blob: 0c092c5c5a2f537a50e82f29ee4174ec9dd36e6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A command-line tool that verifies that deferred libraries split the code as
/// expected.
/// This tool checks that the output from dart2js meets a given specification,
/// given in a YAML file. The format of the YAML file is:
/// main:
/// packages:
/// - some_package
/// - other_package
/// foo:
/// packages:
/// - foo
/// - bar
/// baz:
/// packages:
/// - baz
/// - quux
/// The YAML file consists of a list of declarations, one for each deferred
/// part expected in the output. At least one of these parts must be named
/// "main"; this is the main part that contains the program entrypoint. Each
/// top-level part contains a list of package names that are expected to be
/// contained in that part. Any package that is not explicitly listed is
/// expected to be in the main part. For instance, in the example YAML above
/// the part named "baz" is expected to contain the packages "baz" and "quux".
/// The names for parts given in the specification YAML file (besides "main")
/// are arbitrary and just used for reporting when the output does not meet the
/// specification.
library dart2js_info.bin.deferred_library_check;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'package:quiver/collection.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
Future main(List<String> args) async {
if (args.length < 2) {
var info = await infoFromFile(args[0]);
var manifest = await manifestFromFile(args[1]);
// For each part in the manifest, record the expected "packages" for that
// part.
var packages = <String, String>{};
for (var part in manifest.keys) {
for (var package in manifest[part]['packages']) {
if (packages.containsKey(package)) {
print('You cannot specify that package "$package" maps to both parts '
'"$part" and "${packages[package]}".');
packages[package] = part;
var guessedPartMapping = new BiMap<String, String>();
guessedPartMapping['main'] = 'main';
bool anyFailed = false;
checkInfo(BasicInfo info) {
var lib = getLibraryOf(info);
if (lib != null && isPackageUri(lib.uri)) {
var packageName = getPackageName(lib.uri);
var outputUnitName =;
var expectedPart;
if (packages.containsKey(packageName)) {
expectedPart = packages[packageName];
} else {
expectedPart = 'main';
var expectedOutputUnit = guessedPartMapping[expectedPart];
if (expectedOutputUnit == null) {
guessedPartMapping[expectedPart] = outputUnitName;
} else {
if (expectedOutputUnit != outputUnitName) {
// TODO(het): add options for how to treat unspecified packages
if (!packages.containsKey(packageName)) {
print('"${}" from package "$packageName" was not declared '
'to be in an explicit part but was not in the main part');
} else {
var actualPart = guessedPartMapping.inverse[outputUnitName];
print('"${}" from package "$packageName" was specified to '
'be in part $expectedPart but is in part $actualPart');
anyFailed = true;
if (anyFailed) {
print('The dart2js output did not meet the specification.');
} else {
print('The dart2js output meets the specification');
LibraryInfo getLibraryOf(Info info) {
var current = info;
while (current is! LibraryInfo) {
if (current == null) {
return null;
current = current.parent;
return current;
bool isPackageUri(Uri uri) => uri.scheme == 'package';
String getPackageName(Uri uri) {
return uri.pathSegments.first;
Future<AllInfo> infoFromFile(String fileName) async {
var file = await new File(fileName).readAsString();
return new AllInfoJsonCodec().decode(JSON.decode(file));
Future manifestFromFile(String fileName) async {
var file = await new File(fileName).readAsString();
return loadYaml(file);
void usage() {
usage: dart2js_info_deferred_library_check manifest.yaml''');