Proto codec support for deferred files (#39)

* Support serializing the deferredFiles using the proto codec.

Testing this also required supporting deserializing deferredFiles in the
json encoding. I've also added an example info.json for a deferred application.

* Trailing newline on info.proto

* Add missing link to

* Updates group/test names

* Update version

* Change version bump to a minor version
diff --git a/ b/
index 8852345..796a4bc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -446,3 +446,4 @@
diff --git a/info.proto b/info.proto
index 38efc5c..1470ec9 100644
--- a/info.proto
+++ b/info.proto
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
   /** All the recorded information about elements processed by the compiler. */
   map<string, InfoPB> all_infos = 2;
+  /** Details about all deferred imports and what files would be loaded when the import is resolved. */
+  repeated LibraryDeferredImportsPB deferred_imports = 3;
@@ -263,3 +266,23 @@
   /** serialized_id of the FunctionInfo wrapped by this closure. */
   string function_id = 1;
+message DeferredImportPB {
+  /** The prefix assigned to the deferred import. */
+  string prefix = 1;
+  /** The list of filenames loaded by the import. */
+  repeated string files = 2;
+/** Information about deferred imports within a dart library. */
+message LibraryDeferredImportsPB {
+  /** The uri of the library which makes the deferred import. */
+  string library_uri = 1;
+  /** The name of the library, or "<unnamed>" if it is unnamed. */
+  string library_name = 2;
+  /** The individual deferred imports within the library. */
+  repeated DeferredImportPB imports = 3;
diff --git a/lib/json_info_codec.dart b/lib/json_info_codec.dart
index a26ed57..6462af3 100644
--- a/lib/json_info_codec.dart
+++ b/lib/json_info_codec.dart
@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@
         .addAll((json['outputUnits'] as List).map((o) => parseOutputUnit(o)));
     result.program = parseProgram(json['program']);
+    if (json['deferredFiles'] != null) {
+      result.deferredFiles =
+          (json['deferredFiles'] as Map).cast<String, Map<String, dynamic>>();
+    }
     // todo: version, etc
     return result;
diff --git a/lib/proto_info_codec.dart b/lib/proto_info_codec.dart
index bc17e41..66de137 100644
--- a/lib/proto_info_codec.dart
+++ b/lib/proto_info_codec.dart
@@ -238,6 +238,22 @@
+  static LibraryDeferredImportsPB _convertToLibraryDeferredImportsPB(
+      String libraryUri, Map<String, dynamic> fields) {
+    final proto = new LibraryDeferredImportsPB()
+      ..libraryUri = libraryUri
+      ..libraryName = fields['name'] ?? '<unnamed>';
+    Map<String, List<String>> imports = fields['imports'];
+    imports.forEach((prefix, files) {
+      final import = new DeferredImportPB()..prefix = prefix;
+      import.files.addAll(files);
+      proto.imports.add(import);
+    });
+    return proto;
+  }
   static AllInfoPB _convertToAllInfoPB(AllInfo info) {
     final proto = new AllInfoPB()
       ..program = _convertToProgramInfoPB(info.program);
@@ -251,6 +267,11 @@
+    info.deferredFiles?.forEach((libraryUri, fields) {
+      proto.deferredImports
+          .add(_convertToLibraryDeferredImportsPB(libraryUri, fields));
+    });
     return proto;
diff --git a/lib/src/proto/info.pb.dart b/lib/src/proto/info.pb.dart
index b506bda..786c679 100644
--- a/lib/src/proto/info.pb.dart
+++ b/lib/src/proto/info.pb.dart
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
     ..pp<AllInfoPB_AllInfosEntry>(2, 'allInfos', PbFieldType.PM,
         AllInfoPB_AllInfosEntry.$checkItem, AllInfoPB_AllInfosEntry.create)
+    ..pp<LibraryDeferredImportsPB>(3, 'deferredImports', PbFieldType.PM,
+        LibraryDeferredImportsPB.$checkItem, LibraryDeferredImportsPB.create)
     ..hasRequiredFields = false;
   AllInfoPB() : super();
@@ -146,6 +148,8 @@
   void clearProgram() => clearField(1);
   List<AllInfoPB_AllInfosEntry> get allInfos => $_getList(1);
+  List<LibraryDeferredImportsPB> get deferredImports => $_getList(2);
 class _ReadonlyAllInfoPB extends AllInfoPB with ReadonlyMessageMixin {}
@@ -1138,3 +1142,101 @@
 class _ReadonlyClosureInfoPB extends ClosureInfoPB with ReadonlyMessageMixin {}
+class DeferredImportPB extends GeneratedMessage {
+  static final BuilderInfo _i = new BuilderInfo('DeferredImportPB')
+    ..aOS(1, 'prefix')
+    ..pPS(2, 'files')
+    ..hasRequiredFields = false;
+  DeferredImportPB() : super();
+  DeferredImportPB.fromBuffer(List<int> i,
+      [ExtensionRegistry r = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY])
+      : super.fromBuffer(i, r);
+  DeferredImportPB.fromJson(String i,
+      [ExtensionRegistry r = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY])
+      : super.fromJson(i, r);
+  DeferredImportPB clone() => new DeferredImportPB()..mergeFromMessage(this);
+  BuilderInfo get info_ => _i;
+  static DeferredImportPB create() => new DeferredImportPB();
+  static PbList<DeferredImportPB> createRepeated() =>
+      new PbList<DeferredImportPB>();
+  static DeferredImportPB getDefault() {
+    if (_defaultInstance == null)
+      _defaultInstance = new _ReadonlyDeferredImportPB();
+    return _defaultInstance;
+  }
+  static DeferredImportPB _defaultInstance;
+  static void $checkItem(DeferredImportPB v) {
+    if (v is! DeferredImportPB) checkItemFailed(v, 'DeferredImportPB');
+  }
+  String get prefix => $_getS(0, '');
+  set prefix(String v) {
+    $_setString(0, v);
+  }
+  bool hasPrefix() => $_has(0);
+  void clearPrefix() => clearField(1);
+  List<String> get files => $_getList(1);
+class _ReadonlyDeferredImportPB extends DeferredImportPB
+    with ReadonlyMessageMixin {}
+class LibraryDeferredImportsPB extends GeneratedMessage {
+  static final BuilderInfo _i = new BuilderInfo('LibraryDeferredImportsPB')
+    ..aOS(1, 'libraryUri')
+    ..aOS(2, 'libraryName')
+    ..pp<DeferredImportPB>(3, 'imports', PbFieldType.PM,
+        DeferredImportPB.$checkItem, DeferredImportPB.create)
+    ..hasRequiredFields = false;
+  LibraryDeferredImportsPB() : super();
+  LibraryDeferredImportsPB.fromBuffer(List<int> i,
+      [ExtensionRegistry r = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY])
+      : super.fromBuffer(i, r);
+  LibraryDeferredImportsPB.fromJson(String i,
+      [ExtensionRegistry r = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY])
+      : super.fromJson(i, r);
+  LibraryDeferredImportsPB clone() =>
+      new LibraryDeferredImportsPB()..mergeFromMessage(this);
+  BuilderInfo get info_ => _i;
+  static LibraryDeferredImportsPB create() => new LibraryDeferredImportsPB();
+  static PbList<LibraryDeferredImportsPB> createRepeated() =>
+      new PbList<LibraryDeferredImportsPB>();
+  static LibraryDeferredImportsPB getDefault() {
+    if (_defaultInstance == null)
+      _defaultInstance = new _ReadonlyLibraryDeferredImportsPB();
+    return _defaultInstance;
+  }
+  static LibraryDeferredImportsPB _defaultInstance;
+  static void $checkItem(LibraryDeferredImportsPB v) {
+    if (v is! LibraryDeferredImportsPB)
+      checkItemFailed(v, 'LibraryDeferredImportsPB');
+  }
+  String get libraryUri => $_getS(0, '');
+  set libraryUri(String v) {
+    $_setString(0, v);
+  }
+  bool hasLibraryUri() => $_has(0);
+  void clearLibraryUri() => clearField(1);
+  String get libraryName => $_getS(1, '');
+  set libraryName(String v) {
+    $_setString(1, v);
+  }
+  bool hasLibraryName() => $_has(1);
+  void clearLibraryName() => clearField(2);
+  List<DeferredImportPB> get imports => $_getList(2);
+class _ReadonlyLibraryDeferredImportsPB extends LibraryDeferredImportsPB
+    with ReadonlyMessageMixin {}
diff --git a/lib/src/proto/info.pbjson.dart b/lib/src/proto/info.pbjson.dart
index c7e5e38..7c95b90 100644
--- a/lib/src/proto/info.pbjson.dart
+++ b/lib/src/proto/info.pbjson.dart
@@ -30,6 +30,14 @@
       '6': '.dart2js_info.proto.AllInfoPB.AllInfosEntry',
       '10': 'allInfos'
+    const {
+      '1': 'deferred_imports',
+      '3': 3,
+      '4': 3,
+      '5': 11,
+      '6': '.dart2js_info.proto.LibraryDeferredImportsPB',
+      '10': 'deferredImports'
+    },
   '3': const [AllInfoPB_AllInfosEntry$json],
@@ -388,3 +396,27 @@
     const {'1': 'function_id', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'functionId'},
+const DeferredImportPB$json = const {
+  '1': 'DeferredImportPB',
+  '2': const [
+    const {'1': 'prefix', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'prefix'},
+    const {'1': 'files', '3': 2, '4': 3, '5': 9, '10': 'files'},
+  ],
+const LibraryDeferredImportsPB$json = const {
+  '1': 'LibraryDeferredImportsPB',
+  '2': const [
+    const {'1': 'library_uri', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'libraryUri'},
+    const {'1': 'library_name', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'libraryName'},
+    const {
+      '1': 'imports',
+      '3': 3,
+      '4': 3,
+      '5': 11,
+      '6': '.dart2js_info.proto.DeferredImportPB',
+      '10': 'imports'
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index dbad1e5..91d835e 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: dart2js_info
-version: 0.5.7+1
+version: 0.5.8
 description: >
   Libraries and tools to process data produced when running dart2js with
diff --git a/test/hello_world_deferred/deferred_import.dart b/test/hello_world_deferred/deferred_import.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a719959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/hello_world_deferred/deferred_import.dart
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const helloWorld = "Hello, World!";
diff --git a/test/hello_world_deferred/hello_world_deferred.dart b/test/hello_world_deferred/hello_world_deferred.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d498701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/hello_world_deferred/hello_world_deferred.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'deferred_import.dart' deferred as deferred_import;
+Future<void> main() async {
+  await deferred_import.loadLibrary();
+  print(deferred_import.helloWorld);
diff --git a/test/hello_world_deferred/ b/test/hello_world_deferred/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7098f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/hello_world_deferred/
@@ -0,0 +1,26128 @@
+  "elements": {
+    "library": {
+      "174368900": {
+        "id": "library/174368900",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "_foreign_helper",
+        "size": 65,
+        "children": [
+          "class/949988971"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:_foreign_helper"
+      },
+      "237882207": {
+        "id": "library/237882207",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "<unnamed>",
+        "size": 0,
+        "children": [
+          "field/162036481",
+          "field/241563122"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:_async_await_error_codes"
+      },
+      "238986171": {
+        "id": "library/238986171",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "dart2js._js_primitives",
+        "size": 483,
+        "children": [
+          "function/864228238"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:_js_primitives"
+      },
+      "239009133": {
+        "id": "library/239009133",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "<unnamed>",
+        "size": 0,
+        "children": [
+          "field/83424460"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "file:///usr/local/google/home/lorenvs/git/dart2js_info/test/hello_world_deferred/deferred_import.dart"
+      },
+      "325218131": {
+        "id": "library/325218131",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "_interceptors",
+        "size": 8861,
+        "children": [
+          "class/86936801",
+          "class/245082925",
+          "class/359696216",
+          "class/418854932",
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+          "class/1019758482",
+          "class/1034266724",
+          "field/406601007",
+          "function/821285776"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:_interceptors"
+      },
+      "527944179": {
+        "id": "library/527944179",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "dart._js_names",
+        "size": 137,
+        "children": [
+          "function/203738274",
+          "function/508874693"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:_js_names"
+      },
+      "631335891": {
+        "id": "library/631335891",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "dart.core",
+        "size": 9004,
+        "children": [
+          "class/36312556",
+          "class/56472591",
+          "class/70813553",
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+          "function/399195151"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:core"
+      },
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+        "id": "library/689380639",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "dart._internal",
+        "size": 3245,
+        "children": [
+          "class/60704969",
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+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:_internal"
+      },
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+        "id": "library/754126564",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "dart.collection",
+        "size": 10695,
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+          "class/113750884",
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+        "canonicalUri": "dart:collection"
+      },
+      "934372066": {
+        "id": "library/934372066",
+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "<unnamed>",
+        "size": 996,
+        "children": [
+          "function/921486255"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "file:///usr/local/google/home/lorenvs/git/dart2js_info/test/hello_world_deferred/hello_world_deferred.dart"
+      },
+      "965528565": {
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+        "kind": "library",
+        "name": "dart2js._embedded_names",
+        "size": 0,
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+      },
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+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:_js_helper"
+      },
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+          "function/710611585",
+          "function/831655802",
+          "function/835692712",
+          "function/887884267"
+        ],
+        "canonicalUri": "dart:async"
+      }
+    },
+    "class": {
+      "8008562": {
+        "id": "class/8008562",
+        "kind": "class",
+        "name": "DeferredNotLoadedError",
+        "size": 160,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "modifiers": {
+          "abstract": false
+        },
+        "children": [
+          "field/826222890",
+          "function/116203851",
+          "function/179653294"
+        ]
+      },
+      "17649844": {
+        "id": "class/17649844",
+        "kind": "class",
+        "name": "JsNoSuchMethodError",
+        "size": 763,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "modifiers": {
+          "abstract": false
+        },
+        "children": [
+          "field/345425066",
+          "field/347443343",
+          "field/627383241",
+          "function/336352070",
+          "function/636061569"
+        ]
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+      "538046": {
+        "id": "function/538046",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_newHashTable",
+        "size": 234,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_newHashTable$0: function() {\n  var table = Object.create(null);\n  this._setTableEntry$3(table, \"<non-identifier-key>\", table);\n  this._deleteTableEntry$2(table, \"<non-identifier-key>\");\n  return table;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "702510": {
+        "id": "function/702510",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_getTableEntry",
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+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "11804710": {
+        "id": "function/11804710",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "AsyncError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/577121337",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=AsyncError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(Object,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "15204906": {
+        "id": "function/15204906",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 1534,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/963665986",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  var completeResult, e, s, t1, exception, t2, originalSource;\n  completeResult = null;\n  try {\n    t1 = this.listener;\n    completeResult =$1(t1.callback);\n  } catch (exception) {\n    e = H.unwrapException(exception);\n    s = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n    if (this.hasError) {\n      t1 = this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners.get$error();\n      t2 = e;\n      t2 = t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2;\n      t1 = t2;\n    } else\n      t1 = false;\n    t2 = this._box_0;\n    if (t1)\n      t2.listenerValueOrError = this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;\n    else\n      t2.listenerValueOrError = new P.AsyncError(e, s);\n    t2.listenerHasError = true;\n    return;\n  }\n  if (!!J.getInterceptor(completeResult).$isFuture) {\n    if (completeResult instanceof P._Future && completeResult.get$_state() >= 4) {\n      if (completeResult.get$_state() === 8) {\n        t1 = this._box_0;\n        t1.listenerValueOrError = completeResult.get$_resultOrListeners();\n        t1.listenerHasError = true;\n      }\n      return;\n    }\n    originalSource = this._box_1.source;\n    t1 = this._box_0;\n    t1.listenerValueOrError = completeResult.then$1(new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(originalSource));\n    t1.listenerHasError = false;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "15478302": {
+        "id": "function/15478302",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 257,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var receiver = this._receiver;\n  if (receiver == null)\n    receiver = this._self;\n  return \"Closure '\" + H.S(this._name) + \"' of \" + (\"Instance of '\" + H.Primitives_objectTypeName(receiver) + \"'\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "15925204": {
+        "id": "function/15925204",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_complete",
+        "size": 590,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_complete$1: function(value) {\n  var t1, t2, listeners;\n  t1 = this.$ti;\n  t2 = H.checkSubtypeV1(value, \"$isFuture\", t1, \"$asFuture\");\n  if (t2) {\n    t1 = H.checkSubtypeV1(value, \"$is_Future\", t1, null);\n    if (t1)\n      P._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, this);\n    else\n      P._Future__chainForeignFuture(value, this);\n  } else {\n    listeners = this._removeListeners$0();\n    this._state = 4;\n    this._resultOrListeners = value;\n    P._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "16600620": {
+        "id": "function/16600620",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_add",
+        "size": 563,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_LinkedHashSet.E"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_add$1: function(element) {\n  var rest, hash, bucket;\n  rest = this._rest;\n  if (rest == null) {\n    rest = P._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable();\n    this._rest = rest;\n  }\n  hash = this._computeHashCode$1(element);\n  bucket = rest[hash];\n  if (bucket == null)\n    rest[hash] = [this._newLinkedCell$1(element)];\n  else {\n    if (this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)\n      return false;\n    bucket.push(this._newLinkedCell$1(element));\n  }\n  return true;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(_LinkedHashSet.E)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "16930089": {
+        "id": "function/16930089",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_thenNoZoneRegistration",
+        "size": 253,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<_thenNoZoneRegistration.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic Function(_Future.T)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onError",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "Function"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_thenNoZoneRegistration$2: function(f, onError) {\n  var result = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, [null]);\n  this._addListener$1(new P._FutureListener(null, result, onError == null ? 1 : 3, f, onError));\n  return result;\n}\n",
+        "type": "Future<_thenNoZoneRegistration.E> Function(dynamic Function(_Future.T),Function)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "18599313": {
+        "id": "function/18599313",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_addListener",
+        "size": 869,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/181809904"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "listener",
+            "type": "[exact=_FutureListener]",
+            "declaredType": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_addListener$1: function(listener) {\n  var t1, source;\n  t1 = this._state;\n  if (t1 <= 1) {\n    listener._nextListener = this._resultOrListeners;\n    this._resultOrListeners = listener;\n  } else {\n    if (t1 === 2) {\n      source = this._resultOrListeners;\n      if (source.get$_state() < 4) {\n        source._addListener$1(listener);\n        return;\n      }\n      this._state = source._state;\n      this._resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners;\n    }\n    t1 = this._zone;\n    t1.toString;\n    P._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, t1, new P._Future__addListener_closure(this, listener));\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "21667157": {
+        "id": "function/21667157",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "areAssignableV1",
+        "size": 631,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=JSArray]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=JSArray]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "allowShorter",
+            "type": "[exact=JSBool]",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "areAssignableV1: function(s, t, allowShorter) {\n  var t1, sLength, tLength, i, t2;\n  t1 = t == null;\n  if (t1 && s == null)\n    return true;\n  if (t1)\n    return allowShorter;\n  if (s == null)\n    return false;\n  sLength = s.length;\n  tLength = t.length;\n  if (allowShorter) {\n    if (sLength < tLength)\n      return false;\n  } else if (sLength !== tLength)\n    return false;\n  for (i = 0; i < tLength; ++i) {\n    t1 = s[i];\n    t2 = t[i];\n    if (!(H.isSubtypeV1(t1, t2) || H.isSubtypeV1(t2, t1)))\n      return false;\n  }\n  return true;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(List<dynamic>,List<dynamic>,bool)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "22227107": {
+        "id": "function/22227107",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_setError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(Object,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "30570662": {
+        "id": "function/30570662",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_setTableEntry",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "31139860": {
+        "id": "function/31139860",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 74,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSPositiveInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(_) {\n  return this._collection$_length;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "38646490": {
+        "id": "function/38646490",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_setTableEntry",
+        "size": 83,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_setTableEntry$3: function(table, key, value) {\n  table[key] = value;\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "39412415": {
+        "id": "function/39412415",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 526,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/938184478",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "theError",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "theStackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$2: function(theError, theStackTrace) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  t1 = this._box_0;\n  t2 = --t1.remaining;\n  if (t1.values != null) {\n    t1.values = null;\n    if (t1.remaining === 0 || this.eagerError)\n      this.result._completeError$2(theError, theStackTrace);\n    else {\n      t1.error = theError;\n      t1.stackTrace = theStackTrace;\n    }\n  } else if (t2 === 0 && !this.eagerError)\n    this.result._completeError$2(t1.error, t1.stackTrace);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "39768413": {
+        "id": "function/39768413",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "handlesValue",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "51167109": {
+        "id": "function/51167109",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_error",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "AsyncError",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=AsyncError]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 8,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "AsyncError Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "53631526": {
+        "id": "function/53631526",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "loadDeferredLibrary",
+        "size": 4011,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/601101415",
+          "closure/624687097",
+          "closure/844800611",
+          "closure/965562379"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<Null>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "loadId",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "loadDeferredLibrary: function(loadId) {\n  var _box_0, indexes, t1, uris, hashes, index2uri, index2hash, i, index, total, waitingForLoad, isHunkLoaded;\n  _box_0 = {};\n  indexes = init.deferredLibraryParts[loadId];\n  if (indexes == null) {\n    t1 = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, [P.Null]);\n    t1._asyncComplete$1(null);\n    return t1;\n  }\n  uris = [];\n  hashes = [];\n  index2uri = init.deferredPartUris;\n  index2hash = init.deferredPartHashes;\n  for (i = 0; i < indexes.length; ++i) {\n    index = indexes[i];\n    uris.push(index2uri[index]);\n    hashes.push(index2hash[index]);\n  }\n  total = hashes.length;\n  waitingForLoad = P.List_List$filled(total, true, false);\n  _box_0.nextHunkToInitialize = 0;\n  isHunkLoaded = init.isHunkLoaded;\n  t1 = new H.loadDeferredLibrary_initializeSomeLoadedHunks(_box_0, total, waitingForLoad, uris, hashes, init.isHunkInitialized, isHunkLoaded, init.initializeLoadedHunk);\n  return P.Future_wait(P.List_List$generate(total, new H.loadDeferredLibrary_loadAndInitialize(isHunkLoaded, hashes, waitingForLoad, uris, t1), true), null, false).then$1(new H.loadDeferredLibrary_closure(_box_0, t1, total, loadId));\n}\n",
+        "type": "Future<Null> Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "57158184": {
+        "id": "function/57158184",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "inSameErrorZone",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/185316425",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "otherZone",
+            "type": "[null|exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(Zone)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "63166902": {
+        "id": "function/63166902",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "run",
+        "size": 152,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "run.R",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "run.R Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "run$1: function(f) {\n  if ($.Zone__current === C.C__RootZone)\n    return$0();\n  return P._rootRun(null, null, this, f);\n}\n",
+        "type": "run.R Function(run.R Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "64968119": {
+        "id": "function/64968119",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "tryStringifyException",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "ex",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "66015995": {
+        "id": "function/66015995",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 102,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/70813553",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return P.IterableBase_iterableToShortString(this, \"(\", \")\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "67489885": {
+        "id": "function/67489885",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_scheduleImmediateJsOverride",
+        "size": 382,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/611525899",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/231160067"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride: [function(callback) {\n  self.scheduleImmediate(H.convertDartClosureToJS(new P._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(callback), 0));\n}, \"call$1\", \"async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure\", 4, 0, 3]\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "67701762": {
+        "id": "function/67701762",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_hasTimer",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "68051831": {
+        "id": "function/68051831",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "handleError",
+        "size": 409,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "asyncError",
+            "type": "[null|exact=AsyncError]",
+            "declaredType": "AsyncError"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "handleError$1: function(asyncError) {\n  var errorCallback, t1;\n  errorCallback = this.errorCallback;\n  t1 = this.result._zone;\n  if (H.functionTypeTest(errorCallback, {func: 1, args: [P.Object, P.StackTrace]}))\n    return t1.runBinary$3(errorCallback, asyncError.error, asyncError.stackTrace);\n  else\n    return t1.runUnary$2(errorCallback, asyncError.error);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(AsyncError)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "72077250": {
+        "id": "function/72077250",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 92,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/410333734",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"DeferredLoadException: '\" + this._s + \"'\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "79175019": {
+        "id": "function/79175019",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_isWorker",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "80270395": {
+        "id": "function/80270395",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "current",
+        "size": 74,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/365655194",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "ListIterator.E",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$current: function() {\n  return this.__internal$_current;\n}\n",
+        "type": "ListIterator.E Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "80736041": {
+        "id": "function/80736041",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 96,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(receiver) {\n  return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "81057679": {
+        "id": "function/81057679",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 69,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/310226650",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bindCallback.R",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  return this.$$1(this.f);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bindCallback.R Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "82702408": {
+        "id": "function/82702408",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_startMicrotaskLoop",
+        "size": 415,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_startMicrotaskLoop: [function() {\n  $._isInCallbackLoop = true;\n  try {\n    P._microtaskLoop();\n  } finally {\n    $._lastPriorityCallback = null;\n    $._isInCallbackLoop = false;\n    if ($._nextCallback != null)\n      $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(P.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure());\n  }\n}, \"call$0\", \"async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure\", 0, 0, 1]\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "91425461": {
+        "id": "function/91425461",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 60,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/851867060",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(receiver) {\n  return 0;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "93381370": {
+        "id": "function/93381370",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 66,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/542248491",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"Stack Overflow\")",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Stack Overflow\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "94108092": {
+        "id": "function/94108092",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_Future",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 5,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "95599505": {
+        "id": "function/95599505",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "handleWhenComplete",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "96457955": {
+        "id": "function/96457955",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_completeWithValue",
+        "size": 222,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future.T"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_completeWithValue$1: function(value) {\n  var listeners = this._removeListeners$0();\n  this._state = 4;\n  this._resultOrListeners = value;\n  P._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(_Future.T)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "98156511": {
+        "id": "function/98156511",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "contains",
+        "size": 534,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "contains$1: function(_, object) {\n  var strings, nums;\n  if (typeof object === \"string\" && object !== \"__proto__\") {\n    strings = this._strings;\n    if (strings == null)\n      return false;\n    return strings[object] != null;\n  } else if (typeof object === \"number\" && (object & 0x3ffffff) === object) {\n    nums = this._nums;\n    if (nums == null)\n      return false;\n    return nums[object] != null;\n  } else\n    return this._contains$1(object);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "99251871": {
+        "id": "function/99251871",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "iterator",
+        "size": 172,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Iterator<_LinkedHashSet.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_LinkedHashSetIterator]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$iterator: function(_) {\n  var t1 = new P._LinkedHashSetIterator(this, this._modifications, null, null);\n  t1._cell = this._first;\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "Iterator<_LinkedHashSet.E> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "99501118": {
+        "id": "function/99501118",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "complete",
+        "size": 325,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/952584796",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "complete$1: [function(value) {\n  var t1 = this.future;\n  if (t1._state !== 0)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$(\"Future already completed\"));\n  t1._complete$1(value);\n}, function() {\n  return this.complete$1(null);\n}, \"complete$0\", \"call$1\", \"call$0\", \"get$complete\", 0, 2, 15]\n",
