[functions] Remove functions project

Remove the package in "functions", which ran on Google Cloud Functions
and updated the test results in Firestore. It is replaced by the package
in "builder". The package "github-label-notifier" remains, and still
runs on Google Cloud Functions after being compiled to NodeJS.

Change-Id: Ib293c0f440c29a8aea11f85cb7f4f7d8a4e0c197
Bug: b/209394343
Fixes: b/204210679
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/dart_ci/+/222160
Commit-Queue: William Hesse <whesse@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Thomas <athom@google.com>
diff --git a/functions/README.md b/functions/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 650ed43..0000000
--- a/functions/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Cloud Functions for Dart CI
-Dart test results are sent to Pub/Sub and stored in Firestore
-by these functions, written in Dart and compiled to NodeJS.
-These functions write to the document collections 'results' and 'commits'
-in the projects 'dart-ci' and 'dart-ci-staging'
-## Installation
-pub get
-npm install
-pub run build_runner build --output=build
-firebase -P dart-ci-staging deploy --only functions
diff --git a/functions/build.yaml b/functions/build.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1122fde..0000000
--- a/functions/build.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-  $default:
-    sources:
-      - "node/**"
-      - "lib/**"
-      - "$package$"
-    builders:
-      build_node_compilers|entrypoint:
-        generate_for:
-        - node/**
-        options:
-          compiler: dart2js
-          # List any dart2js specific args here, or omit it.
-          dart2js_args:
-          - -DSTAGING_BRANCH=ci-test-data
-          # - --minify
diff --git a/functions/node/builder.dart b/functions/node/builder.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 155b999..0000000
--- a/functions/node/builder.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
-import 'commits_cache.dart';
-import 'firestore.dart';
-import 'result.dart';
-import 'reverted_changes.dart';
-/// A Builder holds information about a CI build, and can
-/// store the changed results from that build, using an injected
-/// Firestore() object.
-/// Tryjob builds are represented by a subclass Tryjob of this class.
-class Build {
-  final FirestoreService firestore;
-  final CommitsCache commitsCache;
-  final String commitHash;
-  final Map<String, dynamic> firstResult;
-  final int countChunks;
-  String builderName;
-  int buildNumber;
-  int startIndex;
-  int endIndex;
-  Map<String, dynamic> endCommit;
-  Future<void> _awaitCommits;
-  List<Map<String, dynamic>> commits;
-  Map<String, int> tryApprovals = {};
-  List<RevertedChanges> allRevertedChanges = [];
-  bool success = true; // Changed to false if any unapproved failure is seen.
-  int countChanges = 0;
-  int commitsFetched;
-  List<String> approvalMessages = [];
-  int countApprovalsCopied = 0;
-  Build(this.commitHash, this.firstResult, this.countChunks, this.commitsCache,
-      this.firestore)
-      : builderName = firstResult['builder_name'],
-        buildNumber = int.parse(firstResult['build_number']);
-  Future<void> process(List<Map<String, dynamic>> results) async {
-    final configurations =
-        results.map((change) => change['configuration'] as String).toSet();
-    await update(configurations);
-    await Pool(30).forEach(results.where(isChangedResult), storeChange).drain();
-    if (countChunks != null) {
-      await firestore.storeBuildChunkCount(builderName, endIndex, countChunks);
-    }
-    await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builderName, endIndex, success);
-    final report = [
-      'Processed ${results.length} results from $builderName build $buildNumber',
-      if (countChanges > 0) 'Stored $countChanges changes',
-      if (commitsFetched != null) 'Fetched $commitsFetched new commits',
-      '${firestore.documentsFetched} documents fetched',
-      '${firestore.documentsWritten} documents written',
-      if (!success) 'Found unapproved new failures',
-      if (countApprovalsCopied > 0) ...[
-        '$countApprovalsCopied approvals copied',
-        ...approvalMessages,
-        if (countApprovalsCopied > 10) '...'
-      ]
-    ];
-    print(report.join('\n'));
-  }
-  Future<void> update(Iterable<String> configurations) async {
-    await storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    await storeConfigurationsInfo(configurations);
-    await firestore.updateBuildInfo(builderName, buildNumber, endIndex);
-  }
-  /// Stores the commit info for the blamelist of result.
-  /// If the info is already there does nothing.
-  /// Saves the commit indices of the start and end of the blamelist.
-  Future<void> storeBuildCommitsInfo() async {
-    // Get indices of change.  Range includes startIndex and endIndex.
-    endCommit = await commitsCache.getCommit(commitHash);
-    if (endCommit == null) {
-      throw 'Result received with unknown commit hash $commitHash';
-    }
-    endIndex = endCommit[fIndex];
-    // If this is a new builder, use the current commit as a trivial blamelist.
-    if (firstResult['previous_commit_hash'] == null) {
-      startIndex = endIndex;
-    } else {
-      final startCommit =
-          await commitsCache.getCommit(firstResult['previous_commit_hash']);
-      startIndex = startCommit[fIndex] + 1;
-      if (startIndex > endIndex) {
-        throw ArgumentError('Results received with empty blamelist\n'
-            'previous commit: ${firstResult['previous_commit_hash']}\n'
-            'built commit: $commitHash');
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /// This async function's implementation runs exactly once.
-  /// Later invocations return the same future returned by the first invocation.
-  Future<void> fetchReviewsAndReverts() => _awaitCommits ??= () async {
-        commits = [
-          for (var index = startIndex; index < endIndex; ++index)
-            await commitsCache.getCommitByIndex(index),
-          endCommit
-        ];
-        for (final commit in commits) {
-          final index = commit[fIndex];
-          final review = commit[fReview];
-          final reverted = commit[fRevertOf];
-          if (review != null) {
-            tryApprovals.addAll({
-              for (final result in await firestore.tryApprovals(review))
-                testResult(result): index
-            });
-          }
-          if (reverted != null) {
-            allRevertedChanges
-                .add(await getRevertedChanges(reverted, index, firestore));
-          }
-        }
-      }();
-  Future<void> storeConfigurationsInfo(Iterable<String> configurations) async {
-    for (final configuration in configurations) {
-      await firestore.updateConfiguration(configuration, builderName);
-    }
-  }
-  Future<void> storeChange(Map<String, dynamic> change) async {
-    countChanges++;
-    await fetchReviewsAndReverts();
-    transformChange(change);
-    final failure = isFailure(change);
-    var approved;
-    String result = await firestore.findResult(change, startIndex, endIndex);
-    List<Map<String, dynamic>> activeResults =
-        await firestore.findActiveResults(change);
-    if (result == null) {
-      final approvingIndex = tryApprovals[testResult(change)] ??
-          allRevertedChanges
-              .firstWhere(
-                  (revertedChange) => revertedChange.approveRevert(change),
-                  orElse: () => null)
-              ?.revertIndex;
-      approved = approvingIndex != null;
-      final newResult = constructResult(change, startIndex, endIndex,
-          approved: approved,
-          landedReviewIndex: approvingIndex,
-          failure: failure);
-      await firestore.storeResult(newResult);
-      if (approved) {
-        countApprovalsCopied++;
-        if (countApprovalsCopied <= 10)
-          approvalMessages
-              .add('Copied approval of result ${testResult(change)}');
-      }
-    } else {
-      approved = await firestore.updateResult(
-          result, change['configuration'], startIndex, endIndex,
-          failure: failure);
-    }
-    if (failure && !approved) success = false;
-    for (final activeResult in activeResults) {
-      // Log error message if any expected invariants are violated
-      if (activeResult[fBlamelistEndIndex] >= startIndex ||
-          !activeResult[fActiveConfigurations]
-              .contains(change['configuration'])) {
-        print('Unexpected active result when processing new change:\n'
-            'Active result: $activeResult\n\n'
-            'Change: $change\n\n'
-            'approved: $approved');
-      }
-      // Removes the configuration from the list of active configurations.
-      // Mark the active result inactive when we remove the last active config.
-      firestore.updateActiveResult(activeResult, change['configuration']);
-    }
-  }
-Map<String, dynamic> constructResult(
-        Map<String, dynamic> change, int startIndex, int endIndex,
-        {bool approved, int landedReviewIndex, bool failure}) =>
-    {
-      fName: change[fName],
-      fResult: change[fResult],
-      fPreviousResult: change[fPreviousResult],
-      fExpected: change[fExpected],
-      fBlamelistStartIndex: startIndex,
-      fBlamelistEndIndex: endIndex,
-      if (startIndex != endIndex && approved) fPinnedIndex: landedReviewIndex,
-      fConfigurations: <String>[change['configuration']],
-      fApproved: approved,
-      if (failure) fActive: true,
-      if (failure) fActiveConfigurations: <String>[change['configuration']]
-    };
diff --git a/functions/node/commits_cache.dart b/functions/node/commits_cache.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eeaf9c..0000000
--- a/functions/node/commits_cache.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
-import 'firestore.dart';
-import 'result.dart';
-/// Contains data about the commits on the tracked branch of the SDK repo.
-/// An instance of this class is stored in a top-level variable, and is
-/// shared between cloud function invocations.
-/// The class fetches commits from Firestore if they are present,
-/// and fetches them from gitiles if not, and saves them to Firestore.
-class CommitsCache {
-  FirestoreService firestore;
-  final http.Client httpClient;
-  Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> byHash = {};
-  Map<int, Map<String, dynamic>> byIndex = {};
-  int startIndex;
-  int endIndex;
-  CommitsCache(this.firestore, this.httpClient);
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommit(String hash) async {
-    return byHash[hash] ??
-        await _fetchByHash(hash) ??
-        await _getNewCommits() ??
-        await _fetchByHash(hash) ??
-        _reportError('getCommit($hash)');
-  }
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommitByIndex(int index) async {
-    return byIndex[index] ??
-        await _fetchByIndex(index) ??
-        await _getNewCommits() ??
-        await _fetchByIndex(index) ??
-        _reportError('getCommitByIndex($index)');
-  }
-  Map<String, dynamic> _reportError(String message) {
-    final error = "Failed to fetch commit: $message\n"
-        "Commit cache holds:\n"
-        "  $startIndex: ${byIndex[startIndex]}\n"
-        "  ...\n"
-        "  $endIndex: ${byIndex[endIndex]}";
-    print(error);
-    throw error;
-  }
-  /// Add a commit to the cache. The cache must be empty, or the commit
-  /// must be immediately before or after the current cached commits.
-  /// Otherwise, do nothing.
-  void _cacheCommit(Map<String, dynamic> commit) {
-    final index = commit['index'];
-    if (startIndex == null || startIndex == index + 1) {
-      startIndex = index;
-      if (endIndex == null) {
-        endIndex = index;
-      }
-    } else if (endIndex + 1 == index) {
-      endIndex = index;
-    } else
-      return;
-    byHash[commit['hash']] = commit;
-    byIndex[index] = commit;
-  }
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchByHash(String hash) async {
-    final commit = await firestore.getCommit(hash);
-    if (commit == null) return null;
-    final index = commit['index'];
-    if (startIndex == null) {
-      _cacheCommit(commit);
-    } else if (index < startIndex) {
-      for (int fetchIndex = startIndex - 1; fetchIndex > index; --fetchIndex) {
-        // Other invocations may be fetching simultaneously.
-        if (fetchIndex < startIndex) {
-          final infillCommit = await firestore.getCommitByIndex(fetchIndex);
-          _cacheCommit(infillCommit);
-        }
-      }
-      _cacheCommit(commit);
-    } else if (index > endIndex) {
-      for (int fetchIndex = endIndex + 1; fetchIndex < index; ++fetchIndex) {
-        // Other invocations may be fetching simultaneously.
-        if (fetchIndex > endIndex) {
-          final infillCommit = await firestore.getCommitByIndex(fetchIndex);
-          _cacheCommit(infillCommit);
-        }
-      }
-      _cacheCommit(commit);
-    }
-    return commit;
-  }
-  Future<String> get branchName async {
-    if (await firestore.isStaging()) {
-      return const String.fromEnvironment('STAGING_BRANCH') ?? 'master';
-    }
-    return 'master';
-  }
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchByIndex(int index) => firestore
-      .getCommitByIndex(index)
-      .then((commit) => _fetchByHash(commit['hash']));
-  /// This function is idempotent, so every call of it should write the
-  /// same info to new Firestore documents.  It is safe to call multiple
-  /// times simultaneously.
-  Future<Null> _getNewCommits() async {
-    const prefix = ")]}'\n";
-    final lastCommit = await firestore.getLastCommit();
-    final lastHash = lastCommit['hash'];
-    final lastIndex = lastCommit['index'];
-    final branch = await branchName;
-    final logUrl = 'https://dart.googlesource.com/sdk/+log/';
-    final range = '$lastHash..$branch';
-    final parameters = ['format=JSON', 'topo-order', 'first-parent', 'n=1000'];
-    final url = '$logUrl$range?${parameters.join('&')}';
-    final response = await httpClient.get(url);
-    final protectedJson = response.body;
-    if (!protectedJson.startsWith(prefix))
-      throw Exception('Gerrit response missing prefix $prefix: $protectedJson.'
-          'Requested URL: $url');
-    final commits = jsonDecode(protectedJson.substring(prefix.length))['log']
-        as List<dynamic>;
-    if (commits.isEmpty) {
-      print('Found no new commits between $lastHash and $branch');
-      return;
-    }
-    print('Fetched new commits from Gerrit (gitiles): $commits');
-    final first = commits.last as Map<String, dynamic>;
-    if (first['parents'].first != lastHash) {
-      throw 'First new commit ${first['commit']} is not'
-          ' a child of last known commit $lastHash when fetching new commits';
-    }
-    var index = lastIndex + 1;
-    for (Map<String, dynamic> commit in commits.reversed) {
-      final review = _review(commit);
-      var reverted = _revert(commit);
-      var relanded = _reland(commit);
-      if (relanded != null) {
-        reverted = null;
-      }
-      if (reverted != null) {
-        final revertedCommit = await firestore.getCommit(reverted);
-        if (revertedCommit != null && revertedCommit[fRevertOf] != null) {
-          reverted = null;
-          relanded = revertedCommit[fRevertOf];
-        }
-      }
-      await firestore.addCommit(commit['commit'], {
-        fAuthor: commit['author']['email'],
-        fCreated: parseGitilesDateTime(commit['committer']['time']),
-        fIndex: index,
-        fTitle: commit['message'].split('\n').first,
-        if (review != null) fReview: review,
-        if (reverted != null) fRevertOf: reverted,
-        if (relanded != null) fRelandOf: relanded,
-      });
-      if (review != null) {
-        await landReview(commit, index);
-      }
-      ++index;
-    }
-  }
-  /// This function is idempotent and may be called multiple times
-  /// concurrently.
-  Future<void> landReview(Map<String, dynamic> commit, int index) async {
-    int review = _review(commit);
-    // Optimization to avoid duplicate work: if another instance has linked
-    // the review to its landed commit, do nothing.
