blob: 3450d6d966c973f8056baaa25695b842043b7639 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A wrapper around an analysis server instance
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server_lib/analysis_server_lib.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'common.dart';
import 'project.dart';
import 'protos/dart_services.pb.dart' as proto;
import 'pub.dart';
import 'scheduler.dart';
import 'utils.dart' as utils;
final Logger _logger = Logger('analysis_server');
/// Flag to determine whether we should dump the communication with the server
/// to stdout.
bool dumpServerMessages = false;
const String _warmupSrc = 'main() { int b = 2; b++; b. }';
// Use very long timeouts to ensure that the server has enough time to restart.
const Duration _analysisServerTimeout = Duration(seconds: 35);
class DartAnalysisServerWrapper extends AnalysisServerWrapper {
DartAnalysisServerWrapper({required String dartSdkPath})
: _sourceDirPath = ProjectTemplates.projectTemplates.dartPath,
final String _sourceDirPath;
String toString() => 'DartAnalysisServerWrapper<$_sourceDirPath>';
class FlutterAnalysisServerWrapper extends AnalysisServerWrapper {
FlutterAnalysisServerWrapper({required String dartSdkPath})
: _sourceDirPath = ProjectTemplates
// During analysis, we use the Firebase project template. The
// Firebase template is separate from the Flutter template only to
// keep Firebase references out of app initialization code at
// runtime.
final String _sourceDirPath;
String toString() => 'FlutterAnalysisServerWrapper<$_sourceDirPath>';
abstract class AnalysisServerWrapper {
final String sdkPath;
final TaskScheduler serverScheduler = TaskScheduler();
bool _isInitialized = false;
/// Instance to handle communication with the server.
late AnalysisServer analysisServer;
String get mainPath => _getPathFromName(kMainDart);
String get _sourceDirPath;
Future<void> init() async {
if (_isInitialized) {
throw StateError('AnalysisServerWrapper is already initialized');
_isInitialized = true;
void onRead(String str) {
if (dumpServerMessages)'<-- $str');
void onWrite(String str) {
if (dumpServerMessages)'--> $str');
final serverArgs = <String>[
];'Starting server; sdk: `$sdkPath`, args: $serverArgs');
analysisServer = await AnalysisServer.create(
onRead: onRead,
onWrite: onWrite,
sdkPath: sdkPath,
serverArgs: serverArgs,
try {
analysisServer.server.onError.listen((ServerError error) {
_logger.severe('server error${error.isFatal ? ' (fatal)' : ''}',
error.message, StackTrace.fromString(error.stackTrace));
await analysisServer.server.onConnected.first;
await analysisServer.server.setSubscriptions(<String>['STATUS']);
await analysisServer.analysis.setAnalysisRoots([_sourceDirPath], []);
// Warmup.
await _sendAddOverlays({mainPath: _warmupSrc});
await _sendRemoveOverlays();
} catch (err, st) {
_logger.severe('Error starting analysis server ($sdkPath): $err.\n$st');
String get _sdkVersion {
return File(path.join(sdkPath, 'version')).readAsStringSync().trim();
Future<int> get onExit {
// Return when the analysis server exits. We introduce a delay so that when
// we terminate the analysis server we can exit normally.
return analysisServer.processCompleter.future.then((int code) {
return Future<int>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
return code;
Future<proto.CompleteResponse> complete(String src, int offset) async {
return completeFiles({kMainDart: src}, Location(kMainDart, offset));
Future<proto.CompleteResponse> completeFiles(
Map<String, String> sources, Location location) async {
final results =
await _completeImpl(sources, location.sourceName, location.offset);
var suggestions = results.results;
final source = sources[location.sourceName]!;
final prefix = source.substring(results.replacementOffset, location.offset);
suggestions = suggestions.where((suggestion) {
return suggestion.completion
}).where((CompletionSuggestion suggestion) {
// We do not want to enable arbitrary discovery of file system resources.