+        "type": "void Function([dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "102471615": {
+        "id": "function/102471615",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "complete",
+        "size": 208,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/714718140",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "complete$1: function(value) {\n  var t1 = this.future;\n  if (t1._state !== 0)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$(\"Future already completed\"));\n  t1._asyncComplete$1(value);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function([dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "108053021": {
+        "id": "function/108053021",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hasNoField",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "109394176": {
+        "id": "function/109394176",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "jsonEncodeNative",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "string",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "114607430": {
+        "id": "function/114607430",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_getBucket",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "List<dynamic> Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "116203851": {
+        "id": "function/116203851",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 114,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/8008562",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Deferred library \" + H.S(this.libraryName) + \" was not loaded.\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "116583875": {
+        "id": "function/116583875",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_asyncRethrow",
+        "size": 143,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "completer",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Completer<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_asyncRethrow: function(object, completer) {\n  completer.completeError$2(H.unwrapException(object), H.getTraceFromException(object));\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,Completer<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "116599339": {
+        "id": "function/116599339",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "LinkedHashMap._empty",
+        "size": 126,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/614050497",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap.K,LinkedHashMap.V>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JsLinkedHashMap]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty: function() {\n  return new H.JsLinkedHashMap(0, null, null, null, null, null, 0);\n}\n",
+        "type": "LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap.K,LinkedHashMap.V> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "120153851": {
+        "id": "function/120153851",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_LinkedIdentityHashSet",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1059387371",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_LinkedIdentityHashSet]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "123959555": {
+        "id": "function/123959555",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JsLinkedHashMap",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JsLinkedHashMap]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "128684509": {
+        "id": "function/128684509",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "LinkedHashSet",
+        "size": 156,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/143510818",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "LinkedHashSet<LinkedHashSet.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=_LinkedHashSet]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "equals",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "bool Function(LinkedHashSet.E,LinkedHashSet.E)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "hashCode",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "int Function(LinkedHashSet.E)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isValidKey",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "bool Function(dynamic)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet: function(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $E) {\n  return new P._LinkedHashSet(0, null, null, null, null, null, 0, [$E]);\n}\n",
+        "type": "LinkedHashSet<LinkedHashSet.E> Function({bool Function(LinkedHashSet.E,LinkedHashSet.E) equals,int Function(LinkedHashSet.E) hashCode,bool Function(dynamic) isValidKey})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "130041650": {
+        "id": "function/130041650",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 78,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/948502579",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Bad state: \" + this.message;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "130131853": {
+        "id": "function/130131853",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_contains",
+        "size": 212,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_contains$1: function(object) {\n  var rest = this._rest;\n  if (rest == null)\n    return false;\n  return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "136972596": {
+        "id": "function/136972596",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isFunctionSubtype",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "139456351": {
+        "id": "function/139456351",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 297,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/637664934",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "k",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "v",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$2: function(k, v) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  t1 = this._box_0;\n  if (!t1.first)\n    this.result._contents += \", \";\n  t1.first = false;\n  t1 = this.result;\n  t2 = t1._contents += H.S(k);\n  t1._contents = t2 + \": \";\n  t1._contents += H.S(v);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "143567266": {
+        "id": "function/143567266",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "StaticClosure",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/466061502",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=StaticClosure]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "143741280": {
+        "id": "function/143741280",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 214,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/790616034",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1 = this._method;\n  if (t1 == null)\n    return \"NullError: \" + H.S(this._message);\n  return \"NullError: method not found: '\" + H.S(t1) + \"' on null\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "144469777": {
+        "id": "function/144469777",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 308,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "newLength",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "set$length: function(receiver, newLength) {\n  if (!!receiver.fixed$length)\n    H.throwExpression(P.UnsupportedError$(\"set length\"));\n  if (newLength < 0)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(newLength, 0, null, \"newLength\", null));\n  receiver.length = newLength;\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "144469778": {
+        "id": "function/144469778",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 72,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(receiver) {\n  return receiver.length;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "148863126": {
+        "id": "function/148863126",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "NullError",
+        "size": 130,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/790616034",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=NullError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_message",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "match",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "NullError$: function(_message, match) {\n  return new H.NullError(_message, match == null ? null : match.method);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "150523169": {
+        "id": "function/150523169",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_startIndex",
+        "size": 221,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/60704969",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_startIndex: function() {\n  var $length, t1;\n  $length = J.get$length$as(this.__internal$_iterable);\n  t1 = this._start;\n  if (t1 > $length)\n    return $length;\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "150705145": {
+        "id": "function/150705145",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 222,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/93352366",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1 = this.variableName;\n  return t1 == null ? \"Reading static variable during its initialization\" : \"Reading static variable '\" + H.S(t1) + \"' during its initialization\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "160969748": {
+        "id": "function/160969748",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_rootRunUnary",
+        "size": 323,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_rootRunUnary.R",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "self",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "parent",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "ZoneDelegate"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "zone",
+            "type": "[exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "_rootRunUnary.R Function(_rootRunUnary.T)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_rootRunUnary.T"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_rootRunUnary: function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg) {\n  var old, t1;\n  t1 = $.Zone__current;\n  if (t1 === zone)\n    return$1(arg);\n  $.Zone__current = zone;\n  old = t1;\n  try {\n    t1 =$1(arg);\n    return t1;\n  } finally {\n    $.Zone__current = old;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "_rootRunUnary.R Function(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,_rootRunUnary.R Function(_rootRunUnary.T),_rootRunUnary.T)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "162825675": {
+        "id": "function/162825675",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "join",
+        "size": 383,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "separator",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"\n\")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "join$1: function(receiver, separator) {\n  var t1, list, i, t2;\n  t1 = receiver.length;\n  list = new Array(t1);\n  list.fixed$length = Array;\n  for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) {\n    t2 = H.S(receiver[i]);\n    if (i >= t1)\n      return H.ioore(list, i);\n    list[i] = t2;\n  }\n  return list.join(separator);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function([String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "162872908": {
+        "id": "function/162872908",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_SyncCompleter",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/952584796",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_SyncCompleter]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "163884478": {
+        "id": "function/163884478",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate",
+        "size": 395,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/611525899",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/817717319"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate: [function(callback) {\n  self.setImmediate(H.convertDartClosureToJS(new P._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(callback), 0));\n}, \"call$1\", \"async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure\", 4, 0, 3]\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "163889622": {
+        "id": "function/163889622",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "wrapException",
+        "size": 402,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "ex",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "wrapException: function(ex) {\n  var wrapper;\n  if (ex == null)\n    ex = new P.NullThrownError();\n  wrapper = new Error();\n  wrapper.dartException = ex;\n  if (\"defineProperty\" in Object) {\n    Object.defineProperty(wrapper, \"message\", {get: H.toStringWrapper});\n = \"\";\n  } else\n    wrapper.toString = H.toStringWrapper;\n  return wrapper;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "164775669": {
+        "id": "function/164775669",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "registerCallback",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "registerCallback.R Function()",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "registerCallback.R Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "registerCallback.R Function() Function(registerCallback.R Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "165003912": {
+        "id": "function/165003912",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_initializeScheduleImmediate",
+        "size": 1331,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/611525899",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/607767883",
+          "closure/913475889"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Function",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate: function() {\n  var t1, div, span;\n  t1 = {};\n  if (self.scheduleImmediate != null)\n    return P.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure();\n  if (self.MutationObserver != null && self.document != null) {\n    div = self.document.createElement(\"div\");\n    span = self.document.createElement(\"span\");\n    t1.storedCallback = null;\n    new self.MutationObserver(H.convertDartClosureToJS(new P._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t1), 1)).observe(div, {childList: true});\n    return new P._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t1, div, span);\n  } else if (self.setImmediate != null)\n    return P.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure();\n  return P.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure();\n}\n",
+        "type": "Function Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "167405219": {
+        "id": "function/167405219",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 107,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/627219877",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Instance of '\" + H.Primitives_objectTypeName(this) + \"'\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "171287120": {
+        "id": "function/171287120",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_onError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Function",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Function Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "173469993": {
+        "id": "function/173469993",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/481500691",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "175997763": {
+        "id": "function/175997763",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 85,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/245082925",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSPositiveInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(receiver) {\n  return receiver ? 519018 : 218159;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "176570718": {
+        "id": "function/176570718",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 101,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/758572498",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return P.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, \"{\", \"}\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "176842663": {
+        "id": "function/176842663",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "moveNext",
+        "size": 480,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/113750884",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "moveNext$0: function() {\n  var t1 = this._set;\n  if (this._modifications !== t1._modifications)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));\n  else {\n    t1 = this._cell;\n    if (t1 == null) {\n      this._collection$_current = null;\n      return false;\n    } else {\n      this._collection$_current = t1._element;\n      this._cell = t1._next;\n      return true;\n    }\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "179653294": {
+        "id": "function/179653294",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "DeferredNotLoadedError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/8008562",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=DeferredNotLoadedError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "libraryName",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "186999466": {
+        "id": "function/186999466",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 72,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(receiver) {\n  return receiver.length;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "188708191": {
+        "id": "function/188708191",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_StreamIterator",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1040168844",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_StreamIterator]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "stream",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Stream<_StreamIterator.T>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(Stream<_StreamIterator.T>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "193787732": {
+        "id": "function/193787732",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_getRuntimeTypeAsStringV1",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "rti",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onTypeVariable",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String Function(int)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic,{String Function(int) onTypeVariable})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "199851072": {
+        "id": "function/199851072",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "SubListIterable",
+        "size": 232,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/60704969",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=SubListIterable]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_iterable",
+            "type": "Union([exact=SubListIterable], [subclass=JSArray])",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<SubListIterable.E>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_start",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_endOrLength",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "SubListIterable$: function(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength) {\n  var t1 = new H.SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength);\n  t1.SubListIterable$3(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength);\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(Iterable<SubListIterable.E>,int,int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "203738274": {
+        "id": "function/203738274",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "extractKeys",
+        "size": 114,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/527944179",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSFixedArray]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "victim",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "extractKeys: function(victim) {\n  return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(victim ? Object.keys(victim) : []);\n}\n",
+        "type": "List<dynamic> Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "204916897": {
+        "id": "function/204916897",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_codeUnitAt",
+        "size": 203,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "index",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_codeUnitAt$1: function(receiver, index) {\n  if (index >= receiver.length)\n    throw H.wrapException(H.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));\n  return receiver.charCodeAt(index);\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "205154197": {
+        "id": "function/205154197",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_registerErrorHandler",
+        "size": 498,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Function",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "errorHandler",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "Function"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "zone",
+            "type": "[exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_registerErrorHandler: function(errorHandler, zone) {\n  if (H.functionTypeTest(errorHandler, {func: 1, args: [P.Object, P.StackTrace]}))\n    return zone.registerBinaryCallback$1(errorHandler);\n  if (H.functionTypeTest(errorHandler, {func: 1, args: [P.Object]}))\n    return errorHandler;\n  throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$value(errorHandler, \"onError\", \"Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace as arguments, and return a a valid result\"));\n}\n",
+        "type": "Function Function(Function,Zone)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "208283907": {
+        "id": "function/208283907",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "UnsupportedError",
+        "size": 98,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/991730135",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=UnsupportedError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "UnsupportedError$: function(message) {\n  return new P.UnsupportedError(message);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "210296716": {
+        "id": "function/210296716",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "StringBuffer",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=StringBuffer]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "content",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function([Object])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "210974499": {
+        "id": "function/210974499",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "List.filled",
+        "size": 268,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/959990109",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<List.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Union([exact=JSExtendableArray], [exact=JSFixedArray])",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "length",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "fill",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSBool], value: true)",
+            "declaredType": "List.E"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "growable",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSBool], value: false)",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "List_List$filled: function($length, fill, growable) {\n  var result, t1, i;\n  result = J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length);\n  if ($length !== 0 && true)\n    for (t1 = result.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)\n      result[i] = true;\n  return result;\n}\n",
+        "type": "List<List.E> Function(int,List.E,{bool growable})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "219348673": {
+        "id": "function/219348673",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "provokeCallErrorOnNull",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "221934998": {
+        "id": "function/221934998",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "+",
+        "size": 369,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Container([exact=JSExtendableArray], element: [null|subclass=Object], length: null)",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "List<JSArray.E>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$add: function(receiver, other) {\n  var totalLength, t1;\n  totalLength = C.JSInt_methods.$add(receiver.length, C.JSInt_methods.get$length(other));\n  t1 = [];\n  this.set$length(t1, totalLength);\n  this.setRange$3(t1, 0, receiver.length, receiver);\n  this.setRange$3(t1, receiver.length, totalLength, other);\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "List<JSArray.E> Function(List<JSArray.E>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "222294695": {
+        "id": "function/222294695",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ReflectionInfo.internal",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/156108056",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ReflectionInfo]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "jsFunction",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "data",
+            "type": "[exact=JSFixedArray]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isAccessor",
+            "type": "[exact=JSBool]",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "requiredParameterCount",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "optionalParameterCount",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "areOptionalParametersNamed",
+            "type": "[exact=JSBool]",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "functionType",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,List<dynamic>,bool,int,int,bool,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "225159691": {
+        "id": "function/225159691",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkNull",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"/\")",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"/\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "229841336": {
+        "id": "function/229841336",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "provokePropertyErrorOn",
+        "size": 255,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "expression",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn: function(expression) {\n  return function($expr$) {\n    try {\n      $expr$.$method$;\n    } catch (e) {\n      return e.message;\n    }\n  }(expression);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "230858033": {
+        "id": "function/230858033",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "runtimeTypeToStringV1",
+        "size": 736,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "rti",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onTypeVariable",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String Function(int)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "runtimeTypeToStringV1: function(rti, onTypeVariable) {\n  var typedefInfo;\n  if (rti == null)\n    return \"dynamic\";\n  if (typeof rti === \"object\" && rti !== null && rti.constructor === Array)\n    return rti[0].builtin$cls + H.joinArgumentsV1(rti, 1, onTypeVariable);\n  if (typeof rti == \"function\")\n    return rti.builtin$cls;\n  if (typeof rti === \"number\" && Math.floor(rti) === rti)\n    return H.S(rti);\n  if (typeof rti.func != \"undefined\") {\n    typedefInfo = rti.typedef;\n    if (typedefInfo != null)\n      return H.runtimeTypeToStringV1(typedefInfo, onTypeVariable);\n    return H._functionRtiToStringV1(rti, onTypeVariable);\n  }\n  return \"unknown-reified-type\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic,{String Function(int) onTypeVariable})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "231669663": {
+        "id": "function/231669663",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 470,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/30023746",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  var e, s, t1, exception;\n  try {\n    t1 = this.listener;\n    this._box_0.listenerValueOrError = t1.result._zone.runUnary$2(t1.callback, this.sourceResult);\n  } catch (exception) {\n    e = H.unwrapException(exception);\n    s = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n    t1 = this._box_0;\n    t1.listenerValueOrError = new P.AsyncError(e, s);\n    t1.listenerHasError = true;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "243489700": {
+        "id": "function/243489700",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkValidRange",
+        "size": 379,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/974704527",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "start",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "end",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "length",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "startName",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "endName",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "RangeError_checkValidRange: function(start, end, $length, startName, endName, message) {\n  if (start > $length)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, \"start\", message));\n  if (start > end || end > $length)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, \"end\", message));\n  return end;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function(int,int,int,[String,String,String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "245651187": {
+        "id": "function/245651187",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_isNumericKey",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "248499885": {
+        "id": "function/248499885",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 92,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/741043867",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  this.$this._completer.completeError$2(this.e,;\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "248883787": {
+        "id": "function/248883787",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 240,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/601101415",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(_) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  t1 = this.waitingForLoad;\n  t2 = this.i;\n  if (t2 >= t1.length)\n    return H.ioore(t1, t2);\n  t1[t2] = false;\n$0();\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "249771766": {
+        "id": "function/249771766",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 138,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/637416128",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  var t1 = this.$this;\n  t1._handle = null;\n  t1._tick = 1;\n$0();\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "253794122": {
+        "id": "function/253794122",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "fromTearOff",
+        "size": 2845,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/317291728",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "receiver",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "functions",
+            "type": "[exact=JSFixedArray]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "reflectionInfo",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isStatic",
+            "type": "[exact=JSBool]",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "jsArguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "propertyName",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Closure_fromTearOff: function(receiver, functions, reflectionInfo, isStatic, jsArguments, propertyName) {\n  var $function, callName, functionType, $prototype, $constructor, t1, isIntercepted, trampoline, signatureFunction, getReceiver, i, stub, stubCallName, t2;\n  $function = functions[0];\n  callName = $function.$callName;\n  if (!!J.getInterceptor(reflectionInfo).$isList) {\n    $function.$reflectionInfo = reflectionInfo;\n    functionType = H.ReflectionInfo_ReflectionInfo($function).functionType;\n  } else\n    functionType = reflectionInfo;\n  $prototype = isStatic ? Object.create(new H.StaticClosure().constructor.prototype) : Object.create(new H.BoundClosure(null, null, null, null).constructor.prototype);\n  $prototype.$initialize = $prototype.constructor;\n  if (isStatic)\n    $constructor = function() {\n      this.$initialize();\n    };\n  else {\n    t1 = $.Closure_functionCounter;\n    $.Closure_functionCounter = J.$add$ans(t1, 1);\n    $constructor = new Function(\"a,b,c,d\" + t1, \"this.$initialize(a,b,c,d\" + t1 + \")\");\n  }\n  $prototype.constructor = $constructor;\n  $constructor.prototype = $prototype;\n  if (!isStatic) {\n    isIntercepted = jsArguments.length == 1 && true;\n    trampoline = H.Closure_forwardCallTo(receiver, $function, isIntercepted);\n    trampoline.$reflectionInfo = reflectionInfo;\n  } else {\n    $prototype.$static_name = propertyName;\n    trampoline = $function;\n    isIntercepted = false;\n  }\n  if (typeof functionType == \"number\")\n    signatureFunction = function(getType, t) {\n      return function() {\n        return getType(t);\n      };\n    }(H.getType, functionType);\n  else if (typeof functionType == \"function\")\n    if (isStatic)\n      signatureFunction = functionType;\n    else {\n      getReceiver = isIntercepted ? H.BoundClosure_receiverOf : H.BoundClosure_selfOf;\n      signatureFunction = function(f, r) {\n        return function() {\n          return f.apply({$receiver: r(this)}, arguments);\n        };\n      }(functionType, getReceiver);\n    }\n  else\n    throw H.wrapException(\"Error in reflectionInfo.\");\n  $prototype.$signature = signatureFunction;\n  $prototype[callName] = trampoline;\n  for (t1 = functions.length, i = 1; i < t1; ++i) {\n    stub = functions[i];\n    stubCallName = stub.$callName;\n    if (stubCallName != null) {\n      t2 = isStatic ? stub : H.Closure_forwardCallTo(receiver, stub, isIntercepted);\n      $prototype[stubCallName] = t2;\n    }\n  }\n  $prototype[\"call*\"] = trampoline;\n  $prototype.$requiredArgCount = $function.$requiredArgCount;\n  $prototype.$defaultValues = $function.$defaultValues;\n  return $constructor;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,List<dynamic>,dynamic,bool,dynamic,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "257728434": {
+        "id": "function/257728434",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isDartFunctionTypeRti",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "259223906": {
+        "id": "function/259223906",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ExceptionAndStackTrace",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/388380492",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ExceptionAndStackTrace]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "dartException",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "262026503": {
+        "id": "function/262026503",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_rootRun",
+        "size": 307,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_rootRun.R",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "self",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "parent",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "ZoneDelegate"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "zone",
+            "type": "[exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "_rootRun.R Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_rootRun: function($self, $parent, zone, f) {\n  var old, t1;\n  t1 = $.Zone__current;\n  if (t1 === zone)\n    return$0();\n  $.Zone__current = zone;\n  old = t1;\n  try {\n    t1 =$0();\n    return t1;\n  } finally {\n    $.Zone__current = old;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "_rootRun.R Function(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,_rootRun.R Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "263363184": {
+        "id": "function/263363184",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_asyncCompleteError",
