blob: 812d72f5a17ff9a4a45733c5628f0cdccc414f01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// Interface to subscribers information stored in the firestore.
library github_label_notifier.subscriptions_db;
import 'package:firebase_admin_interop/firebase_admin_interop.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
final _app = FirebaseAdmin.instance.initializeApp();
final _firestore = _app.firestore();
void ensureInitialized() {
// For some reason the very first query takes very long time (>10s).
// We work around that by making a dummy query at the startup.
lookupLabelSubscriberEmails('', '');
/// Return a list of emails subscribed to the given label in the given
/// repository.
Future<List<String>> lookupLabelSubscriberEmails(
String repositoryName, String labelName) async {
final labelId = '${repositoryName}:${labelName}';
final subscriptions = await _firestore
.where('subscriptions', arrayContains: labelId)
return [
for (final doc in subscriptions.documents)'email')
/// Represents subscription to particular keywords in the issue body.
/// When a match is found we treat it as if the issue was labeled with the
/// given label.
class KeywordSubscription {
final String label;
final List<String> keywords;
KeywordSubscription({@required this.label, @required List<String> keywords})
: keywords = keywords.where(_isOk).toList();
/// Checks if the given string contains match to any of the keywords
/// and returns the matched one.
String match(String body) {
return _makeRegExp().firstMatch(body)?.group(0);
RegExp _makeRegExp() {
final keywordsAlt = => '$kw').join('|');
return RegExp('(?<=\\b|_)($keywordsAlt)(?=\\b|_)', caseSensitive: false);
static final _keywordRegExp = RegExp(r'^[\w_/]+$');
static bool _isOk(String keyword) => _keywordRegExp.hasMatch(keyword);
/// Get keyword subscriptions for the given repository.
Future<KeywordSubscription> lookupKeywordSubscription(
String repositoryName) async {
final sanitizedRepositoryName = repositoryName.replaceAll('/', r'$');
final subscriptions = await _firestore
if (!subscriptions.exists) {
return null;
return KeywordSubscription(