// In order to avoid returning local file paths, we only allow returning
// IMPORT kinds that are dart: or package: imports.
if (suggestion.kind == 'IMPORT') {
final completion = suggestion.completion;
return completion.startsWith('dart:') ||
} else {
return true;
suggestions.sort((CompletionSuggestion x, CompletionSuggestion y) {
if (x.relevance == y.relevance) {
return x.completion.compareTo(y.completion);
} else {
return y.relevance.compareTo(x.relevance);
return proto.CompleteResponse()
..replacementOffset = results.replacementOffset
..replacementLength = results.replacementLength
.addAll( c) => proto.Completion()
..completion.addAll(c.toMap().map((key, value) {
// TODO: Properly support Lists, Maps (this is a hack).
if (value is Map || value is List) {
value = json.encode(value);
return MapEntry(key.toString(), value.toString());
Future<proto.FixesResponse> getFixes(String src, int offset) {
return getFixesMulti({kMainDart: src}, Location(kMainDart, offset));
Future<proto.FixesResponse> getFixesMulti(
Map<String, String> sources, Location location) async {
final results =
await _getFixesImpl(sources, location.sourceName, location.offset);
final responseFixes = {
return _convertAnalysisErrorFix(
availableAnalysisErrorFixes, location.sourceName);
return proto.FixesResponse()..fixes.addAll(responseFixes);
Future<proto.AssistsResponse> getAssists(String src, int offset) async {
return getAssistsMulti({kMainDart: src}, Location(kMainDart, offset));
Future<proto.AssistsResponse> getAssistsMulti(
Map<String, String> sources, Location location) async {
final sourceName = location.sourceName;
final results = await _getAssistsImpl(sources, sourceName, location.offset);
final fixes =
_convertSourceChangesToCandidateFixes(results.assists, sourceName);
return proto.AssistsResponse()..assists.addAll(fixes);
/// Format the source [src] of the single passed in file. The [offset] is
/// the current cursor location and a modified offset is returned if necessary
/// to maintain the cursors original position in the formatted code.
Future<proto.FormatResponse> format(String src, int offset) {
return _formatImpl(src, offset).then((FormatResult editResult) {
final edits = editResult.edits;
edits.sort((SourceEdit e1, SourceEdit e2) =>
-1 * e1.offset.compareTo(e2.offset));
for (final edit in edits) {
src = src.replaceRange(
edit.offset, edit.offset + edit.length, edit.replacement);
return proto.FormatResponse()
..newString = src
..offset = editResult.selectionOffset;
}).catchError((dynamic error) {
_logger.fine('format error: $error');
return proto.FormatResponse()
..newString = src
..offset = offset;
Future<Map<String, String>> dartdoc(String src, int offset) {
return dartdocMulti({kMainDart: src}, Location(kMainDart, offset));
Future<Map<String, String>> dartdocMulti(
Map<String, String> sources, Location location) {
_logger.fine('dartdoc: Scheduler queue: ${serverScheduler.queueCount}');
sources = _getOverlayMapWithPaths(sources);
final sourcepath = _getPathFromName(location.sourceName);
return serverScheduler.schedule(ClosureTask<Map<String, String>>(() async {
await _loadSources(sources);
final result =
await analysisServer.analysis.getHover(sourcepath, location.offset);
await _unloadSources();
if (result.hovers.isEmpty) {
return const {};
final info = result.hovers.first;
return {
if (info.elementDescription != null)
'description': info.elementDescription!,
if (info.elementKind != null) 'kind': info.elementKind!,
if (info.dartdoc != null) 'dartdoc': info.dartdoc!,
if (info.containingClassDescription != null)
'enclosingClassName': info.containingClassDescription!,
if (info.containingLibraryName != null)
'libraryName': info.containingLibraryName!,
if (info.parameter != null) 'parameter': info.parameter!,
if (info.isDeprecated != null)
'deprecated': info.isDeprecated!.toString(),
if (info.staticType != null) 'staticType': info.staticType!,
if (info.propagatedType != null) 'propagatedType': info.propagatedType!,
}, timeoutDuration: _analysisServerTimeout));
Future<proto.AnalysisResults> analyze(String src) {
return analyzeFiles({kMainDart: src});
Future<proto.AnalysisResults> analyzeFiles(Map<String, String> sources,
{List<ImportDirective>? imports}) {
_logger.fine('analyze: Scheduler queue: ${serverScheduler.queueCount}');
return serverScheduler
.schedule(ClosureTask<proto.AnalysisResults>(() async {
sources = _getOverlayMapWithPaths(sources);
await _loadSources(sources);
final errors = <AnalysisError>[];
// Loop over all files and collect errors (sources now has filenames
// with full paths as keys after _getOverlayMapWithPaths() call).