+        "size": 420,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/411607690"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_asyncCompleteError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {\n  var t1;\n  this._state = 1;\n  t1 = this._zone;\n  t1.toString;\n  P._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, t1, new P._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(this, error, stackTrace));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "263798810": {
+        "id": "function/263798810",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "convertDartClosureToJS",
+        "size": 412,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "closure",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arity",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "convertDartClosureToJS: function(closure, arity) {\n  var $function = closure.$identity;\n  if (!!$function)\n    return $function;\n  $function = function(closure, arity, invoke) {\n    return function(a1, a2, a3, a4) {\n      return invoke(closure, arity, a1, a2, a3, a4);\n    };\n  }(closure, arity, H.invokeClosure);\n  closure.$identity = $function;\n  return $function;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "264370095": {
+        "id": "function/264370095",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "rawRtiToJsConstructorName",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "rti",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "265638794": {
+        "id": "function/265638794",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "unwrapException",
+        "size": 4652,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/771507318"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "ex",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "unwrapException: function(ex) {\n  var t1, message, number, ieErrorCode, nsme, notClosure, nullCall, nullLiteralCall, undefCall, undefLiteralCall, nullProperty, undefProperty, undefLiteralProperty, match, t2;\n  t1 = new H.unwrapException_saveStackTrace(ex);\n  if (ex == null)\n    return;\n  if (ex instanceof H.ExceptionAndStackTrace)\n    return$1(ex.dartException);\n  if (typeof ex !== \"object\")\n    return ex;\n  if (\"dartException\" in ex)\n    return$1(ex.dartException);\n  else if (!(\"message\" in ex))\n    return ex;\n  message = ex.message;\n  if (\"number\" in ex && typeof ex.number == \"number\") {\n    number = ex.number;\n    ieErrorCode = number & 65535;\n    if ((C.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(number, 16) & 8191) === 10)\n      switch (ieErrorCode) {\n        case 438:\n          return$1(H.JsNoSuchMethodError$(H.S(message) + \" (Error \" + ieErrorCode + \")\", null));\n        case 445:\n        case 5007:\n          return$1(H.NullError$(H.S(message) + \" (Error \" + ieErrorCode + \")\", null));\n      }\n  }\n  if (ex instanceof TypeError) {\n    nsme = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern();\n    notClosure = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern();\n    nullCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern();\n    nullLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern();\n    undefCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern();\n    undefLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern();\n    nullProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern();\n    $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern();\n    undefProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern();\n    undefLiteralProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern();\n    match = nsme.matchTypeError$1(message);\n    if (match != null)\n      return$1(H.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));\n    else {\n      match = notClosure.matchTypeError$1(message);\n      if (match != null) {\n        match.method = \"call\";\n        return$1(H.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));\n      } else {\n        match = nullCall.matchTypeError$1(message);\n        if (match == null) {\n          match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);\n          if (match == null) {\n            match = undefCall.matchTypeError$1(message);\n            if (match == null) {\n              match = undefLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);\n              if (match == null) {\n                match = nullProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);\n                if (match == null) {\n                  match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);\n                  if (match == null) {\n                    match = undefProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);\n                    if (match == null) {\n                      match = undefLiteralProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);\n                      t2 = match != null;\n                    } else\n                      t2 = true;\n                  } else\n                    t2 = true;\n                } else\n                  t2 = true;\n              } else\n                t2 = true;\n            } else\n              t2 = true;\n          } else\n            t2 = true;\n        } else\n          t2 = true;\n        if (t2)\n          return$1(H.NullError$(message, match));\n      }\n    }\n    return$1(new H.UnknownJsTypeError(typeof message === \"string\" ? message : \"\"));\n  }\n  if (ex instanceof RangeError) {\n    if (typeof message === \"string\" && message.indexOf(\"call stack\") !== -1)\n      return new P.StackOverflowError();\n    message = function(ex) {\n      try {\n        return String(ex);\n      } catch (e) {\n      }\n      return null;\n    }(ex);\n    return$1(new P.ArgumentError(false, null, null, typeof message === \"string\" ? message.replace(/^RangeError:\\s*/, \"\") : message));\n  }\n  if (typeof InternalError == \"function\" && ex instanceof InternalError)\n    if (typeof message === \"string\" && message === \"too much recursion\")\n      return new P.StackOverflowError();\n  return ex;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "268773900": {
+        "id": "function/268773900",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getIndex",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "array",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "index",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 14,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "271556856": {
+        "id": "function/271556856",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "StateError",
+        "size": 86,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/948502579",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=StateError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "StateError$: function(message) {\n  return new P.StateError(message);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "271674536": {
+        "id": "function/271674536",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_propagateToListeners",
+        "size": 7272,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/30023746",
+          "closure/69029087",
+          "closure/830531955",
+          "closure/963665986"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "source",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "listeners",
+            "type": "[null|exact=_FutureListener]",
+            "declaredType": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_Future__propagateToListeners: function(source, listeners) {\n  var _box_1, t1, _box_0, hasError, asyncError, t2, t3, listeners0, sourceResult, zone, t4, oldZone, current, result;\n  _box_1 = {};\n  _box_1.source = source;\n  for (t1 = source; true;) {\n    _box_0 = {};\n    hasError = t1._state === 8;\n    if (listeners == null) {\n      if (hasError) {\n        asyncError = t1._resultOrListeners;\n        t1 = t1._zone;\n        t2 = asyncError.get$error();\n        t3 = asyncError.stackTrace;\n        t1.toString;\n        P._rootHandleUncaughtError(null, null, t1, t2, t3);\n      }\n      return;\n    }\n    for (; listeners0 = listeners._nextListener, listeners0 != null; listeners = listeners0) {\n      listeners._nextListener = null;\n      P._Future__propagateToListeners(_box_1.source, listeners);\n    }\n    t1 = _box_1.source;\n    sourceResult = t1._resultOrListeners;\n    _box_0.listenerHasError = hasError;\n    _box_0.listenerValueOrError = sourceResult;\n    t2 = !hasError;\n    if (t2) {\n      t3 = listeners.state;\n      t3 = (t3 & 1) !== 0 || t3 === 8;\n    } else\n      t3 = true;\n    if (t3) {\n      t3 = listeners.result;\n      zone = t3._zone;\n      if (hasError) {\n        t4 = t1._zone;\n        t4.toString;\n        t4 = t4 == null ? zone == null : t4 === zone;\n        if (!t4)\n          zone.toString;\n        else\n          t4 = true;\n        t4 = !t4;\n      } else\n        t4 = false;\n      if (t4) {\n        t1 = t1._zone;\n        t2 = sourceResult.get$error();\n        t3 = sourceResult.stackTrace;\n        t1.toString;\n        P._rootHandleUncaughtError(null, null, t1, t2, t3);\n        return;\n      }\n      oldZone = $.Zone__current;\n      if (oldZone == null ? zone != null : oldZone !== zone)\n        $.Zone__current = zone;\n      else\n        oldZone = null;\n      t1 = listeners.state;\n      if (t1 === 8)\n        new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(_box_1, _box_0, listeners, hasError).call$0();\n      else if (t2) {\n        if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)\n          new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(_box_0, listeners, sourceResult).call$0();\n      } else if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)\n        new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(_box_1, _box_0, listeners).call$0();\n      if (oldZone != null)\n        $.Zone__current = oldZone;\n      t1 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;\n      if (!!J.getInterceptor(t1).$isFuture) {\n        if (t1._state >= 4) {\n          current = t3._resultOrListeners;\n          t3._resultOrListeners = null;\n          listeners = t3._reverseListeners$1(current);\n          t3._state = t1._state;\n          t3._resultOrListeners = t1._resultOrListeners;\n          _box_1.source = t1;\n          continue;\n        } else\n          P._Future__chainCoreFuture(t1, t3);\n        return;\n      }\n    }\n    result = listeners.result;\n    current = result._resultOrListeners;\n    result._resultOrListeners = null;\n    listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current);\n    t1 = _box_0.listenerHasError;\n    t2 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;\n    if (!t1) {\n      result._state = 4;\n      result._resultOrListeners = t2;\n    } else {\n      result._state = 8;\n      result._resultOrListeners = t2;\n    }\n    _box_1.source = result;\n    t1 = result;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(_Future<dynamic>,_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "271854590": {
+        "id": "function/271854590",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_asyncReturn",
+        "size": 85,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "completer",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Completer<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_asyncReturn: function(object, completer) {\n  completer.complete$1(object);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,Completer<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "272589495": {
+        "id": "function/272589495",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "current",
+        "size": 381,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/347664883",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "StackTrace",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "StackTrace_current: function() {\n  var stackTrace, exception;\n  if ($.$get$_hasErrorStackProperty() === true)\n    return H.getTraceFromException(new Error());\n  try {\n    throw H.wrapException(\"\");\n  } catch (exception) {\n    H.unwrapException(exception);\n    stackTrace = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n    return stackTrace;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "StackTrace Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "272627576": {
+        "id": "function/272627576",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_StackTrace",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/518228506",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_StackTrace]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_exception",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "273024378": {
+        "id": "function/273024378",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "forwardCallTo",
+        "size": 1632,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/317291728",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "receiver",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "function",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isIntercepted",
+            "type": "[exact=JSBool]",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Closure_forwardCallTo: function(receiver, $function, isIntercepted) {\n  var stubName, arity, lookedUpFunction, t1, t2, selfName, $arguments;\n  if (isIntercepted)\n    return H.Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(receiver, $function);\n  stubName = $function.$stubName;\n  arity = $function.length;\n  lookedUpFunction = receiver[stubName];\n  t1 = $function == null ? lookedUpFunction == null : $function === lookedUpFunction;\n  t2 = !t1 || arity >= 27;\n  if (t2)\n    return H.Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, !t1, stubName, $function);\n  if (arity === 0) {\n    t1 = $.Closure_functionCounter;\n    $.Closure_functionCounter = J.$add$ans(t1, 1);\n    selfName = \"self\" + H.S(t1);\n    t1 = \"return function(){var \" + selfName + \" = this.\";\n    t2 = $.BoundClosure_selfFieldNameCache;\n    if (t2 == null) {\n      t2 = H.BoundClosure_computeFieldNamed(\"self\");\n      $.BoundClosure_selfFieldNameCache = t2;\n    }\n    return new Function(t1 + H.S(t2) + \";return \" + selfName + \".\" + H.S(stubName) + \"();}\")();\n  }\n  $arguments = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\".split(\"\").splice(0, arity).join(\",\");\n  t1 = $.Closure_functionCounter;\n  $.Closure_functionCounter = J.$add$ans(t1, 1);\n  $arguments += H.S(t1);\n  t1 = \"return function(\" + $arguments + \"){return this.\";\n  t2 = $.BoundClosure_selfFieldNameCache;\n  if (t2 == null) {\n    t2 = H.BoundClosure_computeFieldNamed(\"self\");\n    $.BoundClosure_selfFieldNameCache = t2;\n  }\n  return new Function(t1 + H.S(t2) + \".\" + H.S(stubName) + \"(\" + $arguments + \");}\")();\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic,bool)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "275271990": {
+        "id": "function/275271990",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_errorName",
+        "size": 65,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/175705485",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"RangeError\")",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_errorName: function() {\n  return \"RangeError\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "275681184": {
+        "id": "function/275681184",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getType",
+        "size": 64,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "index",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": "getType: function(index) {\n  return init.types[index];\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "275957193": {
+        "id": "function/275957193",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "add",
+        "size": 724,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_LinkedHashSet.E"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "add$1: function(_, element) {\n  var strings, nums;\n  if (typeof element === \"string\" && element !== \"__proto__\") {\n    strings = this._strings;\n    if (strings == null) {\n      strings = P._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable();\n      this._strings = strings;\n    }\n    return this._addHashTableEntry$2(strings, element);\n  } else if (typeof element === \"number\" && (element & 0x3ffffff) === element) {\n    nums = this._nums;\n    if (nums == null) {\n      nums = P._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable();\n      this._nums = nums;\n    }\n    return this._addHashTableEntry$2(nums, element);\n  } else\n    return this._add$1(element);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(_LinkedHashSet.E)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "282990063": {
+        "id": "function/282990063",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 191,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/771507318",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(error) {\n  if (!!J.getInterceptor(error).$isError)\n    if (error.$thrownJsError == null)\n      error.$thrownJsError = this.ex;\n  return error;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "285148179": {
+        "id": "function/285148179",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 194,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/466061502",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var $name = this.$static_name;\n  if ($name == null)\n    return \"Closure of unknown static method\";\n  return \"Closure '\" + $name + \"'\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "292195356": {
+        "id": "function/292195356",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "computeFieldNamed",
+        "size": 441,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "fieldName",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "BoundClosure_computeFieldNamed: function(fieldName) {\n  var template, names, t1, i, $name;\n  template = new H.BoundClosure(\"self\", \"target\", \"receiver\", \"name\");\n  names = J.JSArray_markFixedList(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(template));\n  for (t1 = names.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {\n    $name = names[i];\n    if (template[$name] === fieldName)\n      return $name;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "292751514": {
+        "id": "function/292751514",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_prependListeners",
+        "size": 1333,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/827328529"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "listeners",
+            "type": "[null|exact=_FutureListener]",
+            "declaredType": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_prependListeners$1: function(listeners) {\n  var _box_0, t1, existingListeners, cursor, cursor0, source;\n  _box_0 = {};\n  _box_0.listeners = listeners;\n  if (listeners == null)\n    return;\n  t1 = this._state;\n  if (t1 <= 1) {\n    existingListeners = this._resultOrListeners;\n    this._resultOrListeners = listeners;\n    if (existingListeners != null) {\n      for (cursor = listeners; cursor0 = cursor._nextListener, cursor0 != null; cursor = cursor0)\n        ;\n      cursor._nextListener = existingListeners;\n    }\n  } else {\n    if (t1 === 2) {\n      source = this._resultOrListeners;\n      if (source.get$_state() < 4) {\n        source._prependListeners$1(listeners);\n        return;\n      }\n      this._state = source._state;\n      this._resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners;\n    }\n    _box_0.listeners = this._reverseListeners$1(listeners);\n    t1 = this._zone;\n    t1.toString;\n    P._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, t1, new P._Future__prependListeners_closure(_box_0, this));\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "292889014": {
+        "id": "function/292889014",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "extractFunctionTypeObjectFromInternal",
+        "size": 294,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "o",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "extractFunctionTypeObjectFromInternal: function(o) {\n  var signature;\n  if (\"$signature\" in o) {\n    signature = o.$signature;\n    if (typeof signature == \"number\")\n      return init.types[signature];\n    else\n      return o.$signature();\n  }\n  return;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "299781104": {
+        "id": "function/299781104",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isJsArray",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 8,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "301932486": {
+        "id": "function/301932486",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "Exception",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/631051714",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Exception",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Exception]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Exception Function([dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "302617892": {
+        "id": "function/302617892",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_objectToString",
+        "size": 227,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/893386369",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Error__objectToString: function(object) {\n  var t1 = J.getInterceptor(object);\n  if (!!t1.$isClosure)\n    return t1.toString$0(object);\n  return \"Instance of '\" + H.Primitives_objectTypeName(object) + \"'\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "306374693": {
+        "id": "function/306374693",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isDartDynamicTypeRti",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "308590446": {
+        "id": "function/308590446",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "throwExpression",
+        "size": 70,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "ex",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "throwExpression: function(ex) {\n  throw H.wrapException(ex);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "309114439": {
+        "id": "function/309114439",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "invokeClosure",
+        "size": 535,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "closure",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Function"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "numberOfArguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg1",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg2",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg3",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg4",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "invokeClosure: function(closure, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {\n  switch (numberOfArguments) {\n    case 0:\n      return$0();\n    case 1:\n      return$1(arg1);\n    case 2:\n      return$2(arg1, arg2);\n    case 3:\n      return$3(arg1, arg2, arg3);\n    case 4:\n      return$4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);\n  }\n  throw H.wrapException(new P._Exception(\"Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure\"));\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(Function,int,dynamic,dynamic,dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "310457557": {
+        "id": "function/310457557",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isAssignableV1",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 6,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "311229745": {
+        "id": "function/311229745",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 1345,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/844800611",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  var t1, i, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, uri, hash;\n  for (t1 = this._box_0, i = t1.nextHunkToInitialize, t2 =, t3 = this.initializer, t4 = this.isHunkLoaded, t5 = this.isHunkInitialized, t6 = this.uris, t7 = this.hashes, t8 = this.waitingForLoad, t9 = t8.length; i < t2; ++i) {\n    if (i >= t9)\n      return H.ioore(t8, i);\n    if (t8[i])\n      return;\n    ++t1.nextHunkToInitialize;\n    if (i >= t6.length)\n      return H.ioore(t6, i);\n    uri = t6[i];\n    if (i >= t7.length)\n      return H.ioore(t7, i);\n    hash = t7[i];\n    if (t5(hash)) {\n      $.$get$_eventLog().push(\" - already initialized: \" + uri + \" (\" + hash + \")\");\n      continue;\n    }\n    if (t4(hash)) {\n      $.$get$_eventLog().push(\" - initialize: \" + uri + \" (\" + hash + \")\");\n      t3(hash);\n    } else {\n      t1 = $.$get$_eventLog();\n      t1.push(\" - missing hunk: \" + uri + \" (\" + hash + \")\");\n      if (i >= t6.length)\n        return H.ioore(t6, i);\n      throw H.wrapException(P.DeferredLoadException$(\"Loading \" + t6[i] + \" failed: the code with hash '\" + hash + \"' was not loaded.\\nevent log:\\n\" + C.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, \"\\n\") + \"\\n\"));\n    }\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "312768442": {
+        "id": "function/312768442",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "substring",
+        "size": 531,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "startIndex",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "endIndex",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "substring$2: function(receiver, startIndex, endIndex) {\n  if (endIndex == null)\n    endIndex = receiver.length;\n  if (startIndex > endIndex)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(startIndex, null, null));\n  if (endIndex > receiver.length)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(endIndex, null, null));\n  return receiver.substring(startIndex, endIndex);\n}\nsubstring$1: function($receiver, startIndex) {\n  return this.substring$2($receiver, startIndex, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(int,[int])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "315128565": {
+        "id": "function/315128565",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_isStringKey",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "316732114": {
+        "id": "function/316732114",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isDartFunctionType",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "320253842": {
+        "id": "function/320253842",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isCsp",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/317291728",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "325386239": {
+        "id": "function/325386239",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_chainFuture",
+        "size": 641,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/385965656"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "Future<_Future.T>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_chainFuture$1: function(value) {\n  var t1 = H.checkSubtypeV1(value, \"$is_Future\", this.$ti, null);\n  if (t1) {\n    if (value._state === 8) {\n      this._state = 1;\n      t1 = this._zone;\n      t1.toString;\n      P._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, t1, new P._Future__chainFuture_closure(this, value));\n    } else\n      P._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, this);\n    return;\n  }\n  P._Future__chainForeignFuture(value, this);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Future<_Future.T>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "326542993": {
+        "id": "function/326542993",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_loadHunk",
+        "size": 4563,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/21475",
+          "closure/566195572",
+          "closure/566195573",
+          "closure/566195574",
+          "closure/566195575",
+          "closure/566195576",
+          "closure/581471934"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<Null>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "hunkName",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_loadHunk: function(hunkName) {\n  var t1, deferredLibraryLoader, failure, jsSuccess, jsFailure, error, stackTrace, t2, future, t3, uri, t4, completer, exception, index, xhr, script;\n  t1 = {};\n  t2 = $.$get$_loadingLibraries();\n  future = t2.$index(0, hunkName);\n  t3 = $.$get$_eventLog();\n  t3.push(\" - _loadHunk: \" + hunkName);\n  if (future != null) {\n    t3.push(\"reuse: \" + hunkName);\n    return future.then$1(new H._loadHunk_closure());\n  }\n  uri = $.$get$thisScript();\n  t1.uri = uri;\n  uri = C.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, J.lastIndexOf$1$as(uri, \"/\") + 1) + hunkName;\n  t1.uri = uri;\n  t3.push(\" - download: \" + hunkName + \" from \" + uri);\n  deferredLibraryLoader = self.dartDeferredLibraryLoader;\n  t3 = P.Null;\n  t4 = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, [t3]);\n  completer = new P._AsyncCompleter(t4, [t3]);\n  t3 = new H._loadHunk_success(hunkName, completer);\n  failure = new H._loadHunk_failure(t1, hunkName, completer);\n  jsSuccess = H.convertDartClosureToJS(t3, 0);\n  jsFailure = H.convertDartClosureToJS(new H._loadHunk_closure0(failure), 1);\n  if (typeof deferredLibraryLoader === \"function\")\n    try {\n      deferredLibraryLoader(t1.uri, jsSuccess, jsFailure);\n    } catch (exception) {\n      error = H.unwrapException(exception);\n      stackTrace = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n$3(error, \"invoking dartDeferredLibraryLoader hook\", stackTrace);\n    }\n  else if ((!self.window && !!self.postMessage) === true) {\n    index = J.lastIndexOf$1$as(t1.uri, \"/\");\n    t1.uri = J.substring$2$s(t1.uri, 0, index + 1) + hunkName;\n    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\"GET\", t1.uri);\n    xhr.addEventListener(\"load\", H.convertDartClosureToJS(new H._loadHunk_closure1(xhr, failure, t3), 1), false);\n    xhr.addEventListener(\"error\", new H._loadHunk_closure2(failure), false);\n    xhr.addEventListener(\"abort\", new H._loadHunk_closure3(failure), false);\n    xhr.send();\n  } else {\n    script = document.createElement(\"script\");\n    script.type = \"text/javascript\";\n    script.src = t1.uri;\n    t1 = $.$get$_cspNonce();\n    if (t1 != null && t1 !== \"\")\n      script.nonce = t1;\n    script.addEventListener(\"load\", jsSuccess, false);\n    script.addEventListener(\"error\", jsFailure, false);\n    document.body.appendChild(script);\n  }\n  t2.$indexSet(0, hunkName, t4);\n  return t4;\n}\n",
+        "type": "Future<Null> Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "330018012": {
+        "id": "function/330018012",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_asyncAwait",
+        "size": 97,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "bodyFunction",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function(int,dynamic)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_asyncAwait: function(object, bodyFunction) {\n  P._awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,void Function(int,dynamic))",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "335045122": {
+        "id": "function/335045122",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_writeString",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "str",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 10,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "336168458": {
+        "id": "function/336168458",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "scheduleMicrotask",
+        "size": 354,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "scheduleMicrotask: function(callback) {\n  var currentZone = $.Zone__current;\n  if (C.C__RootZone === currentZone) {\n    P._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, C.C__RootZone, callback);\n    return;\n  }\n  currentZone.toString;\n  P._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, currentZone, currentZone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "336352070": {
+        "id": "function/336352070",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JsNoSuchMethodError",
+        "size": 238,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/17649844",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JsNoSuchMethodError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_message",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "match",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "JsNoSuchMethodError$: function(_message, match) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  t1 = match == null;\n  t2 = t1 ? null : match.method;\n  return new H.JsNoSuchMethodError(_message, t2, t1 ? null : match.receiver);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "336424489": {
+        "id": "function/336424489",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_computeHashCode",
+        "size": 100,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_computeHashCode$1: function(element) {\n  return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 0x3ffffff;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "337937411": {
+        "id": "function/337937411",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_awaitOnObject",
+        "size": 1004,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/745039293",
+          "closure/745039294"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "bodyFunction",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function(int,dynamic)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_awaitOnObject: function(object, bodyFunction) {\n  var thenCallback, errorCallback, t1, future;\n  thenCallback = new P._awaitOnObject_closure(bodyFunction);\n  errorCallback = new P._awaitOnObject_closure0(bodyFunction);\n  t1 = J.getInterceptor(object);\n  if (!!t1.$is_Future)\n    object._thenNoZoneRegistration$2(thenCallback, errorCallback);\n  else if (!!t1.$isFuture)\n    object.then$2$onError(thenCallback, errorCallback);\n  else {\n    future = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, [null]);\n    future._state = 4;\n    future._resultOrListeners = object;\n    future._thenNoZoneRegistration$2(thenCallback, null);\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,void Function(int,dynamic))",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "338379080": {
+        "id": "function/338379080",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "errorCallback",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "AsyncError",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "AsyncError Function(Object,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "341046768": {
+        "id": "function/341046768",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 94,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/411607690",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  this.$this._completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "343621437": {
+        "id": "function/343621437",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_enter",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1059755229",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Zone",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=_RootZone]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "zone",
+            "type": "[null|exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes static)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Zone Function(Zone)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "347974666": {
+        "id": "function/347974666",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 440,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(receiver) {\n  var t1, hash, i;\n  for (t1 = receiver.length, hash = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {\n    hash = 536870911 & hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i);\n    hash = 536870911 & hash + ((524287 & hash) << 10);\n    hash ^= hash >> 6;\n  }\n  hash = 536870911 & hash + ((67108863 & hash) << 3);\n  hash ^= hash >> 11;\n  return 536870911 & hash + ((16383 & hash) << 15);\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "349997389": {
