blob: ddc955e98d0bd179fa7e23ba2c8f9b7c2c5b73fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:builder/src/builder.dart';
import 'package:builder/src/commits_cache.dart';
import 'package:builder/src/firestore.dart';
import 'package:builder/src/result.dart';
import 'package:builder/src/tryjob.dart';
import 'package:googleapis/firestore/v1.dart';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// These tests read and write data from the staging Firestore database.
// They use existing commits and reviews, and add new results from
// a new fake builder for new tests, where the builder and test names are unique
// to this test code and the records for them are removed afterward.
// The test cleanup function removes these records, even if tests fail.
// Requires the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
// to point to a json key to a service account.
// To run against the staging database, use a service account.
// with write access to dart_ci_staging datastore.
late final FirestoreService firestore;
late final http.Client client;
late final CommitsCache commitsCache;
// The real commits and reviews we will test on, fetched from Firestore.
// These globals are populated by loadTestCommits().
const testCommitsStart = 80801;
const reviewWithComments = '215021';
late final String index1; // Index of the final commit in the test range
late final String commit1; // Hash of that commit
late final String review; // CL number of that commit's Gerrit review
late final String lastPatchset; // Final patchset in that review
late final String lastPatchsetRef; // 'refs/changes/[review]/[patchset]'
late final String patchsetGroup; // First patchset in the final patchset group
late final String patchsetGroupRef;
late final String earlyPatchset; // Patchset not in the final patchset group
late final String earlyPatchsetRef;
// Earlier commit with a review
late final String index2;
late final String commit2;
late final String review2;
late final String patchset2;
late final String patchset2Ref;
// Commits before commit2
late final String index3;
late final String commit3;
late final String index4;
late final String commit4;
final buildersToRemove = <String>{};
final testsToRemove = <String>{};
void registerChangeForDeletion(Map<String, dynamic> change) {
buildersToRemove.add(change['builder_name'] as String);
testsToRemove.add(change['name'] as String);
Future<void> removeBuildersAndResults() async {
Future<void> deleteDocuments(List<SafeDocument> documents) async {
for (final document in documents) {
await firestore.deleteDocument(;
for (final test in testsToRemove) {
await deleteDocuments(await firestore.query(
from: 'try_results', where: fieldEquals('name', test)));
for (final test in testsToRemove) {
await deleteDocuments(await firestore.query(
from: 'results', where: fieldEquals('name', test)));
for (final builder in buildersToRemove) {
await deleteDocuments(await firestore.query(
from: 'try_builds', where: fieldEquals('builder', builder)));
for (final builder in buildersToRemove) {
await deleteDocuments(await firestore.query(
from: 'builds', where: fieldEquals('builder', builder)));
for (final builder in buildersToRemove) {
await deleteDocuments(await firestore.query(
from: 'configurations', where: fieldEquals('builder', builder)));
Future<void> loadTestCommits(int startIndex) async {
// Get review data for the last two landed CLs before or at startIndex.