-    if (await firestore.reviewIsLanded(review)) return;
-    await firestore.linkReviewToCommit(review, index);
-    await firestore.linkCommentsToCommit(review, index);
-  }
-class TestingCommitsCache extends CommitsCache {
-  TestingCommitsCache(firestore, httpClient) : super(firestore, httpClient);
-  Future<Null> _getNewCommits() async {
-    if ((await firestore.isStaging())) {
-      return super._getNewCommits();
-    }
-  }
-const months = const {
-  'Jan': '01',
-  'Feb': '02',
-  'Mar': '03',
-  'Apr': '04',
-  'May': '05',
-  'Jun': '06',
-  'Jul': '07',
-  'Aug': '08',
-  'Sep': '09',
-  'Oct': '10',
-  'Nov': '11',
-  'Dec': '12'
-DateTime parseGitilesDateTime(String gitiles) {
-  final parts = gitiles.split(' ');
-  final year = parts[4];
-  final month = months[parts[1]];
-  final day = parts[2].padLeft(2, '0');
-  return DateTime.parse('$year-$month-$day ${parts[3]} ${parts[5]}');
-final reviewRegExp = RegExp(
-    '^Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/\\+/(\\d+)\$',
-    multiLine: true);
-int _review(Map<String, dynamic> commit) {
-  final match = reviewRegExp.firstMatch(commit['message']);
-  if (match != null) return int.parse(match.group(1));
-  return null;
-final revertRegExp =
-    RegExp('^This reverts commit ([\\da-f]+)\\.\$', multiLine: true);
-String _revert(Map<String, dynamic> commit) =>
-    revertRegExp.firstMatch(commit['message'])?.group(1);
-final relandRegExp =
-    RegExp('^This is a reland of ([\\da-f]+)\\.?\$', multiLine: true);
-String _reland(Map<String, dynamic> commit) =>
-    relandRegExp.firstMatch(commit['message'])?.group(1);
diff --git a/functions/node/firestore.dart b/functions/node/firestore.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fed023..0000000
--- a/functions/node/firestore.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// FirestoreService is implemented by FirestoreServiceImpl, for production
-/// use, and by FirestoreServiceMock, for testing.
-/// The implementation must be in a separate file, so that testing can
-/// run on Dart native, not just on the nodeJS platform.
-abstract class FirestoreService {
-  int get documentsFetched;
-  int get documentsWritten;
-  Future<bool> isStaging();
-  Future<bool> hasPatchset(String review, String patchset);
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommit(String hash);
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommitByIndex(int index);
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getLastCommit();
-  Future<void> addCommit(String id, Map<String, dynamic> data);
-  Future<void> updateConfiguration(String configuration, String builder);
-  Future<void> updateBuildInfo(String builder, int buildNumber, int index);
-  Future<String> findResult(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change, int startIndex, int endIndex);
-  Future<void> storeResult(Map<String, dynamic> result);
-  Future<bool> updateResult(
-      String result, String configuration, int startIndex, int endIndex,
-      {bool failure});
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findRevertedChanges(int index);
-  Future<bool> storeTryChange(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change, int review, int patchset);
-  Future<void> updateActiveResult(
-      Map<String, dynamic> activeResult, String configuration);
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findActiveResults(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change);
-  Future<void> storeReview(String review, Map<String, dynamic> data);
-  Future<void> storePatchset(
-      String review, int patchset, Map<String, dynamic> data);
-  Future<bool> reviewIsLanded(int review);
-  Future<void> linkReviewToCommit(int review, int index);
-  Future<void> linkCommentsToCommit(int review, int index);
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryApprovals(int review);
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryResults(
-      int review, String configuration);
-  Future<void> storeChunkStatus(String builder, int index, bool success);
-  Future<void> storeBuildChunkCount(String builder, int index, int numChunks);
-  Future<void> storeTryChunkStatus(String builder, int buildNumber,
-      String buildbucketID, int review, int patchset, bool success);
-  Future<void> storeTryBuildChunkCount(String builder, int buildNumber,
-      String buildbucketID, int review, int patchset, int numChunks);
diff --git a/functions/node/firestore_impl.dart b/functions/node/firestore_impl.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b74be22..0000000
--- a/functions/node/firestore_impl.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math' show max, min;
-import 'package:firebase_admin_interop/firebase_admin_interop.dart';
-import 'package:node_interop/node.dart';
-import 'package:retry/retry.dart';
-import 'firestore.dart';
-// Cloud functions run the cloud function many times in the same isolate.
-// Use static initializer to run global initialization once.
-Firestore firestore = createFirestore();
-Firestore createFirestore() {
-  final app = FirebaseAdmin.instance.initializeApp();
-  return app.firestore()
-    ..settings(FirestoreSettings(timestampsInSnapshots: true));
-class ActiveRequest {
-  final String type;
-  final String info;
-  final DateTime start;
-  ActiveRequest(this.type, this.info) : start = DateTime.now();
-  String toString() => 'Request $type of $info started at $start';
-class FirestoreServiceError {
-  final ActiveRequest request;
-  final DateTime errorTime;
-  final Set<ActiveRequest> activeRequests;
-  final firestoreError;
-  FirestoreServiceError(this.request, this.firestoreError, this.activeRequests)
-      : errorTime = DateTime.now();
-  String toString() => '''
-Error in ${request.type} of ${request.info}:
-Request failed at $errorTime, after running for ${errorTime.difference(request.start)}
-Concurrent Firestore requests pending:
-class FirestoreServiceImpl implements FirestoreService {
-  int documentsFetched = 0;
-  int documentsWritten = 0;
-  Set<ActiveRequest> activeRequests = {};
-  Future<T> traceRequest<T>(
-      String type, String info, Future<T> firestoreCall()) async {
-    final request = ActiveRequest(type, info);
-    activeRequests.add(request);
-    T result;
-    try {
-      result = await firestoreCall();
-      if (result is QuerySnapshot && result.isNotEmpty) {
-        documentsFetched += result.documents.length;
-      } else if (result is DocumentSnapshot && result.exists) {
-        documentsFetched++;
-      }
-    } catch (e) {
-      throw FirestoreServiceError(request, e, activeRequests);
-    }
-    activeRequests.remove(request);
-    return result;
-  }
-  Future<DocumentSnapshot> getDocument(DocumentReference reference) =>
-      traceRequest('get document', reference.path, reference.get);
-  Future<QuerySnapshot> runQuery(DocumentQuery query, String debugInfo) =>
-      traceRequest('run query', debugInfo, query.get);
-  Future<void> setDocument(
-          DocumentReference reference, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
-      traceRequest('set document', reference.path, () {
-        documentsWritten++;
-        return reference.setData(
-            DocumentData.fromMap(data), SetOptions(merge: true));
-      });
-  Future<void> updateDocument(
-          DocumentReference reference, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
-      traceRequest('update document', reference.path, () {
-        documentsWritten++;
-        return reference.updateData(UpdateData.fromMap(data));
-      });
-  // Because we can't read the number of documents written from a
-  // WriteBatch object, increment documentsWritten where we add writes
-  // to the write batch at use sites.
-  Future<void> commitBatch(WriteBatch batch, String info) =>
-      traceRequest('commit batch', info, batch.commit);
-  // The update function may be run multiple times, if the transaction retries.
-  // Increment documentsWritten and documentsRead in the update function body.
-  // The counts will include reads and attempted writes during retries.
-  Future<T> runTransaction<T>(String info, Future<T> update(Transaction t)) =>
-      traceRequest<T>(
-          'run transaction', info, () => firestore.runTransaction(update));
-  Future<void> add(CollectionReference reference, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
-      traceRequest('add document', reference.path, () {
-        documentsWritten++;
-        return reference.add(DocumentData.fromMap(data));
-      });
-  Future<bool> isStaging() =>
-      runQuery(firestore.collection('staging'), 'staging')
-          .then((s) => s.isNotEmpty);
-  Future<bool> hasPatchset(String review, String patchset) =>
-      getDocument(firestore.document('reviews/$review/patchsets/$patchset'))
-          .then((s) => s.exists);
-  Map<String, dynamic> _commit(DocumentSnapshot document) {
-    if (document.exists) {
-      return document.data.toMap()..['hash'] = document.documentID;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommit(String hash) =>
-      getDocument(firestore.document('commits/$hash'))
-          .then((document) => _commit(document));
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommitByIndex(int index) => runQuery(
-          firestore.collection('commits').where('index', isEqualTo: index),
-          'commits where index == $index')
-      .then((s) => _commit(s.documents.first));
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getLastCommit() async {
-    QuerySnapshot lastCommit = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('commits')
-            .orderBy('index', descending: true)
-            .limit(1),
-        'commits by descending index, limit 1');
-    return _commit(lastCommit.documents.first);
-  }
-  Future<void> addCommit(String id, Map<String, dynamic> data) async {
-    data['created'] = Timestamp.fromDateTime(data['created']);
-    await setDocument(firestore.document('commits/$id'), data);
-  }
-  Future<void> updateConfiguration(String configuration, String builder) async {
-    final record =
-        await getDocument(firestore.document('configurations/$configuration'));
-    if (!record.exists || record.data.getString('builder') != builder) {
-      await setDocument(firestore.document('configurations/$configuration'),
-          {'builder': builder});
-      if (!record.exists) {
-        console
-            .log('Configuration document $configuration -> $builder created');
-      } else {
-        console
-            .log('Configuration document changed: $configuration -> $builder '
-                '(was ${record.data.getString("builder")}');
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Future<void> updateBuildInfo(
-      String builder, int buildNumber, int index) async {
-    final documentRef = firestore.document('builds/$builder:$index');
-    final record = await getDocument(documentRef);
-    if (!record.exists) {
-      await setDocument(documentRef,
-          {'builder': builder, 'build_number': buildNumber, 'index': index});
-      console.log('Created build record: '
-          'builder: $builder, build_number: $buildNumber, index: $index');
-    } else if (record.data.getInt('index') != index) {
-      throw ('Build $buildNumber of $builder had commit index ${record.data.getInt('index')},'
-          'should be $index.');
-    }
-  }
-  Future<String> findResult(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change, int startIndex, int endIndex) async {
-    String name = change['name'];
-    String result = change['result'];
-    String previousResult = change['previous_result'];
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('results')
-            .orderBy('blamelist_end_index', descending: true)
-            .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
-            .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
-            .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
-            .where('expected', isEqualTo: change['expected'])
-            .limit(5) // We will pick the right one, probably the latest.
-        ,
-        'results by descending blamelist_end_index where name == $name,'
-        'result == $result, previous_result == $previousResult, '
-        'expected == ${change['expected']}, limit 5');
-    bool blamelistIncludesChange(DocumentSnapshot groupDocument) {
-      var group = groupDocument.data;
-      var groupStart = group.getInt('blamelist_start_index');
-      var groupEnd = group.getInt('blamelist_end_index');
-      return startIndex <= groupEnd && endIndex >= groupStart;
-    }
-    return snapshot.documents
-        .firstWhere(blamelistIncludesChange, orElse: () => null)
-        ?.documentID;
-  }
-  Future<void> storeResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) =>
-      firestore.collection('results').add(DocumentData.fromMap(result));
-  Future<bool> updateResult(
-      String result, String configuration, int startIndex, int endIndex,
-      {bool failure}) {
-    DocumentReference reference = firestore.document('results/$result');
-    // Update the result in a transaction.
-    Future<bool> updateResultTransaction(Transaction transaction) =>
-        transaction.get(reference).then((resultSnapshot) {
-          documentsFetched++;
-          final data = resultSnapshot.data;
-          // Allow missing 'approved' field during transition period.
-          bool approved = data.getBool('approved') ?? false;
-          // Add the new configuration and narrow the blamelist.
-          final newStart =
-              max(startIndex, data.getInt('blamelist_start_index'));
-          final newEnd = min(endIndex, data.getInt('blamelist_end_index'));
-          final update = UpdateData.fromMap({
-            'blamelist_start_index': newStart,
-            'blamelist_end_index': newEnd,
-          });
-          update.setFieldValue('configurations',
-              Firestore.fieldValues.arrayUnion([configuration]));
-          if (failure) {
-            update.setBool('active', true);
-            update.setFieldValue('active_configurations',
-                Firestore.fieldValues.arrayUnion([configuration]));
-          }
-          transaction.update(reference, update);
-          documentsWritten++;
-          return approved;
-        });
-    return runTransaction(
-        'update result ${reference.path}', updateResultTransaction);
-  }
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findRevertedChanges(int index) async {
-    QuerySnapshot pinned = await runQuery(
-        firestore.collection('results').where('pinned_index', isEqualTo: index),
-        "results where pinned_index == $index");
-    QuerySnapshot unpinned = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('results')
-            .where('blamelist_end_index', isEqualTo: index),
-        'results where blamelist_end_index == $index');
-    return [
-      for (final document in pinned.documents) document.data.toMap(),
-      for (final document in unpinned.documents)
-        if (document.data.getInt('blamelist_start_index') == index &&
-            document.data.getInt('pinned_index') == null)
-          document.data.toMap(),
-    ];
-  }
-  Future<bool> storeTryChange(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change, int review, int patchset) async {
-    String name = change['name'];
-    String result = change['result'];
-    String expected = change['expected'];
-    String previousResult = change['previous_result'];
-    // Find an existing TryResult for this test on this patchset.
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('try_results')
-            .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-            .where('patchset', isEqualTo: patchset)
-            .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
-            .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
-            .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
-            .where('expected', isEqualTo: expected)
-            .limit(1),
-        'try_results where review == $review, patchset == $patchset, '
-        'name == $name, result == $result, '
-        'previous_result == ${previousResult}, expected == $expected, '
-        'limit 1');
-    if (snapshot.isEmpty) {
-      // Is the previous result for this test on this review approved?
-      QuerySnapshot previous = await runQuery(
-          firestore
-              .collection('try_results')
-              .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-              .where('name', isEqualTo: name)
-              .where('result', isEqualTo: result)
-              .where('previous_result', isEqualTo: previousResult)
-              .where('expected', isEqualTo: expected)
-              .orderBy('patchset', descending: true)
-              .limit(1),
-          'try_results where review == $review, '
-          'name == $name, result == $result, '
-          'previous_result == ${previousResult}, expected == $expected, '
-          'order by descending patchset, limit 1');
-      // Create a TryResult for this test on this patchset.
-      // Allow a missing 'approved' field during a transition period
-      final approved = previous.isNotEmpty &&
-          previous.documents.first.data.getBool('approved') == true;
-      await firestore.collection('try_results').add(DocumentData.fromMap({
-            'name': name,
-            'result': result,
-            'previous_result': previousResult,
-            'expected': expected,
-            'review': review,
-            'patchset': patchset,
-            'configurations': <String>[change['configuration']],
-            'approved': approved
-          }));
-      return approved;
-    } else {
-      // Update the TryResult for this test, adding this configuration.