+        "id": "function/349997389",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "RangeError.value",
+        "size": 150,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/974704527",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=RangeError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "num"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "Value([null|exact=JSString], value: \"index\")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "RangeError$value: function(value, $name, message) {\n  return new P.RangeError(null, null, true, value, $name, \"Value not in range\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(num,[String,String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "350333970": {
+        "id": "function/350333970",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "handleValue",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "sourceResult",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_FutureListener.S"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(_FutureListener.S)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "350634082": {
+        "id": "function/350634082",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "Completer.sync",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/471305727",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Completer<Completer.T>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_SyncCompleter]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Completer<Completer.T> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "351622741": {
+        "id": "function/351622741",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "runGuarded",
+        "size": 424,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "runGuarded$1: function(f) {\n  var e, s, exception;\n  try {\n    if (C.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {\n$0();\n      return;\n    }\n    P._rootRun(null, null, this, f);\n  } catch (exception) {\n    e = H.unwrapException(exception);\n    s = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n    P._rootHandleUncaughtError(null, null, this, e, s);\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "352514166": {
+        "id": "function/352514166",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_chainCoreFuture",
+        "size": 655,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "source",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "target",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_Future__chainCoreFuture: function(source, target) {\n  var listeners;\n  for (; source.get$_state() === 2;)\n    source = source._resultOrListeners;\n  if (source._state >= 4) {\n    listeners = target._removeListeners$0();\n    target._state = source._state;\n    target._resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners;\n    P._Future__propagateToListeners(target, listeners);\n  } else {\n    listeners = target._resultOrListeners;\n    target._state = 2;\n    target._resultOrListeners = source;\n    source._prependListeners$1(listeners);\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(_Future<dynamic>,_Future<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "355012434": {
+        "id": "function/355012434",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "safeToString",
+        "size": 292,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/893386369",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Error_safeToString: function(object) {\n  if (typeof object === \"number\" || typeof object === \"boolean\" || null == object)\n    return J.toString$0$(object);\n  if (typeof object === \"string\")\n    return JSON.stringify(object);\n  return P.Error__objectToString(object);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "357240896": {
+        "id": "function/357240896",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "inMilliseconds",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/803883908",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "357627841": {
+        "id": "function/357627841",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "StreamIterator",
+        "size": 122,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/240292734",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "StreamIterator<StreamIterator.T>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_StreamIterator]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "stream",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Stream<StreamIterator.T>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "StreamIterator_StreamIterator: function(stream, $T) {\n  return new P._StreamIterator(null, stream, false, [$T]);\n}\n",
+        "type": "StreamIterator<StreamIterator.T> Function(Stream<StreamIterator.T>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "358340511": {
+        "id": "function/358340511",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "write",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "obj",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 10,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "364010339": {
+        "id": "function/364010339",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_rootHandleUncaughtError",
+        "size": 725,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/35711406"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "self",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "parent",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "ZoneDelegate"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "zone",
+            "type": "[exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_rootHandleUncaughtError: function($self, $parent, zone, error, stackTrace) {\n  var t1 = {};\n  t1.error = error;\n  P._schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(new P._rootHandleUncaughtError_closure(t1, stackTrace));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,dynamic,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "367762222": {
+        "id": "function/367762222",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_createTimer",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1012203707",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Timer",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_TimerImpl]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "duration",
+            "type": "[exact=Duration]",
+            "declaredType": "Duration"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Timer Function(Duration,void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "369614033": {
+        "id": "function/369614033",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 112,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(receiver) {\n  return P.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(receiver, \"[\", \"]\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "370120278": {
+        "id": "function/370120278",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hasErrorCallback",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "370295194": {
+        "id": "function/370295194",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "internalComputeHashCode",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "int Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "372037963": {
+        "id": "function/372037963",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 114,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1 = this._contents;\n  return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "372361659": {
+        "id": "function/372361659",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 89,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/629631311",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "errorCode",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "result",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$2: function(errorCode, result) {\n  this.$protected(errorCode, result);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(int,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "373761717": {
+        "id": "function/373761717",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_zone",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Zone",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=_RootZone]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 6,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Zone Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "380325809": {
+        "id": "function/380325809",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 73,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/851867060",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(receiver) {\n  return String(receiver);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "380929608": {
+        "id": "function/380929608",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_deleteTableEntry",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"<non-identifier-key>\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "381680028": {
+        "id": "function/381680028",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 82,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/561897310",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  this.$this._completer.complete$1(this.value);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "385444888": {
+        "id": "function/385444888",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "wait",
+        "size": 2927,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/438137149",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/590764751",
+          "closure/938184478"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<List<wait.T>>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "futures",
+            "type": "Container(Union([exact=JSExtendableArray], [exact=JSFixedArray]), element: [null|subclass=Object], length: null)",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<Future<wait.T>>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "cleanUp",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function(wait.T)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "eagerError",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSBool], value: false)",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Future_wait: function(futures, cleanUp, eagerError) {\n  var _box_0, result, handleError, future, pos, e, st, t1, t2, _i, t3, values, exception, error;\n  _box_0 = {};\n  t1 = [P.List];\n  result = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, t1);\n  _box_0.values = null;\n  _box_0.remaining = 0;\n  _box_0.error = null;\n  _box_0.stackTrace = null;\n  handleError = new P.Future_wait_handleError(_box_0, cleanUp, false, result);\n  try {\n    for (t2 = futures.length, _i = 0, t3 = 0; _i < futures.length; futures.length === t2 || (0, H.throwConcurrentModificationError)(futures), ++_i) {\n      future = futures[_i];\n      pos = t3;\n      future.then$2$onError(new P.Future_wait_closure(_box_0, pos, result, cleanUp, false), handleError);\n      t3 = ++_box_0.remaining;\n    }\n    if (t3 === 0) {\n      t2 = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, t1);\n      t2._asyncComplete$1(C.List_empty);\n      return t2;\n    }\n    values = new Array(t3);\n    values.fixed$length = Array;\n    _box_0.values = values;\n  } catch (exception) {\n    e = H.unwrapException(exception);\n    st = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n    if (_box_0.remaining === 0 || false) {\n      error = e;\n      if (error == null)\n        error = new P.NullThrownError();\n      t2 = $.Zone__current;\n      if (t2 !== C.C__RootZone)\n        t2.toString;\n      t1 = new P._Future(0, t2, null, t1);\n      t1._asyncCompleteError$2(error, st);\n      return t1;\n    } else {\n      _box_0.error = e;\n      _box_0.stackTrace = st;\n    }\n  }\n  return result;\n}\n",
+        "type": "Future<List<wait.T>> Function(Iterable<Future<wait.T>>,{void Function(wait.T) cleanUp,bool eagerError})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "388977016": {
+        "id": "function/388977016",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_writeOne",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "string",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "obj",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(String,Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "390828239": {
+        "id": "function/390828239",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "bindCallbackGuarded",
+        "size": 235,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/558424951"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void Function()",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "bindCallbackGuarded$1: function(f) {\n  return new P._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(this, f);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function() Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "393060060": {
+        "id": "function/393060060",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "BoundClosure",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=BoundClosure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_self",
+            "type": "Value([null|exact=JSString], value: \"self\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_target",
+            "type": "Value([null|exact=JSString], value: \"target\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_receiver",
+            "type": "Value([null|exact=JSString], value: \"receiver\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_name",
+            "type": "Value([null|exact=JSString], value: \"name\")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic,dynamic,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "394885266": {
+        "id": "function/394885266",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 488,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/590764751",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "wait.T"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(value) {\n  var t1, t2, t3;\n  t1 = this._box_0;\n  t2 = --t1.remaining;\n  t3 = t1.values;\n  if (t3 != null) {\n    t1 = this.pos;\n    if (t1 < 0 || t1 >= t3.length)\n      return H.ioore(t3, t1);\n    t3[t1] = value;\n    if (t2 === 0)\n      this.result._completeWithValue$1(t3);\n  } else if (t1.remaining === 0 && !this.eagerError)\n    this.result._completeError$2(t1.error, t1.stackTrace);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(wait.T)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "399195151": {
+        "id": "function/399195151",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "print",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/631335891",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"Hello, World!\")",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "400990606": {
+        "id": "function/400990606",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "internalSet",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.K"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.V"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "405266426": {
+        "id": "function/405266426",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "iterator",
+        "size": 114,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Iterator<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ArrayIterator]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$iterator: function(receiver) {\n  return new J.ArrayIterator(receiver, receiver.length, 0, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Iterator<JSArray.E> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "407139250": {
+        "id": "function/407139250",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "setRange",
+        "size": 1400,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "start",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "end",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "iterable",
+            "type": "Union([exact=JSUInt31], [subclass=JSArray])",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<JSArray.E>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "skipCount",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "setRange$4: function(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {\n  var $length, t1, otherStart, otherList, i;\n  if (!!receiver.immutable$list)\n    H.throwExpression(P.UnsupportedError$(\"setRange\"));\n  P.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length, null, null, null);\n  $length = end - start;\n  if ($length === 0)\n    return;\n  t1 = J.getInterceptor(iterable);\n  if (!!t1.$isList) {\n    otherStart = skipCount;\n    otherList = iterable;\n  } else {\n    otherList = t1.skip$1(iterable, skipCount).toList$1$growable(0, false);\n    otherStart = 0;\n  }\n  if (otherStart + $length > otherList.length)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$(\"Too few elements\"));\n  if (otherStart < start)\n    for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n      t1 = otherStart + i;\n      if (t1 >= otherList.length)\n        return H.ioore(otherList, t1);\n      receiver[start + i] = otherList[t1];\n    }\n  else\n    for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {\n      t1 = otherStart + i;\n      if (t1 >= otherList.length)\n        return H.ioore(otherList, t1);\n      receiver[start + i] = otherList[t1];\n    }\n}\nsetRange$3: function($receiver, start, end, iterable) {\n  return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(int,int,Iterable<JSArray.E>,[int])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "411231605": {
+        "id": "function/411231605",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_LinkedHashSetCell",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/868658259",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_LinkedHashSetCell]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "412886703": {
+        "id": "function/412886703",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_rethrow",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(Object,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "415620823": {
+        "id": "function/415620823",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_nonNullError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Object",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Object Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "417406426": {
+        "id": "function/417406426",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "errorZone",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Zone",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_RootZone]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 6,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Zone Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "418915149": {
+        "id": "function/418915149",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ioore",
+        "size": 171,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[empty]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "receiver",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "index",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "ioore: function(receiver, index) {\n  if (receiver == null)\n    J.get$length$as(receiver);\n  throw H.wrapException(H.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "419713835": {
+        "id": "function/419713835",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "extractFunctionTypeObjectFrom",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "o",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "425007214": {
+        "id": "function/425007214",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "==",
+        "size": 75,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/86936801",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$eq: function(receiver, other) {\n  return receiver === other;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "426855684": {
+        "id": "function/426855684",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 159,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/607767883",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(_) {\n  var t1, f;\n  t1 = this._box_0;\n  f = t1.storedCallback;\n  t1.storedCallback = null;\n$0();\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "427434111": {
+        "id": "function/427434111",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "RangeError.range",
+        "size": 187,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/974704527",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=RangeError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "invalidValue",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "num"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "minValue",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "maxValue",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "RangeError$range: function(invalidValue, minValue, maxValue, $name, message) {\n  return new P.RangeError(minValue, maxValue, true, invalidValue, $name, \"Invalid value\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(num,int,int,[String,String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "430193009": {
+        "id": "function/430193009",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "UnknownJsTypeError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/27679401",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=UnknownJsTypeError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_message",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "430236296": {
+        "id": "function/430236296",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 177,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/70813553",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSPositiveInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(_) {\n  var it, count;\n  it = this.get$iterator(this);\n  for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0();)\n    ++count;\n  return count;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "430480673": {
+        "id": "function/430480673",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "iterableToShortString",
+        "size": 689,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/812154630",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "iterable",
+            "type": "[subclass=Iterable]",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "leftDelimiter",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"(\")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "rightDelimiter",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \")\")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "IterableBase_iterableToShortString: function(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {\n  var parts, t1;\n  if (P._isToStringVisiting(iterable)) {\n    if (leftDelimiter === \"(\" && rightDelimiter === \")\")\n      return \"(...)\";\n    return leftDelimiter + \"...\" + rightDelimiter;\n  }\n  parts = [];\n  t1 = $.$get$_toStringVisiting();\n  t1.push(iterable);\n  try {\n    P._iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts);\n  } finally {\n    if (0 >= t1.length)\n      return H.ioore(t1, -1);\n    t1.pop();\n  }\n  t1 = P.StringBuffer__writeAll(leftDelimiter, parts, \", \") + rightDelimiter;\n  return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(Iterable<dynamic>,[String,String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "430787578": {
+        "id": "function/430787578",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_whenCompleteAction",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic Function()",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function() Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "431897853": {
+        "id": "function/431897853",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 78,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/217690375",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Exception: \" + this.message;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "435575019": {
+        "id": "function/435575019",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toStringWrapper",
+        "size": 83,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toStringWrapper: function() {\n  return J.toString$0$(this.dartException);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "436170439": {
+        "id": "function/436170439",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "List.generate",
+        "size": 357,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/959990109",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<List.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Container(Union([exact=JSExtendableArray], [exact=JSFixedArray]), element: [null|subclass=Object], length: null)",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "length",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "generator",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "List.E Function(int)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "growable",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSBool], value: true)",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "List_List$generate: function($length, generator, growable) {\n  var result, i, t1;\n  result = [];\n  C.JSArray_methods.set$length(result, $length);\n  for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {\n    t1 =$1(i);\n    if (i >= result.length)\n      return H.ioore(result, i);\n    result[i] = t1;\n  }\n  return result;\n}\n",
+        "type": "List<List.E> Function(int,List.E Function(int),{bool growable})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "436231120": {
+        "id": "function/436231120",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 316,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/518228506",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1, trace;\n  t1 = this._trace;\n  if (t1 != null)\n    return t1;\n  t1 = this._exception;\n  trace = t1 !== null && typeof t1 === \"object\" ? t1.stack : null;\n  t1 = trace == null ? \"\" : trace;\n  this._trace = t1;\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "437395524": {
+        "id": "function/437395524",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JSArray.fixed",
+        "size": 264,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JSArray<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSFixedArray]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "length",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "JSArray_JSArray$fixed: function($length) {\n  if ($length < 0 || $length > 4294967295)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range($length, 0, 4294967295, \"length\", null));\n  return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(new Array($length));\n}\n",
+        "type": "JSArray<JSArray.E> Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "440018750": {
+        "id": "function/440018750",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 158,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1003011102",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(receiver) {\n  if (receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0)\n    return \"-0.0\";\n  else\n    return \"\" + receiver;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "445547062": {
+        "id": "function/445547062",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "S",
+        "size": 505,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "S: function(value) {\n  var res;\n  if (typeof value === \"string\")\n    return value;\n  if (typeof value === \"number\") {\n    if (value !== 0)\n      return \"\" + value;\n  } else if (true === value)\n    return \"true\";\n  else if (false === value)\n    return \"false\";\n  else if (value == null)\n    return \"null\";\n  res = J.toString$0$(value);\n  if (typeof res !== \"string\")\n    throw H.wrapException(H.argumentErrorValue(value));\n  return res;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "448031436": {
+        "id": "function/448031436",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_newHashTable",
+        "size": 216,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_LinkedHashSet__newHashTable: function() {\n  var table = Object.create(null);\n  table[\"<non-identifier-key>\"] = table;\n  delete table[\"<non-identifier-key>\"];\n  return table;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "448227795": {
+        "id": "function/448227795",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_errorName",
+        "size": 104,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/143626168",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_errorName: function() {\n  return \"Invalid argument\" + (!this._hasValue ? \"(s)\" : \"\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "453686242": {
+        "id": "function/453686242",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "elementAt",
+        "size": 174,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JSArray.E",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "index",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {\n  if (index < 0 || index >= receiver.length)\n    return H.ioore(receiver, index);\n  return receiver[index];\n}\n",
+        "type": "JSArray.E Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "456567103": {
+        "id": "function/456567103",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JSArray.markFixed",
+        "size": 113,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JSArray<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSFixedArray]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "allocation",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "JSArray_JSArray$markFixed: function(allocation) {\n  return J.JSArray_markFixedList(allocation);\n}\n",
+        "type": "JSArray<JSArray.E> Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "458931695": {
+        "id": "function/458931695",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "tooFew",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/737466373",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "StateError",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=StateError]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "StateError Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "460512542": {
+        "id": "function/460512542",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "current",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1059755229",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Zone",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=_RootZone]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 18,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Zone Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "464959827": {
+        "id": "function/464959827",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 550,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/143626168",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1, nameString, message, prefix, explanation, errorValue;\n  t1 =;\n  nameString = t1 != null ? \" (\" + t1 + \")\" : \"\";\n  t1 = this.message;\n  message = t1 == null ? \"\" : \": \" + t1;\n  prefix = this.get$_errorName() + nameString + message;\n  if (!this._hasValue)\n    return prefix;\n  explanation = this.get$_errorExplanation();\n  errorValue = P.Error_safeToString(this.invalidValue);\n  return prefix + explanation + \": \" + H.S(errorValue);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "467155193": {
+        "id": "function/467155193",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isJsFunction",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "o",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "469962639": {
+        "id": "function/469962639",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 215,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/913475889",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(callback) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  this._box_0.storedCallback = callback;\n  t1 = this.div;\n  t2 = this.span;\n  t1.firstChild ? t1.removeChild(t2) : t1.appendChild(t2);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "473156332": {
+        "id": "function/473156332",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "TypeErrorDecoder",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=TypeErrorDecoder]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_arguments",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_argumentsExpr",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_expr",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_method",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_receiver",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_pattern",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(int,int,int,int,int,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "474133145": {
+        "id": "function/474133145",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 90,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/991730135",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Unsupported operation: \" + this.message;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "476860251": {
+        "id": "function/476860251",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "cspForwardCall",
+        "size": 1409,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/317291728",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "arity",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isSuperCall",
+            "type": "[exact=JSBool]",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stubName",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "function",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Closure_cspForwardCall: function(arity, isSuperCall, stubName, $function) {\n  var getSelf = H.BoundClosure_selfOf;\n  switch (isSuperCall ? -1 : arity) {\n    case 0:\n      return function(n, S) {\n        return function() {\n          return S(this)[n]();\n        };\n      }(stubName, getSelf);\n    case 1:\n      return function(n, S) {\n        return function(a) {\n          return S(this)[n](a);\n        };\n      }(stubName, getSelf);\n    case 2:\n      return function(n, S) {\n        return function(a, b) {\n          return S(this)[n](a, b);\n        };\n      }(stubName, getSelf);\n    case 3:\n      return function(n, S) {\n        return function(a, b, c) {\n          return S(this)[n](a, b, c);\n        };\n      }(stubName, getSelf);\n    case 4:\n      return function(n, S) {\n        return function(a, b, c, d) {\n          return S(this)[n](a, b, c, d);\n        };\n      }(stubName, getSelf);\n    case 5:\n      return function(n, S) {\n        return function(a, b, c, d, e) {\n          return S(this)[n](a, b, c, d, e);\n        };\n      }(stubName, getSelf);\n    default:\n      return function(f, s) {\n        return function() {\n          return f.apply(s(this), arguments);\n        };\n      }($function, getSelf);\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(int,bool,String,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "477609809": {
+        "id": "function/477609809",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_completeError",
+        "size": 112,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/952584796",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_completeError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {\n  this.future._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Object,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "478486472": {
+        "id": "function/478486472",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "markFixedList",
