blob: 2a3192cb18ff7d8aacb1e718c26dc8151216a335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Command-line tool presenting how much each function contributes to the total
/// code.
library compiler.tool.live_code_size_analysis;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/graph.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/util.dart';
main(args) {
var json = JSON.decode(new File(args[0]).readAsStringSync());
var info = AllInfo.parseFromJson(json);
showCodeDistribution(AllInfo info,
{bool filter(Info info), bool showLibrarySizes: false}) {
var realTotal = info.program.size;
if (filter == null) filter = (i) => true;
var reported = []
// Compute a graph from the dependencies in [info].
Graph<Info> graph = graphFromInfo(info);
// Compute the strongest connected components and calculate their size.
var components = graph.computeTopologicalSort();
print('total elements: ${graph.nodes.length}');
print('total strongest connected components: ${components.length}');
var maxS = 0;
var totalCount = graph.nodeCount;
var minS = totalCount;
var nodeData = {};
for (var scc in components) {
var sccData = new _SccData();
maxS = math.max(maxS, scc.length);
minS = math.min(minS, scc.length);
for (var f in scc) {
sccData.size += f.size;
for (var g in graph.targetsOf(f)) {
var gData = nodeData[g];
if (gData != null) sccData.deps.add(gData);
for (var f in scc) {
nodeData[f] = sccData;
print('scc sizes: min: $minS, max: $maxS, '
'avg ${totalCount/components.length}');
// Compute a dominator tree and calculate the size dominated by each element.
// TODO(sigmund): we need a more reliable way to fetch main.
var mainMethod = info.functions.firstWhere((f) => == 'main');
var dominatorTree = graph.dominatorTree(mainMethod);
var dominatedSize = {};
helper(n) {
int size = n.size;
dominatedSize[n] = 0;
dominatorTree.targetsOf(n).forEach((m) {
size += helper(m);
dominatedSize[n] = size;
return size;
reported.forEach((n) => dominatedSize.putIfAbsent(n, () => n.size));
reported.sort((a, b) => (dominatedSize[b] + nodeData[b].maxSize) -
(dominatedSize[a] + nodeData[a].maxSize));
if (showLibrarySizes) {
print(' --- Results per library ---');
var totals = {};
var longest = 0;
reported.forEach((info) {
var size = info.size;
while (info != null && info is! LibraryInfo) {
info = info.parent;
if (info == null) return;
var name =;
totals.putIfAbsent(name, () => 0);
totals[name] += size;
longest = math.max(longest, name.length);
_showLibHeader(longest + 1);
var reportedByLibrary = totals.keys.toList();
reportedByLibrary.sort((a, b) => totals[b] - totals[a]);
reportedByLibrary.forEach((name) {
_showLib(name, totals[name], realTotal, longest + 1);
print('\n --- Results per element (field or function) ---');
reported.forEach((info) {
var size = info.size;
var min = dominatedSize[info];
var max = nodeData[info].maxSize;
_showElement(longName(info), size, min, max, realTotal);
/// Data associated with an SCC. Used to compute the reachable code size.
class _SccData {
int size = 0;
Set deps = new Set();
int _maxSize;
int get maxSize {
return _maxSize;
void compute() {
if (_maxSize != null) return;
var max = 0;
var seen = new Set();
helper(n) {
if (!seen.add(n)) return;
max += n.size;
_maxSize = max;
_showLibHeader(int namePadding) {
print(' ${pad("Library", namePadding, right: true)}'
' ${pad("bytes", 8)} ${pad("%", 6)}');
_showLib(String msg, int size, int total, int namePadding) {
var percent = (size * 100 / total).toStringAsFixed(2);
print(' ${pad(msg, namePadding, right: true)}'
' ${pad(size, 8)} ${pad(percent, 6)}%');
_showElementHeader() {
print('${pad("element size", 16)} '
'${pad("dominated size", 18)} '
'${pad("reachable size", 18)} '
'Element identifier');
_showElement(String name, int size, int dominatedSize, int maxSize, int total) {
var percent = (size * 100 / total).toStringAsFixed(2);
var minPercent = (dominatedSize * 100 / total).toStringAsFixed(2);
var maxPercent = (maxSize * 100 / total).toStringAsFixed(2);
print('${pad(size, 8)} ${pad(percent, 6)}% '
'${pad(dominatedSize, 10)} ${pad(minPercent, 6)}% '
'${pad(maxSize, 10)} ${pad(maxPercent, 6)}% '