-      await updateDocument(snapshot.documents.first.reference, {
-        'configurations':
-            Firestore.fieldValues.arrayUnion([change['configuration']])
-      });
-      // Return true if this result is approved
-      return snapshot.documents.first.data.getBool('approved') == true;
-    }
-  }
-  Future<void> updateActiveResult(
-      Map<String, dynamic> activeResult, String configuration) async {
-    final document = firestore.document('results/${activeResult['id']}');
-    if (activeResult['active_configurations'].length > 1) {
-      await updateDocument(document, {
-        'active_configurations':
-            Firestore.fieldValues.arrayRemove([configuration])
-      });
-      activeResult = (await getDocument(document)).data.toMap();
-      if (!activeResult.containsKey('active_configurations') ||
-          activeResult['active_configurations'].isNotEmpty) return;
-    }
-    return updateDocument(document, {
-      'active_configurations': Firestore.fieldValues.delete(),
-      'active': Firestore.fieldValues.delete()
-    });
-  }
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findActiveResults(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change) async {
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('results')
-            .where('active_configurations',
-                arrayContains: change['configuration'])
-            .where('active', isEqualTo: true)
-            .where('name', isEqualTo: change['name']),
-        'results where active_configurations contains '
-        '${change['configuration']}, active == true, '
-        'name == ${change['name']}');
-    final results = [
-      for (final document in snapshot.documents)
-        document.data.toMap()..['id'] = document.documentID
-    ];
-    if (results.length > 1) {
-      console.error([
-        'Multiple active results for the same configuration and test',
-        ...results
-      ].join('\n'));
-    }
-    return results;
-  }
-  Future<void> storeReview(String review, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
-      setDocument(firestore.document('reviews/$review'), data);
-  Future<void> storePatchset(
-          String review, int patchset, Map<String, dynamic> data) =>
-      setDocument(
-          firestore.document('reviews/$review/patchsets/$patchset'), data);
-  /// Returns true if a review record in the database has a landed_index field,
-  /// or if there is no record for the review in the database.  Reviews with no
-  /// test failures have no record, and don't need to be linked when landing.
-  Future<bool> reviewIsLanded(int review) =>
-      getDocument(firestore.document('reviews/$review')).then((document) =>
-          !document.exists || document.data.getInt('landed_index') != null);
-  Future<void> linkReviewToCommit(int review, int index) => updateDocument(
-      firestore.document('reviews/$review'), {'landed_index': index});
-  Future<void> linkCommentsToCommit(int review, int index) async {
-    QuerySnapshot comments = await firestore
-        .collection('comments')
-        .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-        .get();
-    if (comments.isEmpty) return;
-    final batch = firestore.batch();
-    for (final comment in comments.documents) {
-      documentsWritten++;
-      batch.updateData(
-          comment.reference,
-          UpdateData.fromMap(
-              {'blamelist_start_index': index, 'blamelist_end_index': index}));
-    }
-    await commitBatch(batch, 'linkCommentsToCommit');
-  }
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryApprovals(int review) async {
-    final patchsets = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('reviews/$review/patchsets')
-            .orderBy('number', descending: true)
-            .limit(1),
-        'reviews/$review/patchsets by descending number limit 1');
-    if (patchsets.isEmpty) return [];
-    final lastPatchsetGroup =
-        patchsets.documents.first.data.getInt('patchset_group');
-    QuerySnapshot approvals = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('try_results')
-            .where('approved', isEqualTo: true)
-            .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-            .where('patchset', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: lastPatchsetGroup),
-        'try_results where approved == true, review == $review, '
-        'patchset >= $lastPatchsetGroup');
-    return [for (final document in approvals.documents) document.data.toMap()];
-  }
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryResults(
-      int review, String configuration) async {
-    final patchsets = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('reviews/$review/patchsets')
-            .orderBy('number', descending: true)
-            .limit(1),
-        'reviews/$review/patchsets by descending number limit 1');
-    if (patchsets.isEmpty) return [];
-    final lastPatchsetGroup =
-        patchsets.documents.first.data.getInt('patchset_group');
-    QuerySnapshot approvals = await runQuery(
-        firestore
-            .collection('try_results')
-            .where('review', isEqualTo: review)
-            .where('configurations', arrayContains: configuration)
-            .where('patchset', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: lastPatchsetGroup),
-        'try_results where review == $review, '
-        'configurations contains $configuration, '
-        'patchset >= $lastPatchsetGroup');
-    return [for (final document in approvals.documents) document.data.toMap()];
-  }
-  Future<void> storeChunkStatus(String builder, int index, bool success) async {
-    final document = firestore.document('builds/$builder:$index');
-    // Compute activeFailures outside transaction, because it runs queries.
-    // Because "completed" might be true inside transaction, but not now,
-    // we must compute activeFailures always, not just on last chunk.
-    Future<void> updateStatus(Transaction transaction) async {
-      final snapshot = await transaction.get(document);
-      documentsFetched++;
-      final data = snapshot.data.toMap();
-      final int chunks = data['num_chunks'];
-      final int processedChunks = data['processed_chunks'] ?? 0;
-      final bool completed = chunks == processedChunks + 1;
-      final update = UpdateData.fromMap({
-        'processed_chunks': processedChunks + 1,
-        'success': (data['success'] ?? true) && success,
-        if (completed) 'completed': true,
-      });
-      transaction.update(document, update);
-      documentsWritten++;
-    }
-    await retry(
-        () => runTransaction(
-            'update build status ${document.path}', updateStatus),
-        retryIf: (e) {
-      console.error("Retrying storeChunkStatus failed transaction: $e");
-      return e.toString().contains('Please try again.');
-    });
-  }
-  Future<void> storeBuildChunkCount(
-      String builder, int index, int numChunks) async {
-    return updateDocument(firestore.document('builds/$builder:$index'),
-        {'num_chunks': numChunks});
-  }
-  Future<void> storeTryChunkStatus(String builder, int buildNumber,
-      String buildbucketID, int review, int patchset, bool success) async {
-    await _ensureTryBuildRecord(
-        builder, buildNumber, buildbucketID, review, patchset);
-    final reference =
-        firestore.document('try_builds/$builder:$review:$patchset');
-    Future<void> updateStatus(Transaction transaction) async {
-      final snapshot = await transaction.get(reference);
-      documentsFetched++;
-      final data = snapshot.data.toMap();
-      final int chunks = data['num_chunks'];
-      final int processedChunks = data['processed_chunks'] ?? 0;
-      final bool completed = chunks == processedChunks + 1;
-      final update = UpdateData.fromMap({
-        'processed_chunks': processedChunks + 1,
-        'success': (data['success'] ?? true) && success,
-        if (completed) 'completed': true
-      });
-      transaction.update(reference, update);
-      documentsWritten++;
-    }
-    await retry(
-        () => runTransaction(
-            'update try build status ${reference.path}', updateStatus),
-        retryIf: (e) {
-      console.error("Retrying storeTryChunkStatus failed transaction: $e");
-      return e.toString().contains('Please try again.');
-    });
-  }
-  Future<void> storeTryBuildChunkCount(String builder, int buildNumber,
-      String buildbucketID, int review, int patchset, int numChunks) async {
-    await _ensureTryBuildRecord(
-        builder, buildNumber, buildbucketID, review, patchset);
-    await updateDocument(
-        firestore.document('try_builds/$builder:$review:$patchset'),
-        {'num_chunks': numChunks});
-  }
-  Future<void> _ensureTryBuildRecord(String builder, int buildNumber,
-      String buildbucketID, int review, int patchset) async {
-    final reference =
-        firestore.document('try_builds/$builder:$review:$patchset');
-    var snapshot = await getDocument(reference);
-    if (snapshot.exists && snapshot.data.getInt('build_number') > buildNumber) {
-      throw ArgumentError("Received chunk from previous build $buildNumber"
-          " after chunk from a later build");
-    }
-    if (snapshot.exists && snapshot.data.getInt('build_number') < buildNumber) {
-      Future<void> deleteEarlierBuild(Transaction transaction) async {
-        final snapshot = await transaction.get(reference);
-        documentsFetched++;
-        if (snapshot.exists &&
-            snapshot.data.getInt('build_number') < buildNumber) {
-          transaction.delete(reference);
-          documentsWritten++;
-        }
-      }
-      try {
-        await runTransaction(
-            'delete earlier build on patchset: ${reference.path}',
-            deleteEarlierBuild);
-      } finally {
-        snapshot = await getDocument(reference);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!snapshot.exists) {
-      await setDocument(reference, {
-        'builder': builder,
-        'build_number': buildNumber,
-        if (buildbucketID != null) 'buildbucket_id': buildbucketID,
-        'review': review,
-        'patchset': patchset,
-      });
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/functions/node/gerrit_change.dart b/functions/node/gerrit_change.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 263ad4a..0000000
--- a/functions/node/gerrit_change.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
-import 'firestore.dart';
-class GerritInfo {
-  static const gerritUrl = 'https://dart-review.googlesource.com/changes';
-  static const gerritQuery =
-  static const trivialKinds = const {
-    'NO_CHANGE',
-  };
-  static const prefix = ")]}'\n";
-  http.BaseClient httpClient;
-  FirestoreService firestore;
-  String review;
-  String patchset;
-  GerritInfo(int review, int patchset, this.firestore, this.httpClient) {
-    this.review = review.toString();
-    this.patchset = patchset.toString();
-  }
-// Fetch the owner, changeId, message, and date of a Gerrit change.
-  Future<void> update() async {
-    if (await firestore.hasPatchset(review, patchset)) return;
-    // Get the Gerrit change's commit from the Gerrit API.
-    final url = '$gerritUrl/$review?$gerritQuery';
-    final response = await httpClient.get(url);
-    final protectedJson = response.body;
-    if (!protectedJson.startsWith(prefix))
-      throw Exception('Gerrit response missing prefix $prefix: $protectedJson');
-    final reviewInfo = jsonDecode(protectedJson.substring(prefix.length))
-        as Map<String, dynamic>;
-    final reverted = revert(reviewInfo);
-    await firestore.storeReview(review, {
-      'subject': reviewInfo['subject'],
-      if (reverted != null) 'revert_of': reverted
-    });
-    // Add the patchset information to the patchsets subcollection.
-    final revisions = reviewInfo['revisions'].values.toList()
-      ..sort((a, b) => (a['_number'] as int).compareTo(b['_number']));
-    int patchsetGroupFirst;
-    for (Map<String, dynamic> revision in revisions) {
-      int number = revision['_number'];
-      if (!trivialKinds.contains(revision['kind'])) {
-        patchsetGroupFirst = number;
-      }
-      await firestore.storePatchset(review, number, {
-        'number': number,
-        'patchset_group': patchsetGroupFirst,
-        'description': revision['description'],
-        'kind': revision['kind']
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  static String revert(Map<String, dynamic> reviewInfo) {
-    final current = reviewInfo['current_revision'];
-    final commit = reviewInfo['revisions'][current]['commit'];
-    final regExp =
-        RegExp('^This reverts commit ([\\da-f]+)\\.\$', multiLine: true);
-    return regExp.firstMatch(commit['message'])?.group(1);
-  }
diff --git a/functions/node/index.dart b/functions/node/index.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b680190..0000000
--- a/functions/node/index.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';
-import 'package:node_http/node_http.dart' as http;
-import 'package:node_interop/node.dart';
-import 'builder.dart';
-import 'commits_cache.dart';
-import 'firestore_impl.dart';
-import 'tryjob.dart';
-final commits = CommitsCache(FirestoreServiceImpl(), http.NodeClient());
-void main() {
-  functions['receiveChanges'] =
-      functions.pubsub.topic('results').onPublish(receiveChanges);
-Future<void> receiveChanges(Message message, EventContext context) async {
-  final results = (message.json as List).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
-  final first = results.first;
-  final String commit = first['commit_hash'];
-  final int countChunks = message.attributes.containsKey('num_chunks')
-      ? int.parse(message.attributes['num_chunks'])
-      : null;
-  final String buildbucketID = message.attributes['buildbucket_id'];
-  final String baseRevision = message.attributes['base_revision'];
-  try {
-    var firestore = FirestoreServiceImpl();
-    if (commit.startsWith('refs/changes')) {
-      return await Tryjob(commit, countChunks, buildbucketID, baseRevision,
-              commits, firestore, http.NodeClient())
-          .process(results);
-    } else {
-      return await Build(commit, first, countChunks, commits, firestore)
-          .process(results);
-    }
-  } catch (e, trace) {
-    console.error('Uncaught exception in cloud function', e.toString(),
-        trace.toString(), 'first record: $first');
-  }
diff --git a/functions/node/result.dart b/functions/node/result.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 261acb5..0000000
--- a/functions/node/result.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Field names and helper functions for result documents and
-// commit documents from Firestore.
-// Field names of Result document fields
-const fName = 'name';
-const fResult = 'result';
-const fPreviousResult = 'previous_result';
-const fExpected = 'expected';
-const fChanged = 'changed';
-const fMatches = 'matches';
-const fFlaky = 'flaky';
-const fPreviousFlaky = 'previous_flaky';
-const fPinnedIndex = 'pinned_index';
-const fBlamelistStartIndex = 'blamelist_start_index';
-const fBlamelistEndIndex = 'blamelist_end_index';
-const fApproved = 'approved';
-const fActive = 'active';
-const fConfigurations = 'configurations';
-const fActiveConfigurations = 'active_configurations';
-bool isChangedResult(Map<String, dynamic> change) =>
-    change[fChanged] && (!change[fFlaky] || !change[fPreviousFlaky]);
-/// Whether the change will be marked as an active failure.
-/// New flaky tests will not be marked active, so they will appear in the
-/// results feed "all", but not turn the builder red
-bool isFailure(Map<String, dynamic> change) =>
-    !change[fMatches] && change[fResult] != 'flaky';
-void transformChange(Map<String, dynamic> change) {
-  change[fPreviousResult] ??= 'new test';
-  if (change[fPreviousFlaky]) {
-    change[fPreviousResult] = 'flaky';
-  }
-  if (change[fFlaky]) {
-    change[fResult] = 'flaky';
-    change[fMatches] = false;
-  }
-String testResult(Map<String, dynamic> change) => [
-      change[fName],
-      change[fResult],
-      change[fPreviousResult],
-      change[fExpected]
-    ].join(' ');
-// Field names of commit document fields
-const fHash = 'hash';
-const fIndex = 'index';
-const fAuthor = 'author';
-const fCreated = 'created';
-const fTitle = 'title';
-const fReview = 'review';
-const fRevertOf = 'revert_of';
-const fRelandOf = 'reland_of';
diff --git a/functions/node/reverted_changes.dart b/functions/node/reverted_changes.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d7c94..0000000
--- a/functions/node/reverted_changes.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
-import 'firestore.dart';
-import 'result.dart';
-Future<RevertedChanges> getRevertedChanges(
-    String reverted, int revertIndex, FirestoreService firestore) async {
-  final revertedCommit = await firestore.getCommit(reverted);
-  if (revertedCommit == null) {
-    throw 'Cannot find commit for reverted commit hash $reverted';
-  }
-  final index = revertedCommit['index'];
-  final changes = await firestore.findRevertedChanges(index);
-  return RevertedChanges(
-      index, revertIndex, changes, groupBy(changes, (change) => change[fName]));
-class RevertedChanges {
-  final int index;
-  final int revertIndex;
-  final List<Map<String, dynamic>> changes;
-  final Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>> changesForTest;
-  RevertedChanges(
-      this.index, this.revertIndex, this.changes, this.changesForTest);
-  bool approveRevert(Map<String, dynamic> revert) {
-    final reverted = changesForTest[revert[fName]];
-    return isFailure(revert) &&
-        reverted != null &&
-        reverted.any((change) => revert[fResult] == change[fPreviousResult]);
-  }
diff --git a/functions/node/test/commits_cache_test_nodejs.dart b/functions/node/test/commits_cache_test_nodejs.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 956d132..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/commits_cache_test_nodejs.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:firebase_admin_interop/firebase_admin_interop.dart';
-import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';
-import 'package:node_http/node_http.dart' as http;
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import '../firestore_impl.dart' as fs;
-import '../commits_cache.dart';
-// These tests read and write data from the Firestore database.
-// If they are run against the production database, they will not
-// write data to the database.
-// Requires the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
-// to point to a json key to a service account.