+        "size": 109,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSFixedArray]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "list",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "JSArray_markFixedList: function(list) {\n  list.fixed$length = Array;\n  return list;\n}\n",
+        "type": "List<dynamic> Function(List<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "481547973": {
+        "id": "function/481547973",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "LinkedHashMapCell",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/500662026",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=LinkedHashMapCell]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "hashMapCellKey",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "hashMapCellValue",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "482441661": {
+        "id": "function/482441661",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "skip",
+        "size": 93,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Iterable<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=SubListIterable]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "n",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "skip$1: function(receiver, n) {\n  return H.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Iterable<JSArray.E> Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "483766990": {
+        "id": "function/483766990",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "invoke",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "function",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "486797615": {
+        "id": "function/486797615",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_computeCspNonce",
+        "size": 173,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_computeCspNonce: function() {\n  var currentScript = init.currentScript;\n  if (currentScript == null)\n    return;\n  return String(currentScript.nonce);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "487598887": {
+        "id": "function/487598887",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "runtimeTypeToString",
+        "size": 136,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "rti",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onTypeVariable",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String Function(int)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "runtimeTypeToString: function(rti, onTypeVariable) {\n  var t1 = H.runtimeTypeToStringV1(rti, onTypeVariable);\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic,{String Function(int) onTypeVariable})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "491418529": {
+        "id": "function/491418529",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "iae",
+        "size": 92,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[empty]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "argument",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "iae: function(argument) {\n  throw H.wrapException(H.argumentErrorValue(argument));\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "492708773": {
+        "id": "function/492708773",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_Future.immediate",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "result",
+            "type": "Union([exact=_Future], [null|exact=JSUnmodifiableArray])",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "494094492": {
+        "id": "function/494094492",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_endIndex",
+        "size": 125,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/60704969",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_endIndex: function() {\n  var $length = J.get$length$as(this.__internal$_iterable);\n  return $length;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "494583530": {
+        "id": "function/494583530",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "Es6LinkedHashMap",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/692496355",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=Es6LinkedHashMap]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "499330809": {
+        "id": "function/499330809",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_computeThisScriptFromTrace",
+        "size": 749,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_computeThisScriptFromTrace: function() {\n  var stack, matches;\n  stack = new Error().stack;\n  if (stack == null) {\n    stack = function() {\n      try {\n        throw new Error();\n      } catch (e) {\n        return e.stack;\n      }\n    }();\n    if (stack == null)\n      throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$(\"No stack trace\"));\n  }\n  matches = stack.match(new RegExp(\"^ *at [^(]*\\\\((.*):[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\\\)$\", \"m\"));\n  if (matches != null)\n    return matches[1];\n  matches = stack.match(new RegExp(\"^[^@]*@(.*):[0-9]*$\", \"m\"));\n  if (matches != null)\n    return matches[1];\n  throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$('Cannot extract URI from \"' + stack + '\"'));\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "499807915": {
+        "id": "function/499807915",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "<",
+        "size": 174,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1003011102",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "num"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$lt: function(receiver, other) {\n  if (typeof other !== \"number\")\n    throw H.wrapException(H.argumentErrorValue(other));\n  return receiver < other;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(num)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "501712645": {
+        "id": "function/501712645",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "joinArgumentsV1",
+        "size": 694,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "types",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "startIndex",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onTypeVariable",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String Function(int)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "joinArgumentsV1: function(types, startIndex, onTypeVariable) {\n  var buffer, index, firstArgument, allDynamic, t1, argument;\n  if (types == null)\n    return \"\";\n  buffer = new P.StringBuffer(\"\");\n  for (index = startIndex, firstArgument = true, allDynamic = true, t1 = \"\"; index < types.length; ++index) {\n    if (firstArgument)\n      firstArgument = false;\n    else\n      buffer._contents = t1 + \", \";\n    argument = types[index];\n    if (argument != null)\n      allDynamic = false;\n    t1 = buffer._contents += H.runtimeTypeToStringV1(argument, onTypeVariable);\n  }\n  return allDynamic ? \"\" : \"<\" + buffer.toString$0(0) + \">\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic,int,{String Function(int) onTypeVariable})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "507333070": {
+        "id": "function/507333070",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "stringConcatUnchecked",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/354160010",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "string1",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "string2",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 14,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(String,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "508874693": {
+        "id": "function/508874693",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "unmangleAllIdentifiersIfPreservedAnyways",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/527944179",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "str",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "513053773": {
+        "id": "function/513053773",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "Future.value",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/438137149",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<Future.T>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "Container([null|exact=JSUnmodifiableArray], element: [empty], length: 0)",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Future<Future.T> Function([dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "519629171": {
+        "id": "function/519629171",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_removeListeners",
+        "size": 177,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=_FutureListener]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": "_removeListeners$0: function() {\n  var current = this._resultOrListeners;\n  this._resultOrListeners = null;\n  return this._reverseListeners$1(current);\n}\n",
+        "type": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "519947595": {
+        "id": "function/519947595",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "==",
+        "size": 70,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/418854932",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$eq: function(receiver, other) {\n  return null == other;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "521874428": {
+        "id": "function/521874428",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 71,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(_) {\n  return this._contents.length;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "528985088": {
+        "id": "function/528985088",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getTraceFromException",
+        "size": 400,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "StackTrace",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "exception",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "getTraceFromException: function(exception) {\n  var trace;\n  if (exception instanceof H.ExceptionAndStackTrace)\n    return exception.stackTrace;\n  if (exception == null)\n    return new H._StackTrace(exception, null);\n  trace = exception.$cachedTrace;\n  if (trace != null)\n    return trace;\n  return exception.$cachedTrace = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "StackTrace Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "533906117": {
+        "id": "function/533906117",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_setPendingComplete",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "539017937": {
+        "id": "function/539017937",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_errorName",
+        "size": 65,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/974704527",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"RangeError\")",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_errorName: function() {\n  return \"RangeError\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "540949546": {
+        "id": "function/540949546",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "flattenString",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/354160010",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "str",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "542135743": {
+        "id": "function/542135743",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_deleteTableEntry",
+        "size": 78,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"<non-identifier-key>\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_deleteTableEntry$2: function(table, key) {\n  delete table[key];\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "544746737": {
+        "id": "function/544746737",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "throwConcurrentModificationError",
+        "size": 135,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[empty]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "collection",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "throwConcurrentModificationError: function(collection) {\n  throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(collection));\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "546320785": {
+        "id": "function/546320785",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_scheduleImmediate",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/611525899",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "549577701": {
+        "id": "function/549577701",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_objectRawTypeName",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/354160010",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "550544609": {
+        "id": "function/550544609",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 65,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(receiver) {\n  return receiver;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "551570860": {
+        "id": "function/551570860",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "invokeOn",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Object",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "function",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "receiver",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Object Function(dynamic,dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "552271305": {
+        "id": "function/552271305",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_FutureListener.then",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_FutureListener]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "result",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future<_FutureListener.T>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onValue",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic Function(_FutureListener.S)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "errorCallback",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "Function"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(_Future<_FutureListener.T>,dynamic Function(_FutureListener.S),Function)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "553149607": {
+        "id": "function/553149607",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_chainForeignFuture",
+        "size": 1035,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/953553118",
+          "closure/953553119",
+          "closure/953553120"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "source",
+            "type": "[null|exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "Future<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "target",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_Future__chainForeignFuture: function(source, target) {\n  var e, s, exception;\n  target._state = 1;\n  try {\n    source.then$2$onError(new P._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(target), new P._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(target));\n  } catch (exception) {\n    e = H.unwrapException(exception);\n    s = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n    P.scheduleMicrotask(new P._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(target, e, s));\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Future<dynamic>,_Future<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "553278458": {
+        "id": "function/553278458",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "provokeCallErrorOnUndefined",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "553851206": {
+        "id": "function/553851206",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "functionTypeTest",
+        "size": 439,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "functionTypeRti",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "functionTypeTest: function(value, functionTypeRti) {\n  var functionTypeObject, t1;\n  if (value == null)\n    return false;\n  if (typeof value == \"function\")\n    return true;\n  functionTypeObject = H.extractFunctionTypeObjectFromInternal(J.getInterceptor(value));\n  if (functionTypeObject == null)\n    return false;\n  t1 = H.isFunctionSubtypeV1(functionTypeObject, functionTypeRti);\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "555987509": {
+        "id": "function/555987509",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getRuntimeTypeInfo",
+        "size": 111,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "target",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "getRuntimeTypeInfo: function(target) {\n  if (target == null)\n    return;\n  return target.$ti;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "556268777": {
+        "id": "function/556268777",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_isComplete",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 5,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "560797298": {
+        "id": "function/560797298",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkSubtype",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isField",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "checks",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "asField",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 5,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(Object,String,List<dynamic>,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "564404904": {
+        "id": "function/564404904",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 399,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(_) {\n  var t1, receiverHashCode;\n  t1 = this._receiver;\n  if (t1 == null)\n    receiverHashCode = H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._self);\n  else\n    receiverHashCode = typeof t1 !== \"object\" ? J.get$hashCode$(t1) : H.Primitives_objectHashCode(t1);\n  return (receiverHashCode ^ H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._target)) >>> 0;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "565013754": {
+        "id": "function/565013754",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 56,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/351911148",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"null\")",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"null\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "569040700": {
+        "id": "function/569040700",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 45,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/566195572",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(_) {\n  return;\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "569040701": {
+        "id": "function/569040701",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 142,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/566195573",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(error) {\n$3(H.unwrapException(error), \"js-failure-wrapper\", H.getTraceFromException(error));\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "569040702": {
+        "id": "function/569040702",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 602,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/566195574",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "event",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function($event) {\n  var code, error, stackTrace, t1, $status, exception;\n  t1 = this.xhr;\n  $status = t1.status;\n  if ($status !== 200)\n$3(\"Request status: \" + $status, \"worker xhr\", null);\n  code = t1.responseText;\n  try {\n    new Function(code)();\n$0();\n  } catch (exception) {\n    error = H.unwrapException(exception);\n    stackTrace = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n$3(error, \"evaluating the code in worker xhr\", stackTrace);\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "569040703": {
+        "id": "function/569040703",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 88,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/566195575",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "e",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(e) {\n$3(e, \"xhr error handler\", null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "569040704": {
+        "id": "function/569040704",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 88,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/566195576",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "e",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(e) {\n$3(e, \"xhr abort handler\", null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "573775196": {
+        "id": "function/573775196",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JsLinkedHashMap.es6",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JsLinkedHashMap<JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JsLinkedHashMap]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "JsLinkedHashMap<JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "574550003": {
+        "id": "function/574550003",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_completeError",
+        "size": 260,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_completeError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {\n  var listeners = this._removeListeners$0();\n  this._state = 8;\n  this._resultOrListeners = new P.AsyncError(error, stackTrace);\n  P._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Object,[StackTrace])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "580865640": {
+        "id": "function/580865640",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "iterableToFullString",
+        "size": 712,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/812154630",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "iterable",
+            "type": "Union([subclass=JSArray], [subclass=_LinkedHashSet])",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "leftDelimiter",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "rightDelimiter",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "IterableBase_iterableToFullString: function(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {\n  var buffer, t1, t2;\n  if (P._isToStringVisiting(iterable))\n    return leftDelimiter + \"...\" + rightDelimiter;\n  buffer = new P.StringBuffer(leftDelimiter);\n  t1 = $.$get$_toStringVisiting();\n  t1.push(iterable);\n  try {\n    t2 = buffer;\n    t2._contents = P.StringBuffer__writeAll(t2.get$_contents(), iterable, \", \");\n  } finally {\n    if (0 >= t1.length)\n      return H.ioore(t1, -1);\n    t1.pop();\n  }\n  t1 = buffer;\n  t1._contents = t1.get$_contents() + rightDelimiter;\n  t1 = buffer.get$_contents();\n  return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(Iterable<dynamic>,[String,String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "581270226": {
+        "id": "function/581270226",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ListIterator",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/365655194",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ListIterator]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "iterable",
+            "type": "[exact=SubListIterable]",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<ListIterator.E>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(Iterable<ListIterator.E>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "585544091": {
+        "id": "function/585544091",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_newLinkedCell",
+        "size": 620,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "LinkedHashMapCell",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=LinkedHashMapCell]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.K"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.V"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "__js_helper$_newLinkedCell$2: function(key, value) {\n  var cell, last;\n  cell = new H.LinkedHashMapCell(key, value, null, null);\n  if (this.__js_helper$_first == null) {\n    this.__js_helper$_last = cell;\n    this.__js_helper$_first = cell;\n  } else {\n    last = this.__js_helper$_last;\n    cell.__js_helper$_previous = last;\n    last.__js_helper$_next = cell;\n    this.__js_helper$_last = cell;\n  }\n  ++this.__js_helper$_length;\n  this.__js_helper$_modifications = this.__js_helper$_modifications + 1 & 67108863;\n  return cell;\n}\n",
+        "type": "LinkedHashMapCell Function(JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "586712659": {
+        "id": "function/586712659",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 929,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/830531955",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  var asyncError, e, s, t1, t2, exception, t3, t4;\n  try {\n    asyncError = this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;\n    t1 = this.listener;\n    if (t1.matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) === true && t1.errorCallback != null) {\n      t2 = this._box_0;\n      t2.listenerValueOrError = t1.handleError$1(asyncError);\n      t2.listenerHasError = false;\n    }\n  } catch (exception) {\n    e = H.unwrapException(exception);\n    s = H.getTraceFromException(exception);\n    t1 = this._box_1;\n    t2 = t1.source._resultOrListeners.get$error();\n    t3 = e;\n    t4 = this._box_0;\n    if (t2 == null ? t3 == null : t2 === t3)\n      t4.listenerValueOrError = t1.source._resultOrListeners;\n    else\n      t4.listenerValueOrError = new P.AsyncError(e, s);\n    t4.listenerHasError = true;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "599927967": {
+        "id": "function/599927967",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_clearPendingComplete",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "601638462": {
+        "id": "function/601638462",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 557,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/21475",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "context",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$3: function(error, context, stackTrace) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  t1 = $.$get$_eventLog();\n  t2 = this.hunkName;\n  t1.push(\" - download failed: \" + t2 + \" (context: \" + context + \")\");\n  $.$get$_loadingLibraries().$indexSet(0, t2, null);\n  if (stackTrace == null)\n    stackTrace = P.StackTrace_current();\n  this.completer.completeError$2(new P.DeferredLoadException(\"Loading \" + H.S(this._box_0.uri) + \" failed: \" + H.S(error) + \"\\nevent log:\\n\" + C.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, \"\\n\") + \"\\n\"), stackTrace);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,String,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "603355140": {
+        "id": "function/603355140",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 60,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/817717319",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n$0();\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "606513838": {
+        "id": "function/606513838",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "printToConsole",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/689380639",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "line",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "606572177": {
+        "id": "function/606572177",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ArgumentError.value",
+        "size": 131,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/143626168",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ArgumentError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": "ArgumentError$value: function(value, $name, message) {\n  return new P.ArgumentError(true, value, $name, message);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,[String,dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "607704865": {
+        "id": "function/607704865",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "substitute",
+        "size": 479,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "substitution",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "substitute: function(substitution, $arguments) {\n  if (substitution == null)\n    return $arguments;\n  substitution = substitution.apply(null, $arguments);\n  if (substitution == null)\n    return;\n  if (typeof substitution === \"object\" && substitution !== null && substitution.constructor === Array)\n    return substitution;\n  if (typeof substitution == \"function\")\n    return substitution.apply(null, $arguments);\n  return $arguments;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "608925525": {
+        "id": "function/608925525",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_scheduleImmediateWithTimer",
+        "size": 175,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/611525899",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer: [function(callback) {\n  P._TimerImpl$(0, callback);\n}, \"call$1\", \"async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure\", 4, 0, 3]\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "611761598": {
+        "id": "function/611761598",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "extractPattern",
+        "size": 1056,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=TypeErrorDecoder]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern: function(message) {\n  var match, $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver;\n  message = message.replace(String({}), '$receiver$').replace(/[[\\]{}()*+?.\\\\^$|]/g, \"\\\\$&\");\n  match = message.match(/\\\\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\\\\$/g);\n  if (match == null)\n    match = [];\n  $arguments = match.indexOf(\"\\\\$arguments\\\\$\");\n  argumentsExpr = match.indexOf(\"\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\$\");\n  expr = match.indexOf(\"\\\\$expr\\\\$\");\n  method = match.indexOf(\"\\\\$method\\\\$\");\n  receiver = match.indexOf(\"\\\\$receiver\\\\$\");\n  return new H.TypeErrorDecoder(message.replace(new RegExp('\\\\\\\\\\\\$arguments\\\\\\\\\\\\$', 'g'), '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace(new RegExp('\\\\\\\\\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\\\\\\\\\$', 'g'), '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace(new RegExp('\\\\\\\\\\\\$expr\\\\\\\\\\\\$', 'g'), '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace(new RegExp('\\\\\\\\\\\\$method\\\\\\\\\\\\$', 'g'), '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace(new RegExp('\\\\\\\\\\\\$receiver\\\\\\\\\\\\$', 'g'), '((?:x|[^x])*)'), $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "613119304": {
+        "id": "function/613119304",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 65,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/577121337",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return H.S(this.error);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "613322203": {
+        "id": "function/613322203",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "handleUncaughtError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "616072379": {
+        "id": "function/616072379",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_modified",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "618126497": {
+        "id": "function/618126497",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "complete",
+        "size": 595,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/850763763",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/561897310"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "complete$1: function(value) {\n  var t1;\n  if (this.isSync)\n    this._completer.complete$1(value);\n  else {\n    t1 = H.checkSubtypeV1(value, \"$isFuture\", this.$ti, \"$asFuture\");\n    if (t1) {\n      t1 = this._completer;\n      value.then$2$onError(t1.get$complete(), t1.get$completeError());\n    } else\n      P.scheduleMicrotask(new P._AsyncAwaitCompleter_complete_closure(this, value));\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function([dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "620005669": {
+        "id": "function/620005669",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_errorExplanation",
+        "size": 282,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/175705485",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_errorExplanation: function() {\n  if (J.$lt$n(this.invalidValue, 0))\n    return \": index must not be negative\";\n  var t1 = this.length;\n  if (t1 === 0)\n    return \": no indices are valid\";\n  return \": index should be less than \" + t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "632290992": {
+        "id": "function/632290992",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "StackOverflowError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/542248491",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": true,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=StackOverflowError]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "633677177": {
+        "id": "function/633677177",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "bindCallback",
+        "size": 278,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/310226650"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bindCallback.R Function()",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "bindCallback.R Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "bindCallback$1: function(f) {\n  return new P._RootZone_bindCallback_closure(this, f);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bindCallback.R Function() Function(bindCallback.R Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "635153575": {
+        "id": "function/635153575",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_asyncStartSync",
+        "size": 170,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "bodyFunction",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function(int,dynamic)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "completer",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_AsyncAwaitCompleter<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_asyncStartSync: function(bodyFunction, completer) {\n$2(0, null);\n  completer.set$isSync(true);\n  return completer._completer.future;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(void Function(int,dynamic),_AsyncAwaitCompleter<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "636061569": {
+        "id": "function/636061569",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 430,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/17649844",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  t1 = this._method;\n  if (t1 == null)\n    return \"NoSuchMethodError: \" + H.S(this._message);\n  t2 = this._receiver;\n  if (t2 == null)\n    return \"NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '\" + t1 + \"' (\" + H.S(this._message) + \")\";\n  return \"NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '\" + t1 + \"' on '\" + t2 + \"' (\" + H.S(this._message) + \")\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "636443477": {
+        "id": "function/636443477",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_getBucket",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<LinkedHashMapCell>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "List<LinkedHashMapCell> Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "638664464": {
+        "id": "function/638664464",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "stringLastIndexOfUnchecked",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "receiver",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"/\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "start",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "638807044": {
+        "id": "function/638807044",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_setChained",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "source",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(_Future<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "639806883": {
+        "id": "function/639806883",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getArguments",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "640815092": {
+        "id": "function/640815092",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "provokePropertyErrorOnNull",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "642221110": {