final reviews = await firestore.query(
from: 'reviews',
orderBy: orderBy('landed_index', false),
where: fieldLessThanOrEqual('landed_index', startIndex),
limit: 2);
final firstReview = reviews.first;
index1 = firstReview.fields['landed_index']!.integerValue!;
review ='/').last;
final secondReview = reviews.last;
index2 = secondReview.fields['landed_index']!.integerValue!;
review2 ='/').last;
index3 = (int.parse(index2) - 1).toString();
index4 = (int.parse(index2) - 2).toString();
final patchsets = await firestore.query(
from: 'patchsets',
parent: 'reviews/$review',
orderBy: orderBy('number', true),
final patchsetFields = patchsets.last.fields;
lastPatchset = patchsetFields['number']!.integerValue!;
lastPatchsetRef = 'refs/changes/$review/$lastPatchset';
patchsetGroup = patchsetFields['patchset_group']!.integerValue!;
patchsetGroupRef = 'refs/changes/$review/$patchsetGroup';
earlyPatchset = '1';
earlyPatchsetRef = 'refs/changes/$review/$earlyPatchset';
final patchsets2 = await firestore.query(
from: 'patchsets',
parent: 'reviews/$review2',
orderBy: orderBy('number', true),
patchset2 = patchsets2.last.fields['number']!.integerValue!;
patchset2Ref = 'refs/changes/$review/$patchset2';
// Get commit hashes for the landed reviews, and for a commit before them
var commits = {
for (final index in [index1, index2, index3, index4])
index: (await firestore.query(
from: 'commits',
where: fieldEquals('index', int.parse(index)),
limit: 1))
commit1 = commits[index1]!;
commit2 = commits[index2]!;
commit3 = commits[index3]!;
commit4 = commits[index4]!;
Tryjob makeTryjob(String name, Map<String, dynamic> firstChange,
{String? baseCommit}) =>
Tryjob(BuildInfo.fromResult(firstChange) as TryBuildInfo, 'bbID_$name',
baseCommit ?? commit4, commitsCache, firestore, client);
const newFailure = 'Pass/RuntimeError/Pass';
Map<String, dynamic> makeTryChange(
String name, String result, String patchsetRef,
{String? testName}) {
final results = result.split('/');
final previous = results[0];
final current = results[1];
final expected = results[2];
final change = {
'name': '${testName ?? name}_test',
'configuration': '${name}_configuration',
'suite': 'unused_field',
'test_name': 'unused_field',
'time_ms': 2384,
'result': current,
'previous_result': previous,
'expected': expected,
'matches': current == expected,
'changed': current != previous,
'commit_hash': patchsetRef,
'commit_time': 1583906489,
'build_number': '99997',
'builder_name': 'builder_$name',
'flaky': false,
'previous_flaky': false,
'previous_commit_hash': commit4,
'previous_commit_time': 1583906489,
'bot_name': 'fake_bot_name',
'previous_build_number': '306',
return change;
Map<String, dynamic> makeChange(
String name, String result, String commit, String previousCommit,
{String? testName}) {
final change = {
...makeTryChange(name, result, '', testName: testName),
'commit_hash': commit,
'previous_commit_hash': previousCommit,
return change;
Build makeBuild(String commit, Map<String, dynamic> change) {
return Build(BuildInfo.fromResult(change), commitsCache, firestore);
void main() async {
final baseClient = http.Client();
client = await clientViaApplicationDefaultCredentials(
scopes: [''],
baseClient: baseClient);
final api = FirestoreApi(client);
firestore = FirestoreService(api, client);
if (!await firestore.isStaging()) {
throw (TestFailure('Error: test is being run on production'));
commitsCache = CommitsCache(firestore, client);
await loadTestCommits(testCommitsStart);
tearDownAll(() async {
await removeBuildersAndResults();
test('commit range', () async {
// If the review does not have a final patchset group with multiple
// patchsets, find one that does and set testCommitsStart to that index.
expect(lastPatchset, isNot(patchsetGroup));
expect(patchsetGroup, isNot(earlyPatchset));
expect(int.parse(index2), lessThan(int.parse(index1)));
// reviewWithComments should have some comments, to test linking
final comments = await firestore.query(
from: 'comments',
where: fieldEquals('review', int.parse(reviewWithComments)));
expect(comments, isNotEmpty);
test('approvals', () async {
// Test that approvals are copied from approved try results in the
// blamelist range of a CI build
final change1 = makeTryChange('approvals', newFailure, lastPatchsetRef);
await makeTryjob('approvals', change1).process([change1]);
var documents = await firestore.query(
from: 'try_results', where: fieldEquals('name', 'approvals_test'));
await firestore.approveResult(documents.single.toDocument());
final change2 = makeTryChange('approvals', newFailure, patchsetGroupRef,
testName: 'approvals_2');
await makeTryjob('approvals', change2).process([change2]);
documents = await firestore.query(
from: 'try_results', where: fieldEquals('name', 'approvals_2_test'));
await firestore.approveResult(documents.single.toDocument());
final change3 = makeChange('approvals', newFailure, commit1, commit4);
final change3a = makeChange('approvals', newFailure, commit1, commit4)
..['configuration'] = 'second_approvals_configuration';
final change4 = makeChange('approvals', newFailure, commit1, commit4,
testName: 'approvals_2');
await makeBuild(commit1, change3).process([change3, change3a, change4]);
await checkBuild(change3['builder_name'], index1, success: true);
await checkResult(change3, index3, index1, {
'approved': true,
// Add a second configuration to an existing test failure, narrowing
// the blamelist
final change5 = makeChange('approvals_3', newFailure, commit1, commit3,
testName: 'approvals');
await makeBuild(commit1, change5).process([change5]);
await checkBuild(change5['builder_name'], index1, success: true);
await checkResult(change5, index2, index1, {
'approved': true,
'configurations': [
test('link_review', () async {
// The linkReviewToCommit and linkCommentsToCommit functions are
// idempotent, they just add some fields to documents.
