blob: 49705a10b4d78ebdb90104370e23c2f7732e0e34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Sets of project template directory paths.
class ProjectTemplates {
required this.dartPath,
required this.flutterPath,
required this.firebasePath,
required this.firebaseDeprecatedPath,
required this.summaryFilePath,
factory ProjectTemplates() {
final basePath = _baseTemplateProject();
final summaryFilePath = path.join(
return ProjectTemplates._(
dartPath: path.join(basePath, 'dart_project'),
flutterPath: path.join(basePath, 'flutter_project'),
firebasePath: path.join(basePath, 'firebase_project'),
path.join(basePath, 'firebase_deprecated_project'),
summaryFilePath: summaryFilePath,
/// The path to the plain Dart project template path.
final String dartPath;
/// The path to the Flutter (without Firebase) project template path.
final String flutterPath;
/// The path to the Firebase (with Flutter) project template path.
final String firebasePath;
/// The path to the deprecated Firebase (with Flutter) project template path.
final String firebaseDeprecatedPath;
/// The path to summary files.
final String summaryFilePath;
static ProjectTemplates projectTemplates = ProjectTemplates();
static String _baseTemplateProject() =>
path.join(Directory.current.path, 'project_templates');
/// The set of Firebase packages which are used in both deprecated Firebase
/// projects and "pure Dart" Flutterfire projects.
const Set<String> coreFirebasePackages = {
/// The set of Firebase packages which can be registered in the generated
/// registrant file. Theoretically this should be _all_ plugins, but there
/// are bugs. See and
const Set<String> registerableFirebasePackages = {
/// The set of Firebase packages which indicate that Firebase is being used.
const Set<String> firebasePackages = {
/// The set of supported Flutter-oriented packages.
Set<String> supportedFlutterPackages({required bool devMode}) => {
if (devMode) ...[],
/// The set of packages which indicate that Flutter Web is being used.
Set<String> _packagesIndicatingFlutter({required bool devMode}) => {
...supportedFlutterPackages(devMode: devMode),
/// The set of basic Dart (non-Flutter) packages which can be directly imported
/// into a script.
Set<String> supportedBasicDartPackages({required bool devMode}) => {
if (devMode) ...[]
/// A set of all allowed `dart:` imports. Currently includes non-VM libraries
/// listed as the [doc]( categories.
const Set<String> _allowedDartImports = {
/// Returns whether [imports] denote use of Flutter Web.
bool usesFlutterWeb(Iterable<ImportDirective> imports,
{required bool devMode}) {
return imports.any((import) {
final uriString = import.uri.stringValue;
if (uriString == null) return false;
if (uriString == 'dart:ui') return true;
final packageName = _packageNameFromPackageUri(uriString);
return packageName != null &&
_packagesIndicatingFlutter(devMode: devMode).contains(packageName);
/// Returns whether [imports] denote use of Firebase.
bool usesFirebase(Iterable<ImportDirective> imports) {
return imports.any((import) {
final uriString = import.uri.stringValue;
if (uriString == null) return false;
final packageName = _packageNameFromPackageUri(uriString);
return packageName != null && firebasePackages.contains(packageName);
/// If [uriString] represents a 'package:' URI, then returns the package name;
/// otherwise `null`.
String? _packageNameFromPackageUri(String uriString) {
final uri = Uri.tryParse(uriString);
if (uri == null) return null;
if (uri.scheme != 'package') return null;
if (uri.pathSegments.isEmpty) return null;
return uri.pathSegments.first;
/// Goes through imports list and returns list of unsupported imports.
/// Optional [sourcesFileList] contains a list of the source filenames
/// which are all part of this overall sources file set (these are to
/// be allowed).
/// Note: The filenames in [sourcesFileList] were sanitized of any
/// 'package:'/etc syntax as the file set arrives from the endpoint,
/// and before being passed to [getUnsupportedImports].
/// This is done so the list can't be used to bypass unsupported imports.
/// The function [sanitizeAndCheckFilenames()] was used to sanitize the
/// filenames.
List<ImportDirective> getUnsupportedImports(List<ImportDirective> imports,
{List<String>? sourcesFileList, required bool devMode}) {
return imports.where((import) {
final uriString = import.uri.stringValue;
if (uriString == null || uriString.isEmpty) {
return false;
// All non-VM 'dart:' imports are ok.
if (uriString.startsWith('dart:')) {
return !_allowedDartImports.contains(uriString);
// Filenames from within this compilation files={} sources file set
// are OK. (These filenames have been sanitized to prevent 'package:'
// (and other) prefixes, so the a filename cannot be used to bypass
// import restrictions (see comment above)).
if (sourcesFileList != null && sourcesFileList.contains(uriString)) {
return false;
final uri = Uri.tryParse(uriString);
if (uri == null) return false;
// We allow a specific set of package imports.
if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
if (uri.pathSegments.isEmpty) return true;
final package = uri.pathSegments.first;
return !isSupportedPackage(package, devMode: devMode);
// Don't allow file imports.
return true;
bool isSupportedPackage(String package, {required bool devMode}) =>
_packagesIndicatingFlutter(devMode: devMode).contains(package) ||
supportedBasicDartPackages(devMode: devMode).contains(package);