+        "id": "function/642221110",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "buildJavaScriptObject",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "642229693": {
+        "id": "function/642229693",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 143,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/581471934",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  $.$get$_eventLog().push(\" - download success: \" + this.hunkName);\n  this.completer.complete$1(null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "644221207": {
+        "id": "function/644221207",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "scheduleMicrotask",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 6,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "649401243": {
+        "id": "function/649401243",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_newLinkedCell",
+        "size": 495,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_LinkedHashSetCell",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_LinkedHashSetCell]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_LinkedHashSet.E"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_newLinkedCell$1: function(element) {\n  var cell, last;\n  cell = new P._LinkedHashSetCell(element, null, null);\n  if (this._first == null) {\n    this._last = cell;\n    this._first = cell;\n  } else {\n    last = this._last;\n    cell._previous = last;\n    last._next = cell;\n    this._last = cell;\n  }\n  ++this._collection$_length;\n  this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;\n  return cell;\n}\n",
+        "type": "_LinkedHashSetCell Function(_LinkedHashSet.E)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "650942169": {
+        "id": "function/650942169",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_rootRunBinary",
+        "size": 345,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_rootRunBinary.R",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "self",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "parent",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "ZoneDelegate"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "zone",
+            "type": "[exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "_rootRunBinary.R Function(_rootRunBinary.T1,_rootRunBinary.T2)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg1",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_rootRunBinary.T1"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg2",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_rootRunBinary.T2"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_rootRunBinary: function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2) {\n  var old, t1;\n  t1 = $.Zone__current;\n  if (t1 === zone)\n    return$2(arg1, arg2);\n  $.Zone__current = zone;\n  old = t1;\n  try {\n    t1 =$2(arg1, arg2);\n    return t1;\n  } finally {\n    $.Zone__current = old;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "_rootRunBinary.R Function(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,_rootRunBinary.R Function(_rootRunBinary.T1,_rootRunBinary.T2),_rootRunBinary.T1,_rootRunBinary.T2)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
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+        "id": "function/653699436",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JSArray.markGrowable",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JSArray<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSExtendableArray]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "allocation",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "JSArray<JSArray.E> Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "658082982": {
+        "id": "function/658082982",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isFunctionSubtypeV1",
+        "size": 2387,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "isFunctionSubtypeV1: function(s, t) {\n  var sReturnType, tReturnType, sParameterTypes, tParameterTypes, sOptionalParameterTypes, tOptionalParameterTypes, sParametersLen, tParametersLen, sOptionalParametersLen, tOptionalParametersLen, pos, t1, t2, tPos, sPos;\n  if (!('func' in s))\n    return false;\n  if (\"v\" in s) {\n    if (!(\"v\" in t) && \"ret\" in t)\n      return false;\n  } else if (!(\"v\" in t)) {\n    sReturnType = s.ret;\n    tReturnType = t.ret;\n    if (!(H.isSubtypeV1(sReturnType, tReturnType) || H.isSubtypeV1(tReturnType, sReturnType)))\n      return false;\n  }\n  sParameterTypes = s.args;\n  tParameterTypes = t.args;\n  sOptionalParameterTypes = s.opt;\n  tOptionalParameterTypes = t.opt;\n  sParametersLen = sParameterTypes != null ? sParameterTypes.length : 0;\n  tParametersLen = tParameterTypes != null ? tParameterTypes.length : 0;\n  sOptionalParametersLen = sOptionalParameterTypes != null ? sOptionalParameterTypes.length : 0;\n  tOptionalParametersLen = tOptionalParameterTypes != null ? tOptionalParameterTypes.length : 0;\n  if (sParametersLen > tParametersLen)\n    return false;\n  if (sParametersLen + sOptionalParametersLen < tParametersLen + tOptionalParametersLen)\n    return false;\n  if (sParametersLen === tParametersLen) {\n    if (!H.areAssignableV1(sParameterTypes, tParameterTypes, false))\n      return false;\n    if (!H.areAssignableV1(sOptionalParameterTypes, tOptionalParameterTypes, true))\n      return false;\n  } else {\n    for (pos = 0; pos < sParametersLen; ++pos) {\n      t1 = sParameterTypes[pos];\n      t2 = tParameterTypes[pos];\n      if (!(H.isSubtypeV1(t1, t2) || H.isSubtypeV1(t2, t1)))\n        return false;\n    }\n    for (tPos = pos, sPos = 0; tPos < tParametersLen; ++sPos, ++tPos) {\n      t1 = sOptionalParameterTypes[sPos];\n      t2 = tParameterTypes[tPos];\n      if (!(H.isSubtypeV1(t1, t2) || H.isSubtypeV1(t2, t1)))\n        return false;\n    }\n    for (tPos = 0; tPos < tOptionalParametersLen; ++sPos, ++tPos) {\n      t1 = sOptionalParameterTypes[sPos];\n      t2 = tOptionalParameterTypes[tPos];\n      if (!(H.isSubtypeV1(t1, t2) || H.isSubtypeV1(t2, t1)))\n        return false;\n    }\n  }\n  return H.areAssignableMapsV1(s.named, t.named);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "658921946": {
+        "id": "function/658921946",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_rootScheduleMicrotask",
+        "size": 239,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "self",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "parent",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "ZoneDelegate"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "zone",
+            "type": "[exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_rootScheduleMicrotask: function($self, $parent, zone, f) {\n  var t1 = C.C__RootZone !== zone;\n  if (t1)\n    f = !(!t1 || false) ? zone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) : zone.bindCallback$1(f);\n  P._scheduleAsyncCallback(f);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "663282901": {
+        "id": "function/663282901",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_wrapJsFunctionForAsync",
+        "size": 627,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/629631311"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void Function(int,dynamic)",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "function",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_wrapJsFunctionForAsync: function($function) {\n  var $protected = function(fn, ERROR) {\n    return function(errorCode, result) {\n      while (true)\n        try {\n          fn(errorCode, result);\n          break;\n        } catch (error) {\n          result = error;\n          errorCode = ERROR;\n        }\n    };\n  }($function, 1);\n  return $.Zone__current.registerBinaryCallback$1(new P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure($protected));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(int,dynamic) Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "664449932": {
+        "id": "function/664449932",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_asyncComplete",
+        "size": 508,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/379635163"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_asyncComplete$1: function(value) {\n  var t1 = H.checkSubtypeV1(value, \"$isFuture\", this.$ti, \"$asFuture\");\n  if (t1) {\n    this._chainFuture$1(value);\n    return;\n  }\n  this._state = 1;\n  t1 = this._zone;\n  t1.toString;\n  P._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, t1, new P._Future__asyncComplete_closure(this, value));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "665416673": {
+        "id": "function/665416673",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "[]",
+        "size": 706,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JsLinkedHashMap.V",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$index: function(_, key) {\n  var strings, cell, t1, nums;\n  if (typeof key === \"string\") {\n    strings = this.__js_helper$_strings;\n    if (strings == null)\n      return;\n    cell = this._getTableCell$2(strings, key);\n    t1 = cell == null ? null : cell.get$hashMapCellValue();\n    return t1;\n  } else if (typeof key === \"number\" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {\n    nums = this.__js_helper$_nums;\n    if (nums == null)\n      return;\n    cell = this._getTableCell$2(nums, key);\n    t1 = cell == null ? null : cell.get$hashMapCellValue();\n    return t1;\n  } else\n    return this.internalGet$1(key);\n}\n",
+        "type": "JsLinkedHashMap.V Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "665676035": {
+        "id": "function/665676035",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isGenericFunctionTypeParameter",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "667149426": {
+        "id": "function/667149426",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 81,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/379635163",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  this.$this._completeWithValue$1(this.value);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "668300184": {
+        "id": "function/668300184",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "closureFromTearOff",
+        "size": 368,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "receiver",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "functions",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "reflectionInfo",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isStatic",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "jsArguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "closureFromTearOff: function(receiver, functions, reflectionInfo, isStatic, jsArguments, $name) {\n  var t1, t2;\n  t1 = J.JSArray_markFixedList(functions);\n  t2 = !!J.getInterceptor(reflectionInfo).$isList ? J.JSArray_markFixedList(reflectionInfo) : reflectionInfo;\n  return H.Closure_fromTearOff(receiver, t1, t2, !!isStatic, jsArguments, $name);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic,dynamic,dynamic,dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "669694580": {
+        "id": "function/669694580",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "internalFindBucketIndex",
+        "size": 296,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "bucket",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "internalFindBucketIndex$2: function(bucket, key) {\n  var $length, i;\n  if (bucket == null)\n    return -1;\n  $length = bucket.length;\n  for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)\n    if (J.$eq$(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key))\n      return i;\n  return -1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "676035370": {
+        "id": "function/676035370",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_LinkedHashSetIterator",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/113750884",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_LinkedHashSetIterator]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_set",
+            "type": "[subclass=_LinkedHashSet]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "_modifications",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "679532174": {
+        "id": "function/679532174",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "argumentErrorValue",
+        "size": 104,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "ArgumentError",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ArgumentError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "argumentErrorValue: function(object) {\n  return new P.ArgumentError(true, object, null, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "ArgumentError Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "681643547": {
+        "id": "function/681643547",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "CyclicInitializationError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/93352366",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=CyclicInitializationError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "variableName",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function([String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "684612786": {
+        "id": "function/684612786",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ReflectionInfo",
+        "size": 562,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/156108056",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "ReflectionInfo",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=ReflectionInfo]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "jsFunction",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "ReflectionInfo_ReflectionInfo: function(jsFunction) {\n  var data, requiredParametersInfo, optionalParametersInfo;\n  data = jsFunction.$reflectionInfo;\n  if (data == null)\n    return;\n  data = J.JSArray_markFixedList(data);\n  requiredParametersInfo = data[0];\n  optionalParametersInfo = data[1];\n  return new H.ReflectionInfo(jsFunction, data, (requiredParametersInfo & 2) === 2, requiredParametersInfo >> 2, optionalParametersInfo >> 1, (optionalParametersInfo & 1) === 1, data[2], null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "ReflectionInfo Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "687991937": {
+        "id": "function/687991937",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_supportsEs6Maps",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "689069465": {
+        "id": "function/689069465",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isSubtypeV1",
+        "size": 1215,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "isSubtypeV1: function(s, t) {\n  var t1, typeOfS, t2, typeOfT, typeOfTString, substitution;\n  if (s === t)\n    return true;\n  if (s == null || t == null)\n    return true;\n  if (typeof s === \"number\")\n    return false;\n  if (typeof t === \"number\")\n    return false;\n  if (s.builtin$cls === \"Null\")\n    return true;\n  if ('func' in t)\n    return H.isFunctionSubtypeV1(s, t);\n  if ('func' in s)\n    return t.builtin$cls === \"Function\" || t.builtin$cls === \"Object\";\n  t1 = typeof s === \"object\" && s !== null && s.constructor === Array;\n  typeOfS = t1 ? s[0] : s;\n  t2 = typeof t === \"object\" && t !== null && t.constructor === Array;\n  typeOfT = t2 ? t[0] : t;\n  if (typeOfT !== typeOfS) {\n    typeOfTString = H.runtimeTypeToString(typeOfT, null);\n    if (!('$is' + typeOfTString in typeOfS.prototype))\n      return false;\n    substitution = typeOfS.prototype[\"$as\" + typeOfTString];\n  } else\n    substitution = null;\n  if (!t1 && substitution == null || !t2)\n    return true;\n  t1 = t1 ? s.slice(1) : null;\n  t2 = t.slice(1);\n  return H.areSubtypesV1(H.substitute(substitution, t1), t2);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "689271731": {
+        "id": "function/689271731",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "forEach",
+        "size": 460,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "action",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function(JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "forEach$1: function(_, action) {\n  var cell, modifications;\n  cell = this.__js_helper$_first;\n  modifications = this.__js_helper$_modifications;\n  for (; cell != null;) {\n$2(cell.hashMapCellKey, cell.hashMapCellValue);\n    if (modifications !== this.__js_helper$_modifications)\n      throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));\n    cell = cell.__js_helper$_next;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function(JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V))",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "692185405": {
+        "id": "function/692185405",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_onValue",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic Function(_FutureListener.S)",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(_FutureListener.S) Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "693686431": {
+        "id": "function/693686431",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_AsyncAwaitCompleter",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/850763763",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_AsyncAwaitCompleter]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "698206676": {
+        "id": "function/698206676",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "buildJavaScriptObjectWithNonClosure",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "701409225": {
+        "id": "function/701409225",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ConcurrentModificationError",
+        "size": 134,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/36312556",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ConcurrentModificationError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "modifiedObject",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "ConcurrentModificationError$: function(modifiedObject) {\n  return new P.ConcurrentModificationError(modifiedObject);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function([Object])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "702114504": {
+        "id": "function/702114504",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_addHashTableEntry",
+        "size": 299,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.K"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.V"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "__js_helper$_addHashTableEntry$3: function(table, key, value) {\n  var cell = this._getTableCell$2(table, key);\n  if (cell == null)\n    this._setTableEntry$3(table, key, this.__js_helper$_newLinkedCell$2(key, value));\n  else\n    cell.set$hashMapCellValue(value);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic,JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "705889064": {
+        "id": "function/705889064",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "==",
+        "size": 322,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$eq: function(_, other) {\n  if (other == null)\n    return false;\n  if (this === other)\n    return true;\n  if (!(other instanceof H.BoundClosure))\n    return false;\n  return this._self === other._self && this._target === other._target && this._receiver === other._receiver;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "708419578": {
+        "id": "function/708419578",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkArgumentsV1",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "substitution",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "checks",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "710092165": {
+        "id": "function/710092165",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isNotIdentical",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "710611585": {
+        "id": "function/710611585",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter",
+        "size": 179,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Completer<_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter.T>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_AsyncAwaitCompleter]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter: function() {\n  return new P._AsyncAwaitCompleter(new P._SyncCompleter(new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, [null]), [null]), false, [null]);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Completer<_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter.T> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "712365042": {
+        "id": "function/712365042",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "objectHashCode",
+        "size": 227,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/354160010",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Primitives_objectHashCode: function(object) {\n  var hash = object.$identityHash;\n  if (hash == null) {\n    hash = Math.random() * 0x3fffffff | 0;\n    object.$identityHash = hash;\n  }\n  return hash;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "714600619": {
+        "id": "function/714600619",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "diagnoseIndexError",
+        "size": 417,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Error",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=ArgumentError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "indexable",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "index",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "diagnoseIndexError: function(indexable, index) {\n  var $length;\n  if (typeof index !== \"number\" || Math.floor(index) !== index)\n    return new P.ArgumentError(true, index, \"index\", null);\n  $length = J.get$length$as(indexable);\n  if (index < 0 || index >= $length)\n    return P.IndexError$(index, indexable, \"index\", null, $length);\n  return P.RangeError$value(index, \"index\", null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Error Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "717417998": {
+        "id": "function/717417998",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_Future.immediateError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,[StackTrace])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "717561594": {
+        "id": "function/717561594",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "requiresPreamble",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "717852932": {
+        "id": "function/717852932",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_errorExplanation",
+        "size": 62,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/143626168",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"\")",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_errorExplanation: function() {\n  return \"\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "722405802": {
+        "id": "function/722405802",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_isChained",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "722993348": {
+        "id": "function/722993348",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hasField",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "724475372": {
+        "id": "function/724475372",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "selfFieldName",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes static)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "725505159": {
+        "id": "function/725505159",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "matchTypeError",
+        "size": 714,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "matchTypeError$1: function(message) {\n  var match, result, t1;\n  match = new RegExp(this._pattern).exec(message);\n  if (match == null)\n    return;\n  result = Object.create(null);\n  t1 = this._arguments;\n  if (t1 !== -1)\n    result.arguments = match[t1 + 1];\n  t1 = this._argumentsExpr;\n  if (t1 !== -1)\n    result.argumentsExpr = match[t1 + 1];\n  t1 = this._expr;\n  if (t1 !== -1)\n    result.expr = match[t1 + 1];\n  t1 = this._method;\n  if (t1 !== -1)\n    result.method = match[t1 + 1];\n  t1 = this._receiver;\n  if (t1 !== -1)\n    result.receiver = match[t1 + 1];\n  return result;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "726344781": {
+        "id": "function/726344781",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 76,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/558424951",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  return this.$this.runGuarded$1(this.f);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "726979110": {
+        "id": "function/726979110",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "+",
+        "size": 188,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$add: function(receiver, other) {\n  if (typeof other !== \"string\")\n    throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$value(other, null, null));\n  return receiver + other;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "730595126": {
+        "id": "function/730595126",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 66,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/595024907",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"Throw of null.\")",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Throw of null.\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "731794670": {
+        "id": "function/731794670",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "keys",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Iterable<JsLinkedHashMap.K>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=LinkedHashMapKeyIterable]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Iterable<JsLinkedHashMap.K> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "734834560": {
+        "id": "function/734834560",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "builtinIsSubtype",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "736875717": {
+        "id": "function/736875717",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getLength",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "array",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 8,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "int Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "737782244": {
+        "id": "function/737782244",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_functionRtiToStringV1",
+        "size": 1501,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "rti",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onTypeVariable",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String Function(int)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_functionRtiToStringV1: function(rti, onTypeVariable) {\n  var returnTypeText, $arguments, t1, argumentsText, sep, _i, argument, optionalArguments, namedArguments, t2, t3;\n  returnTypeText = !!rti.v ? \"void\" : H.runtimeTypeToStringV1(rti.ret, onTypeVariable);\n  if (\"args\" in rti) {\n    $arguments = rti.args;\n    for (t1 = $arguments.length, argumentsText = \"\", sep = \"\", _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i, sep = \", \") {\n      argument = $arguments[_i];\n      argumentsText = argumentsText + sep + H.runtimeTypeToStringV1(argument, onTypeVariable);\n    }\n  } else {\n    argumentsText = \"\";\n    sep = \"\";\n  }\n  if (\"opt\" in rti) {\n    optionalArguments = rti.opt;\n    argumentsText += sep + \"[\";\n    for (t1 = optionalArguments.length, sep = \"\", _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i, sep = \", \") {\n      argument = optionalArguments[_i];\n      argumentsText = argumentsText + sep + H.runtimeTypeToStringV1(argument, onTypeVariable);\n    }\n    argumentsText += \"]\";\n  }\n  if (\"named\" in rti) {\n    namedArguments = rti.named;\n    argumentsText += sep + \"{\";\n    for (t1 = H.extractKeys(namedArguments), t2 = t1.length, sep = \"\", _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i, sep = \", \") {\n      t3 = t1[_i];\n      argumentsText = argumentsText + sep + H.runtimeTypeToStringV1(namedArguments[t3], onTypeVariable) + (\" \" + H.S(t3));\n    }\n    argumentsText += \"}\";\n  }\n  return \"(\" + argumentsText + \") => \" + returnTypeText;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic,String Function(int))",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "738104072": {
+        "id": "function/738104072",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "+",
+        "size": 74,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1003011102",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JSNumber",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSNumber]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "num"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$add: function(receiver, other) {\n  return receiver + other;\n}\n",
+        "type": "JSNumber Function(num)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "739160294": {
+        "id": "function/739160294",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "LinkedHashMapKeyIterable",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/373504153",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=LinkedHashMapKeyIterable]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_map",
+            "type": "[subclass=JsLinkedHashMap]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "741666293": {
+        "id": "function/741666293",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 654,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/965562379",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "i",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSPositiveInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(i) {\n  var t1 = this.hashes;\n  if (i >= t1.length)\n    return H.ioore(t1, i);\n  if (this.isHunkLoaded(t1[i])) {\n    t1 = this.waitingForLoad;\n    if (i >= t1.length)\n      return H.ioore(t1, i);\n    t1[i] = false;\n    t1 = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, [null]);\n    t1._asyncComplete$1(null);\n    return t1;\n  }\n  t1 = this.uris;\n  if (i >= t1.length)\n    return H.ioore(t1, i);\n  return H._loadHunk(t1[i]).then$1(new H.loadDeferredLibrary_loadAndInitialize_closure(this.waitingForLoad, i, this.initializeSomeLoadedHunks));\n}\n",
+        "type": "Future<dynamic> Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "745741399": {
+        "id": "function/745741399",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 256,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/36312556",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1 = this.modifiedObject;\n  if (t1 == null)\n    return \"Concurrent modification during iteration.\";\n  return \"Concurrent modification during iteration: \" + H.S(P.Error_safeToString(t1)) + \".\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "748173162": {
+        "id": "function/748173162",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "handlesComplete",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "749970393": {
+        "id": "function/749970393",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 85,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/627219877",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(_) {\n  return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this);\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "751200407": {
+        "id": "function/751200407",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "joinArguments",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "types",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "startIndex",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic,int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "752981084": {
+        "id": "function/752981084",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_shrOtherPositive",
+        "size": 276,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1003011102",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "num",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "num"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_shrOtherPositive$1: function(receiver, other) {\n  var t1;\n  if (receiver > 0)\n    t1 = this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other);\n  else {\n    t1 = other > 31 ? 31 : other;\n    t1 = receiver >> t1 >>> 0;\n  }\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "num Function(num)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "754498726": {
+        "id": "function/754498726",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "Future.error",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/438137149",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<Future.T>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Future<Future.T> Function(Object,[StackTrace])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "754771250": {
+        "id": "function/754771250",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "DeferredLoadException",
+        "size": 98,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/410333734",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=DeferredLoadException]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_s",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": "DeferredLoadException$: function(_s) {\n  return new P.DeferredLoadException(_s);\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "756575134": {
+        "id": "function/756575134",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "contains",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "userAgent",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"call stack\")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(String,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "756812986": {
+        "id": "function/756812986",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 74,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSPositiveInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(_) {\n  return this.__js_helper$_length;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "762030080": {
+        "id": "function/762030080",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "receiverFieldName",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes static)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "764768055": {
+        "id": "function/764768055",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "areAssignableMapsV1",
+        "size": 574,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "areAssignableMapsV1: function(s, t) {\n  var names, t1, i, $name, tType, sType;\n  if (t == null)\n    return true;\n  if (s == null)\n    return false;\n  names = J.JSArray_markFixedList(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t));\n  for (t1 = names.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {\n    $name = names[i];\n    if (!, $name))\n      return false;\n    tType = t[$name];\n    sType = s[$name];\n    if (!(H.isSubtypeV1(tType, sType) || H.isSubtypeV1(sType, tType)))\n      return false;\n  }\n  return true;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "766396929": {
+        "id": "function/766396929",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "completeError",
+        "size": 471,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/770824752",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "completeError$2: [function(error, stackTrace) {\n  if (error == null)\n    error = new P.NullThrownError();\n  if (this.future._state !== 0)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$(\"Future already completed\"));\n  $.Zone__current.toString;\n  this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);\n}, function(error) {\n  return this.completeError$2(error, null);\n}, \"completeError$1\", \"call$2\", \"call$1\", \"get$completeError\", 4, 2, 14]\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Object,[StackTrace])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "772250195": {
+        "id": "function/772250195",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkDeferredIsLoaded",