// Remove the links from comments and review and recreate them.
expect(reviewWithComments, isNot(review));
expect(reviewWithComments, isNot(review2));
await firestore.reviewIsLanded(int.parse(reviewWithComments)), isTrue);
var commentsQuery = await firestore.query(
from: 'comments',
where: fieldEquals('review', int.parse(reviewWithComments)));
final landedIndex =
for (final item in commentsQuery) {
final fields = item.fields;
expect(fields[fBlamelistStartIndex]!.integerValue, landedIndex);
expect(fields[fBlamelistEndIndex]!.integerValue, landedIndex);
expect(fields[fReview]!.integerValue, reviewWithComments);
await firestore.updateFields(
item.toDocument(), [fBlamelistStartIndex, fBlamelistEndIndex]);
var reviewDocument = await firestore
expect(reviewDocument.fields!['landed_index']!.integerValue, landedIndex);
await firestore.updateFields(reviewDocument, ['landed_index']);
await firestore.linkReviewToCommit(
int.parse(reviewWithComments), int.parse(landedIndex));
await firestore.linkCommentsToCommit(
int.parse(reviewWithComments), int.parse(landedIndex));
commentsQuery = await firestore.query(
from: 'comments',
where: fieldEquals('review', int.parse(reviewWithComments)));
for (final item in commentsQuery) {
final fields = item.fields;
expect(fields[fBlamelistStartIndex]!.integerValue, landedIndex);
expect(fields[fBlamelistEndIndex]!.integerValue, landedIndex);
expect(fields[fReview]!.integerValue, reviewWithComments);
reviewDocument = await firestore
expect(reviewDocument.fields!['landed_index']!.integerValue, landedIndex);
Future<void> checkTryBuild(String name,
{bool? success, bool? truncated}) async {
final buildbucketId = 'bbID_$name';
final buildDocuments = await firestore.query(
from: 'try_builds', where: fieldEquals('buildbucket_id', buildbucketId));
expect(buildDocuments.length, 1);
final document = buildDocuments.single;
expect(document.getBool('success'), success);
if (truncated != null) {
expect(document.getBool('truncated'), truncated);
} else {
expect(document.fields.containsKey('truncated'), isFalse);
Future<void> checkBuild(String? builder, String index, {bool? success}) async {
final document = await firestore
expect(document.fields!['success']!.booleanValue, success);
Future<void> checkResult(Map<String, dynamic> change, String startIndex,
String endIndex, Map<String, dynamic> expected) async {
expect([fConfigurations, fApproved], containsAll(expected.keys));
final resultName = await firestore.findResult(
change, int.parse(startIndex), int.parse(endIndex));
expect(resultName, isNotNull);
final resultDocument = await firestore.getDocument(resultName!);
final data = untagMap(resultDocument.fields!);
expect(data[fName], change[fName]);
expect(data[fBlamelistStartIndex], int.parse(startIndex));
expect(data[fBlamelistEndIndex], int.parse(endIndex));
unorderedEquals(expected[fConfigurations] ?? data[fConfigurations]));
expect(data[fApproved], expected[fApproved] ?? data[fApproved]);