for (final sourcepath in sources.keys) {
(await analysisServer.analysis.getErrors(sourcepath)).errors);
await _unloadSources();
// Convert the issues to protos.
final issues = {
final issue = proto.AnalysisIssue()
..kind = error.severity.toLowerCase()
..code = error.code.toLowerCase()
..line = error.location.startLine
..column = error.location.startColumn
..message = utils.normalizeFilePaths(error.message)
..sourceName = path.basename(error.location.file)
..hasFixes = error.hasFix ?? false
..charStart = error.location.offset
..charLength = error.location.length
error.contextMessages?.map((m) => proto.DiagnosticMessage()
..message = utils.normalizeFilePaths(m.message)
..line = m.location.startLine
..charStart = m.location.offset
..charLength = m.location.length) ??
if (error.url != null) {
issue.url = error.url!;
if (error.correction != null) {
issue.correction = utils.normalizeFilePaths(error.correction!);
return issue;
issues.sort((a, b) {
// Order issues by character position of the bug/warning.
return a.charStart.compareTo(b.charStart);
// Ensure we have imports if they were not passed in.
imports ??= getAllImportsForFiles(sources);
// Calculate the package: imports (and defensively sanitize).
final packageImports = {
return proto.AnalysisResults()
}, timeoutDuration: _analysisServerTimeout));
Future<AssistsResult> _getAssistsImpl(
Map<String, String> sources, String sourceName, int offset) {
sources = _getOverlayMapWithPaths(sources);
final path = _getPathFromName(sourceName);
if (serverScheduler.queueCount > 0) {
'getRefactoringsImpl: Scheduler queue: ${serverScheduler.queueCount}');
return serverScheduler.schedule(ClosureTask<AssistsResult>(() async {
await _loadSources(sources);
final AssistsResult assists;
try {
assists =
await analysisServer.edit.getAssists(path, offset, 1 /* length */);
} finally {
await _unloadSources();
return assists;
}, timeoutDuration: _analysisServerTimeout));
/// Convert between the Analysis Server type and the API protocol types.
static proto.ProblemAndFixes _convertAnalysisErrorFix(
AnalysisErrorFixes analysisFixes, String filename) {
final problemMessage = analysisFixes.error.message;
final problemOffset = analysisFixes.error.location.offset;
final problemLength = analysisFixes.error.location.length;
final possibleFixes = <proto.CandidateFix>[];
for (final sourceChange in analysisFixes.fixes) {
final edits = <proto.SourceEdit>[];
// A fix that tries to modify other files is considered invalid.
var invalidFix = false;
for (final sourceFileEdit in sourceChange.edits) {
// TODO(lukechurch): replace this with a more reliable test based on the
// psuedo file name in Analysis Server
if (!sourceFileEdit.file.endsWith('/$filename')) {
invalidFix = true;
for (final sourceEdit in sourceFileEdit.edits) {
..offset = sourceEdit.offset
..length = sourceEdit.length
..replacement = sourceEdit.replacement);
if (!invalidFix) {
final possibleFix = proto.CandidateFix()
..message = sourceChange.message
return proto.ProblemAndFixes()
..problemMessage = problemMessage
..offset = problemOffset
..length = problemLength;
static List<proto.CandidateFix> _convertSourceChangesToCandidateFixes(
List<SourceChange> sourceChanges, String filename) {
final assists = <proto.CandidateFix>[];
for (final sourceChange in sourceChanges) {
for (final sourceFileEdit in sourceChange.edits) {
if (!sourceFileEdit.file.endsWith('/$filename')) {
final sourceEdits = {
return proto.SourceEdit()
..offset = sourceEdit.offset
..length = sourceEdit.length
..replacement = sourceEdit.replacement;
final candidateFix = proto.CandidateFix();
candidateFix.message = sourceChange.message;
final selectionOffset = sourceChange.selection?.offset;
if (selectionOffset != null) {
candidateFix.selectionOffset = selectionOffset;
return assists;
/// Convert a list of the analysis server's [LinkedEditGroup]s into the API's
/// equivalent.
static Iterable<proto.LinkedEditGroup> _convertLinkedEditGroups(
Iterable<LinkedEditGroup> groups) {
return<proto.LinkedEditGroup>((g) {
return proto.LinkedEditGroup()
..positions.addAll( => p.offset).toList())
..length = g.length
.map((s) => proto.LinkedEditSuggestion()
..value = s.value
..kind = s.kind)
/// Cleanly shutdown the Analysis Server.