+        "size": 178,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "loadId",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "uri",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "checkDeferredIsLoaded: function(loadId, uri) {\n  if (!$.$get$_loadedLibraries().contains$1(0, loadId))\n    throw H.wrapException(new H.DeferredNotLoadedError(uri));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(String,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "772606842": {
+        "id": "function/772606842",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_chainSource",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_Future<dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "_Future<dynamic> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "773230206": {
+        "id": "function/773230206",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_TimerImpl",
+        "size": 372,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/32494041",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/637416128"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_TimerImpl]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "milliseconds",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_TimerImpl$: function(milliseconds, callback) {\n  var t1 = new P._TimerImpl(true, null, 0);\n  t1._TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback);\n  return t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(int,void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "773528822": {
+        "id": "function/773528822",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isEmpty",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "778541068": {
+        "id": "function/778541068",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_isToStringVisiting",
+        "size": 196,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/754126564",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "o",
+            "type": "Union([subclass=JsLinkedHashMap], [subtype=Iterable])",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_isToStringVisiting: function(o) {\n  var i, t1;\n  for (i = 0; t1 = $.$get$_toStringVisiting(), i < t1.length; ++i)\n    if (o === t1[i])\n      return true;\n  return false;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "779765691": {
+        "id": "function/779765691",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_AsyncCompleter",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/714718140",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_AsyncCompleter]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "784650927": {
+        "id": "function/784650927",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 222,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/60704969",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(_) {\n  var $length, t1;\n  $length = J.get$length$as(this.__internal$_iterable);\n  t1 = this._start;\n  if (t1 >= $length)\n    return 0;\n  return $length - t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "788412943": {
+        "id": "function/788412943",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "throwCyclicInit",
+        "size": 119,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[empty]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "staticName",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "throwCyclicInit: function(staticName) {\n  throw H.wrapException(new P.CyclicInitializationError(staticName));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "789545114": {
+        "id": "function/789545114",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_writeAll",
+        "size": 563,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "string",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "objects",
+            "type": "Union([subclass=JSArray], [subclass=_LinkedHashSet])",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "separator",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \", \")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "StringBuffer__writeAll: function(string, objects, separator) {\n  var iterator = J.get$iterator$a(objects);\n  if (!iterator.moveNext$0())\n    return string;\n  if (separator.length === 0) {\n    do\n      string += H.S(iterator.get$current());\n    while (iterator.moveNext$0());\n  } else {\n    string += H.S(iterator.get$current());\n    for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)\n      string = string + separator + H.S(iterator.get$current());\n  }\n  return string;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(String,Iterable<dynamic>,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "791079680": {
+        "id": "function/791079680",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "selfOf",
+        "size": 82,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "closure",
+            "type": "[exact=BoundClosure]",
+            "declaredType": "BoundClosure"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "BoundClosure_selfOf: function(closure) {\n  return closure._self;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(BoundClosure)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "793410068": {
+        "id": "function/793410068",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 124,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/27679401",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  var t1 = this._message;\n  return t1.length === 0 ? \"Error\" : \"Error: \" + t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "795411795": {
+        "id": "function/795411795",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "matchesErrorTest",
+        "size": 181,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "asyncError",
+            "type": "[null|exact=AsyncError]",
+            "declaredType": "AsyncError"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "matchesErrorTest$1: function(asyncError) {\n  if (this.state !== 6)\n    return true;\n  return this.result._zone.runUnary$2(this.callback, asyncError.error);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(AsyncError)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "796179660": {
+        "id": "function/796179660",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 96,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/86936801",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(receiver) {\n  return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "797212862": {
+        "id": "function/797212862",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 117,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/953553118",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(value) {\n  var t1 =;\n  t1._state = 0;\n  t1._complete$1(value);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "797212863": {
+        "id": "function/797212863",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 176,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/953553119",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$2: function(error, stackTrace) {\n$2(error, stackTrace);\n}\ncall$1: function(error) {\n  return$2(error, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic,[dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "797212864": {
+        "id": "function/797212864",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 82,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/953553120",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n$2(this.e, this.s);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "798288240": {
+        "id": "function/798288240",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isNullType",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "806420362": {
+        "id": "function/806420362",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_Exception",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/217690375",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Exception]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function([dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "808159833": {
+        "id": "function/808159833",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/481500691",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "811310425": {
+        "id": "function/811310425",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 447,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/35711406",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  var t1, t2, error;\n  t1 = this._box_0;\n  t2 = t1.error;\n  if (t2 == null) {\n    error = new P.NullThrownError();\n    t1.error = error;\n    t1 = error;\n  } else\n    t1 = t2;\n  t2 = this.stackTrace;\n  if (t2 == null)\n    throw H.wrapException(t1);\n  error = H.wrapException(t1);\n  error.stack = J.toString$0$(t2);\n  throw error;\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "813370328": {
+        "id": "function/813370328",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isDartObjectTypeRti",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "type",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "813862273": {
+        "id": "function/813862273",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "internalGet",
+        "size": 384,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JsLinkedHashMap.V",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "internalGet$1: function(key) {\n  var rest, bucket, index;\n  rest = this.__js_helper$_rest;\n  if (rest == null)\n    return;\n  bucket = this._getTableBucket$2(rest, J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff);\n  index = this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);\n  if (index < 0)\n    return;\n  return bucket[index].hashMapCellValue;\n}\n",
+        "type": "JsLinkedHashMap.V Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "814002251": {
+        "id": "function/814002251",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "provokePropertyErrorOnUndefined",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "820195095": {
+        "id": "function/820195095",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "[]=",
+        "size": 1400,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.K"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "JsLinkedHashMap.V"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$indexSet: function(_, key, value) {\n  var strings, nums, rest, hash, bucket, index;\n  if (typeof key === \"string\") {\n    strings = this.__js_helper$_strings;\n    if (strings == null) {\n      strings = this._newHashTable$0();\n      this.__js_helper$_strings = strings;\n    }\n    this.__js_helper$_addHashTableEntry$3(strings, key, value);\n  } else if (typeof key === \"number\" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {\n    nums = this.__js_helper$_nums;\n    if (nums == null) {\n      nums = this._newHashTable$0();\n      this.__js_helper$_nums = nums;\n    }\n    this.__js_helper$_addHashTableEntry$3(nums, key, value);\n  } else {\n    rest = this.__js_helper$_rest;\n    if (rest == null) {\n      rest = this._newHashTable$0();\n      this.__js_helper$_rest = rest;\n    }\n    hash = J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff;\n    bucket = this._getTableBucket$2(rest, hash);\n    if (bucket == null)\n      this._setTableEntry$3(rest, hash, [this.__js_helper$_newLinkedCell$2(key, value)]);\n    else {\n      index = this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);\n      if (index >= 0)\n        bucket[index].hashMapCellValue = value;\n      else\n        bucket.push(this.__js_helper$_newLinkedCell$2(key, value));\n    }\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(JsLinkedHashMap.K,JsLinkedHashMap.V)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "821285776": {
+        "id": "function/821285776",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getInterceptor",
+        "size": 61,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/325218131",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "getInterceptor: function(object) {\n  return void 0;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "823929753": {
+        "id": "function/823929753",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_mayComplete",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "827571674": {
+        "id": "function/827571674",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkInt",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "830798781": {
+        "id": "function/830798781",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_shrBothPositive",
+        "size": 107,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1003011102",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "num",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "num"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_shrBothPositive$1: function(receiver, other) {\n  return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver >>> other;\n}\n",
+        "type": "num Function(num)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "831655802": {
+        "id": "function/831655802",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_microtaskLoop",
+        "size": 290,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_microtaskLoop: function() {\n  var t1, t2;\n  for (; t1 = $._nextCallback, t1 != null;) {\n    $._lastPriorityCallback = null;\n    t2 =;\n    $._nextCallback = t2;\n    if (t2 == null)\n      $._lastCallback = null;\n$0();\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "834909172": {
+        "id": "function/834909172",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "current",
+        "size": 75,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/113750884",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_LinkedHashSetIterator.E",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$current: function() {\n  return this._collection$_current;\n}\n",
+        "type": "_LinkedHashSetIterator.E Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "835692712": {
+        "id": "function/835692712",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_scheduleAsyncCallback",
+        "size": 460,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_scheduleAsyncCallback: function(callback) {\n  var newEntry = new P._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback, null);\n  if ($._nextCallback == null) {\n    $._lastCallback = newEntry;\n    $._nextCallback = newEntry;\n    if (!$._isInCallbackLoop)\n      $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(P.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure());\n  } else {\n    $ = newEntry;\n    $._lastCallback = newEntry;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "837956997": {
+        "id": "function/837956997",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "==",
+        "size": 64,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/627219877",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "other",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "$eq: function(_, other) {\n  return this === other;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "841192189": {
+        "id": "function/841192189",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "RuntimeError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/866150578",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=RuntimeError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"Intercepted function with no arguments.\")",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "843997665": {
+        "id": "function/843997665",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "writeAll",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/293821936",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "objects",
+            "type": "Union([subclass=JSArray], [subclass=_LinkedHashSet])",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "separator",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \", \")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(Iterable<dynamic>,[String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "848267879": {
+        "id": "function/848267879",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 81,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/866150578",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"RuntimeError: \" + this.message;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "852141617": {
+        "id": "function/852141617",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "completeError",
+        "size": 365,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/850763763",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/741043867"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "e",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "st",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "completeError$2: function(e, st) {\n  if (this.isSync)\n    this._completer.completeError$2(e, st);\n  else\n    P.scheduleMicrotask(new P._AsyncAwaitCompleter_completeError_closure(this, e, st));\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Object,[StackTrace])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "852972506": {
+        "id": "function/852972506",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "iterator",
+        "size": 108,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/540398347",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Iterator<ListIterable.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ListIterator]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$iterator: function(_) {\n  return new H.ListIterator(this, this.get$length(this), 0, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Iterator<ListIterable.E> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "853169304": {
+        "id": "function/853169304",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 96,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/181809904",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  P._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this.listener);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "853973218": {
+        "id": "function/853973218",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_reverseListeners",
+        "size": 292,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=_FutureListener]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "listeners",
+            "type": "[null|exact=_FutureListener]",
+            "declaredType": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_reverseListeners$1: function(listeners) {\n  var current, prev, next;\n  for (current = listeners, prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) {\n    next = current._nextListener;\n    current._nextListener = prev;\n  }\n  return prev;\n}\n",
+        "type": "_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic> Function(_FutureListener<dynamic,dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "854200700": {
+        "id": "function/854200700",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 80,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1003011102",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(receiver) {\n  return receiver & 0x1FFFFFFF;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "860159722": {
+        "id": "function/860159722",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 100,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/351911148",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(_) {\n  return P.Object.prototype.get$, this);\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "864228238": {
+        "id": "function/864228238",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "printString",
+        "size": 460,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/238986171",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "string",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "printString: function(string) {\n  if (typeof dartPrint == \"function\") {\n    dartPrint(string);\n    return;\n  }\n  if (typeof console == \"object\" && typeof console.log != \"undefined\") {\n    console.log(string);\n    return;\n  }\n  if (typeof window == \"object\")\n    return;\n  if (typeof print == \"function\") {\n    print(string);\n    return;\n  }\n  throw \"Unable to print message: \" + String(string);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "869814859": {
+        "id": "function/869814859",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 65,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/69029087",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_Future<dynamic>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(_) {\n  return this.originalSource;\n}\n",
+        "type": "_Future<dynamic> Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "870367819": {
+        "id": "function/870367819",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_isNumericElement",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "873863767": {
+        "id": "function/873863767",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "objectTypeName",
+        "size": 1680,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/354160010",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Primitives_objectTypeName: function(object) {\n  var interceptor, interceptorConstructor, interceptorConstructorName, $name, dispatchName, objectConstructor, match, decompiledName, t1;\n  interceptor = J.getInterceptor(object);\n  interceptorConstructor = interceptor.constructor;\n  if (typeof interceptorConstructor == \"function\") {\n    interceptorConstructorName =;\n    $name = typeof interceptorConstructorName === \"string\" ? interceptorConstructorName : null;\n  } else\n    $name = null;\n  if ($name == null || interceptor === C.Interceptor_methods || !!J.getInterceptor(object).$isUnknownJavaScriptObject) {\n    dispatchName = C.JS_CONST_u2C(object);\n    if (dispatchName === \"Object\") {\n      objectConstructor = object.constructor;\n      if (typeof objectConstructor == \"function\") {\n        match = String(objectConstructor).match(/^\\s*function\\s*([\\w$]*)\\s*\\(/);\n        decompiledName = match == null ? null : match[1];\n        if (typeof decompiledName === \"string\" && /^\\w+$/.test(decompiledName))\n          $name = decompiledName;\n      }\n      if ($name == null)\n        $name = dispatchName;\n    } else\n      $name = dispatchName;\n  }\n  $name = $name;\n  if ($name.length > 1 && C.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1($name, 0) === 36)\n    $name = C.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, 1);\n  t1 = H.joinArgumentsV1(H.getRuntimeTypeInfo(object), 0, null);\n  return function(str, names) {\n    return str.replace(/[^<,> ]+/g, function(m) {\n      return names[m] || m;\n    });\n  }($name + t1, init.mangledGlobalNames);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "878987098": {
+        "id": "function/878987098",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hashCode",
+        "size": 60,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/418854932",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSUInt31]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$hashCode: function(receiver) {\n  return 0;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "885768717": {
+        "id": "function/885768717",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ArgumentError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/143626168",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ArgumentError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function([dynamic])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "887884267": {
+        "id": "function/887884267",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_schedulePriorityAsyncCallback",
+        "size": 656,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/1052666095",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_schedulePriorityAsyncCallback: function(callback) {\n  var t1, entry, t2;\n  t1 = $._nextCallback;\n  if (t1 == null) {\n    P._scheduleAsyncCallback(callback);\n    $._lastPriorityCallback = $._lastCallback;\n    return;\n  }\n  entry = new P._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback, null);\n  t2 = $._lastPriorityCallback;\n  if (t2 == null) {\n = t1;\n    $._lastPriorityCallback = entry;\n    $._nextCallback = entry;\n  } else {\n =;\n = entry;\n    $._lastPriorityCallback = entry;\n    if ( == null)\n      $._lastCallback = entry;\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "888466063": {
+        "id": "function/888466063",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "registerBinaryCallback",
+        "size": 65,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "registerBinaryCallback.R Function(registerBinaryCallback.T1,registerBinaryCallback.T2)",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "registerBinaryCallback.R Function(registerBinaryCallback.T1,registerBinaryCallback.T2)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "registerBinaryCallback$1: function(f) {\n  return f;\n}\n",
+        "type": "registerBinaryCallback.R Function(registerBinaryCallback.T1,registerBinaryCallback.T2) Function(registerBinaryCallback.R Function(registerBinaryCallback.T1,registerBinaryCallback.T2))",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "889342435": {
+        "id": "function/889342435",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_getTableBucket",
+        "size": 76,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<LinkedHashMapCell>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_getTableBucket$2: function(table, key) {\n  return table[key];\n}\n",
+        "type": "List<LinkedHashMapCell> Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "890739228": {
+        "id": "function/890739228",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "formatType",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/354160010",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "className",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "typeArguments",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(String,List<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "891910474": {
+        "id": "function/891910474",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 77,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/476286669",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return P.MapBase_mapToString(this);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "895978326": {
+        "id": "function/895978326",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_AsyncCallbackEntry",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/733467750",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_AsyncCallbackEntry]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "callback",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "void Function()"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(void Function())",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "897413385": {
+        "id": "function/897413385",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_getTableCell",
+        "size": 74,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "LinkedHashMapCell",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "key",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_getTableCell$2: function(table, key) {\n  return table[key];\n}\n",
+        "type": "LinkedHashMapCell Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "899124813": {
+        "id": "function/899124813",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "cspForwardInterceptedCall",
+        "size": 1830,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/317291728",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "arity",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isSuperCall",
+            "type": "[exact=JSBool]",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "function",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall: function(arity, isSuperCall, $name, $function) {\n  var getSelf, getReceiver;\n  getSelf = H.BoundClosure_selfOf;\n  getReceiver = H.BoundClosure_receiverOf;\n  switch (isSuperCall ? -1 : arity) {\n    case 0:\n      throw H.wrapException(new H.RuntimeError(\"Intercepted function with no arguments.\"));\n    case 1:\n      return function(n, s, r) {\n        return function() {\n          return s(this)[n](r(this));\n        };\n      }($name, getSelf, getReceiver);\n    case 2:\n      return function(n, s, r) {\n        return function(a) {\n          return s(this)[n](r(this), a);\n        };\n      }($name, getSelf, getReceiver);\n    case 3:\n      return function(n, s, r) {\n        return function(a, b) {\n          return s(this)[n](r(this), a, b);\n        };\n      }($name, getSelf, getReceiver);\n    case 4:\n      return function(n, s, r) {\n        return function(a, b, c) {\n          return s(this)[n](r(this), a, b, c);\n        };\n      }($name, getSelf, getReceiver);\n    case 5:\n      return function(n, s, r) {\n        return function(a, b, c, d) {\n          return s(this)[n](r(this), a, b, c, d);\n        };\n      }($name, getSelf, getReceiver);\n    case 6:\n      return function(n, s, r) {\n        return function(a, b, c, d, e) {\n          return s(this)[n](r(this), a, b, c, d, e);\n        };\n      }($name, getSelf, getReceiver);\n    default:\n      return function(f, s, r, a) {\n        return function() {\n          a = [r(this)];\n          Array.prototype.push.apply(a, arguments);\n          return f.apply(s(this), a);\n        };\n      }($function, getSelf, getReceiver);\n  }\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(int,bool,String,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "899674954": {
+        "id": "function/899674954",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 88,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/385965656",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  P._Future__chainCoreFuture(this.value, this.$this);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "901078366": {
+        "id": "function/901078366",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_setValue",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future.T"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(_Future.T)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "904115316": {
+        "id": "function/904115316",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "registerUnaryCallback",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "registerUnaryCallback.R Function(registerUnaryCallback.T)",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "registerUnaryCallback.R Function(registerUnaryCallback.T)"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "registerUnaryCallback.R Function(registerUnaryCallback.T) Function(registerUnaryCallback.R Function(registerUnaryCallback.T))",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "906797235": {
+        "id": "function/906797235",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "receiverOf",
+        "size": 90,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/138211367",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "closure",
+            "type": "[exact=BoundClosure]",
+            "declaredType": "BoundClosure"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "BoundClosure_receiverOf: function(closure) {\n  return closure._receiver;\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(BoundClosure)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "906921796": {
+        "id": "function/906921796",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "quoteStringForRegExp",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "string",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "907920633": {
+        "id": "function/907920633",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 86,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/745039293",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "result",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(result) {\n  return$2(0, result);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "907920634": {
+        "id": "function/907920634",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 131,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/745039294",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "stackTrace",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "StackTrace"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$2: function(error, stackTrace) {\n$2(1, new H.ExceptionAndStackTrace(error, stackTrace));\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(dynamic,StackTrace)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "919469907": {
+        "id": "function/919469907",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "handlesError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "920500080": {
+        "id": "function/920500080",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_findBucketIndex",
+        "size": 291,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "bucket",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_findBucketIndex$2: function(bucket, element) {\n  var $length, i;\n  if (bucket == null)\n    return -1;\n  $length = bucket.length;\n  for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)\n    if (J.$eq$(bucket[i]._element, element))\n      return i;\n  return -1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "921486255": {
+        "id": "function/921486255",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "main",
+        "size": 973,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/934372066",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<void>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "main: function() {\n  var $async$goto = 0, $async$completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(null);\n  var $async$main = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {\n    if ($async$errorCode === 1)\n      return P._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);\n    while (true)\n      switch ($async$goto) {\n        case 0:\n          // Function start\n          $async$goto = 2;\n          return P._asyncAwait(H.loadDeferredLibrary(\"deferred_import\"), $async$main);\n        case 2:\n          // returning from await.\n          H.checkDeferredIsLoaded(\"deferred_import\", \"file:///usr/local/google/home/lorenvs/git/dart2js_info/test/hello_world_deferred/deferred_import.dart\");\n          H.printString(C.C_Deferred);\n          // implicit return\n          return P._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);\n      }\n  });\n  return P._asyncStartSync($async$main, $async$completer);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Future<void> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "921677904": {
+        "id": "function/921677904",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_iterablePartsToStrings",
+        "size": 2548,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/754126564",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "iterable",
+            "type": "[subclass=Iterable]",
+            "declaredType": "Iterable<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "parts",
