blob: ec39001dfc681dd75863a86b8d9e478c53597624 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tool used mainly by dart2js developers to debug the generated info and check
/// that it is consistent and that it covers all the data we expect it to cover.
library dart2js_info.bin.debug_info;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/graph.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/util.dart';
main(args) async {
if (args.length < 1) {
print('usage: dart tool/debug_info.dart path-to-info.json '
'[--show-library libname]');
var info = await infoFromFile(args.first);
var debugLibName;
if (args.length > 2 && args[1] == '--show-library') {
debugLibName = args[2];
validateSize(info, debugLibName);
/// Validates that codesize of elements adds up to total codesize.
validateSize(AllInfo info, String debugLibName) {
// Gather data from visiting all info elements.
var tracker = new _SizeTracker(debugLibName);
// Validate that listed elements include elements of each library.
Set<Info> listed = new Set()..addAll(info.functions)..addAll(info.fields);
// For our sanity we do some validation of dump-info invariants
var diff1 = listed.difference(tracker.discovered);
var diff2 = tracker.discovered.difference(listed);
if (diff1.length == 0 || diff2.length == 0) {
_pass('all fields and functions are covered');
} else {
if (diff1.length > 0) {
_fail("some elements where listed globally that weren't part of any "
"library (non-zero ${diff1.where((f) => f.size > 0).length})");
if (diff2.length > 0) {
_fail("some elements found in libraries weren't part of the global list"
" (non-zero ${diff2.where((f) => f.size > 0).length})");
// Validate that code-size adds up.
int realTotal = info.program.size;
int totalLib = info.libraries.fold(0, (n, lib) => n + lib.size);
int constantsSize = info.constants.fold(0, (n, c) => n + c.size);
int accounted = totalLib + constantsSize;
if (accounted != realTotal) {
var percent =
((realTotal - accounted) * 100 / realTotal).toStringAsFixed(2);
_fail('$percent% size missing: $accounted (all libs + consts) '
'< $realTotal (total)');
int missingTotal = tracker.missing.values.fold(0, (a, b) => a + b);
if (missingTotal > 0) {
var percent = (missingTotal * 100 / realTotal).toStringAsFixed(2);
_fail('$percent% size missing in libraries (sum of elements > lib.size)');
class _SizeTracker extends RecursiveInfoVisitor {
/// A library name for which to print debugging information (if not null).
final String _debugLibName;
/// [FunctionInfo]s and [FieldInfo]s transitively reachable from [LibraryInfo]
/// elements.
final Set<Info> discovered = new Set<Info>();
/// Total number of bytes missing if you look at the reported size compared
/// to the sum of the nested infos (e.g. if a class size is smaller than the
/// sum of its methods). Used for validation and debugging of the dump-info
/// invariants.
final Map<Info, int> missing = {};
/// Set of [FunctionInfo]s that appear to be unused by the app (they are not
/// registed [coverage]).
final List unused = [];
/// Tracks the current state of this visitor.
List<_State> stack = [new _State()];
/// Code discovered for a [LibraryInfo], only used for debugging.
final StringBuffer _debugCode = new StringBuffer();
int _indent = 2;
_push() => stack.add(new _State());
void _pop(info) {
var last = stack.removeLast();
var size = last._totalSize;
if (size > info.size) {
// record dump-info inconsistencies.
missing[info] = size - info.size;
} else {
// if size < info.size, that is OK, the enclosing element might have code
// of it's own (e.g. a class declaration includes the name of the class,
// but the discovered size only counts the size of the members.)
size = info.size;
.._totalSize += size
.._count += last._count
.._bodySize += last._bodySize;
bool _debug = false;
visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info) {
if (_debugLibName != null) _debug =;
if (_debug) {
_indent = 4;
if (_debug) {
_debug = false;
_indent = 4;
_handleCodeInfo(info) {
var code = info.code;
if (_debug && code != null) {
bool isClosureClass ='.call');
if (isClosureClass) {
var cname =,'.'));
_debugCode.write(' ' * _indent);
_debugCode.write(': {\n');
_indent += 2;
_debugCode.write(' ' * _indent);
print('$info ${isClosureClass} \n${info.code}');
_debugCode.write(' ' * _indent);
var endsInNewLine = code.endsWith('\n');
if (endsInNewLine) code = code.substring(0, code.length - 1);
_debugCode.write(code.replaceAll('\n', '\n' + (' ' * _indent)));
if (endsInNewLine) _debugCode.write(',\n');
if (isClosureClass) {
_indent -= 2;
_debugCode.write(' ' * _indent);
stack.last._totalSize += info.size;
stack.last._bodySize += info.size;
visitField(FieldInfo info) {
visitFunction(FunctionInfo info) {
visitTypedef(TypedefInfo info) {
if (_debug) print('$info');
stack.last._totalSize += info.size;
visitClass(ClassInfo info) {
if (_debug) {
_debugCode.write(' ' * _indent);
_debugCode.write('${}: {\n');
_indent += 2;
if (_debug) {
_debugCode.write(' ' * _indent);
_indent -= 2;
class _State {
int _count = 0;
int _totalSize = 0;
int _bodySize = 0;
/// Validates that both forms of dependency information match.
void compareGraphs(AllInfo info) {
var g1 = new EdgeListGraph<Info>();
var g2 = new EdgeListGraph<Info>();
for (var f in info.functions) {
for (var g in f.uses) {
if (info.dependencies[f] != null) {
for (var g in info.dependencies[f]) {
g2.addEdge(f, g);
for (var f in info.fields) {
for (var g in f.uses) {
if (info.dependencies[f] != null) {
for (var g in info.dependencies[f]) {
g2.addEdge(f, g);
// Note: these checks right now show that 'uses' links are computed
// differently than 'deps' links
int inUsesNotInDependencies = 0;
int inDependenciesNotInUses = 0;
_sameEdges(f) {
var targets1 = g1.targetsOf(f).toSet();
var targets2 = g2.targetsOf(f).toSet();
inUsesNotInDependencies += targets1.difference(targets2).length;
inDependenciesNotInUses += targets2.difference(targets1).length;
if (inUsesNotInDependencies == 0 && inDependenciesNotInUses == 0) {
_pass('dependency data is consistent');
} else {
_fail('inconsistencies in dependency data:\n'
' $inUsesNotInDependencies edges missing from "dependencies" graph\n'
' $inDependenciesNotInUses edges missing from "uses" graph');
// Validates that all elements are reachable from `main` in the dependency
// graph.
verifyDeps(AllInfo info) {
var graph = graphFromInfo(info);
var entrypoint = info.program.entrypoint;
var reachables = new Set.from(graph.preOrder(entrypoint));
var functionsAndFields = []..addAll(info.functions)..addAll(info.fields);
var unreachables =
functionsAndFields.where((func) => !reachables.contains(func));
if (unreachables.isNotEmpty) {
_fail('${unreachables.length} elements are unreachable from the '
} else {
_pass('all elements are reachable from the entrypoint');
_pass(String msg) => print('\x1b[32mPASS\x1b[0m: $msg');
_fail(String msg) => print('\x1b[31mFAIL\x1b[0m: $msg');