Future<void> shutdown() {
// TODO(jcollins-g): calling dispose() sometimes prevents
// --pause-isolates-on-exit from working; fix.
return analysisServer.server
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 1))
// At runtime, it appears that [ServerDomain.shutdown] returns a
// `Future<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>`.
.catchError((_) => <dynamic, dynamic>{});
/// Internal implementation of the completion mechanism.
Future<CompletionResults> _completeImpl(
Map<String, String> sources, String sourceName, int offset) async {
if (serverScheduler.queueCount > 0) {
.info('completeImpl: Scheduler queue: ${serverScheduler.queueCount}');
return serverScheduler.schedule(ClosureTask<CompletionResults>(() async {
sources = _getOverlayMapWithPaths(sources);
await _loadSources(sources);
final id = await analysisServer.completion.getSuggestions(
final CompletionResults results;
try {
results = await getCompletionResults(;
} finally {
await _unloadSources();
return results;
}, timeoutDuration: _analysisServerTimeout));
Future<FixesResult> _getFixesImpl(
Map<String, String> sources, String sourceName, int offset) async {
sources = _getOverlayMapWithPaths(sources);
final path = _getPathFromName(sourceName);
if (serverScheduler.queueCount > 0) {
.fine('getFixesImpl: Scheduler queue: ${serverScheduler.queueCount}');
return serverScheduler.schedule(ClosureTask<FixesResult>(() async {
await _loadSources(sources);
final FixesResult fixes;
try {
fixes = await analysisServer.edit.getFixes(path, offset);
} finally {
await _unloadSources();
return fixes;
}, timeoutDuration: _analysisServerTimeout));
Future<FormatResult> _formatImpl(String src, int offset) async {
_logger.fine('FormatImpl: Scheduler queue: ${serverScheduler.queueCount}');
return serverScheduler.schedule(ClosureTask<FormatResult>(() async {
await _loadSources({mainPath: src});
final FormatResult result;
try {
result = await analysisServer.edit.format(mainPath, offset, 0);
} finally {
await _unloadSources();
return result;
}, timeoutDuration: _analysisServerTimeout));
Map<String, String> _getOverlayMapWithPaths(Map<String, String> overlay) {
final newOverlay = <String, String>{};
for (final key in overlay.keys) {
newOverlay[_getPathFromName(key)] = overlay[key]!;
return newOverlay;
String _getPathFromName(String sourceName) =>
path.join(_sourceDirPath, sourceName);
final Set<String> _overlayPaths = <String>{};
/// Loads [sources] as file system overlays to the analysis server.
/// The analysis server then begins to analyze these as priority files.
Future<void> _loadSources(Map<String, String> sources) async {
if (_overlayPaths.isNotEmpty) {
throw StateError(
'There should be no overlay paths while loading sources, but we '
'have: $_overlayPaths');
await _sendAddOverlays(sources);
await analysisServer.analysis.setPriorityFiles(sources.keys.toList());
Future<void> _unloadSources() async {
await _sendRemoveOverlays();
await analysisServer.analysis.setPriorityFiles([]);
/// Sends [overlays] to the analysis server.
Future<void> _sendAddOverlays(Map<String, String> overlays) async {
final contentOverlays =, content) =>
MapEntry(overlayPath, AddContentOverlay(content)));
_logger.fine('About to send analysis.updateContent');
_logger.fine(' ${contentOverlays.keys}');
await analysisServer.analysis.updateContent(contentOverlays);
Future<void> _sendRemoveOverlays() async {
_logger.fine('About to send analysis.updateContent remove overlays:');
_logger.fine(' $_overlayPaths');
final contentOverlays = {
for (final overlayPath in _overlayPaths)
overlayPath: RemoveContentOverlay()
await analysisServer.analysis.updateContent(contentOverlays);
final Map<String, Completer<CompletionResults>> _completionCompleters =
<String, Completer<CompletionResults>>{};
void listenForCompletions() {
analysisServer.completion.onResults.listen((CompletionResults result) {
if (result.isLast) {
final completer = _completionCompleters.remove(;
if (completer != null) {
Future<CompletionResults> getCompletionResults(String id) {
final completer = Completer<CompletionResults>();
_completionCompleters[id] = completer;
return completer.future;
class Location {
final String sourceName;
final int offset;
const Location(this.sourceName, this.offset);