+            "type": "Container([exact=JSExtendableArray], element: [exact=JSString], length: null)",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_iterablePartsToStrings: function(iterable, parts) {\n  var it, $length, count, next, ultimateString, penultimateString, penultimate, ultimate, ultimate0, elision;\n  it = iterable.get$iterator(iterable);\n  $length = 0;\n  count = 0;\n  while (true) {\n    if (!($length < 80 || count < 3))\n      break;\n    if (!it.moveNext$0())\n      return;\n    next = H.S(it.get$current());\n    parts.push(next);\n    $length += next.length + 2;\n    ++count;\n  }\n  if (!it.moveNext$0()) {\n    if (count <= 5)\n      return;\n    if (0 >= parts.length)\n      return H.ioore(parts, -1);\n    ultimateString = parts.pop();\n    if (0 >= parts.length)\n      return H.ioore(parts, -1);\n    penultimateString = parts.pop();\n  } else {\n    penultimate = it.get$current();\n    ++count;\n    if (!it.moveNext$0()) {\n      if (count <= 4) {\n        parts.push(H.S(penultimate));\n        return;\n      }\n      ultimateString = H.S(penultimate);\n      if (0 >= parts.length)\n        return H.ioore(parts, -1);\n      penultimateString = parts.pop();\n      $length += ultimateString.length + 2;\n    } else {\n      ultimate = it.get$current();\n      ++count;\n      for (; it.moveNext$0(); penultimate = ultimate, ultimate = ultimate0) {\n        ultimate0 = it.get$current();\n        ++count;\n        if (count > 100) {\n          while (true) {\n            if (!($length > 75 && count > 3))\n              break;\n            if (0 >= parts.length)\n              return H.ioore(parts, -1);\n            $length -= parts.pop().length + 2;\n            --count;\n          }\n          parts.push(\"...\");\n          return;\n        }\n      }\n      penultimateString = H.S(penultimate);\n      ultimateString = H.S(ultimate);\n      $length += ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 4;\n    }\n  }\n  if (count > parts.length + 2) {\n    $length += 5;\n    elision = \"...\";\n  } else\n    elision = null;\n  while (true) {\n    if (!($length > 80 && parts.length > 3))\n      break;\n    if (0 >= parts.length)\n      return H.ioore(parts, -1);\n    $length -= parts.pop().length + 2;\n    if (elision == null) {\n      $length += 5;\n      elision = \"...\";\n    }\n  }\n  if (elision != null)\n    parts.push(elision);\n  parts.push(penultimateString);\n  parts.push(ultimateString);\n}\n",
+        "type": "void Function(Iterable<dynamic>,List<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "922840913": {
+        "id": "function/922840913",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "forwardInterceptedCallTo",
+        "size": 1512,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/317291728",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "receiver",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "function",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo: function(receiver, $function) {\n  var t1, t2, stubName, arity, lookedUpFunction, t3, t4, $arguments;\n  t1 = $.BoundClosure_selfFieldNameCache;\n  if (t1 == null) {\n    t1 = H.BoundClosure_computeFieldNamed(\"self\");\n    $.BoundClosure_selfFieldNameCache = t1;\n  }\n  t2 = $.BoundClosure_receiverFieldNameCache;\n  if (t2 == null) {\n    t2 = H.BoundClosure_computeFieldNamed(\"receiver\");\n    $.BoundClosure_receiverFieldNameCache = t2;\n  }\n  stubName = $function.$stubName;\n  arity = $function.length;\n  lookedUpFunction = receiver[stubName];\n  t3 = $function == null ? lookedUpFunction == null : $function === lookedUpFunction;\n  t4 = !t3 || arity >= 28;\n  if (t4)\n    return H.Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, !t3, stubName, $function);\n  if (arity === 1) {\n    t1 = \"return function(){return this.\" + H.S(t1) + \".\" + H.S(stubName) + \"(this.\" + H.S(t2) + \");\";\n    t2 = $.Closure_functionCounter;\n    $.Closure_functionCounter = J.$add$ans(t2, 1);\n    return new Function(t1 + H.S(t2) + \"}\")();\n  }\n  $arguments = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\".split(\"\").splice(0, arity - 1).join(\",\");\n  t1 = \"return function(\" + $arguments + \"){return this.\" + H.S(t1) + \".\" + H.S(stubName) + \"(this.\" + H.S(t2) + \", \" + $arguments + \");\";\n  t2 = $.Closure_functionCounter;\n  $.Closure_functionCounter = J.$add$ans(t2, 1);\n  return new Function(t1 + H.S(t2) + \"}\")();\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "932567378": {
+        "id": "function/932567378",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "provokeCallErrorOn",
+        "size": 317,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/294355530",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "expression",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn: function(expression) {\n  return function($expr$) {\n    var $argumentsExpr$ = '$arguments$';\n    try {\n      $expr$.$method$($argumentsExpr$);\n    } catch (e) {\n      return e.message;\n    }\n  }(expression);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "941710296": {
+        "id": "function/941710296",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_mayAddListener",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "942227822": {
+        "id": "function/942227822",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "lastIndexOf",
+        "size": 359,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/793539876",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "pattern",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"/\")",
+            "declaredType": "Pattern"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "start",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "lastIndexOf$2: function(receiver, pattern, start) {\n  var t1;\n  start = receiver.length;\n  t1 = pattern.length;\n  if (start + t1 > start)\n    start -= t1;\n  return receiver.lastIndexOf(pattern, start);\n}\nlastIndexOf$1: function($receiver, pattern) {\n  return this.lastIndexOf$2($receiver, pattern, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function(Pattern,[int])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "944731702": {
+        "id": "function/944731702",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 118,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/86936801",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(receiver) {\n  return \"Instance of '\" + H.Primitives_objectTypeName(receiver) + \"'\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "947198569": {
+        "id": "function/947198569",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 104,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/827328529",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n  P._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this._box_0.listeners);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "950708086": {
+        "id": "function/950708086",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "current",
+        "size": 63,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1019758482",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "ArrayIterator.E",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$current: function() {\n  return this._current;\n}\n",
+        "type": "ArrayIterator.E Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "950782810": {
+        "id": "function/950782810",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/373504153",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSPositiveInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "952130975": {
+        "id": "function/952130975",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkGrowable",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "reason",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "962973203": {
+        "id": "function/962973203",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 63,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/418854932",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"null\")",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(receiver) {\n  return \"null\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "965257927": {
+        "id": "function/965257927",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkNotNegative",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/974704527",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "value",
+            "type": "[null|exact=JSUInt31]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(int,[String,String])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "967508646": {
+        "id": "function/967508646",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkSubtypeV1",
+        "size": 392,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "isField",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "checks",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "asField",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "checkSubtypeV1: function(object, isField, checks, asField) {\n  var $arguments, interceptor;\n  if (object == null)\n    return false;\n  $arguments = H.getRuntimeTypeInfo(object);\n  interceptor = J.getInterceptor(object);\n  if (interceptor[isField] == null)\n    return false;\n  return H.areSubtypesV1(H.substitute(interceptor[asField], $arguments), checks);\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(Object,String,List<dynamic>,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "968241519": {
+        "id": "function/968241519",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "runUnary",
+        "size": 175,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "runUnary.R",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "runUnary.R Function(runUnary.T)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "runUnary.T"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "runUnary$2: function(f, arg) {\n  if ($.Zone__current === C.C__RootZone)\n    return$1(arg);\n  return P._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg);\n}\n",
+        "type": "runUnary.R Function(runUnary.R Function(runUnary.T),runUnary.T)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "968358412": {
+        "id": "function/968358412",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "NullThrownError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/595024907",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=NullThrownError]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 6,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "969026469": {
+        "id": "function/969026469",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_LinkedHashSet",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_LinkedHashSet]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "971160936": {
+        "id": "function/971160936",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_setErrorObject",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|exact=AsyncError]",
+            "declaredType": "AsyncError"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads static; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(AsyncError)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "975105635": {
+        "id": "function/975105635",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_leave",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1059755229",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "previous",
+            "type": "[null|exact=_RootZone]",
+            "declaredType": "Zone"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes static)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(Zone)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "977867690": {
+        "id": "function/977867690",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "ArrayIterator",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1019758482",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=ArrayIterator]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "iterable",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSArray]",
+            "declaredType": "JSArray<ArrayIterator.E>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(JSArray<ArrayIterator.E>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "979933658": {
+        "id": "function/979933658",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "checkMutable",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "reason",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "983564685": {
+        "id": "function/983564685",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_hasError",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 3,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "984452543": {
+        "id": "function/984452543",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "areSubtypesV1",
+        "size": 247,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "areSubtypesV1: function(s, t) {\n  var len, i;\n  if (s == null || t == null)\n    return true;\n  len = s.length;\n  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)\n    if (!H.isSubtypeV1(s[i], t[i]))\n      return false;\n  return true;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "985926244": {
+        "id": "function/985926244",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "IndexError",
+        "size": 257,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/175705485",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=IndexError]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "invalidValue",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "indexable",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSString], value: \"index\")",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "message",
+            "type": "[null]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "length",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "IndexError$: function(invalidValue, indexable, $name, message, $length) {\n  var t1 = $length != null ? $length : J.get$length$as(indexable);\n  return new P.IndexError(indexable, t1, true, invalidValue, $name, \"Index out of range\");\n}\n",
+        "type": "dynamic Function(int,dynamic,[String,String,int])",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "987295701": {
+        "id": "function/987295701",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 60,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/231160067",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$0: function() {\n$0();\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "987508329": {
+        "id": "function/987508329",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "mapToString",
+        "size": 1049,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/748502014",
+        "children": [
+          "closure/637664934"
+        ],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "m",
+            "type": "[subclass=JsLinkedHashMap]",
+            "declaredType": "Map<dynamic,dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "MapBase_mapToString: function(m) {\n  var t1, result, t2;\n  t1 = {};\n  if (P._isToStringVisiting(m))\n    return \"{...}\";\n  result = new P.StringBuffer(\"\");\n  try {\n    $.$get$_toStringVisiting().push(m);\n    t2 = result;\n    t2._contents = t2.get$_contents() + \"{\";\n    t1.first = true;\n    m.forEach$1(0, new P.MapBase_mapToString_closure(t1, result));\n    t1 = result;\n    t1._contents = t1.get$_contents() + \"}\";\n  } finally {\n    t1 = $.$get$_toStringVisiting();\n    if (0 >= t1.length)\n      return H.ioore(t1, -1);\n    t1.pop();\n  }\n  t1 = result.get$_contents();\n  return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function(Map<dynamic,dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "990521259": {
+        "id": "function/990521259",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "elementAt",
+        "size": 487,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/60704969",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "SubListIterable.E",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "index",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSInt]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "elementAt$1: function(_, index) {\n  var realIndex, t1;\n  realIndex = this.get$_startIndex() + index;\n  if (index >= 0) {\n    t1 = this.get$_endIndex();\n    if (typeof t1 !== \"number\")\n      return H.iae(t1);\n    t1 = realIndex >= t1;\n  } else\n    t1 = true;\n  if (t1)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.IndexError$(index, this, \"index\", null, null));\n  return J.elementAt$1$a(this.__internal$_iterable, realIndex);\n}\n",
+        "type": "SubListIterable.E Function(int)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "991909617": {
+        "id": "function/991909617",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 73,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/245082925",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(receiver) {\n  return String(receiver);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "992393187": {
+        "id": "function/992393187",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_scheduleMicrotask",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "_ZoneFunction<void Function(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,void Function())>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_ZoneFunction]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "_ZoneFunction<void Function(Zone,ZoneDelegate,Zone,void Function())> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
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+        "id": "function/992679489",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "constructorNameFallback",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
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+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
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+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "993180100": {
+        "id": "function/993180100",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "objectToHumanReadableString",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/354160010",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
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+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          }
+        ],
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+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(Object)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
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+        "id": "function/997099929",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JSArray.growable",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JSArray<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSExtendableArray]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "length",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSUInt32]",
+            "declaredType": "int"
+          }
+        ],
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+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "JSArray<JSArray.E> Function(int)",
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+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
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+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
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+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
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+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic)",
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+        "id": "function/1002752870",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_addHashTableEntry",
+        "size": 194,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/123522748",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "table",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "element",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "_LinkedHashSet.E"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_addHashTableEntry$2: function(table, element) {\n  if (table[element] != null)\n    return false;\n  table[element] = this._newLinkedCell$1(element);\n  return true;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,_LinkedHashSet.E)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1008544093": {
+        "id": "function/1008544093",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "length",
+        "size": 74,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/476286669",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "int",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSPositiveInt]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$length: function(_) {\n  return this.__js_helper$_length;\n}\n",
+        "type": "int Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1012615396": {
+        "id": "function/1012615396",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "isIdentical",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "s",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "t",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(dynamic,dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1014074245": {
+        "id": "function/1014074245",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "future",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/850763763",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<_AsyncAwaitCompleter.T>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Future<_AsyncAwaitCompleter.T> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1014821943": {
+        "id": "function/1014821943",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "Completer",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/471305727",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Completer<Completer.T>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_AsyncCompleter]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "Completer<Completer.T> Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1015140651": {
+        "id": "function/1015140651",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_modified",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1016194181": {
+        "id": "function/1016194181",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toList",
+        "size": 723,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/60704969",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "List<SubListIterable.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "Container(Union([exact=JSExtendableArray], [exact=JSFixedArray]), element: [null|subclass=Object], length: null)",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "growable",
+            "type": "Value([exact=JSBool], value: false)",
+            "declaredType": "bool"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {\n  var start, t1, t2, end, $length, result, i, t3;\n  start = this._start;\n  t1 = this.__internal$_iterable;\n  t2 = J.getInterceptor$as(t1);\n  end = t2.get$length(t1);\n  $length = end - start;\n  if ($length < 0)\n    $length = 0;\n  result = new Array($length);\n  result.fixed$length = Array;\n  for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {\n    t3 = t2.elementAt$1(t1, start + i);\n    if (i >= $length)\n      return H.ioore(result, i);\n    result[i] = t3;\n    if (t2.get$length(t1) < end)\n      throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));\n  }\n  return result;\n}\n",
+        "type": "List<SubListIterable.E> Function({bool growable})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1024143730": {
+        "id": "function/1024143730",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "JSArray.typed",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/523978038",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": true,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "JSArray<JSArray.E>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=JSArray]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "allocation",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads nothing; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 2,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "JSArray<JSArray.E> Function(dynamic)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1024465827": {
+        "id": "function/1024465827",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_errorExplanation",
+        "size": 649,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/974704527",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "get$_errorExplanation: function() {\n  var t1, explanation, t2;\n  t1 = this.start;\n  if (t1 == null) {\n    t1 = this.end;\n    explanation = t1 != null ? \": Not less than or equal to \" + H.S(t1) : \"\";\n  } else {\n    t2 = this.end;\n    if (t2 == null)\n      explanation = \": Not greater than or equal to \" + H.S(t1);\n    else if (t2 > t1)\n      explanation = \": Not in range \" + H.S(t1) + \"..\" + H.S(t2) + \", inclusive\";\n    else\n      explanation = t2 < t1 ? \": Valid value range is empty\" : \": Only valid value is \" + H.S(t1);\n  }\n  return explanation;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1027535878": {
+        "id": "function/1027535878",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "moveNext",
+        "size": 434,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/1019758482",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "moveNext$0: function() {\n  var t1, $length, t2;\n  t1 = this._iterable;\n  $length = t1.length;\n  if (this._length !== $length)\n    throw H.wrapException(H.throwConcurrentModificationError(t1));\n  t2 = this._index;\n  if (t2 >= $length) {\n    this._current = null;\n    return false;\n  }\n  this._current = t1[t2];\n  this._index = t2 + 1;\n  return true;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1030881401": {
+        "id": "function/1030881401",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "hasErrorTest",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field, static; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1031131035": {
+        "id": "function/1031131035",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_cloneResult",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "source",
+            "type": "[exact=_Future]",
+            "declaredType": "_Future<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes field)",
+        "inlinedCount": 4,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "void Function(_Future<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1031826457": {
+        "id": "function/1031826457",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "call",
+        "size": 135,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "closure/624687097",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Null",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "_",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "call$1: function(_) {\n$0();\n  $.$get$_loadedLibraries().add$1(0, this.loadId);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Null Function(List<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1033661873": {
+        "id": "function/1033661873",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 77,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/722522722",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return P.MapBase_mapToString(this);\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1036675160": {
+        "id": "function/1036675160",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "runBinary",
+        "size": 198,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/566341130",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "runBinary.R",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "runBinary.R Function(runBinary.T1,runBinary.T2)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg1",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "runBinary.T1"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "arg2",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "runBinary.T2"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "runBinary$3: function(f, arg1, arg2) {\n  if ($.Zone__current === C.C__RootZone)\n    return$2(arg1, arg2);\n  return P._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2);\n}\n",
+        "type": "runBinary.R Function(runBinary.R Function(runBinary.T1,runBinary.T2),runBinary.T1,runBinary.T2)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1042482096": {
+        "id": "function/1042482096",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_stringToSafeString",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/893386369",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "string",
+            "type": "[exact=JSString]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1047605700": {
+        "id": "function/1047605700",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "moveNext",
+        "size": 512,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/365655194",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSBool]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "moveNext$0: function() {\n  var t1, $length, t2;\n  t1 = this.__internal$_iterable;\n  $length = t1.get$length(t1);\n  if (this.__internal$_length !== $length)\n    throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));\n  t2 = this.__internal$_index;\n  if (t2 >= $length) {\n    this.__internal$_current = null;\n    return false;\n  }\n  this.__internal$_current = t1.elementAt$1(0, t2);\n  ++this.__internal$_index;\n  return true;\n}\n",
+        "type": "bool Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1049802380": {
+        "id": "function/1049802380",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "getField",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "dynamic",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "object",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "name",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "String"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 11,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "dynamic Function(dynamic,String)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1051093947": {
+        "id": "function/1051093947",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "toString",
+        "size": 110,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/317291728",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "toString$0: function(_) {\n  return \"Closure '\" + H.Primitives_objectTypeName(this).trim() + \"'\";\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1055095230": {
+        "id": "function/1055095230",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_errorTest",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/80405414",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "bool Function(Object)",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[subclass=Closure]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads field; writes nothing)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "bool Function(Object) Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1058735230": {
+        "id": "function/1058735230",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "then",
+        "size": 409,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/784178238",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "Future<then.R>",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=_Future]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "f",
+            "type": "[subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "dynamic Function(_Future.T)"
+          },
+          {
+            "name": "onError",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Closure]",
+            "declaredType": "Function"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "then$2$onError: function(f, onError) {\n  var currentZone = $.Zone__current;\n  if (currentZone !== C.C__RootZone) {\n    currentZone.toString;\n    if (onError != null)\n      onError = P._registerErrorHandler(onError, currentZone);\n  }\n  return this._thenNoZoneRegistration$2(f, onError);\n}\nthen$1: function(f) {\n  return this.then$2$onError(f, null);\n}\n",
+        "type": "Future<then.R> Function(dynamic Function(_Future.T),{Function onError})",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1060110710": {
+        "id": "function/1060110710",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "listToString",
+        "size": 0,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/607623563",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": true,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "list",
+            "type": "[subclass=JSArray]",
+            "declaredType": "List<dynamic>"
+          }
+        ],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 1,
+        "code": null,
+        "type": "String Function(List<dynamic>)",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1060205580": {
+        "id": "function/1060205580",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_computeThisScript",
+        "size": 278,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "library/966364039",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "String",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null|exact=JSString]",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "sideEffects": "SideEffects(reads anything; writes anything)",
+        "inlinedCount": 0,
+        "code": "_computeThisScript: function() {\n  var currentScript = init.currentScript;\n  if (currentScript != null)\n    return String(currentScript.src);\n  if ((!self.window && !!self.postMessage) === true)\n    return H._computeThisScriptFromTrace();\n  return;\n}\n",
+        "type": "String Function()",
+        "measurements": null
+      },
+      "1065856678": {
+        "id": "function/1065856678",
+        "kind": "function",
+        "name": "_completeError",
+        "size": 117,
+        "outputUnit": "outputUnit/669725655",
+        "parent": "class/714718140",
+        "children": [],
+        "modifiers": {
+          "static": false,
+          "const": false,
+          "factory": false,
+          "external": false
+        },
+        "returnType": "void",
+        "inferredReturnType": "[null]",
+        "parameters": [
+          {
+            "name": "error",
+            "type": "[null|subclass=Object]",
+            "declaredType": "Object"
+          },
+          {
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+  },
+  "dependencies": {},
+  "outputUnits": [
+    {
+      "id": "outputUnit/7045321",
+      "kind": "outputUnit",
+      "name": "1",
+      "size": 1353,
+      "imports": [
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+    }
+  ],
+  "dump_version": 5,
+  "deferredFiles": {
+    "hello_world_deferred.dart": {
+      "name": "<unnamed>",
+      "imports": {
+        "deferred_import": [
+          "hello_world_deferred.js_1.part.js"
+        ]
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  "dump_minor_version": 1,
+  "program": {
+    "entrypoint": "function/921486255",
+    "size": 157380,
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+    "compilationMoment": "2018-06-20 15:19:49.944368",
+    "compilationDuration": 1338565,
+    "toJsonDuration": 11000,
+    "dumpInfoDuration": 0,
+    "noSuchMethodEnabled": false,
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+    "isIsolateInUse": false,
+    "isFunctionApplyUsed": false,
+    "isMirrorsUsed": false,
+    "minified": false
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/json_to_proto_deferred_test.dart b/test/json_to_proto_deferred_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f8410f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/json_to_proto_deferred_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:convert';
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
+import 'package:dart2js_info/proto_info_codec.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+main() {
+  group('json to proto conversion with deferred files', () {
+    test('hello_world_deferred', () {
+      final helloWorld = new File(
+          'test/hello_world_deferred/');
+      final json = jsonDecode(helloWorld.readAsStringSync());
+      final decoded = new AllInfoJsonCodec().decode(json);
+      final proto = new AllInfoProtoCodec().encode(decoded);
+      expect(proto.deferredImports, hasLength(1));
+      final libraryImports = proto.deferredImports.first;
+      expect(libraryImports.libraryUri, 'hello_world_deferred.dart');
+      expect(libraryImports.libraryName, '<unnamed>');
+      expect(libraryImports.imports, hasLength(1));
+      final import = libraryImports.imports.first;
+      expect(import.prefix, 'deferred_import');
+      expect(import.files, hasLength(1));
+      expect(import.files.first, 'hello_world_deferred.js_1.part.js');
+    });
+  });