-// To run against the staging database, use a service account.
-// with write access to dart_ci_staging datastore.
-// Set the database with 'firebase use --add dart-ci-staging'
-// The test must be compiled with nodejs, and run using the 'node' command.
-void main() async {
-  final firestore = fs.FirestoreServiceImpl();
-  // create commits cache
-  final commits = TestingCommitsCache(firestore, http.NodeClient());
-  test('Test fetch first commit', () async {
-    Future<void> fetchAndTestCommit(Map<String, dynamic> commit) async {
-      final fetched = await commits.getCommit(commit['hash']);
-      final copied = Map.from(fetched)..remove('author');
-      expect(copied, commit);
-    }
-    Future<void> fetchAndTestCommitByIndex(Map<String, dynamic> commit) async {
-      final fetched = await commits.getCommitByIndex(commit['index']);
-      final copied = Map.from(fetched)..remove('author');
-      expect(copied, commit);
-    }
-    expect(commits.startIndex, isNull);
-    await fetchAndTestCommit(commit68900);
-    expect(commits.startIndex, 68900);
-    expect(commits.endIndex, 68900);
-    await fetchAndTestCommit(commit68900);
-    expect(commits.startIndex, 68900);
-    expect(commits.endIndex, 68900);
-    await fetchAndTestCommitByIndex(commit68910);
-    expect(commits.startIndex, 68900);
-    expect(commits.endIndex, 68910);
-    await fetchAndTestCommitByIndex(commit68905);
-    expect(commits.startIndex, 68900);
-    expect(commits.endIndex, 68910);
-    await fetchAndTestCommit(commit68905);
-    expect(commits.startIndex, 68900);
-    expect(commits.endIndex, 68910);
-    await fetchAndTestCommitByIndex(commit68890);
-    expect(commits.startIndex, 68890);
-    expect(commits.endIndex, 68910);
-    await fetchAndTestCommitByIndex(commit68889);
-    expect(commits.startIndex, 68889);
-    expect(commits.endIndex, 68910);
-  });
-final commit68889 = <String, dynamic>{
-  'review': 136974,
-  'title': '[Cleanup] Removes deprecated --gc_at_instance_allocation.',
-  'index': 68889,
-  'created': Timestamp.fromDateTime(DateTime.parse("2020-02-26 16:00:26.000")),
-  'hash': '9c05fde96b62556944befd18ec834c56d6854fda'
-final commit68890 = <String, dynamic>{
-  'review': 136854,
-  'title':
-      'Add analyzer run support to steamroller and minor QOL improvements.',
-  'index': 68890,
-  'created': Timestamp.fromDateTime(DateTime.parse("2020-02-26 17:57:46.000")),
-  'hash': '31053a8c0180b663858aadce1ff6c0eefcf78623'
-final commit68900 = <String, dynamic>{
-  'review': 137322,
-  'title': 'Remove unused SdkPatcher.',
-  'index': 68900,
-  'created': Timestamp.fromDateTime(DateTime.parse("2020-02-26 21:20:31.000")),
-  'hash': '118d220bfa7dc0f065b441e4edd584c2b9c0edc8',
-final commit68905 = <String, dynamic>{
-  'review': 137286,
-  'title': '[dart2js] switch bot to use hostaserts once again',
-  'index': 68905,
-  'created': Timestamp.fromDateTime(DateTime.parse("2020-02-26 22:41:47.000")),
-  'hash': '5055c98beeacb3996c256e37148b4dc3561735ee'
-final commit68910 = <String, dynamic>{
-  'review': 137424,
-  'title': 'corpus index updates',
-  'index': 68910,
-  'created': Timestamp.fromDateTime(DateTime.parse("2020-02-27 00:19:11.000")),
-  'hash': '8fb0e62babb213c98f4051f544fc80527bcecc18',
diff --git a/functions/node/test/fakes.dart b/functions/node/test/fakes.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ed7e688..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/fakes.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Tests that check automatic approval of failures on a revert on the CI
-import 'dart:math';
-import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
-import 'package:http/http.dart';
-import '../builder.dart';
-import '../commits_cache.dart';
-import '../firestore.dart';
-import '../result.dart';
-import 'test_data.dart';
-class BuilderTest {
-  final client = HttpClientMock();
-  final firestore = FirestoreServiceFake();
-  CommitsCache commitsCache;
-  Build builder;
-  String commitHash;
-  Map<String, dynamic> firstChange;
-  BuilderTest(this.commitHash, this.firstChange) {
-    commitsCache = CommitsCache(firestore, client);
-    builder = Build(commitHash, firstChange, null, commitsCache, firestore);
-  }
-  Future<void> update() async {
-    await storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-  }
-  Future<void> storeBuildCommitsInfo() async {
-    await builder.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    // Test expectations
-  }
-  Future<void> storeChange(Map<String, dynamic> change) async {
-    return builder.storeChange(change);
-  }
-class FirestoreServiceFake extends Fake implements FirestoreService {
-  Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> commits = Map.from(fakeFirestoreCommits);
-  Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> results = Map.from(fakeFirestoreResults);
-  List<Map<String, dynamic>> fakeTryResults =
-      List.from(fakeFirestoreTryResults);
-  int addedResultIdCounter = 1;
-  Future<bool> isStaging() async => false;
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommit(String hash) =>
-      Future.value(commits[hash]);
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getCommitByIndex(int index) {
-    for (final entry in commits.entries) {
-      if (entry.value[fIndex] == index) {
-        return Future.value(entry.value);
-      }
-    }
-    throw "No commit found with index $index";
-  }
-  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getLastCommit() => getCommitByIndex(
-      commits.values.map<int>((commit) => commit[fIndex]).reduce(max));
-  Future<void> addCommit(String id, Map<String, dynamic> data) async {
-    commits[id] = data..[fHash] = id;
-  }
-  Future<String> findResult(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
-    var resultId;
-    var resultEndIndex;
-    for (final entry in results.entries) {
-      final result = entry.value;
-      if (result[fName] == change[fName] &&
-          result[fResult] == change[fResult] &&
-          result[fExpected] == change[fExpected] &&
-          result[fPreviousResult] == change[fPreviousResult] &&
-          result[fBlamelistEndIndex] >= startIndex &&
-          result[fBlamelistStartIndex] <= endIndex) {
-        if (resultEndIndex == null ||
-            resultEndIndex < result[fBlamelistEndIndex]) {
-          resultId = entry.key;
-          resultEndIndex = result[fBlamelistEndIndex];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return Future.value(resultId);
-  }
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findActiveResults(
-      Map<String, dynamic> change) async {
-    return [
-      for (final id in results.keys)
-        if (results[id][fName] == change[fName] &&
-            results[id][fActiveConfigurations] != null &&
-            results[id][fActiveConfigurations]
-                .contains(change['configuration']))
-          Map.from(results[id])..['id'] = id
-    ];
-  }
-  Future<void> storeResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) async {
-    final id = 'resultDocumentID$addedResultIdCounter';
-    addedResultIdCounter++;
-    results[id] = result;
-  }
-  Future<bool> updateResult(
-      String resultId, String configuration, int startIndex, int endIndex,
-      {bool failure}) {
-    final result = Map<String, dynamic>.from(results[resultId]);
-    result[fBlamelistStartIndex] =
-        max<int>(startIndex, result[fBlamelistStartIndex]);
-    result[fBlamelistEndIndex] = min<int>(endIndex, result[fBlamelistEndIndex]);
-    if (!result[fConfigurations].contains(configuration)) {
-      result[fConfigurations] = List<String>.from(result[fConfigurations])
-        ..add(configuration)
-        ..sort();
-    }
-    if (failure) {
-      result[fActive] = true;
-      if (!result[fActiveConfigurations].contains(configuration)) {
-        result[fActiveConfigurations] =
-            List<String>.from(result[fActiveConfigurations])
-              ..add(configuration)
-              ..sort();
-      }
-    }
-    results[resultId] = result;
-    return Future.value(result[fApproved] ?? false);
-  }
-  Future<void> updateActiveResult(
-      Map<String, dynamic> activeResult, String configuration) async {
-    final result = Map<String, dynamic>.from(results[activeResult['id']]);
-    result[fActiveConfigurations] = List.from(result[fActiveConfigurations])
-      ..remove(configuration);
-    if (result[fActiveConfigurations].isEmpty) {
-      result.remove(fActiveConfigurations);
-      result.remove(fActive);
-    }
-    results[activeResult['id']] = result;
-  }
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> findRevertedChanges(int index) =>
-      Future.value(results.values
-          .where((change) =>
-              change[fPinnedIndex] == index ||
-              (change[fBlamelistStartIndex] == index &&
-                  change[fBlamelistEndIndex] == index))
-          .toList());
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryApprovals(int review) =>
-      Future.value(fakeTryResults
-          .where((result) =>
-              result[fReview] == review && result[fApproved] == true)
-          .toList());
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> tryResults(
-          int review, String configuration) =>
-      Future.value(fakeTryResults
-          .where((result) =>
-              result[fReview] == review &&
-              result[fConfigurations].contains(configuration))
-          .toList());
-  Future<bool> reviewIsLanded(int review) =>
-      Future.value(commits.values.any((commit) => commit[fReview] == review));
-class HttpClientMock extends Mock implements BaseClient {}
-class ResponseFake extends Fake implements Response {
-  String body;
-  ResponseFake(this.body);
diff --git a/functions/node/test/firestore_test_nodejs.dart b/functions/node/test/firestore_test_nodejs.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index cd37ea3..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/firestore_test_nodejs.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:firebase_admin_interop/firebase_admin_interop.dart';
-import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';
-import 'package:node_interop/node.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import '../firestore_impl.dart' as fs;
-import '../tryjob.dart';
-import 'test_data.dart';
-// These tests read and write data from the Firestore database, and
-// should only be run locally against the dart-ci-staging project.
-// Requires the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
-// to point to a json key to a service account
-// with write access to dart_ci_staging datastore.
-// Set the database with 'firebase use --add dart-ci-staging'
-// The test must be compiled with nodejs, and run using the 'node' command.
-void main() async {
-  final firestore = fs.FirestoreServiceImpl();
-  if (!await firestore.isStaging()) {
-    console
-        .error('Error: firestore_test_nodejs.dart is being run on production');
-    throw (TestFailure(
-        'Error: firestore_test_nodejs.dart is being run on production'));
-  }
-  test('Test chunk storing', () async {
-    final builder = testBuilder;
-    final configuration = testConfiguration;
-    final index = 123;
-    await firestore.updateConfiguration(configuration, builder);
-    final failingResultReference = await fs.firestore
-        .collection('results')
-        .add(DocumentData.fromMap(activeFailureResult));
-    final document = fs.firestore.document('builds/$builder:$index');
-    await document.delete();
-    await firestore.updateBuildInfo(builder, 3456, index);
-    await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, true);
-    await firestore.storeBuildChunkCount(builder, index, 4);
-    await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, true);
-    DocumentSnapshot snapshot = await document.get();
-    var data = snapshot.data.toMap();
-    expect(data['success'], isTrue);
-    expect(data['num_chunks'], 4);
-    expect(data['processed_chunks'], 2);
-    expect(data['completed'], isNull);
-    await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, false);
-    await firestore.storeChunkStatus(builder, index, true);
-    snapshot = await document.get();
-    data = snapshot.data.toMap();
-    expect(data['success'], isFalse);
-    expect(data['num_chunks'], 4);
-    expect(data['processed_chunks'], 4);
-    expect(data['completed'], isTrue);
-    expect(data['active_failures'], isTrue);
-    await document.delete();
-    await failingResultReference.delete();
-    await fs.firestore.document('configurations/$testConfiguration').delete();
-  });
-  group('Try results', () {
-    tearDown(() async {
-      // Delete database records created by the tests.
-      var snapshot = await fs.firestore
-          .collection('try_builds')
-          .where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
-          .get();
-      for (final doc in snapshot.documents) {
-        await doc.reference.delete();
-      }
-      snapshot = await fs.firestore
-          .collection('try_results')
-          .where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
-          .get();
-      for (final doc in snapshot.documents) {
-        await doc.reference.delete();
-      }
-      snapshot =
-          await fs.firestore.collection('reviews/$testReview/patchsets').get();
-      for (final doc in snapshot.documents) {
-        await doc.reference.delete();
-      }
-      await fs.firestore.document('reviews/$testReview').delete();
-    });
-    test('approved try result fetching', () async {
-      await firestore.storeReview(testReview.toString(), {
-        'subject': 'test review: approved try result fetching',
-      });
-      await firestore.storePatchset(testReview.toString(), 1, {
-        'kind': 'REWORK',
-        'description': 'Initial upload',
-        'patchset_group': 1,
-        'number': 1,
-      });
-      await firestore.storePatchset(testReview.toString(), 2, {
-        'kind': 'REWORK',
-        'description': 'change',
-        'patchset_group': 2,
-        'number': 2,
-      });
-      await firestore.storePatchset(testReview.toString(), 3, {
-        'kind': 'NO_CODE_CHANGE',
-        'description': 'Edit commit message',
-        'patchset_group': 2,
-        'number': 3,
-      });
-      final tryResult = {
-        'review': testReview,
-        'configuration': 'test_configuration',
-        'name': 'test_suite/test_name',
-        'patchset': 1,
-        'result': 'RuntimeError',
-        'expected': 'Pass',
-        'previous_result': 'Pass',
-      };
-      await firestore.storeTryChange(tryResult, testReview, 1);
-      final tryResult2 = Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryResult);
-      tryResult2['patchset'] = 2;
-      tryResult2['name'] = 'test_suite/test_name_2';
-      await firestore.storeTryChange(tryResult2, testReview, 2);
-      tryResult['patchset'] = 3;
-      tryResult['name'] = 'test_suite/test_name';
-      tryResult['expected'] = 'CompileTimeError';
-      await firestore.storeTryChange(tryResult, testReview, 3);
-      // Set the results on patchsets 1 and 2 to approved.
-      final snapshot = await fs.firestore
-          .collection('try_results')
-          .where('approved', isEqualTo: false)
-          .where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
-          .where('patchset', isLessThanOrEqualTo: 2)
-          .get();
-      for (final document in snapshot.documents) {
-        await document.reference
-            .updateData(UpdateData.fromMap({'approved': true}));
-      }
-      // Should return only the approved change on patchset 2,
-      // not the one on patchset 1 or the unapproved change on patchset 3.
-      final approvals = await firestore.tryApprovals(testReview);
-      tryResult2['configurations'] = [tryResult2['configuration']];
-      tryResult2['approved'] = true;
-      tryResult2.remove('configuration');
-      expect(approvals, [tryResult2]);
-    });
-    test('Test tryjob result processing', () async {
-      // Set up database with approved results on previous patchset.
