blob: 6b33733e9a8a81edc31dd088f5ca32d7150353b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:quiver/cache.dart';
import 'package:resp_client/resp_client.dart';
import 'package:resp_client/resp_commands.dart';
import 'package:resp_client/resp_server.dart';
import 'common_server_impl.dart' show log;
import 'sdk.dart';
abstract class ServerCache {
Future<String?> get(String key);
Future<void> set(String key, String value, {Duration expiration});
Future<void> remove(String key);
Future<void> shutdown();
/// A redis-backed implementation of [ServerCache].
class RedisCache implements ServerCache {
RespClient? redisClient;
RespServerConnection? _connection;
final Uri redisUri;
final Sdk _sdk;
// Version of the server to add with keys.
final String? serverVersion;
// pseudo-random is good enough.
final Random randomSource = Random();
static const int _connectionRetryBaseMs = 250;
static const int _connectionRetryMaxMs = 60000;
static const Duration cacheOperationTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 10000);
RedisCache(String redisUriString, this._sdk, this.serverVersion)
: redisUri = Uri.parse(redisUriString) {
Completer<void> _connected = Completer<void>();
/// Completes when and if the redis server connects. This future is reset
/// on disconnection. Mostly for testing.
Future<void> get connected => _connected.future;
Completer<void> _disconnected = Completer<void>()..complete();
/// Completes when the server is disconnected (begins completed). This
/// future is reset on connection. Mostly for testing.
Future<void> get disconnected => _disconnected.future;
String? __logPrefix;
String get _logPrefix =>
__logPrefix ??= 'RedisCache [$redisUri] ($serverVersion)';
bool _isConnected() => redisClient != null && !_isShutdown;
bool _isShutdown = false;
/// If you will no longer be using the [RedisCache] instance, call this to
/// prevent reconnection attempts. All calls to get/remove/set on this object
/// will return null after this. Future completes when disconnection is complete.
Future<void> shutdown() {'$_logPrefix: shutting down...');
_isShutdown = true;
return disconnected;
/// Call when an active connection has disconnected.
void _resetConnection() {
assert(_connected.isCompleted && !_disconnected.isCompleted);
_connected = Completer<void>();
_connection = null;
redisClient = null;
/// Call when a new connection is established.
void _setUpConnection(RespServerConnection newConnection) {
assert(_disconnected.isCompleted && !_connected.isCompleted);
_disconnected = Completer<void>();
_connection = newConnection;
redisClient = RespClient(_connection!);
/// Begin a reconnection loop asynchronously to maintain a connection to the
/// redis server. Never stops trying until shutdown() is called.
void _reconnect([int retryTimeoutMs = _connectionRetryBaseMs]) {
if (_isShutdown) {
}'$_logPrefix: reconnecting to $redisUri...');
var nextRetryMs = retryTimeoutMs;
if (retryTimeoutMs < _connectionRetryMaxMs / 2) {
// 1 <= (randomSource.nextDouble() + 1) < 2
nextRetryMs = (retryTimeoutMs * (randomSource.nextDouble() + 1)).toInt();
? connectSocket(, port: redisUri.port)
: connectSocket(
.then((newConnection) {'$_logPrefix: Connected to redis server');
// If the client disconnects, discard the client and try to connect again.
newConnection.outputSink.done.then((_) {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: connection terminated, reconnecting');
}).catchError((dynamic e) {
'$_logPrefix: connection terminated with error $e, reconnecting');
.timeout(const Duration(milliseconds: _connectionRetryMaxMs))
.catchError((_) {
'$_logPrefix: Unable to connect to redis server, reconnecting in ${nextRetryMs}ms ...');
Future<void>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: nextRetryMs)).then((_) {
/// Build a key that includes the server version, Dart SDK version, and
/// Flutter SDK version.
/// We don't use the existing key directly so that different AppEngine
/// versions using the same redis cache do not have collisions.
String _genKey(String key) {
// the `rc` here is a differentiator to keep the `resp_client` documents
// separate from the `dartis` documents.
return 'server:rc:$serverVersion:'
Future<String?> get(String key) async {
String? value;
key = _genKey(key);
if (!_isConnected()) {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: no cache available when getting key $key');
} else {
final commands = RespCommandsTier2(redisClient!);
try {
value = await commands.get(key).timeout(cacheOperationTimeout,
onTimeout: () async {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: timeout on get operation for key $key');
await _connection?.close();
return null;
} catch (e) {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: error on get operation for key $key: $e');
return value;
Future<dynamic> remove(String key) async {
key = _genKey(key);
if (!_isConnected()) {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: no cache available when removing key $key');
return null;
final commands = RespCommandsTier2(redisClient!);
try {
return commands.del([key]).timeout(cacheOperationTimeout,
onTimeout: () async {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: timeout on remove operation for key $key');
await _connection?.close();
return 0; // 0 keys deleted
} catch (e) {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: error on remove operation for key $key: $e');
Future<void> set(String key, String value, {Duration? expiration}) async {
key = _genKey(key);
if (!_isConnected()) {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: no cache available when setting key $key');
final commands = RespCommandsTier2(redisClient!);
try {
return Future<void>.sync(() async {
await commands.set(key, value);
if (expiration != null) {
await commands.pexpire(key, expiration);
}).timeout(cacheOperationTimeout, onTimeout: () {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: timeout on set operation for key $key');
} catch (e) {
log.warning('$_logPrefix: error on set operation for key $key: $e');
/// An in-memory implementation of [ServerCache] which doesn't support
/// expiration of entries based on time.
class InMemoryCache implements ServerCache {
// TODO: This is the only use of package:quiver; consider in-lining it.
/// Wrapping an internal cache with a maximum size of 512 entries.
final Cache<String, String> _lru =
MapCache<String, String>.lru(maximumSize: 512);
Future<String?> get(String key) async => _lru.get(key);
Future<void> set(String key, String value, {Duration? expiration}) async =>
_lru.set(key, value);
Future<void> remove(String key) async => _lru.invalidate(key);
Future<void> shutdown() => Future<void>.value();