blob: 3c9add70feb2aee43e7e993335323ec9fe503d93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:builder/src/firestore.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:googleapis/firestore/v1.dart';
import 'test_data.dart';
// These tests read and write data from the Firestore database, and
// should only be run locally against the dart-ci-staging project.
// Requires the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
// to point to a json key to a service account
// with write access to dart_ci_staging datastore.
// Set the database with 'firebase use --add dart-ci-staging'
void main() async {
final baseClient = http.Client();
final client = await clientViaApplicationDefaultCredentials(
scopes: [''],
baseClient: baseClient);
final api = FirestoreApi(client);
final firestore = FirestoreService(api, client);
if (!await firestore.isStaging()) {
throw (TestFailure(
'Error: firestore_test_nodejs.dart is being run on production'));
const testDatabaseName =
const testReviewDocument = '$testDatabaseName/reviews/$testReview';
const removeActiveConfigurationTestName =
final createdResult = {
'name': removeActiveConfigurationTestName
tearDownAll(() => baseClient.close());
group('Try results', () {
setUp(() async {
if (await firestore.documentExists(testReviewDocument)) {
await firestore.deleteDocument(testReviewDocument);
tearDown(() async {
// Delete database records created by the tests.
var snapshot = await firestore.query(
from: 'try_builds', where: fieldEquals('review', testReview));
for (final doc in snapshot) {
await firestore.deleteDocument(;
snapshot = await firestore.query(
from: 'patchsets', parent: 'reviews/$testReview/');
for (final doc in snapshot) {
await firestore.deleteDocument(;
snapshot = await firestore.query(
from: 'results',
where: fieldEquals('name', removeActiveConfigurationTestName));
for (final doc in snapshot) {
await firestore.deleteDocument(;
await firestore.deleteDocument(testReviewDocument);
test('Remove active configuration', () async {
// Remove the two active configurations from createdResultDocument,
// checking that the document is updated correctly at each stage.
final createdResultDocument = await firestore.storeResult(createdResult);
final name = removeActiveConfigurationTestName;
var foundActiveResults =
await firestore.findActiveResults(name, testConfiguration);
var activeResult = foundActiveResults.single;
await firestore.removeActiveConfiguration(
activeResult, testConfiguration);
foundActiveResults =
await firestore.findActiveResults(name, testConfiguration);
expect(foundActiveResults, isEmpty);
foundActiveResults =
await firestore.findActiveResults(name, 'configuration 2');
activeResult = foundActiveResults.single;
expect(activeResult.fields, contains('active'));
await firestore.removeActiveConfiguration(
activeResult, 'configuration 2');
final document = await firestore.getDocument(!);
expect(document.fields, isNot(contains('active')));
expect(document.fields, isNot(contains('active_configurations')));
await firestore.deleteDocument(!);
test('approved try result fetching', () async {
await firestore.storeReview(
'subject': 'test review: approved try result fetching',
await firestore.storePatchset(
'Initial upload',
await firestore.storePatchset(
await firestore.storePatchset(
'Edit commit message',
final tryResult = {
'review': testReview,
'configuration': 'test_configuration',
'name': 'test_suite/test_name',
'patchset': 1,
'result': 'RuntimeError',
'expected': 'Pass',
'previous_result': 'Pass',
await firestore.storeTryChange(tryResult, testReview, 1);
final tryResult2 = Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryResult);
tryResult2['patchset'] = 2;
tryResult2['name'] = 'test_suite/test_name_2';
await firestore.storeTryChange(tryResult2, testReview, 2);
tryResult['patchset'] = 3;
tryResult['name'] = 'test_suite/test_name';
tryResult['expected'] = 'CompileTimeError';
await firestore.storeTryChange(tryResult, testReview, 3);
// Set the results on patchsets 1 and 2 to approved.
final snapshot = await firestore.query(
from: 'try_results',
where: compositeFilter([
fieldEquals('approved', false),
fieldEquals('review', testReview),
fieldLessThanOrEqual('patchset', 2)
for (final response in snapshot) {
await firestore.approveResult(response.toDocument());
//await firestore.updateDocument(, {'approved': taggedValue(true)});
// Should return only the approved change on patchset 2,
// not the one on patchset 1 or the unapproved change on patchset 3.
final approvals = await firestore.tryApprovals(testReview);
tryResult2['configurations'] = [tryResult2['configuration']];
tryResult2['approved'] = true;
expect(1, approvals.length);
final approval = untagMap(approvals.single.fields);
expect(approval, tryResult2);