-      await firestore.storePatchset(testReview.toString(), testPreviousPatchset,
-          {'number': testPreviousPatchset});
-      final previousFailingChange = Map<String, dynamic>.from(
-          tryjobFailingChange)
-        ..addAll(
-            {'commit_hash': testPreviousPatchsetPath, 'build_number': '307'});
-      final buildID0 = 'test buildbucket id 0';
-      await Tryjob(testPreviousPatchsetPath, 1, buildID0, null, null, firestore,
-              null)
-          .process([previousFailingChange]);
-      var snapshot = await fs.firestore
-          .collection('try_results')
-          .where('name', isEqualTo: previousFailingChange['name'])
-          .where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
-          .where('patchset', isEqualTo: testPreviousPatchset)
-          .get();
-      expect(snapshot.isNotEmpty, isTrue);
-      expect(snapshot.documents.length, 1);
-      await snapshot.documents.first.reference
-          .updateData(UpdateData.fromMap({'approved': true}));
-      await firestore.storePatchset(testReview.toString(), testPatchset,
-          {'number': testPreviousPatchset});
-      // Send first chunk with a previously approved result and a passing result
-      final buildID1 = 'test buildbucket id 1';
-      await Tryjob(testReviewPath, null, buildID1, null, null, firestore, null)
-          .process([tryjobPassingChange, tryjobFailingChange]);
-      // Send second & final chunk with an unchanged failure.
-      await Tryjob(testReviewPath, 2, buildID1, null, null, firestore, null)
-          .process([tryjobExistingFailure, tryjobFailingChange]);
-      // Verify state
-      snapshot = await fs.firestore
-          .collection('try_builds')
-          .where('builder', isEqualTo: testBuilder)
-          .where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
-          .where('patchset', isEqualTo: testPatchset)
-          .get();
-      expect(snapshot.documents.length, 1);
-      DocumentSnapshot document = snapshot.documents.first;
-      expect(document.documentID, '$testBuilder:$testReview:$testPatchset');
-      expect(document.data.getInt('build_number'), int.parse(testBuildNumber));
-      expect(document.data.getString('buildbucket_id'), buildID1);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('success'), isTrue);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('completed'), isTrue);
-      // Verify that sending a result twice only adds its configuration once
-      // to the try result.
-      snapshot = await fs.firestore
-          .collection('try_results')
-          .where('name', isEqualTo: 'test_suite/failing_test')
-          .where('review', isEqualTo: testReview)
-          .where('patchset', isEqualTo: testPatchset)
-          .get();
-      expect(snapshot.documents.length, 1);
-      document = snapshot.documents.first;
-      expect(document.data.getList('configurations'), ['test_configuration']);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('approved'), isTrue);
-      // Send first chunk of second run on the same patchset, with an approved
-      // failure and an unapproved failure.
-      final buildID2 = 'test buildbucket id 2';
-      await Tryjob(testReviewPath, null, buildID2, null, null, firestore, null)
-          .process([tryjob2OtherFailingChange, tryjob2FailingChange]);
-      final reference = fs.firestore
-          .document('try_builds/$testBuilder:$testReview:$testPatchset');
-      document = await reference.get();
-      expect(document.exists, isTrue);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('success'), isFalse);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('completed'), isNull);
-      expect(document.data.getString('buildbucket_id'), buildID2);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('num_chunks'), isNull);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('processed_chunks'), 1);
-      // Send second chunk.
-      await Tryjob(testReviewPath, 3, buildID2, null, null, firestore, null)
-          .process([tryjob2ExistingFailure]);
-      document = await reference.get();
-      expect(document.data.getBool('success'), isFalse);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('completed'), isNull);
-      expect(document.data.getString('buildbucket_id'), buildID2);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('num_chunks'), 3);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('processed_chunks'), 2);
-      // Send third and final chunk.
-      await Tryjob(testReviewPath, null, buildID2, null, null, firestore, null)
-          .process([tryjob2PassingChange]);
-      document = await reference.get();
-      expect(document.data.getBool('success'), isFalse);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('completed'), isTrue);
-      expect(document.data.getString('buildbucket_id'), buildID2);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('num_chunks'), 3);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('processed_chunks'), 3);
-      // Send first chunk of a third run, with only one chunk.
-      final buildID3 = 'test buildbucket id 3';
-      await Tryjob(testReviewPath, 1, buildID3, null, null, firestore, null)
-          .process([tryjob3PassingChange]);
-      document = await reference.get();
-      expect(document.data.getBool('success'), isTrue);
-      expect(document.data.getBool('completed'), isTrue);
-      expect(document.data.getString('buildbucket_id'), buildID3);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('num_chunks'), 1);
-      expect(document.data.getInt('processed_chunks'), 1);
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/functions/node/test/gerrit_review_json.dart b/functions/node/test/gerrit_review_json.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da5c32..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/gerrit_review_json.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// This is the JSON log for an actual review that is a revert,
-// with emails and names removed.
-String revertReviewGerritLog = r'''
-  "id": "sdk~master~Ie212fae88bc1977e34e4d791c644b77783a8deb1",
-  "project": "sdk",
-  "branch": "master",
-  "hashtags": [],
-  "change_id": "Ie212fae88bc1977e34e4d791c644b77783a8deb1",
-  "subject": "Revert \"[SDK] Adds IndirectGoto implementation of sync-yield.\"",
-  "status": "MERGED",
-  "created": "2020-02-17 12:17:05.000000000",
-  "updated": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-  "submitted": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-  "submitter": {
-    "_account_id": 5260,
-    "name": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-    "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org"
-  },
-  "insertions": 61,
-  "deletions": 155,
-  "total_comment_count": 0,
-  "unresolved_comment_count": 0,
-  "has_review_started": true,
-  "revert_of": 133586,
-  "submission_id": "136125",
-  "_number": 136125,
-  "owner": {
-  },
-  "current_revision": "82f3f81fc82d06c575b0137ddbe71408826d8b46",
-  "revisions": {
-    "82f3f81fc82d06c575b0137ddbe71408826d8b46": {
-      "kind": "REWORK",
-      "_number": 2,
-      "created": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-      "uploader": {
-        "_account_id": 5260,
-        "name": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-        "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org"
-      },
-      "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/2",
-      "fetch": {
-        "rpc": {
-          "url": "rpc://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/2"
-        },
-        "http": {
-          "url": "https://dart.googlesource.com/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/2"
-        },
-        "sso": {
-          "url": "sso://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/2"
-        }
-      },
-      "commit": {
-        "parents": [
-          {
-            "commit": "d2d00ff357bd64a002697b3c96c92a0fec83328c",
-            "subject": "[cfe] Allow unassigned late local variables"
-          }
-        ],
-        "author": {
-          "name": "gerrit_user",
-          "email": "gerrit_user@example.com",
-          "date": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-          "tz": 0
-        },
-        "committer": {
-          "name": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-          "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-          "date": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-          "tz": 0
-        },
-        "subject": "Revert \"[SDK] Adds IndirectGoto implementation of sync-yield.\"",
-        "message": "Revert \"[SDK] Adds IndirectGoto implementation of sync-yield.\"\n\nThis reverts commit 7ed1690b4ed6b56bc818173dff41a7a2530991a2.\n\nReason for revert: Crashes precomp.\n\nOriginal change\u0027s description:\n\u003e [SDK] Adds IndirectGoto implementation of sync-yield.\n\u003e \n\u003e Sets a threshold of five continuations determining if the old\n\u003e if-else or the new igoto-based implementation will be used.\n\u003e Informal benchmarking on x64 and arm_x64 point towards the overhead\n\u003e of the igoto-based impl. dropping off around this point.\n\u003e \n\u003e Benchmarks of this CL (threshold\u003d5) show drastic improvement in\n\u003e Calls.IterableManualIterablePolymorphicManyYields of about ~35-65%\n\u003e across {dart,dart-aot}-{ia32,x64,armv7hf,armv8}.\n\u003e \n\u003e Bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/37754\n\u003e Change-Id: I6e113f1f98e9ab0f994cf93004227d616e9e4d07\n\u003e Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/133586\n\u003e Commit-Queue: XXXXX \u003cxxxx@example.com\u003e\n\u003e Reviewed-by: xxxx \u003cxxxxxx@example.com\u003e\n\nChange-Id: Ie212fae88bc1977e34e4d791c644b77783a8deb1\nNo-Presubmit: true\nNo-Tree-Checks: true\nNo-Try: true\nBug: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/37754\nReviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/136125\nReviewed-by: XXX\nCommit-Queue: XXXXXX\n"
-      },
-      "description": "Rebase"
-    },
-    "8bae95c4001a0815e89ebc4c89dc5ad42337a01b": {
-      "kind": "REWORK",
-      "_number": 1,
-      "created": "2020-02-17 12:17:05.000000000",
-      "uploader": {
-      },
-      "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/1",
-      "fetch": {
-        "rpc": {
-          "url": "rpc://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/1"
-        },
-        "http": {
-          "url": "https://dart.googlesource.com/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/1"
-        },
-        "sso": {
-          "url": "sso://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/25/136125/1"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  "requirements": []
diff --git a/functions/node/test/test.dart b/functions/node/test/test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 19b5a60..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import '../result.dart';
-import 'fakes.dart';
-import 'test_data.dart';
-void main() async {
-  test('Base builder test', () async {
-    final builderTest = BuilderTest(landedCommitHash, landedCommitChange);
-    await builderTest.update();
-  });
-  test("Get info for already saved commit", () async {
-    final builderTest = BuilderTest(existingCommitHash, existingCommitChange);
-    await builderTest.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    expect(builderTest.builder.endIndex, existingCommitIndex);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.startIndex, previousCommitIndex + 1);
-  });
-  test("Link landed commit to review", () async {
-    final builderTest = BuilderTest(landedCommitHash, landedCommitChange);
-    builderTest.firestore.commits
-        .removeWhere((key, value) => value[fIndex] > existingCommitIndex);
-    when(builderTest.client.get(any))
-        .thenAnswer((_) => Future(() => ResponseFake(gitilesLog)));
-    await builderTest.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    await builderTest.builder.fetchReviewsAndReverts();
-    expect(builderTest.builder.endIndex, landedCommitIndex);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.startIndex, existingCommitIndex + 1);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.tryApprovals,
-        {testResult(review44445Result): 54, testResult(review77779Result): 53});
-    expect(await builderTest.firestore.getCommit(commit53Hash), commit53);
-    expect(
-        await builderTest.firestore.getCommit(landedCommitHash), landedCommit);
-  });
-  test("update previous active result", () async {
-    final builderTest = BuilderTest(landedCommitHash, landedCommitChange);
-    await builderTest.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    await builderTest.storeChange(landedCommitChange);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.success, true);
-    expect(
-        builderTest.firestore.results['activeResultID'],
-        Map.from(activeResult)
-          ..[fActiveConfigurations] = ['another configuration']);
-    final changeAnotherConfiguration =
-        Map<String, dynamic>.from(landedCommitChange)
-          ..['configuration'] = 'another configuration';
-    await builderTest.storeChange(changeAnotherConfiguration);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.success, true);
-    expect(builderTest.firestore.results['activeResultID'],
-        Map.from(activeResult)..remove(fActiveConfigurations)..remove(fActive));
-    expect(builderTest.builder.countApprovalsCopied, 1);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.countChanges, 2);
-    expect(
-        builderTest.firestore.results[await builderTest.firestore.findResult(
-            landedCommitChange, landedCommitIndex, landedCommitIndex)],
-        landedResult);
-    expect(
-        (await builderTest.firestore.findActiveResults(landedCommitChange))
-          ..single.remove('id'),
-        [landedResult]);
-  });
-  test('mark active result flaky', () async {
-    final builderTest = BuilderTest(landedCommitHash, landedCommitChange);
-    await builderTest.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    final flakyChange = Map<String, dynamic>.from(landedCommitChange)
-      ..[fPreviousResult] = 'RuntimeError'
-      ..[fFlaky] = true;
-    expect(flakyChange[fResult], 'RuntimeError');
-    await builderTest.storeChange(flakyChange);
-    expect(flakyChange[fResult], 'flaky');
-    expect(builderTest.builder.success, true);
-    expect(
-        builderTest.firestore.results['activeResultID'],
-        Map.from(activeResult)
-          ..[fActiveConfigurations] = ['another configuration']);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.countChanges, 1);
-    expect(
-        builderTest.firestore.results[await builderTest.firestore
-            .findResult(flakyChange, landedCommitIndex, landedCommitIndex)],
-        flakyResult);
-  });
diff --git a/functions/node/test/test_data.dart b/functions/node/test/test_data.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9e835..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/test_data.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:core';
-Map<String, dynamic> fakeFirestoreCommits = Map.unmodifiable({
-  previousCommitHash: previousCommit, // 51
-  existingCommitHash: existingCommit, // 52
-  commit53Hash: commit53, // 53
-  landedCommitHash: landedCommit, // 54
-const fakeFirestoreCommitsFirstIndex = previousCommitIndex;
-const fakeFirestoreCommitsLastIndex = landedCommitIndex;
-Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> fakeFirestoreResults = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'activeFailureResultID': activeFailureResult,
-  'activeResultID': activeResult,
-const List<Map<String, dynamic>> fakeFirestoreTryResults = [
-  review44445Result,
-  review77779Result,
-// Test commits. These are test commit documents from Firestore.
-// When they are returned from the FirestoreService API, their hash
-// is added to the map with key 'hash'.
-const String previousCommitHash = 'a previous existing commit hash';
-const int previousCommitIndex = 51;
-Map<String, dynamic> previousCommit = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'previous_user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-24 11:18:00Z'),
-  'index': previousCommitIndex,
-  'title': 'A commit used for testing, with index 51',
-  'hash': previousCommitHash,
-const String existingCommitHash = 'an already existing commit hash';
-const int existingCommitIndex = 52;
-Map<String, dynamic> existingCommit = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'test_user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-22 22:19:00Z'),
-  'index': existingCommitIndex,
-  'title': 'A commit used for testing, with index 52',
-  'hash': existingCommitHash,
-const String commit53Hash = 'commit 53 landing CL 77779 hash';
-const int commit53Index = 53;
-Map<String, dynamic> commit53 = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-28 12:07:55 +0000'),
-  'index': commit53Index,
-  'title': 'A commit on the git log',
-  'hash': commit53Hash,
-  'review': 77779,
-const String landedCommitHash = 'a commit landing a CL hash';
-const int landedCommitIndex = 54;
-Map<String, dynamic> landedCommit = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'gerrit_user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-29 15:15:00Z'),
-  'index': landedCommitIndex,
-  'title': 'A commit used for testing tryjob approvals, with index 54',
-  'hash': landedCommitHash,
-  'review': 44445
-/// Changes
-/// These are single lines from a result.json, representing the output
-/// of a single test on a single configuration on a single build.
-const String sampleTestName = "local_function_signatures_strong_test/none";
-const String sampleTestSuite = "dart2js_extra";
-const String sampleTest = "$sampleTestSuite/$sampleTestName";
-const Map<String, dynamic> existingCommitChange = {
-  "name": sampleTest,
-  "configuration": "dart2js-new-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-  "suite": sampleTestSuite,
-  "test_name": sampleTestName,
-  "time_ms": 2384,
-  "result": "Pass",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "matches": true,
-  "bot_name": "luci-dart-try-xenial-70-8fkh",
-  "commit_hash": existingCommitHash,
-  "commit_time": 1563576771,
-  "build_number": "307",
-  "builder_name": "dart2js-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-  "flaky": false,
-  "previous_flaky": false,
-  "previous_result": "RuntimeError",
-  "previous_commit_hash": previousCommitHash,
-  "previous_commit_time": 1563576211,
-  "previous_build_number": "306",
-  "changed": true
-const Map<String, dynamic> landedCommitChange = {
-  "name": sampleTest,
-  "configuration": "dart2js-new-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-  "suite": sampleTestSuite,
-  "test_name": sampleTestName,
-  "time_ms": 2384,
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "matches": false,
-  "bot_name": "luci-dart-try-xenial-70-8fkh",
-  "commit_hash": landedCommitHash,
-  "commit_time": 1563576771,
-  "build_number": "308",
-  "builder_name": "dart2js-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-  "flaky": false,
-  "previous_flaky": false,
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-  "previous_commit_hash": existingCommitHash,
-  "previous_commit_time": 1563576211,
-  "previous_build_number": "306",
-  "changed": true
-/// Results
-/// These are test Result documents, as stored in Firestore.
