blob: bb4adbc85b4e1cc90442a3bf39bc29a1375de473 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'project.dart';
import 'sdk.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
typedef LogFunction = void Function(String);
class ProjectCreator {
final Sdk _sdk;
final String _templatesPath;
/// The Dart language version to use.
final String _dartLanguageVersion;
final File _dependenciesFile;
final LogFunction _log;
this._templatesPath, {
required String dartLanguageVersion,
required File dependenciesFile,
required LogFunction log,
}) : _dartLanguageVersion = dartLanguageVersion,
_dependenciesFile = dependenciesFile,
_log = log;
/// Builds a basic Dart project template directory, complete with `pubspec.yaml`
/// and `analysis_options.yaml`.
Future<void> buildDartProjectTemplate() async {
final projectPath = path.join(_templatesPath, 'dart_project');
final projectDirectory = Directory(projectPath);
await projectDirectory.create(recursive: true);
final dependencies =
_dependencyVersions(supportedBasicDartPackages(devMode: _sdk.devMode));
File(path.join(projectPath, 'pubspec.yaml'))
includeFlutterWeb: false,
dartLanguageVersion: _dartLanguageVersion,
dependencies: dependencies,
// todo: run w/ the correct sdk
final exitCode = await _runDartPubGet(projectDirectory);
if (exitCode != 0) throw StateError('pub get failed ($exitCode)');
var contents = '''
include: package:lints/recommended.yaml
avoid_print: false
if (_sdk.experiments.isNotEmpty) {
contents += '''
${ => ' - $experiment').join('\n')}
File(path.join(projectPath, 'analysis_options.yaml'))
/// Builds a Flutter project template directory, complete with `pubspec.yaml`,
/// `analysis_options.yaml`, and `web/index.html`.
/// Depending on [firebaseStyle], Firebase packages are included in
/// `pubspec.yaml` which affects how `flutter packages get` will register
/// plugins.
Future<void> buildFlutterProjectTemplate(
{required FirebaseStyle firebaseStyle}) async {
final projectDirName = firebaseStyle == FirebaseStyle.none
? 'flutter_project'
: 'firebase_project';
final projectPath = path.join(
await Directory(projectPath).create(recursive: true);
await Directory(path.join(projectPath, 'lib')).create();
await Directory(path.join(projectPath, 'web')).create();
await File(path.join(projectPath, 'web', 'index.html')).create();
var packages = {
...supportedBasicDartPackages(devMode: _sdk.devMode),
...supportedFlutterPackages(devMode: _sdk.devMode),
if (firebaseStyle != FirebaseStyle.none) ...coreFirebasePackages,
if (firebaseStyle == FirebaseStyle.flutterFire)
final dependencies = _dependencyVersions(packages);
File(path.join(projectPath, 'pubspec.yaml'))
includeFlutterWeb: true,
dartLanguageVersion: _dartLanguageVersion,
dependencies: dependencies,
final exitCode = await runFlutterPackagesGet(
log: _log,
if (exitCode != 0) throw StateError('flutter pub get failed ($exitCode)');
// Working around Flutter 3.3's deprecation of generated_plugin_registrant.dart
// Context:
final pluginRegistrant = File(path.join(
projectPath, '.dart_tool', 'dartpad', 'web_plugin_registrant.dart'));
if (pluginRegistrant.existsSync()) {
Directory(path.join(projectPath, 'lib')).createSync();
path.join(projectPath, 'lib', 'generated_plugin_registrant.dart'));
if (firebaseStyle != FirebaseStyle.none) {
// `flutter packages get` has been run with a _subset_ of all supported
// Firebase packages, the ones that don't require a Firebase app to be
// configured in JavaScript, before executing Dart. Now add the full set of
// supported Firebase pacakges. This workaround is a very fragile hack.
packages = {
...supportedBasicDartPackages(devMode: _sdk.devMode),
...supportedFlutterPackages(devMode: _sdk.devMode),
final dependencies = _dependencyVersions(packages);
File(path.join(projectPath, 'pubspec.yaml'))
includeFlutterWeb: true,
dartLanguageVersion: _dartLanguageVersion,
dependencies: dependencies,
final exitCode = await runFlutterPackagesGet(
log: _log,
if (exitCode != 0) throw StateError('flutter pub get failed ($exitCode)');
var contents = '''
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
avoid_print: false
use_key_in_widget_constructors: false
if (_sdk.experiments.isNotEmpty) {
contents += '''
${ => ' - $experiment').join('\n')}
File(path.join(projectPath, 'analysis_options.yaml'))
Future<int> _runDartPubGet(Directory dir) async {
final process = await runWithLogging(
path.join(_sdk.dartSdkPath, 'bin', 'dart'),
arguments: ['pub', 'get'],
workingDirectory: dir.path,
environment: {'PUB_CACHE': _pubCachePath},
log: _log,
return process.exitCode;
Map<String, String> _dependencyVersions(Iterable<String> packages) {
final allVersions =
parsePubDependenciesFile(dependenciesFile: _dependenciesFile);
final result = {
for (final package in packages) package: allVersions[package] ?? 'any',
// Overwrite with important constraints.
for (final entry in overrideVersionConstraints().entries) {
if (result.containsKey(entry.key)) {
result[entry.key] = entry.value;
return result;
/// A mapping of version constraints for certain packages.
Map<String, String> overrideVersionConstraints() {
// Ensure that pub version solving keeps these at sane minimum versions.
return {
'firebase_auth': '^4.2.0',
'firebase_auth_web': '^5.2.0',
'cloud_firestore_platform_interface': '^5.10.0',
/// Parses [dependenciesFile] as a JSON Map of Strings.
Map<String, String> parsePubDependenciesFile({required File dependenciesFile}) {
final packageVersions =
jsonDecode(dependenciesFile.readAsStringSync()) as Map;
return packageVersions.cast<String, String>();
/// Build a return a `pubspec.yaml` file.
String createPubspec({
required bool includeFlutterWeb,
required String dartLanguageVersion,
Map<String, String> dependencies = const {},
}) {
var content = '''
name: dartpad_sample
sdk: ^$dartLanguageVersion
if (includeFlutterWeb) {
content += '''
sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
dependencies.forEach((name, version) {
content += ' $name: $version\n';
return content;
Future<int> runFlutterPackagesGet(
String flutterToolPath,
String projectPath, {
required LogFunction log,
}) async {
final process = await runWithLogging(flutterToolPath,
arguments: ['packages', 'get'],
workingDirectory: projectPath,
environment: {'PUB_CACHE': _pubCachePath},
log: log);
return process.exitCode;
/// Builds the local pub cache directory and returns the path.
String get _pubCachePath {
final pubCachePath = path.join(Directory.current.path, 'local_pub_cache');
return pubCachePath;
enum FirebaseStyle {
/// Indicates that no Firebase is used.
/// Indicates that the "pure Dart" Flutterfire packages are used.