ServerConfig value, $Res Function(_$_ServerConfig) then) =
$Res call({String githubToken, String sendgridToken, String failureEmail});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_ServerConfigCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$ServerConfigCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_ServerConfigCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_ServerConfig _value, $Res Function(_$_ServerConfig) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_ServerConfig));
_$_ServerConfig get _value => super._value as _$_ServerConfig;
$Res call({
Object? githubToken = freezed,
Object? sendgridToken = freezed,
Object? failureEmail = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_ServerConfig(
githubToken: githubToken == freezed
? _value.githubToken
: githubToken // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
sendgridToken: sendgridToken == freezed
? _value.sendgridToken
: sendgridToken // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
failureEmail: failureEmail == freezed
? _value.failureEmail
: failureEmail // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
/// @nodoc
class _$_ServerConfig implements _ServerConfig {
{required this.githubToken,
required this.sendgridToken,
required this.failureEmail});
factory _$_ServerConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String githubToken;
final String sendgridToken;
final String failureEmail;
String toString() {
return 'ServerConfig(githubToken: $githubToken, sendgridToken: $sendgridToken, failureEmail: $failureEmail)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_ServerConfig &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.githubToken, githubToken) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.sendgridToken, sendgridToken) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.failureEmail, failureEmail));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(githubToken),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(sendgridToken),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(failureEmail));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_ServerConfigCopyWith<_$_ServerConfig> get copyWith =>
__$$_ServerConfigCopyWithImpl<_$_ServerConfig>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_ServerConfigToJson(
abstract class _ServerConfig implements ServerConfig {
factory _ServerConfig(
{required final String githubToken,
required final String sendgridToken,
required final String failureEmail}) = _$_ServerConfig;
factory _ServerConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get githubToken;
String get sendgridToken;
String get failureEmail;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_ServerConfigCopyWith<_$_ServerConfig> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;