-const Map<String, dynamic> activeFailureResult = {
-  "name": "test_suite/active_failing_test",
-  "configurations": [testConfiguration, 'configuration 2', 'configuration 3'],
-  "active": true,
-  "active_configurations": [testConfiguration, 'configuration 2'],
-  "approved": false,
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-  "blamelist_start_index": 67195,
-  "blamelist_end_index": 67195
-// A result on existingCommit that is overridden by the new result in
-// landedCommitChange.
-Map<String, dynamic> activeResult = {
-  "name": sampleTest,
-  "blamelist_start_index": existingCommitIndex,
-  "blamelist_end_index": existingCommitIndex,
-  "configurations": [
-    landedCommitChange["configuration"],
-    'another configuration'
-  ]..sort(),
-  "active_configurations": [
-    landedCommitChange["configuration"],
-    'another configuration'
-  ]..sort(),
-  "active": true,
-  "approved": false,
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-Map<String, dynamic> landedResult = {
-  "name": sampleTest,
-  "blamelist_start_index": existingCommitIndex + 1,
-  "blamelist_end_index": landedCommitIndex,
-  "pinned_index": landedCommitIndex,
-  "configurations": [
-    'another configuration',
-    landedCommitChange["configuration"],
-  ]..sort(),
-  "active_configurations": [
-    landedCommitChange["configuration"],
-    'another configuration'
-  ]..sort(),
-  "active": true,
-  "approved": true,
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-Map<String, dynamic> flakyResult = {
-  "name": sampleTest,
-  "blamelist_start_index": existingCommitIndex + 1,
-  "blamelist_end_index": landedCommitIndex,
-  "configurations": [landedCommitChange["configuration"]],
-  "approved": false,
-  "result": "flaky",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "previous_result": "RuntimeError",
-/// Try results
-/// These are documents from the try_results table in Firestore.
-const Map<String, dynamic> review44445Result = {
-  "review": 44445,
-  "configurations": [
-    "dart2js-new-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-    "dartk-reload-rollback-linux-debug-x64",
-    "dartk-reload-linux-debug-x64"
-  ],
-  "name": sampleTest,
-  "patchset": 1,
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-  "approved": true
-const Map<String, dynamic> review77779Result = {
-  "review": 77779,
-  "configurations": ["test_configuration"],
-  "name": "test_suite/test_name",
-  "patchset": 5,
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "CompileTimeError",
-  "previous_result": "CompileTimeError",
-  "approved": true
-const testBuilder = 'test_builder';
-const testBuildNumber = "308";
-const tryjob2BuildNumber = "309";
-const tryjob3BuildNumber = "310";
-const testConfiguration = 'test_configuration';
-const testReview = 123;
-const testPatchset = 3;
-const testPreviousPatchset = 1;
-const testReviewPath = 'refs/changes/$testReview/$testPatchset';
-const testPreviousPatchsetPath =
-    'refs/changes/$testReview/$testPreviousPatchset';
-const Map<String, dynamic> tryjobFailingChange = {
-  "name": "test_suite/failing_test",
-  "configuration": "test_configuration",
-  "suite": "test_suite",
-  "test_name": "failing_test",
-  "time_ms": 2384,
-  "result": "CompileTimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "matches": false,
-  "bot_name": "test_bot",
-  "commit_hash": testReviewPath,
-  "commit_time": 1563576771,
-  "build_number": testBuildNumber,
-  "builder_name": testBuilder,
-  "flaky": false,
-  "previous_flaky": false,
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-  "previous_commit_hash": existingCommitHash,
-  "previous_commit_time": 1563576211,
-  "previous_build_number": "1234",
-  "changed": true
-final Map<String, dynamic> tryjob2OtherFailingChange =
-    Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobFailingChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        "name": "test_suite/other_failing_test",
-        "test_name": "other_failing_test",
-        "result": "RuntimeError",
-        "expected": "Pass",
-        "matches": false,
-        "previous_result": "Pass",
-        "changed": true,
-        "build_number": tryjob2BuildNumber,
-      });
-final Map<String, dynamic> tryjobExistingFailure =
-    Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobFailingChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        "name": "test_suite/existing_failure_test",
-        "test_name": "passing_test",
-        "result": "RuntimeError",
-        "expected": "Pass",
-        "matches": false,
-        "previous_result": "RuntimeError",
-        "changed": false
-      });
-final Map<String, dynamic> tryjob2ExistingFailure =
-    Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobExistingFailure)
-      ..addAll({
-        "build_number": tryjob2BuildNumber,
-      });
-final Map<String, dynamic> tryjob2FailingChange =
-    Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobFailingChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        "build_number": tryjob2BuildNumber,
-      });
-final Map<String, dynamic> tryjobPassingChange =
-    Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobFailingChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        "name": "test_suite/passing_test",
-        "test_name": "passing_test",
-        "result": "Pass",
-        "expected": "Pass",
-        "matches": true,
-        "previous_result": "RuntimeError",
-        "changed": true
-      });
-final Map<String, dynamic> tryjob2PassingChange =
-    Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobPassingChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        "build_number": tryjob2BuildNumber,
-      });
-final Map<String, dynamic> tryjob3PassingChange =
-    Map<String, dynamic>.from(tryjobPassingChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        "build_number": tryjob3BuildNumber,
-      });
-String gitilesLog = '''
-  "log": [
-    {
-      "commit": "$landedCommitHash",
-      "parents": ["$commit53Hash"],
-      "author": {
-        "email": "gerrit_user@example.com"
-      },
-      "committer": {
-        "time": "Fri Nov 29 15:15:00 2019 +0000"
-      },
-      "message": "A commit used for testing tryjob approvals, with index 54\\n\\nDescription of the landed commit\\nin multiple lines.\\n\\u003e Change-Id: I8dcc08b7571137e869a16ceea8cc73539eb02a5a\\n\\u003e Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/33337\\n\\nChange-Id: I89b88c3d9f7c743fc340ee73a45c3f57059bcf30\\nReviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/44445\\n\\n"
-    },
-    {
-      "commit": "$commit53Hash",
-      "parents": ["$existingCommitHash"],
-      "author": {
-        "email": "user@example.com"
-      },
-      "committer": {
-        "time": "Thu Nov 28 12:07:55 2019 +0000"
-      },
-      "message": "A commit on the git log\\n\\nThis commit does not have results from the CQ\\n\\nChange-Id: I481b2cb8b666885b5c2b9c53fff1177accd01830\\nReviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/77779\\nCommit-Queue: A user \\u003cuser9@example.com\\u003e\\nReviewed-by: Another user \\u003cuser10@example.com\\u003e\\n"
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/functions/node/test/test_gerrit.dart b/functions/node/test/test_gerrit.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b42d139..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/test_gerrit.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import '../gerrit_change.dart';
-import 'gerrit_review_json.dart';
-void main() async {
-  test("get revert information from Gerrit log api output", () {
-    expect(GerritInfo.revert(json.decode(revertReviewGerritLog)),
-        "7ed1690b4ed6b56bc818173dff41a7a2530991a2");
-  });
diff --git a/functions/node/test/test_revert.dart b/functions/node/test/test_revert.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1031a1d..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/test_revert.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Tests that check automatic approval of failures on a revert on the CI
-import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import '../result.dart';
-import 'fakes.dart';
-import 'test_data.dart';
-void main() async {
-  test('fetch commit that is a revert', () async {
-    final builderTest = BuilderTest(revertCommitHash, revertUnchangedChange);
-    builderTest.firestore.commits[revertedCommitHash] = revertedCommit;
-    when(builderTest.client.get(any))
-        .thenAnswer((_) => Future(() => ResponseFake(revertGitilesLog)));
-    await builderTest.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    expect(builderTest.builder.endIndex, revertCommit['index']);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.startIndex, landedCommit['index'] + 1);
-    expect(await builderTest.builder.firestore.getCommit(revertCommitHash),
-        revertCommit);
-  });
-  test('fetch commit that is a reland (as a reland)', () async {
-    final builderTest = BuilderTest(relandCommitHash, relandUnchangedChange);
-    builderTest.firestore.commits[revertedCommitHash] = revertedCommit;
-    when(builderTest.client.get(any)).thenAnswer(
-        (_) => Future(() => ResponseFake(revertAndRelandGitilesLog)));
-    await builderTest.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    expect(builderTest.builder.endIndex, relandCommit['index']);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.startIndex, revertCommit['index'] + 1);
-    expect(await builderTest.builder.firestore.getCommit(revertCommitHash),
-        revertCommit);
-    expect(
-        await builderTest.builder.firestore.getCommit(commit56Hash), commit56);
-    expect(await builderTest.builder.firestore.getCommit(relandCommitHash),
-        relandCommit);
-  });
-  test('fetch commit that is a reland (as a revert)', () async {
-    final builderTest =
-        RevertBuilderTest(relandCommitHash, relandUnchangedChange);
-    when(builderTest.client.get(any))
-        .thenAnswer((_) => Future(() => ResponseFake(relandGitilesLog)));
-    await builderTest.storeBuildCommitsInfo();
-    expect(builderTest.builder.endIndex, relandCommit['index']);
-    expect(builderTest.builder.startIndex, revertCommit['index'] + 1);
-    expect(await builderTest.builder.firestore.getCommit(relandCommitHash),
-        relandCommit);
-  });
-  test('Automatically approve expected failure on revert', () async {
-    final builderTest = RevertBuilderTest(revertCommitHash, revertChange);
-    await builderTest.update();
-    await builderTest.storeChange(revertChange);
-    expect(
-        builderTest.firestore.results.values
-            .where((result) => result[fBlamelistEndIndex] == 55)
-            .single,
-        revertResult);
-  });
-  test('Revert in blamelist, doesn\'t match new failure', () async {
-    final builderTest =
-        RevertBuilderTest(commit56Hash, commit56UnmatchingChange);
-    await builderTest.update();
-    await builderTest.storeChange(commit56UnmatchingChange);
-    await builderTest.storeChange(commit56DifferentNameChange);
-    await builderTest.storeChange(commit56Change);
-    expect(
-        (await builderTest.firestore
-                .findActiveResults(commit56UnmatchingChange))
-            .single['approved'],
-        false);
-    expect(
-        (await builderTest.firestore
-                .findActiveResults(commit56DifferentNameChange))
-            .single['approved'],
-        false);
-    expect(
-        (await builderTest.firestore.findActiveResults(commit56Change))
-            .single['approved'],
-        true);
-  });
-class RevertBuilderTest extends BuilderTest {
-  RevertBuilderTest(String commitHash, Map<String, dynamic> firstChange)
-      : super(commitHash, firstChange) {
-    expect(revertedCommit[fIndex] + 1, fakeFirestoreCommitsFirstIndex);
-    expect(revertCommit[fIndex] - 1, fakeFirestoreCommitsLastIndex);
-    firestore.commits
-      ..[revertedCommitHash] = revertedCommit
-      ..[revertCommitHash] = revertCommit
-      ..[commit56Hash] = commit56;
-    firestore.results['revertedResult id'] = revertedResult;
-  }
-// Commits
-const String revertedCommitHash = '50abcd55abcd';
-const int revertedReview = 3926;
-const int revertedIndex = 50;
-Map<String, dynamic> revertedCommit = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'gerrit_reverted_user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-22 02:01:00Z'),
-  'index': revertedIndex,
-  'title': 'A commit reverted by commit 55, with index 50',
-  'review': revertedReview,
-  'hash': revertedCommitHash,
-const String revertCommitHash = '55ffffdddd';
-const int revertReview = 3426;
-const int revertIndex = 55;
-Map<String, dynamic> revertCommit = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'gerrit_revert_user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-29 16:15:00Z'),
-  'index': revertIndex,
-  'title': 'Revert "${revertedCommit[fTitle]}"',
-  'hash': revertCommitHash,
-  'review': revertReview,
-  'revert_of': revertedCommitHash,
-const String commit56Hash = '56ffeeddccbbaa00';
-Map<String, dynamic> commit56 = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'gerrit_revert_user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2019-11-29 17:15:00Z'),
-  'index': revertIndex + 1,
-  'title': 'A commit with index 56',
-  'hash': commit56Hash,
-const String relandCommitHash = '57eeddccff7733';
-const int relandReview = 98999;
-Map<String, dynamic> relandCommit = Map.unmodifiable({
-  'author': 'gerrit_reland_user@example.com',
-  'created': DateTime.parse('2020-01-13 06:16:00Z'),
-  'index': revertIndex + 2,
-  'title': 'Reland "${revertedCommit[fTitle]}"',
-  'hash': relandCommitHash,
-  'review': relandReview,
-  'reland_of': revertedCommitHash,
-// Changes
-// This change is an unchanged passing result, used as the first result in
-// a chunk with no changed results.
