blob: e30ba1799e1e095943a7ef3e7db3d5b78cac5405 [file] [log] [blame]
library compiler.tool.util;
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'graph.dart';
/// Computes a graph of dependencies from [info].
Graph<Info> graphFromInfo(AllInfo info) {
print(' info: dependency graph information is work in progress and'
' might be incomplete');
// Note: we are combining dependency information that is computed in two ways
// (functionInfo.uses vs allInfo.dependencies).
// TODO(sigmund): fix inconsistencies between these two ways, stick with one
// of them.
// TODO(sigmund): create a concrete implementation of InfoGraph, instead of
// using the EdgeListGraph.
var graph = new EdgeListGraph<Info>();
for (var f in info.functions) {
for (var g in f.uses) {
if (info.dependencies[f] != null) {
for (var g in info.dependencies[f]) {
graph.addEdge(f, g);
for (var f in info.fields) {
for (var g in f.uses) {
if (info.dependencies[f] != null) {
for (var g in info.dependencies[f]) {
graph.addEdge(f, g);
return graph;
/// Provide a unique long name associated with [info].
// TODO(sigmund): guarantee that the name is actually unique.
String longName(Info info) {
var infoPath = [];
while (info != null) {
info = info.parent;
var sb = new StringBuffer();
var first = true;
for (var segment in infoPath.reversed) {
if (!first) sb.write('.');
// TODO(sigmund): ensure that the first segment is a LibraryInfo.
// assert(!first || segment is LibraryInfo);
// (today might not be true for for closure classes).
if (segment is LibraryInfo) {
} else {
first = false;
return sb.toString();
/// Produce a string containing [value] padded with white space up to [n] chars.
pad(value, n, {bool right: false}) {
var s = '$value';
if (s.length >= n) return s;
var pad = ' ' * (n - s.length);
return right ? '$s$pad' : '$pad$s';