-const Map<String, dynamic> revertUnchangedChange = {
-  "name": "dart2js_extra/local_function_signatures_strong_test/none",
-  "configuration": "dart2js-new-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-  "suite": "dart2js_extra",
-  "test_name": "local_function_signatures_strong_test/none",
-  "time_ms": 2384,
-  "result": "Pass",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "matches": false,
-  "bot_name": "luci-dart-try-xenial-70-8fkh",
-  "commit_hash": revertCommitHash,
-  "previous_commit_hash": landedCommitHash,
-  "commit_time": 1563576771,
-  "build_number": "401",
-  "previous_build_number": "400",
-  "changed": false,
-Map<String, dynamic> relandUnchangedChange = Map.from(revertUnchangedChange)
-  ..["commit_hash"] = relandCommitHash
-  ..["previous_commit_hash"] = revertCommitHash;
-const Map<String, dynamic> revertChange = {
-  "name": "test_suite/fixed_broken_test",
-  "configuration": "a_different_configuration",
-  "suite": "test_suite",
-  "test_name": "fixed_broken_test",
-  "time_ms": 2384,
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "matches": false,
-  "bot_name": "a_ci_bot",
-  "commit_hash": revertCommitHash,
-  "commit_time": 1563576771,
-  "build_number": "314",
-  "builder_name": "dart2js-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-  "flaky": false,
-  "previous_flaky": false,
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-  "previous_commit_hash": existingCommitHash,
-  "previous_commit_time": 1563576211,
-  "previous_build_number": "313",
-  "changed": true,
-const Map<String, dynamic> revertedChange = {
-  "name": "test_suite/fixed_broken_test",
-  "configuration": "a_configuration",
-  "suite": "test_suite",
-  "test_name": "fixed_broken_test",
-  "time_ms": 2384,
-  "result": "Pass",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "matches": true,
-  "bot_name": "a_ci_bot",
-  "commit_hash": revertedCommitHash,
-  "commit_time": 1563576771,
-  "build_number": "308",
-  "builder_name": "dart2js-rti-linux-x64-d8",
-  "flaky": false,
-  "previous_flaky": false,
-  "previous_result": "RuntimeError",
-  "previous_commit_hash": "a nonexistent hash",
-  "previous_commit_time": 1563576211,
-  "previous_build_number": "306",
-  "changed": true
-Map<String, dynamic> commit56Change = Map.from(revertChange)
-  ..['commit_hash'] = commit56Hash;
-Map<String, dynamic> commit56UnmatchingChange = Map.from(commit56Change)
-  ..['configuration'] = 'a_configuration'
-  ..['commit_hash'] = commit56Hash
-  ..['result'] = 'CompileTimeError';
-Map<String, dynamic> commit56DifferentNameChange = Map.from(commit56Change)
-  ..['commit_hash'] = commit56Hash
-  ..['name'] = 'test_suite/broken_test'
-  ..['test_name'] = 'broken_test';
-// Results
-const Map<String, dynamic> revertResult = {
-  "configurations": ["a_different_configuration"],
-  "active": true,
-  "active_configurations": ["a_different_configuration"],
-  "name": "test_suite/fixed_broken_test",
-  "result": "RuntimeError",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "previous_result": "Pass",
-  "blamelist_start_index": commit53Index,
-  "blamelist_end_index": revertIndex,
-  "pinned_index": revertIndex,
-  "approved": true,
-const Map<String, dynamic> revertedResult = {
-  "configurations": ["a_configuration"],
-  "name": "test_suite/fixed_broken_test",
-  "result": "Pass",
-  "expected": "Pass",
-  "previous_result": "RuntimeError",
-  "blamelist_start_index": revertedIndex,
-  "blamelist_end_index": revertedIndex,
-// Git logs
-String escape(s) => s.replaceAll('"', '\\"');
-String revertGitilesLog = gitilesLog([revertCommitJson]);
-String relandGitilesLog = gitilesLog([relandCommitJson(relandAsRevert)]);
-String revertAndRelandGitilesLog = gitilesLog(
-    [relandCommitJson(relandAsReland), commit56Json, revertCommitJson]);
-String gitilesLog(List<String> commitLogs) => '''
-  "log": [
-  ${commitLogs.join(",\n")}
-  ]
-String revertCommitJson = '''
-    {
-      "commit": "$revertCommitHash",
-      "parents": ["$landedCommitHash"],
-      "author": {
-        "email": "${revertCommit[fAuthor]}"
-      },
-      "committer": {
-        "time": "Fri Nov 29 16:15:00 2019 +0000"
-      },
-      "message": "${escape(revertCommit[fTitle])}\\n\\nThis reverts commit $revertedCommitHash.\\nChange-Id: I89b88c3d9f7c743fc340ee73a45c3f57059bcf30\\nReviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/$revertReview\\n\\n"
-    }
-String commit56Json = '''
-    {
-      "commit": "$commit56Hash",
-      "parents": ["$revertCommitHash"],
-      "author": {
-        "email": "${commit56[fAuthor]}"
-      },
-      "committer": {
-        "time": "Fri Nov 29 17:15:00 2019 +0000"
-      },
-      "message": "${escape(commit56[fTitle])}\\n\\nNo line like: This reverts commit $revertedCommitHash.\\nChange-Id: I89b88c3d9f7c743fc340ee73a45c3f57059bcf30\\nNo review line either\\n\\n"
-    }
-String relandCommitJson(String relandLine) => '''
-    {
-      "commit": "$relandCommitHash",
-      "parents": ["$commit56Hash"],
-      "author": {
-        "email": "${relandCommit[fAuthor]}"
-      },
-      "committer": {
-        "time": "Mon Jan 13 06:16:00 2020 +0000"
-      },
-      "message": "${escape(relandCommit[fTitle])}\\n\\n$relandLine\\nChange-Id: I89b88c3d9f7c743fc340ee73a45c3f57059bcf30\\nReviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/$relandReview\\n\\n"
-    }
-String relandAsRevert = "This reverts commit $revertCommitHash.";
-String relandAsReland = "This is a reland of $revertedCommitHash";
diff --git a/functions/node/test/tools/create_staging.dart b/functions/node/test/tools/create_staging.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index e10500c..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/tools/create_staging.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';
-import 'package:node_io/node_io.dart';
-// Imports sample data into the staging/testing Firestore.
-// This sample data is exported from the production database by running
-// the extract_recent.dart program.
-// Requires the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
-// to point to a json key to a service account
-// with write access to dart_ci_staging datastore.
-Firestore firestore = createFirestore();
-// Creates a Firestore object referring to the dart-ci-staging's database.
-Firestore createFirestore() {
-  final app = FirebaseAdmin.instance.initializeApp(AppOptions(
-      databaseURL: "https://dart-ci-staging.firebaseio.com",
-      projectId: 'dart-ci-staging'));
-  return app.firestore()
-    ..settings(FirestoreSettings(timestampsInSnapshots: true));
-dynamic reviver(dynamic key, dynamic object) {
-  if (key != 'created') return object;
-  return Timestamp.fromDateTime(DateTime.parse(object));
-void main(args) async {
-  // Filename is hardcoded because argv is not available on Dart nodejs.
-  final file = new File('staging_sample_data');
-  final object = jsonDecode(await file.readAsStringSync(), reviver: reviver);
-  await storeData(object);
-Future<void> storeData(Map<String, dynamic> object) async {
-  for (final documentPath in object.keys) {
-    await firestore
-        .document(documentPath)
-        .setData(DocumentData.fromMap(object[documentPath]));
-  }
diff --git a/functions/node/test/tools/extract_recent.dart b/functions/node/test/tools/extract_recent.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 90dffdf..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/tools/extract_recent.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:math' show min;
-import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';
-// Extract sample data from production Firestore, to populate the
-// staging/test Firestore with.  Takes the latest 100 commits and
-// latest 100 reviews, and all records referring to them, and dumps them
-// as a JSON object to stdout.
-Firestore firestore = createFirestore();
-// Creates a Firestore object referring to dart-ci's database.
-Firestore createFirestore() {
-  final app = FirebaseAdmin.instance.initializeApp(AppOptions(
-      databaseURL: "https://dart-ci.firebaseio.com", projectId: 'dart-ci'));
-  return app.firestore()
-    ..settings(FirestoreSettings(timestampsInSnapshots: true));
-void main() async {
-  final object = await fetchRecentData(100, 100);
-  print(new JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ', encodeTimestamp).convert(object));
-dynamic encodeTimestamp(dynamic timestamp) {
-  if (timestamp is Timestamp) {
-    return timestamp.toDateTime().toIso8601String();
-  }
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchRecentData(
-    int numCommits, int numReviews) async {
-  final configurations = await fetchAllConfigurations();
-  final commits = await fetchCommits(numCommits);
-  final firstIndex =
-      [for (var commit in commits.values) commit['index'] as int].reduce(min);
-  final results = await fetchResults(firstIndex);
-  final builds = await fetchBuilds(firstIndex);
-  final reviews = await fetchReviews(numReviews);
-  final patchsets = await fetchPatchsets(reviews);
-  final try_results = await fetchTryResults(reviews);
-  return {
-    ...builds,
-    ...commits,
-    ...configurations,
-    ...results,
-    ...reviews,
-    ...patchsets,
-    ...try_results
-  };
-Map<String, dynamic> documentsToMap(List<DocumentSnapshot> documents) => {
-      for (final document in documents)
-        document.reference.path: document.data.toMap()
-    };
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchCommits(int numCommits) async {
-  QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-      .collection('commits')
-      .orderBy('index', descending: true)
-      .limit(numCommits)
-      .get();
-  return documentsToMap(snapshot.documents);
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchAllConfigurations() async {
-  QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore.collection('configurations').get();
-  return documentsToMap(snapshot.documents);
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchBuilds(int firstIndex) async {
-  QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-      .collection('builds')
-      .where('index', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: firstIndex)
-      .get();
-  return documentsToMap(snapshot.documents);
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchResults(int firstIndex) async {
-  QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-      .collection('results')
-      .where('blamelist_start_index', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: firstIndex)
-      .get();
-  return documentsToMap(snapshot.documents);
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchReviews(int numReviews) async {
-  QuerySnapshot snapshot =
-      await firestore.collection('reviews').limit(numReviews).get();
-  return documentsToMap(snapshot.documents);
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchPatchsets(
-    Map<String, dynamic> reviews) async {
-  final result = <String, dynamic>{};
-  for (final review in reviews.keys) {
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot =
-        await firestore.collection('$review/patchsets').get();
-    result.addAll(documentsToMap(snapshot.documents));
-  }
-  return result;
-Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchTryResults(
-    Map<String, dynamic> reviews) async {
-  final result = <String, dynamic>{};
-  for (final review in reviews.keys) {
-    QuerySnapshot snapshot = await firestore
-        .collection('try_results')
-        .where('review', isEqualTo: int.parse(review.split('/').last))
-        .get();
-    result.addAll(documentsToMap(snapshot.documents));
-  }
-  return result;
diff --git a/functions/node/test/tryjob_test_nodejs.dart b/functions/node/test/tryjob_test_nodejs.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index dae33a2..0000000
--- a/functions/node/test/tryjob_test_nodejs.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import '../firestore_impl.dart' as fs;
-import '../commits_cache.dart';
-import '../tryjob.dart';
-import 'fakes.dart';
-// These tests read and write data from the staging Firestore database.
-// They create a fake review, and fake try builds against that review.
-// They attempt to remove these records in the cleanup, even if tests fail.
-// Requires the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
-// to point to a json key to a service account.
-// To run against the staging database, use a service account.
-// with write access to dart_ci_staging datastore.
-// The test must be compiled with nodejs, and run using the 'node' command.
-const fakeReview = 123;
-const buildBaseCommit = 69191;
-const buildBaseCommitHash = 'b681bfd8d275b84b51f37919f0edc0d8563a870f';
-const buildBuildbucketId = 'a fake buildbucket ID';
-const ciResultsCommitIndex = 69188;
-const ciResultsCommitHash = '7b6adc6083c9918c826f5b82d25fdf6da9d90499';
-const reviewForCommit69190 = 138293;
-const patchsetForCommit69190 = 2;
-const tryBuildForCommit69190 = '99998';
-const reviewForCommit69191 = 138500;
-const patchsetForCommit69191 = 7;
-const tryBuildForCommit69191 = '99999';
-const earlierTryBuildsBaseCommit = '8ae984c54ab36a05422af6f250dbaa7da70fc461';
-const earlierTryBuildsResultsCommit = earlierTryBuildsBaseCommit;
-const fakeSuite = 'fake_test_suite';
-const fakeTestName = 'subdir/a_dart_test';
-const otherFakeTestName = 'another_dart_test';
-const fakeTest = '$fakeSuite/$fakeTestName';
-const otherFakeTest = '$fakeSuite/$otherFakeTestName';
-const fakeConfiguration = 'a configuration';
-const otherConfiguration = 'another configuration';
-const fakeBuilderName = 'fake_builder-try';
-Set<String> fakeBuilders = {fakeBuilderName};
-Set<String> fakeTests = {fakeTest, otherFakeTest};
-void registerChangeForDeletion(Map<String, dynamic> change) {
-  fakeBuilders.add(change['builder_name']);
-  fakeTests.add(change['name']);
-fs.FirestoreServiceImpl firestore;
-HttpClientMock client;
-CommitsCache commitsCache;
-void main() async {
-  firestore = fs.FirestoreServiceImpl();
-  if (!await firestore.isStaging()) {
-    throw 'Test cannot be run on production database';
-  }
-  client = HttpClientMock();
-  commitsCache = CommitsCache(firestore, client);
-  addFakeReplies(client);
-  setUpAll(addFakeResultsToLandedReviews);
-  tearDownAll(deleteFakeReviewAndResults);
-  test('create fake review', () async {
-    registerChangeForDeletion(unchangedChange);
-    final tryjob = Tryjob('refs/changes/$fakeReview/2', 1, buildBuildbucketId,
-        buildBaseCommitHash, commitsCache, firestore, client);
-    await tryjob.process([unchangedChange]);
-    expect(tryjob.success, true);
-  });
-  test('failure coming from a landed CL not in base', () async {
-    registerChangeForDeletion(changeMatchingLandedCL);
-    final tryjob = Tryjob(
-        'refs/changes/$fakeReview/2',
-        null,
-        buildBuildbucketId,
-        buildBaseCommitHash,
-        commitsCache,
-        firestore,
-        client);
-    await tryjob.process([changeMatchingLandedCL]);
-    expect(tryjob.success, true);
-  });
-  test('process result on different configuration', () async {
-    final changeOnDifferentConfiguration = Map<String, dynamic>.from(baseChange)
-      ..['configuration'] = otherConfiguration;
-    registerChangeForDeletion(changeOnDifferentConfiguration);
-    final tryjob = Tryjob(
-        'refs/changes/$fakeReview/2',
-        null,
-        buildBuildbucketId,
-        buildBaseCommitHash,
-        commitsCache,
-        firestore,
-        client);
-    await tryjob.process([changeOnDifferentConfiguration]);
-    expect(tryjob.success, false);
-  });
-  test('process result where different result landed last', () async {
-    final otherNameChange = Map<String, dynamic>.from(baseChange)
-      ..['name'] = otherFakeTest;
-    registerChangeForDeletion(otherNameChange);
-    final tryjob = Tryjob(
-        'refs/changes/$fakeReview/2',
-        null,
-        buildBuildbucketId,
-        buildBaseCommitHash,
-        commitsCache,
-        firestore,
-        client);
-    await tryjob.process([otherNameChange]);
-    expect(tryjob.success, false);
-  });
-  test('test becomes flaky', () async {
-    final flakyTest = <String, dynamic>{
-      'name': 'flaky_test',
-      'result': 'RuntimeError',
-      'flaky': true,
-      'matches': false,
-      'changed': true,
-      'build_number': '99995',
-      'builder_name': 'flaky_test_builder-try',
-    };
-    final flakyChange = Map<String, dynamic>.from(baseChange)
-      ..addAll(flakyTest);
-    final flakyTestBuildbucketId = 'flaky_buildbucket_ID';
-    registerChangeForDeletion(flakyChange);
-    final tryjob = Tryjob(
-        'refs/changes/$fakeReview/2',
-        null,
-        flakyTestBuildbucketId,
-        buildBaseCommitHash,
-        commitsCache,
-        firestore,
-        client);
-    await tryjob.process([flakyChange]);
-    expect(tryjob.success, true);
-    expect(tryjob.countNewFlakes, 1);
-    expect(tryjob.countUnapproved, 0);
-  });
-  test('new failure', () async {
-    final failingTest = <String, dynamic>{
-      'name': 'failing_test',
-      'result': 'RuntimeError',
-      'matches': false,
-      'changed': true,
-      'build_number': '99994',
-      'builder_name': 'failing_test_builder-try',
-    };
-    final failingChange = Map<String, dynamic>.from(baseChange)
-      ..addAll(failingTest);
-    final failingTestBuildbucketId = 'failing_buildbucket_ID';
-    registerChangeForDeletion(failingChange);
-    final tryjob = Tryjob(
-        'refs/changes/$fakeReview/2',
-        null,
-        failingTestBuildbucketId,
-        buildBaseCommitHash,
-        commitsCache,
-        firestore,
-        client);
-    await tryjob.process([failingChange]);
-    expect(tryjob.success, false);
-    expect(tryjob.countNewFlakes, 0);
-    expect(tryjob.countUnapproved, 1);
-  });
-void addFakeReplies(HttpClientMock client) {
-  when(client.get(any))
-      .thenAnswer((_) => Future(() => ResponseFake(FakeReviewGerritLog)));
-Future<void> addFakeResultsToLandedReviews() async {
-  var tryjob = Tryjob(
-      matchingLandedChange['commit_hash'],
-      1,
-      buildBuildbucketId,
-      earlierTryBuildsBaseCommit,
-      commitsCache,
-      firestore,
-      client);
-  await tryjob.process([matchingLandedChange, overriddenMatchingLandedChange]);
-  expect(tryjob.success, false);
-  tryjob = Tryjob(
-      overridingUnmatchingLandedChange['commit_hash'],
-      1,
-      buildBuildbucketId,
-      earlierTryBuildsBaseCommit,
-      commitsCache,
-      firestore,
-      client);
-  await tryjob.process([overridingUnmatchingLandedChange]);
-  expect(tryjob.success, false);
-Future<void> deleteFakeReviewAndResults() async {
-  deleteDocuments(query) async {
-    for (final document in (await query.get()).documents) {
-      await document.reference.delete();
-    }
-  }
-  for (final test in fakeTests) {
-    await deleteDocuments(
-        fs.firestore.collection('try_results').where('name', isEqualTo: test));
-  }
-  for (final builder in fakeBuilders) {
-    await deleteDocuments(fs.firestore
-        .collection('try_builds')
-        .where('builder', isEqualTo: builder));
-  }
-  await deleteDocuments(
-      fs.firestore.collection('reviews/$fakeReview/patchsets'));
-  await fs.firestore.document('reviews/$fakeReview').delete();
-Map<String, dynamic> baseChange = {
-  "name": fakeTest,
-  "configuration": fakeConfiguration,
-  'suite': fakeSuite,
-  'test_name': fakeTestName,
-  'time_ms': 2384,
-  'result': 'RuntimeError',
-  'previous_result': 'Pass',
-  'expected': 'Pass',
-  'matches': false,
-  'changed': true,
-  'commit_hash': 'refs/changes/$fakeReview/2',
-  'commit_time': 1583906489,
-  'build_number': '99997',
-  'builder_name': fakeBuilderName,
-  'flaky': false,
-  'previous_flaky': false,
-  'previous_commit_hash': ciResultsCommitHash,
-  'previous_commit_time': 1583906489,
-  'bot_name': 'luci-dart-try-xenial-70-8fkh',
-  'previous_build_number': '306',
-Map<String, dynamic> changeMatchingLandedCL = Map.from(baseChange);
-Map<String, dynamic> unchangedChange = Map.from(baseChange)
-  ..addAll({
-    'name': otherFakeTest,
-    'test_name': otherFakeTestName,
-    'result': 'Pass',
-    'matches': true,
-    'changed': false,
-    'configuration': otherConfiguration,
-    'build_number': '99997'
-  });
-Map<String, dynamic> matchingLandedChange = Map.from(baseChange)
-  ..addAll({
-    'commit_hash': 'refs/changes/$reviewForCommit69190/$patchsetForCommit69190',
-    'build_number': tryBuildForCommit69190,
-    'previous_commit_hash': earlierTryBuildsResultsCommit,
-  });
-Map<String, dynamic> overriddenMatchingLandedChange =
-    Map.from(matchingLandedChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        'name': otherFakeTest,
-        'test_name': otherFakeTestName,
-      });
-Map<String, dynamic> overridingUnmatchingLandedChange =
-    Map.from(overriddenMatchingLandedChange)
-      ..addAll({
-        'commit_hash':
-            'refs/changes/$reviewForCommit69191/$patchsetForCommit69191',
-        'result': 'CompileTimeError',
-        'build_number': tryBuildForCommit69191,
-      });
-String FakeReviewGerritLog = '''
-  "id": "sdk~master~Ie212fae88bc1977e34e4d791c644b77783a8deb1",
-  "project": "sdk",
-  "branch": "master",
-  "hashtags": [],
-  "change_id": "Ie212fae88bc1977e34e4d791c644b77783a8deb1",
-  "subject": "A fake review",
-  "status": "MERGED",
-  "created": "2020-03-17 12:17:05.000000000",
-  "updated": "2020-03-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-  "submitted": "2020-03-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-  "submitter": {
-    "_account_id": 5260,
-    "name": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-    "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org"
-  },
-  "insertions": 61,
-  "deletions": 155,
-  "total_comment_count": 0,
-  "unresolved_comment_count": 0,
-  "has_review_started": true,
-  "submission_id": "$fakeReview",
-  "_number": $fakeReview,
-  "owner": {
-  },
-  "current_revision": "82f3f81fc82d06c575b0137ddbe71408826d8b46",
-  "revisions": {
-    "82f3f81fc82d06c575b0137ddbe71408826d8b46": {
-      "kind": "REWORK",
-      "_number": 2,
-      "created": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-      "uploader": {
-        "_account_id": 5260,
-        "name": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-        "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org"
-      },
-      "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/2",
-      "fetch": {
-        "rpc": {
-          "url": "rpc://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/2"
-        },
-        "http": {
-          "url": "https://dart.googlesource.com/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/2"
-        },
-        "sso": {
-          "url": "sso://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/2"
-        }
-      },
-      "commit": {
-        "parents": [
-          {
-            "commit": "d2d00ff357bd64a002697b3c96c92a0fec83328c",
-            "subject": "[cfe] Allow unassigned late local variables"
-          }
-        ],
-        "author": {
-          "name": "gerrit_user",
-          "email": "gerrit_user@example.com",
-          "date": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-          "tz": 0
-        },
-        "committer": {
-          "name": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-          "email": "commit-bot@chromium.org",
-          "date": "2020-02-17 12:17:25.000000000",
-          "tz": 0
-        },
-        "subject": "A fake review",
-        "message": "A fake review\\n\\nReviewed-by: XXX\\nCommit-Queue: XXXXXX\\n"
-      },
-      "description": "Rebase"
-    },
-    "8bae95c4001a0815e89ebc4c89dc5ad42337a01b": {
-      "kind": "REWORK",
-      "_number": 1,
-      "created": "2020-02-17 12:17:05.000000000",
-      "uploader": {
-      },
-      "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/1",
-      "fetch": {
-        "rpc": {
-          "url": "rpc://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/1"
-        },
-        "http": {
-          "url": "https://dart.googlesource.com/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/1"
-        },
-        "sso": {
-          "url": "sso://dart/sdk",
-          "ref": "refs/changes/23/$fakeReview/1"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  "requirements": []
diff --git a/functions/node/tryjob.dart b/functions/node/tryjob.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f9fc70..0000000
--- a/functions/node/tryjob.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
-import 'package:http/http.dart' as http show BaseClient;
-import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
-import 'commits_cache.dart';
-import 'firestore.dart';
-import 'gerrit_change.dart';
-import 'result.dart';
-class Tryjob {
-  static final changeRefRegExp = RegExp(r'refs/changes/(\d*)/(\d*)');
-  final http.BaseClient httpClient;
-  final FirestoreService firestore;
-  final CommitsCache commits;
-  String builderName;
-  String baseRevision;
-  String baseResultsHash;
-  int buildNumber;
-  int review;
-  int patchset;
-  bool success = true;
-  List<Map<String, dynamic>> landedResults;
-  Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> lastLandedResultByName = {};
-  final int countChunks;
-  final String buildbucketID;
-  int countChanges = 0;
-  int countUnapproved = 0;
-  int countNewFlakes = 0;
-  Tryjob(String changeRef, this.countChunks, this.buildbucketID,
-      this.baseRevision, this.commits, this.firestore, this.httpClient) {
-    final match = changeRefRegExp.matchAsPrefix(changeRef);
-    review = int.parse(match[1]);
-    patchset = int.parse(match[2]);
-  }
-  Future<void> update() {
-    return GerritInfo(review, patchset, firestore, httpClient).update();
-  }
-  bool isNotLandedResult(Map<String, dynamic> change) =>
-      !lastLandedResultByName.containsKey(change[fName]) ||
-      change[fResult] != lastLandedResultByName[change[fName]][fResult];
-  Future<void> process(List<Map<String, dynamic>> results) async {
-    await update();
-    builderName = results.first['builder_name'];
-    buildNumber = int.parse(results.first['build_number']);
-    baseResultsHash = results.first['previous_commit_hash'];
-    final resultsByConfiguration = groupBy<Map<String, dynamic>, String>(
-        results.where(isChangedResult), (result) => result['configuration']);
-    for (final configuration in resultsByConfiguration.keys) {
-      if (baseRevision != null && baseResultsHash != null) {
-        landedResults = await fetchLandedResults(configuration);
-        // Map will contain the last result with each name.
-        lastLandedResultByName = {
-          for (final result in landedResults) result[fName]: result
-        };
-      }
-      await Pool(30)
-          .forEach(
-              resultsByConfiguration[configuration].where(isNotLandedResult),
-              storeChange)
-          .drain();
-    }
-    if (countChunks != null) {
-      await firestore.storeTryBuildChunkCount(builderName, buildNumber,
-          buildbucketID, review, patchset, countChunks);
-    }
-    await firestore.storeTryChunkStatus(
-        builderName, buildNumber, buildbucketID, review, patchset, success);
-    final report = [
-      'Processed ${results.length} results from $builderName build $buildNumber',
-      'Tryjob on CL $review patchset $patchset',
-      if (countChanges > 0) 'Stored $countChanges changes',
-      if (!success) 'Found unapproved new failures',
-      if (countUnapproved > 0) '$countUnapproved unapproved tests found',
-      if (countNewFlakes > 0) '$countNewFlakes new flaky tests found',
-      '${firestore.documentsFetched} documents fetched',
-      '${firestore.documentsWritten} documents written',
-    ];
-    print(report.join('\n'));
-  }
-  Future<void> storeChange(change) async {
-    countChanges++;
-    transformChange(change);
-    final approved = await firestore.storeTryChange(change, review, patchset);
-    if (!approved && isFailure(change)) {
-      countUnapproved++;
-      success = false;
-    }
-    if (change[fFlaky] && !change[fPreviousFlaky]) {
-      if (++countNewFlakes >= 10) {
-        success = false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> fetchLandedResults(
-      String configuration) async {
-    final resultsBase = await commits.getCommit(baseResultsHash);
-    final rebaseBase = await commits.getCommit(baseRevision);
-    final results = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
-    if (resultsBase[fIndex] > rebaseBase[fIndex]) {
-      print("Try build is rebased on $baseRevision, which is before "
-          "the commit $baseResultsHash with CI comparison results");
-      return results;
-    }
-    final reviews = <int>[];
-    for (var index = resultsBase[fIndex] + 1;
-        index <= rebaseBase[fIndex];
-        ++index) {
-      final commit = await commits.getCommitByIndex(index);
-      if (commit[fReview] != null) {
-        reviews.add(commit[fReview]);
-      }
-    }
-    for (final landedReview in reviews) {
-      results.addAll(await firestore.tryResults(landedReview, configuration));
-    }
-    return results;
-  }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 32e7a28..0000000
--- a/functions/package-lock.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2101 +0,0 @@
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-    description:
-      name: convert
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.1.1"
-  coverage:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: coverage
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.13.9"
-  crypto:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: crypto
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.1.4"
-  csslib:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: csslib
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.16.1"
-  dart_style:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: dart_style
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.3.3"
-  firebase_admin_interop:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: firebase_admin_interop
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.2.2"
-  firebase_functions_interop:
-    dependency: "direct main"
-    description:
-      name: firebase_functions_interop
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.0.2"
-  fixnum:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: fixnum
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.10.11"
-  front_end:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: front_end
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.1.27"
-  glob:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: glob
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.2.0"
-  graphs:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: graphs
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.2.0"
-  html:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: html
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.14.0+3"
-  http:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: http
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.12.1"
-  http_multi_server:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: http_multi_server
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.2.0"
-  http_parser:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: http_parser
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "3.1.4"
-  io:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: io
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.3.4"
-  js:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: js
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.6.1+1"
-  json_annotation:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: json_annotation
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "3.0.1"
-  kernel:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: kernel
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.3.27"
-  logging:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: logging
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.11.4"
-  matcher:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: matcher
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.12.6"
-  meta:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: meta
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.1.8"
-  mime:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: mime
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.9.6+3"
-  mockito:
-    dependency: "direct dev"
-    description:
-      name: mockito
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "4.1.1"
-  multi_server_socket:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: multi_server_socket
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.0.2"
-  node_http:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: node_http
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.0.0"
-  node_interop:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: node_interop
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.1.1"
-  node_io:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: node_io
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.1.1"
-  node_preamble:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: node_preamble
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.4.8"
-  package_config:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: package_config
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.9.3"
-  package_resolver:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: package_resolver
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.0.10"
-  path:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: path
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.7.0"
-  pedantic:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: pedantic
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.9.0"
-  pool:
-    dependency: "direct main"
-    description:
-      name: pool
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.4.0"
-  protobuf:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: protobuf
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.0.1"
-  pub_semver:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: pub_semver
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.4.4"
-  pubspec_parse:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: pubspec_parse
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.1.5"
-  quiver:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: quiver
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.1.3"
-  quiver_hashcode:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: quiver_hashcode
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.0.0"
-  retry:
-    dependency: "direct main"
-    description:
-      name: retry
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "3.0.0+1"
-  scratch_space:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: scratch_space
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.0.4+2"
-  shelf:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: shelf
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.7.5"
-  shelf_packages_handler:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: shelf_packages_handler
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.0.0"
-  shelf_static:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: shelf_static
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.2.8"
-  shelf_web_socket:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: shelf_web_socket
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.2.3"
-  source_map_stack_trace:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: source_map_stack_trace
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.0.0"
-  source_maps:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: source_maps
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.10.9"
-  source_span:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: source_span
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.7.0"
-  stack_trace:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: stack_trace
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.9.3"
-  stream_channel:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: stream_channel
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.0.0"
-  stream_transform:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: stream_transform
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.2.0"
-  string_scanner:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: string_scanner
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.0.5"
-  term_glyph:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: term_glyph
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.1.0"
-  test:
-    dependency: "direct dev"
-    description:
-      name: test
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.14.3"
-  test_api:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: test_api
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.2.15"
-  test_core:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: test_core
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.3.4"
-  timing:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: timing
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.1.1+2"
-  typed_data:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: typed_data
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.1.6"
-  vm_service:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: vm_service
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "4.0.4"
-  watcher:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: watcher
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.9.7+15"
-  web_socket_channel:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: web_socket_channel
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "1.1.0"
-  webkit_inspection_protocol:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: webkit_inspection_protocol
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "0.5.4"
-  yaml:
-    dependency: transitive
-    description:
-      name: yaml
-      url: "https://pub.dartlang.org"
-    source: hosted
-    version: "2.2.1"
-  dart: ">=2.8.0-dev.10.0 <3.0.0"
diff --git a/functions/pubspec.yaml b/functions/pubspec.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b96da0d..0000000
--- a/functions/pubspec.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-name: group_changes_functions
-version: 0.1.0
-author: "Dart Team <misc@dartlang.org>"
-description: >-
-  A Firebase cloud function that processes new changes
-  sdk: '>=2.5.0 <3.0.0'
-  collection: ^1.14.12
-  firebase_functions_interop: ^1.0.2
-  pool: ^1.4.0
-  retry: ^3.0.0
-  build_runner: ^1.7.1
-  build_node_compilers: ^0.2.3
-  mockito: ^4.1.0
-  test: ^1.9.4